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# Rule set file path.
# The USBGuard daemon will use this file to load the policy
# rule set from it and to write new rules received via the
# IPC interface.
# RuleFile=/path/to/rules.conf

# Implicit policy target.
# How to treat devices that don't match any rule in the
# policy. One of:
# * allow  - authorize the device
# * block  - block the device
# * reject - remove the device

# Present device policy.
# How to treat devices that are already connected when the
# daemon starts. One of:
# * allow        - authorize every present device
# * block        - deauthorize every present device
# * reject       - remove every present device
# * keep         - just sync the internal state and leave it
# * apply-policy - evaluate the ruleset for every present
#                  device

# Present controller policy.
# How to treat USB controllers that are already connected
# when the daemon starts. One of:
# * allow        - authorize every present device
# * block        - deauthorize every present device
# * reject       - remove every present device
# * keep         - just sync the internal state and leave it
# * apply-policy - evaluate the ruleset for every present
#                  device

#!!! WARNING: It's good practice to set at least one of the !!!
#!!!          two options bellow. If none of them are set,  !!!
#!!!          the daemon will accept IPC connections from   !!!
#!!!          anyone, thus allowing anyone to modify the    !!!
#!!!          rule set and (de)authorize USB devices.       !!!

# Users allowed to use the IPC interface.
# A space delimited list of usernames that the daemon will
# accept IPC connections from.
# IPCAllowedUsers=username1 username2 ...

# Groups allowed to use the IPC interface.
# A space delimited list of groupnames that the daemon will
# accept IPC connections from.
# IPCAllowedGroups=groupname1 groupname2 ...

# Generate device specific rules including the "via-port"
# attribute.
# This option modifies the behavior of the allowDevice
# action. When instructed to generate a permanent rule,
# the action can generate a port specific rule. Because
# some systems have unstable port numbering, the generated
# rule might not match the device after rebooting the system.
# If set to false, the generated rule will still contain
# the "parent-hash" attribute which also defines an association
# to the parent device. See usbguard-rules.conf(5) for more
# details.

# USBGuard audit events log file path.