Blob Blame History Raw
%global commit 232ed17142da1c8bb6a39179018f8278b122aada
%global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7})
%global date 20160624

Name:           python-deap
Version:        1.0.1
Release:        2.%{date}git%{shortcommit}%{?dist}
Summary:        Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python

License:        LGPLv3

# Tweak the usage of 2to3 in; this makes it work for the
# tests (so long as we're using setuptools, which we are; distutils
# doesn't understand this). Similar to
# , but without pypy-specific
# bits we don't care about
Patch0:         python-deap-2to3.patch

BuildRequires:  python2-devel
BuildRequires:  python-setuptools
BuildRequires:  python2-pypandoc
BuildRequires:  python2-nose

BuildRequires:  python3-devel
BuildRequires:  python3-setuptools
BuildRequires:  python3-pypandoc
BuildRequires:  python3-nose
BuildRequires:  python3-numpy

# documentation
BuildRequires:  python2-sphinx
BuildRequires:  texlive-scheme-basic
BuildRequires:  texlive-ucs
BuildRequires:  numpy
BuildRequires:  python2-matplotlib

%global _description \
DEAP is a novel evolutionary computation framework for rapid         \
prototyping and testing of ideas that implements a number of genetic \
optimization algorithms behind a common interface.

%description %_description

%package -n     python2-deap
Requires:       numpy
Summary:        %{summary}
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python2-deap}

%description -n python2-deap %_description

%package -n     python3-deap
Requires:       python3-numpy
Summary:        %{summary}
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-deap}

%description -n python3-deap %_description

%package -n python-deap-doc
Summary:        Documentation for deap
BuildArch:      noarch
%description -n python-deap-doc

%autosetup -n deap-%{commit}
sed -i 's/\["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"\]/["echo", "deap-%{version}-%{release}"]/' \

# Work around for
sed -i -r 's/arange\(([-0-9.]+), ([-0-9.]+), [-0-9.]+\)/linspace(\1, \2, 20)/' doc/code/benchmarks/*.py


# generate html docs
PYTHONPATH=$(echo build/lib.linux-*-%{python_version}/) sphinx-build-2 doc build/html

# remove the sphinx-build leftovers
rm -rf build/html/.{doctrees,buildinfo}

%global _docdir_fmt %{name}


%{__python2} nosetests
%{__python3} nosetests

%files -n python2-deap
%license LICENSE.txt

%files -n python3-deap
%license LICENSE.txt

%files -n python-deap-doc
%license LICENSE.txt
%doc build/html

* Sat Jan 07 2017 Adam Williamson <> - 1.0.1-2.20160624git232ed17
- Tweak so Python 3 tests will run on 2to3'ed code
- Add appropriate buildrequires and enable tests
- Remove some unneeded conditionals for EOL Fedora releases

* Mon Dec 19 2016 Miro Hrončok <>
- Rebuild for Python 3.6

* Tue Oct 18 2016 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <> - 1.0.1-1.20160624git232ed17
- Update to latest git snapshot
- The version was wrong (upstream never released anything after
  1.0.1).  I forgot to actually create an update with the initial
  version of this package. Luckily, this package was only built in
  F22-24, and failed to build in rawhide, so it was never possible to
  install it from repositories. I think this means it is possible to
  lower the version without bumping the epoch.

* Thu Apr 07 2016 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <> - 1.1.10-0.20160402gita4dc752
- Initial package.