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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Example plot for LFPy: In vitro MEA slice set-up. It serves to demonstrate
class LFPy.RecMEAElectrode which incorporates discontinous extracellular
conductivity (MEA chip, slice, saline) in comparison to LFPy.RecExtElectrode
which incorporates an infinite homogeneous isotropic/anisotropic extracellular


Copyright (C) 2017 Computational Neuroscience Group, NMBU.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
import os
from os.path import join
import sys
if sys.version < '3':
    from urllib2 import urlopen
    from urllib.request import urlopen
import zipfile
import LFPy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def plot_results(cell, synapse, MEA, electrode):

    time_window = [0, 50]
    syn_idx = synapse.idx

    cell_plot_idxs = [syn_idx]
    cell_plot_colors = {syn_idx: 'y'}
    num_cols = 4

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=[15, 5])
    plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.6, wspace=0.3, right=0.99, left=0.03, top=0.9)
    ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.5, 0.37, 0.4], aspect=1, frameon=False,
                       xticks=[], yticks=[], title='Top view')
    ax3 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.1, 0.37, 0.4], aspect=1, frameon=False,
                       xticks=[], yticks=[], title='Side view')

    ax_ec = fig.add_subplot(1, num_cols, 3, xlim=time_window,
                            xlabel='ms', ylabel='$\mu$V',
    ax_v = plt.subplot(1, num_cols, 4, title='Somatic potential',
                       xlabel='ms', ylabel='mV',
                       ylim=[-70, -50], xlim=time_window)

    elec_clr = lambda idx: - 1) * idx)

    l_elec, l_syn = plot_recording_set_up(cell, ax1, ax3, MEA, elec_clr,
                                              syn_idx, cell_plot_colors)
    [ax_v.plot(cell.tvec, cell.vmem[idx, :], c=cell_plot_colors[idx], lw=2)
        for idx in cell_plot_idxs]
    for elec in range(len(MEA.x)):
        ax_ec.plot(cell.tvec, 1000 * (MEA.LFP[elec]),
                   lw=2, c=elec_clr(elec))
        ax_ec.plot(cell.tvec, 1000 * (electrode.LFP[elec]),
                   lw=3, c=elec_clr(elec), ls=":")

    l_MEA, = ax_ec.plot(0, 0, lw=1, c="k")
    l_invivo, = ax_ec.plot(0, 0, lw=2, c="k", ls=":")

    fig.legend([l_syn, l_elec, l_MEA, l_invivo], ["Synapse", "Electrode", "Slice", "In vivo"],
               frameon=False, numpoints=1, ncol=4, loc=3)
    simplify_axes([ax_v, ax_ec])
    mark_subplots([ax1, ax3, ax_ec, ax_v], ypos=1.05, xpos=-0.1)

    plt.savefig('example_MEA.pdf', dpi=150)

def plot_recording_set_up(cell, ax_neur, ax_side, MEA, elec_clr,
                           syn_idx, cell_plot_colors):

    for comp in range(len(cell.xmid)):
        if comp == 0:
            ax_neur.scatter(cell.xmid[comp], cell.ymid[comp], s=cell.diam[comp],
                            edgecolor='none', color='gray', zorder=1)
            ax_neur.plot([cell.xstart[comp], cell.xend[comp]],
                         [cell.ystart[comp], cell.yend[comp]],
                         lw=cell.diam[comp]/2, color='gray', zorder=1)

    for comp in range(len(cell.xmid)):
        if comp == 0:
            ax_side.scatter(cell.xmid[comp], cell.zmid[comp], s=cell.diam[comp],
                            edgecolor='none', color='gray', zorder=1)
            ax_side.plot([cell.xstart[comp], cell.xend[comp]],
                         [cell.zstart[comp], cell.zend[comp]],
                         lw=cell.diam[comp]/2, color='gray', zorder=1)
    for idx in range(len(MEA.x)):
        ax_side.plot(MEA.x[idx], MEA.z[idx] - 10, 's', clip_on=False,
                     c=elec_clr(idx), zorder=10, mec='none')
        ax_side.plot([MEA.x[idx], MEA.x[idx]], [MEA.z[idx] - 10, MEA.z[idx] - 150],
                     c=elec_clr(idx), zorder=10, lw=2)
        ax_neur.plot(MEA.x[idx], MEA.y[idx], 's', c=elec_clr(idx), zorder=10)

    ax_side.axhspan(-250, 0, facecolor='0.5', edgecolor='none')
    ax_side.axhspan(0, MEA.h, facecolor='lightsalmon', edgecolor='none')
    ax_side.axhspan(MEA.h, MEA.h + 250, facecolor='aqua', edgecolor='none')
    ax_neur.axhspan(-500, 500, facecolor='lightsalmon', edgecolor='none')

    l_elec, = ax_neur.plot(MEA.x[0], MEA.y[0], 's', c=elec_clr(0), zorder=0)

    l_syn, = ax_neur.plot(cell.xmid[syn_idx], cell.ymid[syn_idx], '*',
                           c=cell_plot_colors[syn_idx], ms=15)

    ax_side.plot(cell.xmid[syn_idx], cell.zmid[syn_idx], '*',
                 c=cell_plot_colors[syn_idx], ms=15)

    ax_neur.arrow(-220, -100, 30, 0, lw=1, head_width=12, color='k', clip_on=False)
    ax_neur.arrow(-220, -100, 0, 30, lw=1, head_width=12, color='k', clip_on=False)
    ax_neur.text(-150, -100, 'x', size=10, ha='center', va='center', clip_on=False)
    ax_neur.text(-220, -20, 'y', size=10, ha='center', va='center', clip_on=False)

    ax_side.arrow(-220, 20, 30, 0, lw=1, head_width=12, color='k', clip_on=False)
    ax_side.text(-140, 25, 'x', size=10, ha='center', va='center')
    ax_side.arrow(-220, 20, 0, 30, lw=1, head_width=12, color='k', clip_on=False)
    ax_side.text(-220, 100, 'z', size=10, ha='center', va='center')

    ax_side.plot([-500, 1250], [MEA.h, MEA.h], color='k')
    ax_side.plot([-500, 1250], [0, 0], 'k')  # PLOTTING BOTTOM OF MEA

    ax_side.plot([1280, 1280], [0, MEA.h], '_-',
                 color='k', lw=2, clip_on=False, solid_capstyle='butt')
    ax_side.text(1300, MEA.h / 2, '%g $\mu$m' % MEA.h, size=8, va='center')

    ax_side.text(1200, -10, 'MEA', va='top', ha='right')
    ax_side.text(1200, MEA.h, 'Saline', va='bottom', ha='right')
    ax_side.text(1200, MEA.h - 50, 'Tissue', va='top', ha='right')

    ax_side.axis([-300, 1250, -70, MEA.h + 70])
    ax_neur.axis([-300, 1250, -250, 250])

    return l_elec, l_syn

def simplify_axes(axes):
    Right and top axis line is removed from axes or list of axes

    if not type(axes) is list:
        axes = [axes]

    for ax in axes:

def mark_subplots(axes, letters='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', xpos=-0.12, ypos=1.15):
    """ Marks subplots in axes (should be list or axes object) with capital letters
    if not type(axes) is list:
        axes = [axes]

    for idx, ax in enumerate(axes):
        ax.text(xpos, ypos, letters[idx].capitalize(),

#Fetch Mainen&Sejnowski 1996 model files
if not os.path.isfile(join('cells', 'cells', 'j4a.hoc')):
    #get the model files:
    u = urlopen('')
    localFile = open('', 'wb')
    myzip = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'r')

# Main script, set parameters and create cell, synapse and electrode objects

# Define cell parameters
cell_parameters = {
    'morphology' : join('cells', 'cells', 'j4a.hoc'), # from Mainen & Sejnowski, J Comput Neurosci, 1996
    'cm' : 1.0,         # membrane capacitance
    'Ra' : 150.,        # axial resistance
    'v_init' : -65.,    # initial crossmembrane potential
    'passive' : True,   # turn on NEURONs passive mechanism for all sections
    'passive_parameters' : {'g_pas' : 1./30000, 'e_pas' : -65},
    'nsegs_method' : 'lambda_f', # spatial discretization method
    'lambda_f' : 10.,           # frequency where length constants are computed
    'dt' : 2.**-4,      # simulation time step size
    'tstart' : 0.,      # start time of simulation, recorders start at t=0
    'tstop' : 50.,     # stop simulation at 100 ms.

# Create cell
cell = LFPy.Cell(**cell_parameters)
# Align cell
cell.set_rotation(z=np.pi/0.9, x=0.3)

# Define synapse parameters
synapse_parameters = {
    'idx' : cell.get_closest_idx(x=800., y=0., z=150.),
    'e' : 0.,                   # reversal potential
    'syntype' : 'ExpSyn',       # synapse type
    'tau' : 5.,                 # synaptic time constant
    'weight' : .001,            # synaptic weight
    'record_current' : True,    # record synapse current

# Create synapse and set time of synaptic input
synapse = LFPy.Synapse(cell, **synapse_parameters)

# Create a grid of measurement locations, in (mum)
X = np.arange(0, 1001, 500)
Y = np.zeros(X.shape)
Z = np.zeros(X.shape) + 0

# Define electrode parameters
grid_electrode_parameters = {
    'sigma' : 0.3,      # extracellular conductivity
    'x' : X.flatten(),  # electrode requires 1d vector of positions
    'y' : Y.flatten(),
    'z' : Z.flatten(),
    "method": "soma_as_point",
    'N' : np.array([[0, 0, 1]]*X.size), #surface normals
    'r' : 50,              # contact site radius
    'n' : 100,               # datapoints for averaging
    "seedvalue": 12,

# Define electrode parameters
MEA_electrode_parameters = {
    'sigma_T' : 0.3,      # extracellular conductivity
    'sigma_G' : 0.0,      # MEA glass electrode plate conductivity
    'sigma_S' : 1.5,      # Saline bath conductivity
    'x' : X.flatten(),  # electrode requires 1d vector of positions
    'y' : Y.flatten(),
    'z' : Z.flatten(),
    "method": "soma_as_point",
    'N' : np.array([[0, 0, 1]]*X.size), #surface normals
    'r' : 50,              # contact site radius
    'n' : 100,               # datapoints for averaging,
    'h': 300,
    "seedvalue": 12,
    "squeeze_cell_factor": 0.6,

# Run simulation, electrode object argument in cell.simulate
print("running simulation...")
cell.simulate(rec_imem=True, rec_vmem=True)

# Create electrode objects
electrode = LFPy.RecExtElectrode(cell, **grid_electrode_parameters)
MEA = LFPy.RecMEAElectrode(cell, **MEA_electrode_parameters)

# Calculate LFPs
plot_results(cell, synapse, MEA, electrode)