Blob Blame History Raw
## % define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
%define __perl_requires %{SOURCE98}
## % define __find_requires %{SOURCE99}

Summary: The Squid proxy caching server.
Name: squid
Version: 2.5.STABLE13
Release: 4
Epoch: 7
License: GPL
Group: System Environment/Daemons
Source2: squid.init
Source3: squid.logrotate
Source4: squid.sysconfig
Source5: squid.pam
## Source99:

# Upstream patches

# External patches
Patch150: squid-2.5.STABLE12-follow-xff.patch

# Local patches
# Applying upstream patches first makes it less likely that local patches
# will break upstream ones.
Patch201: squid-2.5.STABLE11-config.patch
Patch202: squid-2.5.STABLE4-location.patch
Patch203: squid-2.5.STABLE7-build.patch
Patch204: squid-2.5.STABLE4-perlpath.patch
Patch205: squid-2.5.STABLE5-pipe.patch
Patch206: squid-2.5.STABLE12-libbind.patch
Patch207: squid-2.5.STABLE12-64bit.patch
Patch208: squid-2.5.STABLE12-fd-config.patch
Patch209: squid-2.5.STABLE12-fd-config-fix.patch
Patch210: squid-2.5.STABLE12-smb-path.patch

BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig logrotate shadow-utils
Requires: bash >= 2.0
BuildPrereq: openjade linuxdoc-tools openldap-devel pam-devel openssl-devel
Obsoletes: squid-novm

Squid is a high-performance proxy caching server for Web clients,
supporting FTP, gopher, and HTTP data objects. Unlike traditional
caching software, Squid handles all requests in a single,
non-blocking, I/O-driven process. Squid keeps meta data and especially
hot objects cached in RAM, caches DNS lookups, supports non-blocking
DNS lookups, and implements negative caching of failed requests.

Squid consists of a main server program squid, a Domain Name System
lookup program (dnsserver), a program for retrieving FTP data
(ftpget), and some management and client tools.

%setup -q

%patch150 -p1 -b .follow-xff

%patch201 -p1 -b .config
%patch202 -p1 -b .location
%patch203 -p1 -b .build
%patch204 -p1 -b .perlpath
%patch205 -p1 -b .pipe
%patch206 -p1 -b .libbind
%patch207 -p1 -b .stat
%patch208 -p1 -b .fdc
%patch209 -p1 -b .fdc
%patch210 -p1 -b .path

 export CFLAGS="-fPIE -Os -g -pipe -fsigned-char" ; export LDFLAGS=-pie ;
%configure \
   --exec_prefix=/usr \
   --bindir=%{_sbindir} \
   --libexecdir=%{_libdir}/squid \
   --localstatedir=/var \
   --datadir=%{_datadir} \
   --sysconfdir=/etc/squid \
   --enable-poll \
   --enable-snmp \
   --enable-removal-policies="heap,lru" \
   --enable-storeio="aufs,coss,diskd,null,ufs" \
   --enable-ssl \
   --with-openssl=/usr/kerberos \
   --enable-delay-pools \
   --enable-linux-netfilter \
   --with-pthreads \
   --enable-ntlm-auth-helpers="SMB,winbind,fakeauth" \
   --enable-external-acl-helpers="ip_user,ldap_group,unix_group,wbinfo_group,winbind_group" \
   --enable-auth="basic,digest,ntlm" \
   --enable-digest-auth-helpers="password" \
   --with-winbind-auth-challenge \
   --enable-useragent-log \
   --enable-referer-log \
   --disable-dependency-tracking \
   --enable-cachemgr-hostname=localhost \
   --enable-underscores \
   --enable-basic-auth-helpers="LDAP,MSNT,NCSA,PAM,SMB,YP,getpwnam,multi-domain-NTLM,SASL,winbind" \
   --enable-cache-digests \
   --enable-ident-lookups \
   %ifnarch ppc64 ia64 x86_64 s390x
   --with-large-files \
   --enable-fd-config \
   --enable-follow-x-forwarded-for \

export CFLAGS="-fPIE -Os -g -pipe -fsigned-char" ; export LDFLAGS=-pie ;
make %{?_smp_mflags}

mkdir faq
cp %{SOURCE1} faq
cd faq
sgml2html FAQ.sgml

#cd ..

%makeinstall  \
	sysconfdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/squid \
	localstatedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var \
	bindir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sbindir} \

echo "
# This is /etc/httpd/conf.d/squid.conf

ScriptAlias /Squid/cgi-bin/cachemgr.cgi %{_libdir}/squid/cachemgr.cgi

# Only allow access from localhost by default
<Location /Squid/cgi-bin/cachemgr.cgi>
 order allow,deny
 allow from localhost.localdomain
 # Add additional allowed hosts as needed
 # allow from
</Location>" > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/squid.httpd.tmp

ln -s %{_datadir}/squid/errors/English $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/squid/errors
ln -s %{_datadir}/squid/icons $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/squid/icons

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/logrotate.d
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sysconfig
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/httpd/conf.d/
install -m 755 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/rc.d/init.d/squid
install -m 644 %{SOURCE3} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/logrotate.d/squid
install -m 644 %{SOURCE4} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/sysconfig/squid
install -m 644 %{SOURCE5} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/pam.d/squid
install -m 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/squid.httpd.tmp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/httpd/conf.d/squid.conf
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/squid
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/spool/squid

# remove unpackaged files from the buildroot
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}/{RunAccel,RunCache}
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/squid.httpd.tmp


%doc faq/* README ChangeLog QUICKSTART doc/*
%doc contrib/ contrib/rredir.* contrib/

%attr(755,root,root) %dir /etc/squid
%attr(755,root,root) %dir %{_libdir}/squid
%attr(750,squid,squid) %dir /var/log/squid
%attr(750,squid,squid) %dir /var/spool/squid
%attr(644,root,root) /etc/pam.d/squid
%attr(4750,root,squid) %{_libdir}/squid/ncsa_auth
%attr(4750,root,squid) %{_libdir}/squid/pam_auth

%config(noreplace) %attr(644,root,root) /etc/httpd/conf.d/squid.conf
%config(noreplace) %attr(640,root,squid) /etc/squid/squid.conf
%config(noreplace) %attr(640,root,squid) /etc/squid/cachemgr.conf
%config(noreplace) /etc/squid/mime.conf
%config(noreplace) /etc/sysconfig/squid
%config(noreplace) /etc/squid/msntauth.conf
%config(noreplace) /etc/squid/mib.txt

%config(noreplace) /etc/squid/errors
%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/squid/errors
%config(noreplace) /etc/squid/icons
%config(noreplace) /etc/rc.d/init.d/squid
%config(noreplace) /etc/logrotate.d/squid

if ! getent group squid >/dev/null 2>&1; then
  /usr/sbin/groupadd -g 23 squid

if ! getent passwd squid >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
  /usr/sbin/useradd -g 23 -u 23 -d /var/spool/squid -r -s /sbin/nologin squid >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 

for i in /var/log/squid /var/spool/squid ; do
	if [ -d $i ] ; then
		for adir in `find $i -maxdepth 0 \! -user squid`; do
			chown -R squid:squid $adir

exit 0

/sbin/chkconfig --add squid
if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
 case "$LANG" in
 ln -snf %{_datadir}/squid/errors/$DIR /etc/squid/errors

if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then
	service squid stop >/dev/null 2>&1
	rm -f /var/log/squid/*
	/sbin/chkconfig --del squid

if [ "$1" -ge "1" ] ; then
	service squid condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1

%triggerin -- samba-common
chgrp squid /var/cache/samba/winbindd_privileged > /dev/null 2>& 1 || true

* Wed May 3  2006 Martin Stransky <> - 7:2.5.STABLE13-4
- added extra group check (#190544)

* Wed Mar 29 2006 Martin Stransky <> - 7:2.5.STABLE13-3
- improved pre script (#187217) - added group switch

* Thu Mar 23 2006 Martin Stransky <> - 7:2.5.STABLE13-2
- removed "--with-large-files" on 64bit arches

* Mon Mar 13 2006 Martin Stransky <> - 7:2.5.STABLE13-1
- update to new upstream

* Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <> - 7:2.5.STABLE12-5.1
- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)

* Tue Feb 07 2006 Martin Stransky <> - 7:2.5.STABLE12-5
- new upstream patches

* Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating <> - 7:2.5.STABLE12-4.1
- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes

* Wed Dec 28 2005  Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE12-4
- added follow-xff patch (#176055)
- samba path fix (#176659)

* Mon Dec 19 2005  Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE12-3
- fd-config.patch clean-up
- SMB_BadFetch patch from upstream

* Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating <>
- rebuilt

* Mon Nov 28 2005  Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE12-2
- rewriten patch squid-2.5.STABLE10-64bit.patch, it works with
  "--with-large-files" option now
- fix for #72896 - squid does not support > 1024 file descriptors,
  new "--enable-fd-config" option for it.

* Wed Nov 9 2005  Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE12-1
- update to STABLE12
- setenv patch

* Mon Oct 24 2005 Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE11-6
- fix for delay pool from upstream

* Thu Oct 20 2005 Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE11-5
- fix for #171213 - CVE-2005-3258 Squid crash due to malformed FTP response
- more fixes from upstream

* Fri Oct 14 2005 Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE11-4
- enabled support for large files (#167503)

* Thu Oct 13 2005 Tomas Mraz <> 7:2.5.STABLE11-3
- use include instead of pam_stack in pam config

* Thu Sep 29 2005 Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE11-2
- added patch for delay pools and some minor fixes

* Fri Sep 23 2005 Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE11-1
- update to STABLE11

* Mon Sep 5 2005 Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE10-4
- Three upstream patches for #167414
- Spanish and Greek messages
- patch for -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 

* Tue Aug 30 2005 Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE10-3
- removed "--enable-truncate" option (#165948)
- added "--enable-cache-digests" option (#102134)
- added "--enable-ident-lookups" option (#161640)
- some clean up (#165949)

* Fri Jul 15 2005 Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE10-2
- pam_auth and ncsa_auth have setuid (#162660)

* Fri Jul 7 2005 Martin Stransky <> 7:2.5.STABLE10-1
- new upstream version
- enabled fakeauth utility (#154020)
- enabled digest authentication scheme (#155882)
- all error pages marked as config (#127836)
- patch for 64bit statvfs interface (#153274)
- added httpd config file for cachemgr.cgi (#112725)

* Mon May 16 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE9-7
- Upgrade the upstream -dns_query patch from -4 to -5

* Wed May 11 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE9-6
- More upstream patches, including a fix for
  bz#157456 CAN-2005-1519 DNS lookups unreliable on untrusted networks

* Tue Apr 26 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE9-5
- more upstream patches, including a fix for
  CVE-1999-0710 cachemgr malicious use

* Fri Apr 22 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE9-4
- More upstream patches, including the fixed 2GB patch.
- include the -libbind patch, which prevents squid from using the optional
  -lbind library, even if it's installed.

* Tue Mar 15 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE9-2
- New upstream version, with 14 upstream patches.

* Wed Feb 16 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE8-2
- new upstream version with 4 upstream patches.
- Reorganize spec file to apply upstream patches first

* Tue Feb 1 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE7-4
- Include two more upstream patches for security vulns:
  bz#146783 Correct handling of oversized reply headers
  bz#146778 CAN-2005-0211 Buffer overflow in WCCP recvfrom() call

* Tue Jan 25 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE7-3
- Include more upstream patches, including two for security holes.

* Tue Jan 18 2005 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE7-2
- Add a triggerin on samba-common to make /var/cache/samba/winbindd_privileged
  accessable so that ntlm_auth will work.  It needs to be in this rpm,
  because the Samba RPM can't assume the squid user exists.
  Note that this will only work if the Samba RPM is recent enough to create
  that directory at install time instead of at winbindd startup time.
  That should be samba-common-3.0.0-15 or later.
  This fixes bugzilla #103726
- Clean up extra whitespace in this spec file.
- Add additional upstream patches. (Now 18 upstream patches).
- patch #112 closes CAN-2005-0096 and CAN-2005-0097, remote DOS security holes.
- patch #113 closes CAN-2005-0094, a remote buffer-overflow DOS security hole.
- patch #114 closes CAN-2005-0095, a remote DOS security hole.
- Remove the -nonbl (replaced by #104) and -close (replaced by #111) patches, since
  they're now fixed by upstream patches.

* Mon Oct 25 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE7-1
- new upstream version, with 3 upstream patches.
  Updated the -build and -config patches
- Include patch from Ulrich Drepper <> to more
  intelligently close all file descriptors.

* Mon Oct 18 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE6-3
- include patch from Ulrich Drepper <> to stop
  problems with O_NONBLOCK.  This closes #136049

* Tue Oct 12 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE6-2
- Include fix for CAN-2004-0918

* Tue Sep 28 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE6-1
- New upstream version, with 32 upstream patches.
  This closes #133970, #133931, #131728, #128143, #126726

- Change the permissions on /etc/squid/squid.conf to 640.  This closes
  bugzilla #125007

* Mon Jun 28 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5STABLE5-5
- Merge current upstream patches.
- Fix the -pipe patch to have the correct name of the winbind pipe.

* Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee <>
- rebuilt

* Mon Apr 5 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE5-2
- Include the first 10 upstream patches
- Add a patch for the correct location of the winbindd pipe.  This closes
  bugzilla #107561
- Remove the change to ssl_support.c from squid-2.5.STABLE3-build patch
  This closes #117851
- Include /etc/pam.d/squid .  This closes #113404
- Include a patch to close #111254 (assignment in assert)
- Change squid.init to put output messages in /var/log/squid/squid.out
  This closes #104697
- Only useradd the squid user if it doesn't already exist, and error out
  if the useradd fails.  This closes #118718.

* Tue Mar 2 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE5-1
- New upstream version, obsoletes many patches.
- Fix --datadir passed to configure.  Configure automatically adds /squid
  so we shouldn't.
- Remove the problematic triggerpostun trigger, since is's broken, and FC2
  never shipped with that old version.
- add %{?_smp_mflags} to make line.

* Tue Mar 02 2004 Elliot Lee <>
- rebuilt

* Mon Feb 23 2004 Tim Waugh <>
- Use ':' instead of '.' as separator for chown.

* Fri Feb 20 2004 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE4-3
- Clean up the spec file to work on 64-bit platforms (use %{_libdir}
  instead of /usr/lib, etc)
- Make the release number in the changelog section agree with reality.
- use -fPIE rather than -fpie.  s390 fails with just -fpie

* Fri Feb 13 2004 Elliot Lee <>
- rebuilt

* Thu Feb 5 2004 Jay Fenlason <>
- Incorporate many upstream patches
- Include many spec file changes from D.Johnson <>

* Tue Sep 23 2003 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE4-1
- New upstream version.
- Fix the Source: line in this spec file to point to the correct URL.
- redo the -location patch to work with the new upstream version.

* Mon Jun 30 2003 Jay Fenlason <> 7:2.5.STABLE3-0
- Spec file change to enable the nul storage module. bugzilla #74654
- Upgrade to 2.5STABLE3 with current official patches.
- Added --enable-auth="basic,ntlm": closes bugzilla #90145
- Added --with-winbind-auth-challenge: closes bugzilla #78691
- Added --enable-useragent-log and --enable-referer-log, closes
- bugzilla #91884
# - Changed configure line to enable pie
# (Disabled due to broken compilers on ia64 build machines)
#- Patched to increase the maximum number of file descriptors #72896
#- (disabled for now--needs more testing)

* Wed Jun 04 2003 Elliot Lee <>
- rebuilt

* Wed Jan 22 2003 Tim Powers <>
- rebuilt

* Wed Jan 15 2003 Bill Nottingham <> 7:2.5.STABLE1-1
- update to 2.5.STABLE1

* Wed Nov 27 2002 Tim Powers <> 7:2.4.STABLE7-5
- remove unpackaged files from the buildroot

* Tue Aug 27 2002 Nalin Dahyabhai <> 2.4.STABLE7-4
- rebuild

* Wed Jul 31 2002 Karsten Hopp <>
- don't raise an error if the config file is incomplete
  set defaults instead (#69322, #70065)

* Thu Jul 18 2002 Bill Nottingham <> 2.4.STABLE7-2
- don't strip binaries

* Mon Jul  8 2002 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.4.STABLE7
- fix restart (#53761)

* Tue Jun 25 2002 Bill Nottingham <>
- add various upstream bugfix patches

* Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers <>
- automated rebuild

* Thu May 23 2002 Tim Powers <>
- automated rebuild

* Fri Mar 22 2002 Bill Nottingham <>
- 2.4.STABLE6
- turn off carp

* Mon Feb 18 2002 Bill Nottingham <>
- 2.4.STABLE3 + patches
- turn off HTCP at request of maintainers
- leave SNMP enabled in the build, but disabled in the default config

* Fri Jan 25 2002 Tim Powers <>
- rebuild against new libssl

* Wed Jan 09 2002 Tim Powers <>
- automated rebuild

* Mon Jan 07 2002 Florian La Roche <>
- require linuxdoc-tools instead of sgml-tools

* Tue Sep 25 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.4.STABLE2

* Mon Sep 24 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- add patch to fix FTP crash

* Mon Aug  6 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix uninstall (#50411)

* Mon Jul 23 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- add some buildprereqs (#49705)

* Sun Jul 22 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- update FAQ

* Tue Jul 17 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- own /etc/squid, /usr/lib/squid

* Tue Jun 12 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- rebuild in new environment
- s/Copyright:/License:/

* Tue Apr 24 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.4.STABLE1 + patches
- enable some more configure options (#24981)
- oops, ship /etc/sysconfig/squid

* Fri Mar  2 2001 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- rebuild in new environment

* Tue Feb  6 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <>
- improve i18n
- make the initscript use the standard OK/FAILED

* Tue Jan 23 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- change i18n mechanism

* Fri Jan 19 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix path references in QUICKSTART (#15114)
- fix initscript translations (#24086)
- fix shutdown logic (#24234), patch from <>
- add /etc/sysconfig/squid for daemon options & shutdown timeouts
- three more bugfixes from the Squid people
- update FAQ.sgml
- build and ship auth modules (#23611)

* Thu Jan 11 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- initscripts translations

* Mon Jan  8 2001 Bill Nottingham <>
- add patch to use mkstemp (

* Fri Dec 01 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- rebuild because of broken fileutils

* Sat Nov 11 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix the acl matching cases (only need the second patch)

* Tue Nov  7 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- add two patches to fix domain ACLs
- add 2 bugfix patches from the squid people

* Fri Jul 28 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- clean up init script; fix condrestart
- update to STABLE4, more bugfixes
- update FAQ

* Tue Jul 18 2000 Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- fix syntax error in init script
- finish adding condrestart support

* Fri Jul 14 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- move initscript back

* Wed Jul 12 2000 Prospector <>
- automatic rebuild

* Thu Jul  6 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- prereq /etc/init.d
- add bugfix patch
- update FAQ

* Thu Jun 29 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix init script

* Tue Jun 27 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- don't prereq new initscripts

* Mon Jun 26 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- initscript munging

* Sat Jun 10 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- rebuild for exciting FHS stuff

* Wed May 31 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix init script again (#11699)
- add --enable-delay-pools (#11695)
- update to STABLE3
- update FAQ

* Fri Apr 28 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix init script (#11087)

* Fri Apr  7 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- three more bugfix patches from the squid people
- buildprereq jade, sgmltools

* Sun Mar 26 2000 Florian La Roche <>
- make %pre more portable

* Thu Mar 16 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- bugfix patches
- fix dependency on /usr/local/bin/perl

* Sat Mar  4 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- 2.3.STABLE2

* Mon Feb 14 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- Yet More Bugfix Patches

* Tue Feb  8 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- add more bugfix patches
- --enable-heap-replacement

* Mon Jan 31 2000 Cristian Gafton <>
- rebuild to fix dependencies

* Fri Jan 28 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- grab some bugfix patches

* Mon Jan 10 2000 Bill Nottingham <>
- 2.3.STABLE1 (whee, another serial number)

* Tue Dec 21 1999 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <>
- Fix compliance with ftp RFCs
- Work around a bug in some versions of autoconf
- BuildPrereq sgml-tools - we're using sgml2html

* Mon Oct 18 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- add a couple of bugfix patches

* Wed Oct 13 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.2.STABLE5.
- update FAQ, fix URLs.

* Sat Sep 11 1999 Cristian Gafton <>
- transform restart in reload and add restart to the init script

* Tue Aug 31 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- add squid user as user 23.

* Mon Aug 16 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- initscript munging
- fix conflict between logrotate & squid -k (#4562)

* Wed Jul 28 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- put cachemgr.cgi back in /usr/lib/squid

* Wed Jul 14 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- add webdav bugfix patch (#4027)

* Mon Jul 12 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix path to config in squid.init (confuses linuxconf)

* Wed Jul  7 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- 2.2.STABLE4

* Wed Jun 9 1999 Dale Lovelace <>
- logrotate changes
- errors from find when /var/spool/squid or
- /var/log/squid didn't exist

* Thu May 20 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- 2.2.STABLE3

* Thu Apr 22 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.2.STABLE.2

* Sun Apr 18 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.2.STABLE1

* Thu Apr 15 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- don't need to run groupdel on remove
- fix useradd

* Mon Apr 12 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix effective_user (bug #2124)

* Mon Apr  5 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- strip binaries

* Thu Apr  1 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- duh. adduser does require a user name.
- add a serial number

* Tue Mar 30 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- add an adduser in %pre, too

* Thu Mar 25 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- oog. chkconfig must be in %preun, not %postun

* Wed Mar 24 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- switch to using group squid
- turn off icmp (insecure)
- update to 2.2.DEVEL3
- build FAQ docs from source

* Tue Mar 23 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- logrotate changes

* Sun Mar 21 1999 Cristian Gafton <>
- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 4)

* Wed Feb 10 1999 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.2.PRE2

* Wed Dec 30 1998 Bill Nottingham <>
- cache & log dirs shouldn't be world readable
- remove preun script (leave logs & cache @ uninstall)

* Tue Dec 29 1998 Bill Nottingham <>
- fix initscript to get cache_dir correct

* Fri Dec 18 1998 Bill Nottingham <>
- update to 2.1.PATCH2
- merge in some changes from RHCN version

* Sat Oct 10 1998 Cristian Gafton <>
- strip binaries
- version 1.1.22

* Sun May 10 1998 Cristian Gafton <>
- don't make packages conflict with each other...

* Sat May 02 1998 Cristian Gafton <>
- added a proxy auth patch from Alex deVries <>
- fixed initscripts

* Thu Apr 09 1998 Cristian Gafton <>
- rebuilt for Manhattan

* Fri Mar 20 1998 Cristian Gafton <>
- upgraded to 1.1.21/1.NOVM.21

* Mon Mar 02 1998 Cristian Gafton <>
- updated the init script to use reconfigure option to restart squid instead
  of shutdown/restart (both safer and quicker)

* Sat Feb 07 1998 Cristian Gafton <>
- upgraded to 1.1.20
- added the NOVM package and tryied to reduce the mess in the spec file

* Wed Jan 7 1998 Cristian Gafton <>
- first build against glibc
- patched out the use of setresuid(), which is available only on kernels
  2.1.44 and later