Blob Blame History Raw
%global	gem_name	byebug

Name:		rubygem-%{gem_name}
Version:	4.0.2
Release:	1%{?dist}

Summary:	Ruby 2.0 fast debugger - base + CLI
License:	BSD

# %%{SOURCE2} %%{name} %%{version} 
Source1:	rubygem-%{gem_name}-%{version}-full.tar.gz

BuildRequires:	rubygems-devel 
BuildRequires:	ruby-devel
# %%check
BuildRequires:	rubygem(minitest) >= 5
BuildRequires:	rubygem(columnize)
BuildRequires:	rubygem(mocha)
# BuildRequires:	rubygem(simplecov)

Byebug is a Ruby 2 debugger. It's implemented using the
Ruby 2 TracePoint C API for execution control and the Debug Inspector C API
for call stack navigation.  The core component provides support that
front-ends can build on. It provides breakpoint handling and bindings for
stack frames among other things and it comes with an easy to use command
line interface.

%package	doc
Summary:	Documentation for %{name}
Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
BuildArch:	noarch

%description doc
Documentation for %{name}.

gem unpack %{SOURCE0}
%setup -q -D -T -n  %{gem_name}-%{version} -a 1
gem spec %{SOURCE0} -l --ruby > %{gem_name}.gemspec

# Relax columnize dependency
sed -i %{gem_name}.gemspec -e '\@columnize@s|= [0-9\.][0-9\.]*|>= 0.8.9|'

gem build %{gem_name}.gemspec

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_dir}
cp -a .%{gem_dir}/* \

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{gem_extdir_mri}
cp -a .%{gem_extdir_mri}/{gem.build_complete,%{gem_name}/} %{buildroot}%{gem_extdir_mri}/
rm -rf %{buildroot}%{gem_instdir}/ext/

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
cp -pa .%{_bindir}/* \

find %{buildroot}%{gem_instdir}/bin -type f | xargs chmod a+x

cp -a %{gem_name}-%{version}/test .%{gem_instdir}
pushd .%{gem_instdir}

# Remove simplecov
sed -i.orig -e '\@[Ss]imple[Cc]ov@d' test/support/coverage.rb
sed -i -e '1i require "tempfile"' test/support/test_case.rb

mkdir tmpbin
ln -sf /bin/true ./tmpbin/git

ruby -w -Ilib:ext test/test_helper.rb  $(ruby -e "puts Dir.glob('test/**/*_test.rb').join(' ')")


%dir	%{gem_instdir}
%license	%{gem_instdir}/LICENSE
%doc	%{gem_instdir}/
%doc	%{gem_instdir}/
%doc	%{gem_instdir}/



%exclude	%{gem_cache}

%files doc
%doc	%{gem_instdir}/
%doc	%{gem_docdir}

* Tue Mar 17 2015 Mamoru TASAKA <> - 4.0.2-1
- 4.0.2

* Sat Feb 07 2015 Mamoru TASAKA <> - 3.5.1-4
- Remove simplecov

* Tue Feb 03 2015 Mamoru TASAKA <> - 3.5.1-3
- A bit modification for %%check

* Tue Feb 03 2015 Mamoru TASAKA <> - 3.5.1-2
- Make test suite exit with status

* Tue Feb 03 2015 Mamoru TASAKA <> - 3.5.1-1
- Initial package