Blob Blame History Raw
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'''Define ParameterSpace for benchmarking of scaling with different MPI pools'''
import os
import numpy as np
import operator
import pickle
import hashlib
import parameters as ps

def sort_deep_dict(d):
    sort arbitrarily deep dictionaries into tuples
    d : dict
    x : list of tuples of tuples of tuples ...
    x = sorted(iter(d.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
    for i, (key, value) in enumerate(x):
        if type(value) == dict or type(value) == ps.ParameterSet:
            y = sorted(iter(value.items()), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
            x[i] = (key, y)
            for j, (k, v) in enumerate(y):
                if type(v) == dict or type(v) == ps.ParameterSet:
                    y[j] = (k, sort_deep_dict(v))
    return x

def get_unique_id(paramset):
    create a unique hash key for input dictionary
    paramset : dict
        parameter dictionary
    key : str
        hash key
    sorted_params = sort_deep_dict(paramset)
    string = pickle.dumps(sorted_params)
    key = hashlib.md5(string).hexdigest()
    return key

PSPACES = dict()

# check scaling with MPI pool size
PSPACES['MPI'] = ps.ParameterSpace(dict())
    # Population sizes
    POP_SIZE_REF = [2400, 480],
    # allow different seeds for different network iterations
    GLOBALSEED = ps.ParameterRange([1234, 65135, 216579876]),
    # MPI pool size
    MPISIZE = ps.ParameterRange([120, 240, 480, 960, 1920, 2880]),
    # bool flag switching LFP calculations on or off (faster)
    COMPUTE_LFP = ps.ParameterRange([False, True]),
    # population size scaling (multiplied with values in populationParams['POP_SIZE']):
    POPSCALING = ps.ParameterRange([1.]),
    # preserve expected synapse in-degree or total number of connections
    PRESERVE = ps.ParameterRange(['indegree'])

PSPACES['MPI5'] = ps.ParameterSpace(dict())
    # Population sizes
    POP_SIZE_REF = [12000, 2400],

    # allow different seeds for different network iterations
    GLOBALSEED = ps.ParameterRange([1234, 65135, 216579876]),
    # MPI pool size
    MPISIZE = ps.ParameterRange([600, 1200, 2400, 4800]),
    # bool flag switching LFP calculations on or off (faster)
    COMPUTE_LFP = ps.ParameterRange([False, True]),
    # population size scaling (multiplied with values in populationParams['POP_SIZE']):
    POPSCALING = ps.ParameterRange([1.]),
    # preserve expected synapse in-degree or total number of connections
    PRESERVE = ps.ParameterRange(['indegree'])

# check scaling with population size
PSPACES['POP'] = ps.ParameterSpace(dict())
    # Population sizes
    POP_SIZE_REF = [2400, 480],

    # allow different seeds for different network iterations
    GLOBALSEED = ps.ParameterRange([1234, 65135, 216579876]),
    # MPI pool size
    MPISIZE = ps.ParameterRange([480]),
    # bool flag switching LFP calculations on or off (faster)
    COMPUTE_LFP = ps.ParameterRange([False, True]),
    # population size scaling (multiplied with values in populationParams['POP_SIZE']):
    POPSCALING = ps.ParameterRange([0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 1., 2.0, 4.0]), 

    # preserve expected synapse in-degree or total number of connections across population scalings
    PRESERVE = ps.ParameterRange(['total', 'indegree'])

PSPACES['POP5'] = ps.ParameterSpace(dict())
    # Population sizes
    POP_SIZE_REF = [12000, 2400],

    # allow different seeds for different network iterations
    GLOBALSEED = ps.ParameterRange([1234, 65135, 216579876]),
    # MPI pool size
    MPISIZE = ps.ParameterRange([2400]),
    # bool flag switching LFP calculations on or off (faster)
    COMPUTE_LFP = ps.ParameterRange([False, True]),
    # population size scaling (multiplied with values in populationParams['POP_SIZE']):
    POPSCALING = ps.ParameterRange([0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 1., 2.0, 4.0]), 

    # preserve expected synapse in-degree or total number of connections across population scalings
    PRESERVE = ps.ParameterRange(['total', 'indegree'])

# PSPACES['TEST'] = ps.ParameterSpace(dict())
# PSPACES['TEST'].update(dict(
#     # Population sizes
#     POP_SIZE_REF = [2400, 480],
#     # allow different seeds for different network iterations
#     GLOBALSEED = ps.ParameterRange([1234, 123456, 1234665465, 1343645757, 12423, 982736]),
#     # MPI pool size
#     MPISIZE = ps.ParameterRange([480]),
#     # bool flag switching LFP calculations on or off (faster)
#     COMPUTE_LFP = ps.ParameterRange([True]),
#     # population size scaling (multiplied with values in populationParams['POP_SIZE']):
#     POPSCALING = ps.ParameterRange([1.,]), 
#     # preserve expected synapse in-degree or total number of connections across population scalings
#     PRESERVE = ps.ParameterRange(['indegree'])
#     ))

jobscript_stallo = '''#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --job-name {}
#SBATCH --time {}
#SBATCH -o {}
#SBATCH -e {}
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2000MB
#SBATCH --ntasks {}
# from here on we can run whatever command we want
unset DISPLAY # DISPLAY env variable somehow problematic with Slurm
srun --mpi=pmi2 python {}

jobscript_jureca = '''#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --job-name {}
#SBATCH --time {}
#SBATCH -o {}
#SBATCH -e {}
#SBATCH --ntasks {}
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu={}
#SBATCH --exclusive
# from here on we can run whatever command we want
unset DISPLAY # DISPLAY somehow problematic with Slurm
srun python {}

LOGDIR = 'logs'
OUTPUTDIR = 'output'
JOBDIR = 'jobs'
PSETDIR = 'parameters'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for f in [LOGDIR, JOBDIR, PSETDIR]:
        if not os.path.isdir(f):
            os.system('rm {}'.format(os.path.join(f, '*')))
    runningjobs = []
    for PSPACE in PSPACES.values():    
        for pset in PSPACE.iter_inner():
            # get identifier
            ps_id = get_unique_id(pset)
            # write parameterset file
  , ps_id + '.txt'))
            # memory (MB)
            mem_per_cpu = 4000
            # walltime (2400 seconds per 480 MPI threads and popscaling 1 and neuron count 2880)
            wt = 2400 * 480 / pset.MPISIZE * pset.POPSCALING * np.sum(pset.POP_SIZE_REF) / 2880.
            wt = '%i:%.2i:%.2i' % (wt//3600, (wt-wt//3600*3600)//60, (wt-wt//60*60))
            # logfile
            logfile = os.path.join(LOGDIR, ps_id + '.txt')
            # write and submit jobscript
                if os.environ['HOSTNAME'].rfind('jr') >= 0: # JURECA
                    NPERNODE = 24
                    N = int(pset.MPISIZE / NPERNODE)
                    jobscript = jobscript_jureca.format(ps_id, wt, logfile, logfile, N, pset.MPISIZE, mem_per_cpu, ps_id)
                elif os.environ['HOSTNAME'].rfind('stallo') >= 0 or os.environ['HOSTNAME'].rfind('local') >= 0:
                    jobscript = jobscript_stallo.format(ps_id, wt, logfile, logfile, pset.MPISIZE, mem_per_cpu, ps_id)
                    pass # modify as needed, or assuming runs are done locally
                # write jobscript file
                fpath = os.path.join(JOBDIR, ps_id + '.sh')
                f = open(fpath, 'w')
                # submit job
                if not ps_id in runningjobs:
                    os.system('sbatch {}'.format(fpath))
            except KeyError: