Blob Blame History Raw
diff -U 3 -dHrN -- a/skychart/u_satellite.pas b/skychart/u_satellite.pas
--- a/skychart/u_satellite.pas	2017-07-21 15:35:21.000000000 +0200
+++ b/skychart/u_satellite.pas	2017-10-02 19:18:40.648161937 +0200
@@ -110,36 +110,8 @@
 function CheckWine: boolean;
-  cmd, buf, msg: string;
-  i, j: integer;
-  r: TStringList;
-  r := TStringList.Create;
-  cmd := 'wine --version';
-  i := execprocess(cmd, r);
-  Result := (i = 0);
-  if not Result then
-  begin
-    if r.Count > 0 then
-    begin
-      buf := '';
-      for j := 0 to r.Count - 1 do
-        buf := buf + r[j];
-    end
-    else
-      buf := '';
-    msg := rsPleaseInstWine;
-   {$ifdef linux}
-    msg := msg + crlf + rsIfItIsNotIns + crlf + 'apt-get install wine' +
-      crlf + 'yum install wine';
-   {$endif}
-    ShowMessage(msg + crlf + 'wine return: ' + buf);
-  end;
-  r.Free;
+ShowMessage('Artificial satellites calculation has been removed due to Fedora policies.'+crlf+'If you need it, please uninstall Skychart provided by Fedora repositories and download Skychart rpms from the author site.');
 function CheckDosbox: boolean;