Blob Blame History Raw

# We're not using source-git for now
##### The upstream_ref is the last upstream commit. All commits in the
##### current branch after that commit are "patches" that will be added
##### in the RPM spec file.
####upstream_ref: v1.3.1

upstream_package_name: vagrant-sshfs
downstream_package_name: vagrant-sshfs

# Don't push to dist-git directly, create PR
create_pr: true

# our tags in git are v1.0.0 and our rpm versions are 1.0.0
upstream_tag_template: v{version}

# The following allows us to not store our spec file in the upstream repo
    post-upstream-clone: "curl -LO"

# We are downloading (curl) to ./vagrant-sshfs.spec
specfile_path: vagrant-sshfs.spec

# Jobs specifications - interpreted by packit service
####- job: sync_from_downstream
####  trigger: commit
####- job: propose_downstream
####  trigger: commit
####  metadata:
####    dist-git-branch: master
####- job: propose_downstream
####  trigger: release
####  metadata:
####    dist-git-branch: f31
####- job: copr_build
####  trigger: pull_request
####  metadata:
####    targets:
####    - fedora-31-x86_64