Blob Blame History Raw
--- git.orig/admin/build/
+++ git/admin/build/
@@ -82,10 +82,13 @@ build_package_psi() {
 		cp $mqtdir/bin/QtNetwork4.dll $arch_prefix
 		cp $mqtdir/bin/QtXml4.dll $arch_prefix
 		cp $mqtdir/bin/QtGui4.dll $arch_prefix
+		cp $mqtdir/bin/QtSql4.dll $arch_prefix
 		mkdir -p $arch_prefix/imageformats
 		cp $mqtdir/plugins/imageformats/qgif4.dll $arch_prefix/imageformats
 		cp $mqtdir/plugins/imageformats/qjpeg4.dll $arch_prefix/imageformats
 		cp $mqtdir/plugins/imageformats/qmng4.dll $arch_prefix/imageformats
+		mkdir -p $arch_prefix/sqldrivers
+		cp $mqtdir/plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlite4.dll
 		cp $deps_base/$qca_win_dir/$target_arch/bin/qca2.dll $arch_prefix
 		mkdir -p $arch_prefix/crypto
 		cp $deps_base/$qca_win_dir/$target_arch/plugins/crypto/qca-gnupg2.dll $arch_prefix/crypto
@@ -126,8 +129,8 @@ build_package_psi() {
 		cd $psi_base
-		export DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=$QT_LIB_PATH:$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/lib:$deps_base/$growl_dir/Framework
-		./configure --with-qca-inc=$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/include --with-qca-lib=$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/lib --with-growl=$deps_base/$growl_dir/Framework --enable-universal
+		export DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=$QT_LIB_PATH:$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/lib:$deps_base/$growl_dir/Framework:$deps_base/$qjson_mac_dir/lib
+		./configure --with-qca-inc=$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/include --with-qca-lib=$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/lib --with-growl=$deps_base/$growl_dir/Framework --enable-universal --with-qjson-lib=$deps_base/$qjson_mac_dir/lib
--- git.orig/admin/build/
+++ git/admin/build/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ if [ "$platform" == "win" ]; then
 	mqtdir=`get_msys_path $qtdir`
-	PATH=$mqtdir/bin:$PATH ./configure.exe --qtdir=$qtdir --release --with-qca-inc=$deps_base/$qca_win_dir/$target_arch/include --with-qca-lib=$deps_base/$qca_win_dir/$target_arch/lib --with-zlib-inc=$deps_base/$zlib_win_dir/$target_arch/include --with-zlib-lib=$deps_base/$zlib_win_dir/$target_arch/lib --with-aspell-inc=$deps_base/$aspell_win_dir/$target_arch/include --with-aspell-lib=$deps_base/$aspell_win_dir/$target_arch/lib
+	PATH=$mqtdir/bin:$PATH ./configure.exe --qtdir=$qtdir --release --with-qca-inc=$deps_base/$qca_win_dir/$target_arch/include --with-qca-lib=$deps_base/$qca_win_dir/$target_arch/lib --with-zlib-inc=$deps_base/$zlib_win_dir/$target_arch/include --with-zlib-lib=$deps_base/$zlib_win_dir/$target_arch/lib --with-aspell-inc=$deps_base/$aspell_win_dir/$target_arch/include --with-aspell-lib=$deps_base/$aspell_win_dir/$target_arch/lib --with-qjson-inc=$deps_base/$qjson_win_dir/$target_arch/include --with-qjson-lib=$deps_base/$qjson_win_dir/$target_arch/lib
 	rm -f $build_base/devenv
 	touch $build_base/devenv
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ else
 	if [ "$QT_PLUGIN_PATH" == "" ]; then
-	export DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=$QT_LIB_PATH:$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/lib:$deps_base/$growl_dir/Framework
-	./configure --with-qca-inc=$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/include --with-qca-lib=$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/lib --with-growl=$deps_base/$growl_dir/Framework --enable-universal
+	export DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=$QT_LIB_PATH:$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/lib:$deps_base/$growl_dir/Framework:$deps_base/$qjson_mac_dir/lib
+	./configure --with-qca-inc=$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/include --with-qca-lib=$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/lib --with-growl=$deps_base/$growl_dir/Framework --enable-universal --with-qjson-lib=$deps_base/$qjson_mac_dir/lib
 	# remove some gstbundle problem files
 	rm -f $deps_base/$gstbundle_mac_dir/uni/lib/gstreamer-0.10/
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ else
 	rm -f $build_base/devenv
 	touch $build_base/devenv
 	echo "export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$deps_base/$gstbundle_mac_dir/uni/lib:\$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" >> $build_base/devenv
-	echo "export DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=$QT_LIB_PATH:$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/lib:$deps_base/$growl_dir/Framework:\$DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" >> $build_base/devenv
+	echo "export DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=$QT_LIB_PATH:$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/lib:$deps_base/$growl_dir/Framework:$deps_base/$qjson_mac_dir/lib:\$DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" >> $build_base/devenv
 	echo "export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=$deps_base/$gstbundle_mac_dir/uni/lib/gstreamer-0.10" >> $build_base/devenv
 	echo "export GST_REGISTRY_FORK=no" >> $build_base/devenv
 	echo "export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=$QT_PLUGIN_PATH:$deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/plugins" >> $build_base/devenv
--- git.orig/admin/build/package_info
+++ git/admin/build/package_info
@@ -39,3 +39,11 @@ psimedia_win_dir=psimedia-20120725-win
--- git.orig/admin/build/
+++ git/admin/build/
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ if [ "$platform" == "mac" ]; then
 	mkdir -p $target_dist_base
-	QT_FRAMEWORKS="QtCore QtNetwork QtXml QtGui"
-	QT_PLUGINS="imageformats/libqjpeg.dylib imageformats/libqgif.dylib imageformats/libqmng.dylib"
+	QT_FRAMEWORKS="QtCore QtNetwork QtXml QtGui QtSql"
+	QT_PLUGINS="imageformats/libqjpeg.dylib imageformats/libqgif.dylib imageformats/libqmng.dylib sqldrivers/libqsqlite.dylib"
 	QCA_PLUGINS="crypto/libqca-ossl.dylib crypto/libqca-gnupg.dylib"
 	cp -a $psi_base/ $target_dist_base/
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ if [ "$platform" == "mac" ]; then
 	install_name_tool -change qca.framework/Versions/2/qca @executable_path/../Frameworks/qca.framework/Versions/2/qca $contentsdir/MacOS/psi
+	install_name_tool -change qjson.framework/Versions/0.8.1/qjson @executable_path/../Frameworks/qjson.framework/Versions/0.8.1/qjson $contentsdir/MacOS/psi
 	mkdir -p $contentsdir/Frameworks
 	for f in $QT_FRAMEWORKS; do
@@ -80,8 +81,14 @@ if [ "$platform" == "mac" ]; then
 	cp -a $deps_base/$qca_mac_dir/lib/qca.framework $contentsdir/Frameworks
 	cleanup_framework $contentsdir/Frameworks/qca.framework qca 2
 	install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/qca.framework/Versions/2/qca $contentsdir/Frameworks/qca.framework/qca
+	cp -a $deps_base/$qjson_mac_dir/lib/qjson.framework $contentsdir/Frameworks
+	cleanup_framework $contentsdir/Frameworks/qjson.framework qjson 0.8.1
+	install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../Frameworks/qjson.framework/Versions/0.8.1/qjson $contentsdir/Frameworks/qjson.framework/qjson
 	for g in $QT_FRAMEWORKS; do
 		install_name_tool -change $g.framework/Versions/4/$g @executable_path/../Frameworks/$g.framework/Versions/4/$g $contentsdir/Frameworks/qca.framework/qca
+		install_name_tool -change $g.framework/Versions/4/$g @executable_path/../Frameworks/$g.framework/Versions/4/$g $contentsdir/Frameworks/qjson.framework/qjson
 	mkdir -p $contentsdir/Plugins/crypto
--- git.orig/options/default.xml
+++ git/options/default.xml
@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@
 				<chatedit-height type="int">10</chatedit-height>
 				<default-jid-mode comment="Default jid mode: barejid | auto" type="QString">barejid</default-jid-mode>
 				<default-jid-mode-ignorelist comment="Default autojid mode ignore list: jid1,jid2,..." type="QString"></default-jid-mode-ignorelist>
+				<history comment="Message history options">
+					<preload-history-size comment="The number of preloaded messages" type="int">5</preload-history-size>
+				</history>
 				<toolbars-state type="QByteArray"/>
@@ -763,6 +766,9 @@ QLineEdit#le_status_text {
 				<video-input type="QString"/>
+		<history comment="General history options">
+			<store-muc-private comment="Keep a history of correspondence for MUC private" type="bool">false</store-muc-private>
+		</history>
 	<accounts comment="Account definitions and options"/>
 	<plugins comment="Plugin options"/>
--- git.orig/psi.qc
+++ git/psi.qc
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
   <dep type='qca'>
+  <dep type='qjson'>
+    <required/>
+  </dep>
   <dep type='zlib'>
--- git.orig/qcm/qjson.qcm
+++ git/qcm/qjson.qcm
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+-----BEGIN QCMOD-----
+name: QJson
+arg: with-qjson-inc=[path],Path to QJson include files
+arg: with-qjson-lib=[path],Path to QJson library or framework files
+-----END QCMOD-----
+// adapted from json.prf
+static QString internal_json_prf(const QString &incdir, const QString &libdir, const QString &frameworkdir)
+	QString out = QString(
+"QJSON_INCDIR = %1\n"
+"QJSON_LIBDIR = %2\n"
+"CONFIG *= qt\n"
+"LINKAGE =\n"
+"!isEmpty(QJSON_FRAMEWORKDIR): {\n"
+"	framework_dir = $$QJSON_FRAMEWORKDIR\n"
+"	exists($$framework_dir/qjson.framework) {\n"
+"		QMAKE_FRAMEWORKPATH *= $$framework_dir\n"
+"		LIBS *= -F$$framework_dir\n"
+"		INCLUDEPATH += $$framework_dir/qjson.framework\n"
+"		LINKAGE = -framework qjson\n"
+"	}\n"
+"# else, link normally\n"
+"isEmpty(LINKAGE) {\n"
+"	LINKAGE = -lqjson\n"
+"	CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {\n"
+"		windows:LINKAGE = -lqjsond\n"
+"		mac:LINKAGE = -lqjson_debug\n"
+"	}\n"
+"LIBS += $$LINKAGE\n"
+	).arg(incdir, libdir, frameworkdir);
+	return out;
+// set either libdir or frameworkdir, but not both
+static bool qjson_try(Conf *conf, const QString &incdir, const QString &libdir, const QString &frameworkdir, bool release, bool debug, QString *_prf)
+	QString proextra;
+	QString prf = internal_json_prf(incdir, libdir, frameworkdir);
+	proextra =
+	"CONFIG += qt\n"
+	"CONFIG -= debug_and_release debug release\n"
+	"QT -= gui\n";
+	proextra += prf;
+	QString str =
+	"#include <qjson/parser.h>\n"
+	"\n"
+	"int main()\n"
+	"{\n"
+	"	return 0;\n"
+	"}\n";
+	// test desired versions, potentially both release and debug
+	if(release)
+	{
+		int ret;
+		if(!conf->doCompileAndLink(str, QStringList(), QString(), proextra + "CONFIG += release\n", &ret) || ret != 0)
+			return false;
+	}
+	if(debug)
+	{
+		int ret;
+		if(!conf->doCompileAndLink(str, QStringList(), QString(), proextra + "CONFIG += debug\n", &ret) || ret != 0)
+			return false;
+	}
+	*_prf = prf;
+	return true;
+static bool qjson_try_lib(Conf *conf, const QString &incdir, const QString &libdir, bool release, bool debug, QString *prf)
+	return qjson_try(conf, incdir, libdir, QString(), release, debug, prf);
+static bool qjson_try_framework(Conf *conf, const QString &frameworkdir, bool release, bool debug, QString *prf)
+	return qjson_try(conf, QString(), QString(), frameworkdir, release, debug, prf);
+// qc_qjson
+class qc_qjson : public ConfObj
+	qc_qjson(Conf *c) : ConfObj(c) {}
+	QString name() const { return "QJson"; }
+	QString shortname() const { return "qjson"; }
+	bool exec()
+	{
+		// get the build mode
+		bool release = qc_buildmode_release;
+		bool debug = qc_buildmode_debug;
+		// else, default to just release mode
+		bool release = true;
+		bool debug = false;
+		QString qjson_incdir, qjson_libdir, qjson_json_prf;
+		qjson_incdir = conf->getenv("QC_WITH_QJSON_INC");
+		qjson_libdir = conf->getenv("QC_WITH_QJSON_LIB");
+#if defined(Q_OS_MAC)
+		if(!qjson_libdir.isEmpty() && qjson_try_framework(conf, qjson_libdir, release, debug, &qjson_json_prf))
+		{
+			conf->addExtra(qjson_json_prf);
+			return true;
+		}
+		if(!qjson_incdir.isEmpty() && !qjson_libdir.isEmpty() && qjson_try_lib(conf, qjson_incdir, qjson_libdir, release, debug, &qjson_json_prf))
+		{
+			conf->addExtra(qjson_json_prf);
+			return true;
+		}
+		QStringList incs;
+		QString version, libs, other;
+		if(conf->findPkgConfig("QJson", VersionAny, QString(), &version, &incs, &libs, &other))
+		{
+			for(int n = 0; n < incs.count(); ++n)
+				conf->addIncludePath(incs[n]);
+			if(!libs.isEmpty())
+				conf->addLib(libs);
+			return true;
+		}
+		QStringList prefixes;
+		prefixes += "/usr";
+		prefixes += "/usr/local";
+		for(int n = 0; n < prefixes.count(); ++n)
+		{
+			const QString &prefix = prefixes[n];
+			if(qjson_try_lib(conf, prefix + "/include", prefix + "/lib", release, debug, &qjson_json_prf))
+			{
+				conf->addExtra(qjson_json_prf);
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+		return false;
+	}
--- git.orig/src/chatdlg.cpp
+++ git/src/chatdlg.cpp
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
 #include "psicontactlist.h"
 #include "accountlabel.h"
 #include "psirichtext.h"
-#include "messageview.h"
 #include "chatview.h"
+#include "eventdb.h"
 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
 #include <windows.h>
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ ChatDlg* ChatDlg::create(const Jid& jid,
 ChatDlg::ChatDlg(const Jid& jid, PsiAccount* pa, TabManager* tabManager)
 	: TabbableWidget(jid, pa, tabManager)
 	, highlightersInstalled_(false)
+	, delayedMessages(0)
 	pending_ = 0;
 	keepOpen_ = false;
@@ -107,6 +108,9 @@ ChatDlg::ChatDlg(const Jid& jid, PsiAcco
 	status_ = -1;
+	historyState = false;
+	preloadHistory();
 	autoSelectContact_ = false;
 	if (PsiOptions::instance()->getOption("").toString() == "auto") {
 		UserListItem *uli = account()->findFirstRelevant(jid);
@@ -164,6 +168,8 @@ void ChatDlg::init()
+	if (delayedMessages)
+		delete delayedMessages;
@@ -434,6 +440,43 @@ UserStatus ChatDlg::userStatusFor(const
 	return u;
+void ChatDlg::preloadHistory()
+	int cnt =PsiOptions::instance()->getOption("").toInt();
+	if (cnt > 0) {
+		holdMessages(true);
+		if (cnt > 100)
+			cnt = 100;
+		EDBHandle *h = new EDBHandle(account()->edb());
+		connect(h, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(getHistory()));
+		Jid j = jid();
+		if (!account()->findGCContact(j))
+			j = jid().bare();
+		int start = account()->eventQueue()->count(jid(), false);
+		h->get(account()->id(), j, QDateTime(), EDB::Backward, start, cnt);
+	}
+void ChatDlg::getHistory()
+	EDBHandle *h = qobject_cast<EDBHandle *>(sender());
+	if (!h)
+		return;
+	historyState = true;
+	const EDBResult &r = h->result();
+	for (int i = r.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+		const EDBItemPtr &item =;
+		PsiEvent::Ptr e = item->event();
+		if (e->type() == PsiEvent::Message) {
+			MessageEvent::Ptr me = e.staticCast<MessageEvent>();
+			appendMessage(me->message(), me->originLocal());
+		}
+	}
+	delete h;
+	holdMessages(false);
 void ChatDlg::ensureTabbedCorrectly()
@@ -491,7 +534,7 @@ void ChatDlg::updateContact(const Jid &j
 			if (PsiOptions::instance()->getOption("").toBool()
 				&& fromPresence && statusChanged)
-				chatView()->dispatchMessage(MessageView::statusMessage(
+				dispatchMessage(MessageView::statusMessage(
 												dispNick_, status_,
 												statusString_, priority_));
@@ -778,6 +821,7 @@ void ChatDlg::doSend()
 void ChatDlg::doneSend()
+	historyState = false;
 	appendMessage(m_, true);
 	disconnect(chatEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(setComposing()));
@@ -806,6 +850,7 @@ void ChatDlg::encryptedMessageSent(int x
 void ChatDlg::incomingMessage(const Message &m)
+	historyState = false;
 	if (m.body().isEmpty() && m.subject().isEmpty() && m.urlList().isEmpty()) {
 		// Event message
 		if (m.containsEvent(CancelEvent)) {
@@ -866,14 +911,16 @@ void ChatDlg::appendMessage(const Messag
 	// figure out the encryption state
 	bool encChanged = false;
 	bool encEnabled = false;
-	if (lastWasEncrypted_ != m.wasEncrypted()) {
-		encChanged = true;
+	if (!historyState) {
+		if (lastWasEncrypted_ != m.wasEncrypted()) {
+			encChanged = true;
+		}
+		lastWasEncrypted_ = m.wasEncrypted();
+		encEnabled = lastWasEncrypted_;
-	lastWasEncrypted_ = m.wasEncrypted();
-	encEnabled = lastWasEncrypted_;
 	if (encChanged) {
-		chatView()->dispatchMessage(MessageView::fromHtml(
+		dispatchMessage(MessageView::fromHtml(
 				encEnabled? QString("<icon name=\"psi/cryptoYes\"> ") + tr("Encryption Enabled"):
 							QString("<icon name=\"psi/cryptoNo\"> ") + tr("Encryption Disabled"),
@@ -889,7 +936,9 @@ void ChatDlg::appendMessage(const Messag
 	if (!m.subject().isEmpty()) {
-		chatView()->dispatchMessage(MessageView::subjectMessage(m.subject()));
+		MessageView smv = MessageView::subjectMessage(m.subject());
+		smv.setSpooled(historyState);
+		dispatchMessage(smv);
 	MessageView mv(MessageView::Message);
@@ -903,9 +952,9 @@ void ChatDlg::appendMessage(const Messag
-	mv.setSpooled(m.spooled());
+	mv.setSpooled(historyState);
 	mv.setAwaitingReceipt(local && m.messageReceipt() == ReceiptRequest);
-	chatView()->dispatchMessage(mv);
+	dispatchMessage(mv);
 	if (!m.urlList().isEmpty()) {
 		UrlList urls = m.urlList();
@@ -913,11 +962,49 @@ void ChatDlg::appendMessage(const Messag
 		foreach (const Url &u, urls) {
 			urlsMap.insert(u.url(), u.desc());
-		chatView()->dispatchMessage(MessageView::urlsMessage(urlsMap));
+		MessageView umv = MessageView::urlsMessage(urlsMap);
+		umv.setSpooled(historyState);
+		dispatchMessage(umv);
+void ChatDlg::holdMessages(bool hold)
+	if (hold) {
+		if (!delayedMessages)
+			delayedMessages = new QList<MessageView>();
+	}
+	else if (delayedMessages) {
+		foreach (const MessageView &mv, *delayedMessages)
+		{
+			if (mv.isSpooled())
+				displayMessage(mv);
+		}
+		foreach (const MessageView &mv, *delayedMessages)
+		{
+			if (!mv.isSpooled())
+				displayMessage(mv);
+		}
+		delete delayedMessages;
+		delayedMessages = 0;
+	}
+void ChatDlg::dispatchMessage(const MessageView &mv)
+	if (delayedMessages)
+		delayedMessages->append(mv);
+	else
+		displayMessage(mv);
+void ChatDlg::displayMessage(const MessageView &mv)
+	chatView()->dispatchMessage(mv);
 	// if we're not active, notify the user by changing the title
-	if (!isActiveTab()) {
+	MessageView::Type type = mv.type();
+	if (type != MessageView::System && type != MessageView::Status && !mv.isSpooled() && !isActiveTab()) {
 		if (PsiOptions::instance()->getOption("options.ui.flash-windows").toBool()) {
@@ -939,7 +1026,7 @@ void ChatDlg::appendMessage(const Messag
 	//	messagesRead(jid());
-	if (!local) {
+	if (!mv.isLocal()) {
 		keepOpen_ = true;
 		QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(setKeepOpenFalse()));
--- git.orig/src/chatdlg.h
+++ git/src/chatdlg.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include "advwidget.h"
 #include "tabbablewidget.h"
+#include "messageview.h"
 namespace XMPP
@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ public:
 	Jid realJid() const;
 	bool autoSelectContact() const {return autoSelectContact_;};
 	static UserStatus userStatusFor(const Jid& jid, QList<UserListItem*> ul, bool forceEmptyResource);
+	void preloadHistory();
 	void aInfo(const Jid &);
@@ -148,6 +150,7 @@ private slots:
 	void addEmoticon(QString text);
 	void initComposing();
 	void setComposing();
+	void getHistory();
 protected slots:
 	void checkComposing();
@@ -169,6 +172,9 @@ protected:
 	virtual void contactUpdated(UserListItem* u, int status, const QString& statusString);
 	void appendMessage(const Message &, bool local = false);
+	void holdMessages(bool hold);
+	void dispatchMessage(const MessageView &mv);
+	void displayMessage(const MessageView &mv);
 	virtual bool isEncryptionEnabled() const;
@@ -214,9 +220,11 @@ private:
 	QTimer* composingTimer_;
 	bool isComposing_;
 	bool sendComposingEvents_;
+	bool historyState;
 	QString eventId_;
 	ChatState contactChatState_;
 	ChatState lastChatState_;
+	QList<MessageView> *delayedMessages;
--- git.orig/src/chatview_te.cpp
+++ git/src/chatview_te.cpp
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ ChatView::ChatView(QWidget *parent)
 			logIconDeliveredPgp = IconsetFactory::iconPixmap("psi/notification_chat_delivery_ok_pgp").scaledToHeight(logIconsSize, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
 			logIconTime = IconsetFactory::iconPixmap("psi/notification_chat_time").scaledToHeight(logIconsSize, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
 			logIconInfo = IconsetFactory::iconPixmap("psi/notification_chat_info").scaledToHeight(logIconsSize, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
+			logIconHistory = IconsetFactory::iconPixmap("psi/history").scaledToHeight(logIconsSize, Qt::SmoothTransformation);
 		} else {
 			logIconReceive = IconsetFactory::iconPixmap("psi/notification_chat_receive");
 			logIconSend = IconsetFactory::iconPixmap("psi/notification_chat_send");
@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ ChatView::ChatView(QWidget *parent)
 			logIconDeliveredPgp = IconsetFactory::iconPixmap("psi/notification_chat_delivery_ok_pgp");
 			logIconTime = IconsetFactory::iconPixmap("psi/notification_chat_time");
 			logIconInfo = IconsetFactory::iconPixmap("psi/notification_chat_info");
+			logIconHistory = IconsetFactory::iconPixmap("psi/history");
@@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ void ChatView::addLogIconsResources()
 	document()->addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl("icon:log_icon_info"), logIconInfo);
 	document()->addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl("icon:log_icon_delivered"), logIconDelivered);
 	document()->addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl("icon:log_icon_delivered_pgp"), logIconDeliveredPgp);
+	document()->addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl("icon:log_icon_history"), logIconHistory);
 void ChatView::markReceived(QString id)
@@ -369,26 +372,47 @@ void ChatView::renderMucMessage(const Me
 void ChatView::renderMessage(const MessageView &mv)
 	QString timestr = formatTimeStamp(mv.dateTime());
-	QString color = colorString(mv.isLocal(), mv.isSpooled());
+	QString color = colorString(mv.isLocal(), false);
 	if (useMessageIcons_ && mv.isAwaitingReceipt()) {
 		document()->addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl(QString("icon:delivery") + mv.messageId()),
 					isEncryptionEnabled_ ? logIconSendPgp : logIconSend);
-	QString icon = useMessageIcons_ ?
-		(QString("<img src=\"%1\" />").arg(mv.isLocal()?
-		(mv.isAwaitingReceipt() ? QString("icon:delivery") + mv.messageId()
-			: isEncryptionEnabled_ ? "icon:log_icon_send_pgp" : "icon:log_icon_send")
-		: isEncryptionEnabled_ ? "icon:log_icon_receive_pgp" : "icon:log_icon_receive")) : "";
+	QString icon;
+	if (useMessageIcons_) {
+		QString sRes;
+		if (mv.isSpooled())
+			sRes = "icon:log_icon_history";
+		else if (mv.isLocal()) {
+			if (mv.isAwaitingReceipt())
+				sRes = QString("icon:delivery") + mv.messageId();
+			else if (isEncryptionEnabled_)
+				sRes = "icon:log_icon_receive_pgp";
+			else
+				sRes = "icon:log_icon_send";
+		} else {
+			if (isEncryptionEnabled_)
+				sRes = "icon:log_icon_receive_pgp";
+			else
+				sRes = "icon:log_icon_receive";
+		}
+		icon = QString("<img src=\"%1\" />").arg(sRes);
+	}
+	QString str;
 	if (mv.isEmote()) {
-		appendText(icon + QString("<span style=\"color: %1\">").arg(color) + QString("[%1]").arg(timestr) + QString(" *%1 ").arg(TextUtil::escape(mv.nick())) + mv.formattedText() + "</span>");
+		str = icon + QString("<span style=\"color: %1\">").arg(color) + QString("[%1]").arg(timestr) + QString(" *%1 ").arg(TextUtil::escape(mv.nick())) + mv.formattedText() + "</span>";
 	} else {
 		if (PsiOptions::instance()->getOption("").toBool()) {
-			appendText(icon + QString("<span style=\"color: %1\">").arg(color) + QString("[%1] ").arg(timestr) + tr("%1 says:").arg(TextUtil::escape(mv.nick())) + "</span><br>" + mv.formattedText());
+			str = icon + QString("<span style=\"color: %1\">").arg(color) + QString("[%1] ").arg(timestr) + tr("%1 says:").arg(TextUtil::escape(mv.nick())) + "</span><br>";
 		else {
-			appendText(icon + QString("<span style=\"color: %1\">").arg(color) + QString("[%1] &lt;").arg(timestr) + TextUtil::escape(mv.nick()) + QString("&gt;</span> ") + mv.formattedText());
+			str = icon + QString("<span style=\"color: %1\">").arg(color) + QString("[%1] &lt;").arg(timestr) + TextUtil::escape(mv.nick()) + QString("&gt;</span> ");
+		if (mv.isSpooled())
+			str.append(QString("<span style=\"color: %1\">%2</span>").arg(ColorOpt::instance()->color("options.ui.look.colors.messages.usertext").name()).arg(mv.formattedText()));
+		else
+			str.append(mv.formattedText());
+	appendText(str);
 	if (mv.isLocal() && PsiOptions::instance()->getOption("").toBool() ) {
--- git.orig/src/chatview_te.h
+++ git/src/chatview_te.h
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ private:
 	QPixmap logIconDeliveredPgp;
 	QPixmap logIconTime;
 	QPixmap logIconInfo;
+	QPixmap logIconHistory;
 	QAction *actQuote_;
--- git.orig/src/eventdb.cpp
+++ git/src/eventdb.cpp
@@ -28,23 +28,27 @@
 #include <QTimer>
 #include <QTextStream>
 #include <QDateTime>
+#include <QSqlError>
+#include <QSqlDriver>
+#include <qjson/parser.h>
+#include "qjson/serializer.h"
 #include "common.h"
 #include "applicationinfo.h"
 #include "psievent.h"
+#include "psicontactlist.h"
 #include "jidutil.h"
+#include "historyimp.h"
 using namespace XMPP;
 // EDBItem
-EDBItem::EDBItem(const PsiEvent::Ptr &event, const QString &id, const QString &prevId, const QString &nextId)
+EDBItem::EDBItem(const PsiEvent::Ptr &event, const QString &id)
 	e = event;
 	v_id = id;
-	v_prevId = prevId;
-	v_nextId = nextId;
@@ -61,17 +65,6 @@ const QString & EDBItem::id() const
 	return v_id;
-const QString & EDBItem::nextId() const
-	return v_nextId;
-const QString & EDBItem::prevId() const
-	return v_prevId;
 // EDBHandle
@@ -81,6 +74,7 @@ public:
 	Private() {}
 	EDB *edb;
+	int beginRow_;
 	EDBResult r;
 	bool busy;
 	bool writeSuccess;
@@ -93,6 +87,7 @@ EDBHandle::EDBHandle(EDB *edb)
 	d = new Private;
 	d->edb = edb;
+	d->beginRow_ = 0;
 	d->busy = false;
 	d->writeSuccess = false;
 	d->listeningFor = -1;
@@ -108,53 +103,32 @@ EDBHandle::~EDBHandle()
 	delete d;
-void EDBHandle::getLatest(const Jid &j, int len)
-	d->busy = true;
-	d->lastRequestType = Read;
-	d->listeningFor = d->edb->op_getLatest(j, len);
-void EDBHandle::getOldest(const Jid &j, int len)
+void EDBHandle::get(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const QDateTime date, int direction, int begin, int len)
 	d->busy = true;
 	d->lastRequestType = Read;
-	d->listeningFor = d->edb->op_getOldest(j, len);
+	d->listeningFor = d->edb->op_get(accId, jid, date, direction, begin, len);
-void EDBHandle::get(const Jid &j, const QString &id, int direction, int len)
+void EDBHandle::find(const QString &accId, const QString &str, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const QDateTime date, int direction)
 	d->busy = true;
 	d->lastRequestType = Read;
-	d->listeningFor = d->edb->op_get(j, id, direction, len);
+	d->listeningFor = d->edb->op_find(accId, str, jid, date, direction);
-void EDBHandle::getByDate(const Jid &j, QDateTime first, QDateTime last)
-	d->busy = true;
-	d->lastRequestType = Read;
-	d->listeningFor = d->edb->op_getByDate(j, first, last);
-void EDBHandle::find(const QString &str, const Jid &j, const QString &id, int direction)
-	d->busy = true;
-	d->lastRequestType = Read;
-	d->listeningFor = d->edb->op_find(str, j, id, direction);
-void EDBHandle::append(const Jid &j, const PsiEvent::Ptr &e)
+void EDBHandle::append(const QString &accId, const Jid &j, const PsiEvent::Ptr &e, int type)
 	d->busy = true;
 	d->lastRequestType = Write;
-	d->listeningFor = d->edb->op_append(j, e);
+	d->listeningFor = d->edb->op_append(accId, j, e, type);
-void EDBHandle::erase(const Jid &j)
+void EDBHandle::erase(const QString &accId, const Jid &j)
 	d->busy = true;
 	d->lastRequestType = Erase;
-	d->listeningFor = d->edb->op_erase(j);
+	d->listeningFor = d->edb->op_erase(accId, j);
 bool EDBHandle::busy() const
@@ -198,6 +172,11 @@ int EDBHandle::lastRequestType() const
 	return d->lastRequestType;
+int EDBHandle::beginRow() const
+	return d->beginRow_;
 // EDB
@@ -209,12 +188,14 @@ public:
 	QList<EDBHandle*> list;
 	int reqid_base;
+	PsiCon *psi;
+EDB::EDB(PsiCon *psi)
 	d = new Private;
 	d->reqid_base = 0;
+	d->psi = psi;
@@ -239,46 +220,32 @@ void EDB::unreg(EDBHandle *h)
-int EDB::op_getLatest(const Jid &j, int len)
-	return getLatest(j, len);
-int EDB::op_getOldest(const Jid &j, int len)
-	return getOldest(j, len);
-int EDB::op_get(const Jid &jid, const QString &id, int direction, int len)
-	return get(jid, id, direction, len);
-int EDB::op_getByDate(const Jid &j, QDateTime first, QDateTime last)
+int EDB::op_get(const QString &accId, const Jid &jid, const QDateTime date, int direction, int start, int len)
-	return getByDate(j, first, last);
+	return get(accId, jid, date, direction, start, len);
-int EDB::op_find(const QString &str, const Jid &j, const QString &id, int direction)
+int EDB::op_find(const QString &accId, const QString &str, const Jid &j, const QDateTime date, int direction)
-	return find(str, j, id, direction);
+	return find(accId, str, j, date, direction);
-int EDB::op_append(const Jid &j, const PsiEvent::Ptr &e)
+int EDB::op_append(const QString &accId, const Jid &j, const PsiEvent::Ptr &e, int type)
-	return append(j, e);
+	return append(accId, j, e, type);
-int EDB::op_erase(const Jid &j)
+int EDB::op_erase(const QString &accId, const Jid &j)
-	return erase(j);
+	return erase(accId, j);
-void EDB::resultReady(int req, EDBResult r)
+void EDB::resultReady(int req, EDBResult r, int begin_row)
 	// deliver
 	foreach(EDBHandle* h, d->list) {
 		if(h->listeningFor() == req) {
+			h->d->beginRow_ = begin_row;
@@ -296,6 +263,11 @@ void EDB::writeFinished(int req, bool b)
+inline PsiCon *EDB::psi()
+	return d->psi;
 // EDBFlatFile
@@ -304,21 +276,18 @@ struct item_file_req
 	Jid j;
 	int type; // 0 = latest, 1 = oldest, 2 = random, 3 = write
+	int start;
 	int len;
 	int dir;
 	int id;
-	int eventId;
+	QDateTime date;
 	QString findStr;
 	PsiEvent::Ptr event;
-	QDateTime first, last;
 	enum Type {
-		Type_getLatest = 0,
-		Type_getOldest,
-		Type_getByDate,
@@ -332,8 +301,8 @@ public:
 	QList<item_file_req*> rlist;
+EDBFlatFile::EDBFlatFile(PsiCon *psi)
 	d = new Private;
@@ -347,64 +316,23 @@ EDBFlatFile::~EDBFlatFile()
 	delete d;
-int EDBFlatFile::getLatest(const Jid &j, int len)
-	item_file_req *r = new item_file_req;
-	r->j = j;
-	r->type = item_file_req::Type_getLatest;
-	r->len = len < 1 ? 1: len;
-	r->id = genUniqueId();
-	d->rlist.append(r);
-	QTimer::singleShot(FAKEDELAY, this, SLOT(performRequests()));
-	return r->id;
-int EDBFlatFile::getOldest(const Jid &j, int len)
-	item_file_req *r = new item_file_req;
-	r->j = j;
-	r->type = item_file_req::Type_getOldest;
-	r->len = len < 1 ? 1: len;
-	r->id = genUniqueId();
-	d->rlist.append(r);
-	QTimer::singleShot(FAKEDELAY, this, SLOT(performRequests()));
-	return r->id;
-int EDBFlatFile::get(const Jid &j, const QString &id, int direction, int len)
+int EDBFlatFile::get(const QString &/*accId*/, const Jid &j, const QDateTime date, int direction, int start, int len)
 	item_file_req *r = new item_file_req;
 	r->j = j;
 	r->type = item_file_req::Type_get;
+	r->start = start;
 	r->len = len < 1 ? 1: len;
 	r->dir = direction;
-	r->eventId = id.toInt();
-	r->id = genUniqueId();
-	d->rlist.append(r);
-	QTimer::singleShot(FAKEDELAY, this, SLOT(performRequests()));
-	return r->id;
-int EDBFlatFile::getByDate(const XMPP::Jid &jid, QDateTime first, QDateTime last)
-	item_file_req *r = new item_file_req;
-	r->j = jid;
-	r->type = item_file_req::Type_getByDate;
-	r->len = 1;
+	r->date = date;
 	r->id = genUniqueId();
-	r->first = first;
-	r->last = last;
 	QTimer::singleShot(FAKEDELAY, this, SLOT(performRequests()));
 	return r->id;
-int EDBFlatFile::find(const QString &str, const Jid &j, const QString &id, int direction)
+int EDBFlatFile::find(const QString &/*accId*/, const QString &str, const Jid &j, const QDateTime date, int direction)
 	item_file_req *r = new item_file_req;
 	r->j = j;
@@ -412,7 +340,7 @@ int EDBFlatFile::find(const QString &str
 	r->len = 1;
 	r->dir = direction;
 	r->findStr = str;
-	r->eventId = id.toInt();
+	r->date = date;
 	r->id = genUniqueId();
@@ -420,8 +348,10 @@ int EDBFlatFile::find(const QString &str
 	return r->id;
-int EDBFlatFile::append(const Jid &j, const PsiEvent::Ptr &e)
+int EDBFlatFile::append(const QString &/*accId*/, const Jid &j, const PsiEvent::Ptr &e, int type)
+	if (type != EDB::Contact)
+		return 0;
 	item_file_req *r = new item_file_req;
 	r->j = j;
 	r->type = item_file_req::Type_append;
@@ -438,7 +368,7 @@ int EDBFlatFile::append(const Jid &j, co
 	return r->id;
-int EDBFlatFile::erase(const Jid &j)
+int EDBFlatFile::erase(const QString &/*accId*/, const Jid &j)
 	item_file_req *r = new item_file_req;
 	r->j = j;
@@ -450,6 +380,22 @@ int EDBFlatFile::erase(const Jid &j)
 	return r->id;
+QList<EDB::ContactItem> EDBFlatFile::contacts(const QString &/*accId*/, int type)
+	return File::contacts(type);
+quint64 EDBFlatFile::eventsCount(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid)
+	quint64 res = 0;
+	if (!jid.isEmpty())
+		res = ensureFile(jid)->total();
+	else
+		foreach (const ContactItem &ci, contacts(accId, Contact))
+			res += ensureFile(ci.jid)->total();
+	return res;
 EDBFlatFile::File *EDBFlatFile::findFile(const Jid &j) const
 	foreach(File* i, d->flist) {
@@ -503,25 +449,10 @@ void EDBFlatFile::performRequests()
 	File *f = ensureFile(r->j);
 	int type = r->type;
-	if(type >= item_file_req::Type_getLatest && type <= item_file_req::Type_get) {
-		int id, direction;
+	if(type == item_file_req::Type_get) {
-		if(type == item_file_req::Type_getLatest) {
-			direction = Backward;
-			id = f->total()-1;
-		}
-		else if(type == item_file_req::Type_getOldest) {
-			direction = Forward;
-			id = 0;
-		}
-		else if(type == item_file_req::Type_get) {
-			direction = r->dir;
-			id = r->eventId;
-		}
-		else {
-			qWarning("EDBFlatFile::performRequests(): Invalid type.");
-			return;
-		}
+		int direction = r->dir;
+		int id = f->getId(r->date, direction, r->start);
 		int len;
 		if(direction == Forward) {
@@ -538,15 +469,11 @@ void EDBFlatFile::performRequests()
 		EDBResult result;
+		int startId = id;
 		for(int n = 0; n < len; ++n) {
 			PsiEvent::Ptr e(f->get(id));
 			if(e) {
-				QString prevId, nextId;
-				if(id > 0)
-					prevId = QString::number(id-1);
-				if(id < f->total()-1)
-					nextId = QString::number(id+1);
-				EDBItemPtr ei = EDBItemPtr(new EDBItem(e, QString::number(id), prevId, nextId));
+				EDBItemPtr ei = EDBItemPtr(new EDBItem(e, QString::number(id)));
@@ -555,30 +482,26 @@ void EDBFlatFile::performRequests()
-		resultReady(r->id, result);
+		if (direction == Backward)
+			startId = id + 1;
+		resultReady(r->id, result, startId);
 	else if(type == item_file_req::Type_append) {
 		writeFinished(r->id, f->append(r->event));
 	else if(type == item_file_req::Type_find) {
-		int id = r->eventId;
+		int id = f->getId(r->date, r->dir, r->start);
 		EDBResult result;
 		while(1) {
 			PsiEvent::Ptr e(f->get(id));
-			QString prevId, nextId;
-			if(id > 0)
-				prevId = QString::number(id-1);
-			if(id < f->total()-1)
-				nextId = QString::number(id+1);
 			if(e->type() == PsiEvent::Message) {
 				MessageEvent::Ptr me = e.staticCast<MessageEvent>();
 				const Message &m = me->message();
 				if(m.body().indexOf(r->findStr, 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive) != -1) {
-					EDBItemPtr ei = EDBItemPtr(new EDBItem(e, QString::number(id), prevId, nextId));
+					EDBItemPtr ei = EDBItemPtr(new EDBItem(e, QString::number(id)));
 					//commented line below to return ALL(instead of just first) messages that contain findStr
@@ -590,40 +513,17 @@ void EDBFlatFile::performRequests()
-		resultReady(r->id, result);
-	}
-	else if(type == item_file_req::Type_getByDate ) {
-		int id = 0;
-		EDBResult result;
-		for (int i=0; i < f->total(); ++i) {
-			PsiEvent::Ptr e(f->get(id));
-			if(!e)
-				continue;
-			QString prevId, nextId;
-			if(id > 0)
-				prevId = QString::number(id-1);
-			if(id < f->total()-1)
-				nextId = QString::number(id+1);
-			if(e->type() == PsiEvent::Message) {
-				MessageEvent::Ptr me = e.staticCast<MessageEvent>();
-				const Message &m = me->message();
-				if(m.timeStamp() > r->first && m.timeStamp() < r->last ) {
-					EDBItemPtr ei = EDBItemPtr(new EDBItem(e, QString::number(id), prevId, nextId));
-					result.append(ei);
-				}
-			}
-			++id;
-		}
-		resultReady(r->id, result);
+		resultReady(r->id, result, 0);
 	else if(type == item_file_req::Type_erase) {
 		writeFinished(r->id, deleteFile(f->j));
+	else {
+		qWarning("EDBFlatFile::performRequests(): Invalid type.");
+	}
 	delete r;
@@ -676,7 +576,28 @@ EDBFlatFile::File::~File()
 QString EDBFlatFile::File::jidToFileName(const XMPP::Jid &j)
-	return ApplicationInfo::historyDir() + "/" + JIDUtil::encode(j.bare()).toLower() + ".history";
+	return ApplicationInfo::historyDir() + "/" + strToFileName(JIDUtil::encode(j.bare()).toLower());
+QString EDBFlatFile::File::strToFileName(const QString &s)
+	QFileInfo fi(s);
+	return fi.fileName() + ".history";
+QList<EDB::ContactItem> EDBFlatFile::File::contacts(int type)
+	QList<ContactItem> res;
+	if (type == EDB::Contact) {
+		QDir dir(ApplicationInfo::historyDir() + "/");
+		QFileInfoList flist = dir.entryInfoList(QStringList(strToFileName("*")), QDir::Files);
+		foreach (const QFileInfo &fi, flist) {
+			XMPP::Jid jid(JIDUtil::decode(fi.completeBaseName()));
+			if (jid.isValid())
+				res.append(ContactItem("", jid));
+		}
+	}
+	return res;
 void EDBFlatFile::File::ensureIndex()
@@ -728,6 +649,59 @@ int EDBFlatFile::File::total() const
 	return d->index.size();
+int EDBFlatFile::File::getId(QDateTime &date, int dir, int offset)
+	if (date.isNull()) {
+		if (dir == EDBFlatFile::Forward)
+			return offset;
+		if (offset >= total())
+			return 0;
+		return total() - offset - 1;
+	}
+	ensureIndex();
+	int id = findIdByNearDate(date, 0, total()-1);
+	if (id != -1) {
+		QDateTime fDate = getLineDate(getLine(id));
+		if (dir == EDBFlatFile::Forward) {
+			if (fDate < date)
+				++id;
+			id += offset;
+		} else {
+			if (fDate > date)
+				--id;
+			id -= offset;
+		}
+		if (id >= total())
+			id = total() - 1;
+		else if (id < 0)
+			id = 0;
+	}
+	return id;
+int EDBFlatFile::File::findIdByNearDate(QDateTime &date, int start, int end)
+	if (start == end)
+		return start;
+	int middle = (end - start) / 2;
+	const QDateTime mDate = getLineDate(getLine(start + middle));
+	if (!mDate.isValid())
+		return -1;
+	if (mDate == date)
+		return start + middle;
+	if (middle == 0) {
+		const QDateTime mDate2 = getLineDate(getLine(end));
+		if (!mDate2.isValid())
+			return -1;
+		return (abs(date.secsTo(mDate)) < abs(date.secsTo(mDate2))) ? start : end;
+	}
+	if (mDate > date)
+		return findIdByNearDate(date, start, start + middle);
+	return findIdByNearDate(date, start + middle, end);
 void EDBFlatFile::File::touch()
@@ -738,24 +712,30 @@ void EDBFlatFile::File::timer_timeout()
-PsiEvent::Ptr EDBFlatFile::File::get(int id)
+QString EDBFlatFile::File::getLine(int id)
-		return PsiEvent::Ptr();
+		return QString();
 	if(id < 0 || id >= (int)d->index.size())
-		return PsiEvent::Ptr();
+		return QString();>index[id]);
 	QTextStream t;
-	QString line = t.readLine();
+	return t.readLine();
+PsiEvent::Ptr EDBFlatFile::File::get(int id)
+	QString line = getLine(id);
+	if (line.isEmpty())
+		return PsiEvent::Ptr();
 	return lineToEvent(line);
@@ -788,6 +768,13 @@ bool EDBFlatFile::File::append(const Psi
 	return true;
+QDateTime EDBFlatFile::File::getLineDate(const QString &line) const
+	int x1 = line.indexOf('|') + 1;
+	int x2 = line.indexOf('|', x1);
+	return QDateTime::fromString(line.mid(x1, x2 - x1), Qt::ISODate);
 PsiEvent::Ptr EDBFlatFile::File::lineToEvent(const QString &line)
 	// -- read the line --
@@ -966,3 +953,811 @@ QString EDBFlatFile::File::eventToLine(c
 	return "";
+// EDBSqLite
+EDBSqLite::EDBSqLite(PsiCon *psi) : EDB(psi),
+	transactionsCounter(0),
+	lastCommitTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()),
+	commitTimer(NULL),
+	mirror_(NULL)
+	status = NotActive;
+	QString path = ApplicationInfo::historyDir() + "/history.db";
+	QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", "history");
+	db.setDatabaseName(path);
+	if (! {
+		qWarning("EDBSqLite::EDBSqLite(): Can't open base.\n" + db.lastError().text().toLatin1());
+		return;
+	}
+	QSqlQuery query(db);
+	query.exec("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;");
+	setInsertingMode(Normal);
+	if (db.tables(QSql::Tables).size() == 0) {
+		// no tables found.
+		if (db.transaction()) {
+			query.exec("CREATE TABLE `system` ("
+				"`key` TEXT, "
+				"`value` TEXT"
+				");");
+			query.exec("CREATE TABLE `accounts` ("
+				"`id` TEXT, "
+				"`lifetime` INTEGER"
+				");");
+			query.exec("CREATE TABLE `contacts` ("
+				"`acc_id` TEXT, "
+				"`type` INTEGER, "
+				"`jid` TEXT, "
+				"`lifetime` INTEGER"
+				");");
+			query.exec("CREATE TABLE `events` ("
+				"`contact_id` INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES `contacts`(`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE, "
+				"`resource` TEXT, "
+				"`date` TEXT, "
+				"`type` INTEGER, "
+				"`direction` INTEGER, "
+				"`subject` TEXT, "
+				"`m_text` TEXT, "
+				"`lang` TEXT, "
+				"`extra_data` TEXT"
+				");");
+			query.exec("CREATE INDEX `key` ON `system` (`key`);");
+			query.exec("CREATE INDEX `jid` ON `contacts` (`jid`);");
+			query.exec("CREATE INDEX `contact_id` ON `events` (`contact_id`);");
+			query.exec("CREATE INDEX `date` ON `events` (`date`);");
+			if (db.commit()) {
+				status = Commited;
+				setStorageParam("version", "0.1");
+				setStorageParam("import_start", "yes");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else
+		status = Commited;
+	commit();
+	{
+		QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("history", false);
+		if (db.isOpen())
+			db.close();
+	}
+	QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase("history");
+bool EDBSqLite::init()
+	if (status == NotActive)
+		return false;
+	if (!getStorageParam("import_start").isEmpty()) {
+		if (!importExecute()) {
+			status = NotActive;
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	setMirror(new EDBFlatFile(psi()));
+	return true;
+int EDBSqLite::get(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, QDateTime date, int direction, int start, int len)
+	item_query_req *r = new item_query_req;
+	r->accId = accId;
+	r->j     = jid;
+	r->type  = item_query_req::Type_get;
+	r->start = start;
+	r->len   = len < 1 ? 1 : len;
+	r->dir   = direction;
+	r->date  = date;
+	r->id    = genUniqueId();
+	rlist.append(r);
+	QTimer::singleShot(FAKEDELAY, this, SLOT(performRequests()));
+	return r->id;
+int EDBSqLite::find(const QString &accId, const QString &str, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const QDateTime date, int direction)
+	item_query_req *r = new item_query_req;
+	r->accId   = accId;
+	r->j       = jid;
+	r->type    = item_query_req::Type_find;
+	r->len     = 1;
+	r->dir     = direction;
+	r->findStr = str;
+	r->date    = date;
+	r->id      = genUniqueId();
+	rlist.append(r);
+	QTimer::singleShot(FAKEDELAY, this, SLOT(performRequests()));
+	return r->id;
+int EDBSqLite::append(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const PsiEvent::Ptr &e, int type)
+	item_query_req *r = new item_query_req;
+	r->accId   = accId;
+	r->j       = jid;
+	r->jidType = type;
+	r->type    = item_file_req::Type_append;
+	r->event   = e;
+	if ( !r->event ) {
+		qWarning("EDBSqLite::append(): Attempted to append incompatible type.");
+		delete r;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	r->id      = genUniqueId();
+	rlist.append(r);
+	QTimer::singleShot(FAKEDELAY, this, SLOT(performRequests()));
+	if (mirror_)
+		mirror_->append(accId, jid, e, type);
+	return r->id;
+int EDBSqLite::erase(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid)
+	item_query_req *r = new item_query_req;
+	r->accId = accId;
+	r->j     = jid;
+	r->type  = item_query_req::Type_erase;
+	r->id    = genUniqueId();
+	rlist.append(r);
+	QTimer::singleShot(FAKEDELAY, this, SLOT(performRequests()));
+	return r->id;
+QList<EDB::ContactItem> EDBSqLite::contacts(const QString &accId, int type)
+	QList<ContactItem> res;
+	EDBSqLite::PreparedQuery *query = queryes.getPreparedQuery(QueryContactsList, accId.isEmpty(), true);
+	query->bindValue(":type", type);
+	if (!accId.isEmpty())
+		query->bindValue(":acc_id", accId);
+	if (query->exec()) {
+		while (query->next()) {
+			const QSqlRecord &rec = query->record();
+			res.append(ContactItem(rec.value("acc_id").toString(), XMPP::Jid(rec.value("jid").toString())));
+		}
+		query->freeResult();
+	}
+	return res;
+quint64 EDBSqLite::eventsCount(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid)
+	quint64 res = 0;
+	bool fAccAll  = accId.isEmpty();
+	bool fContAll = jid.isEmpty();
+	EDBSqLite::PreparedQuery *query = queryes.getPreparedQuery(QueryRowCount, fAccAll, fContAll);
+	if (!fAccAll)
+		query->bindValue(":acc_id", accId);
+	if (!fContAll)
+		query->bindValue(":jid", jid.full());
+	if (query->exec()) {
+		if (query->next())
+			res = query->record().value("count").toULongLong();
+		query->freeResult();
+	}
+	return res;
+QString EDBSqLite::getStorageParam(const QString &key)
+	QSqlQuery query(QSqlDatabase::database("history"));
+	query.prepare("SELECT `value` FROM `system` WHERE `key` = :key;");
+	query.bindValue(":key", key);
+	if (query.exec() &&
+		return query.record().value("value").toString();
+	return QString();
+void EDBSqLite::setStorageParam(const QString &key, const QString &val)
+	transaction(true);
+	QSqlQuery query(QSqlDatabase::database("history"));
+	if (val.isEmpty()) {
+		query.prepare("DELETE FROM `system` WHERE `key` = :key;");
+		query.bindValue(":key", key);
+		query.exec();
+	}
+	else {
+		query.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `system` WHERE `key` = :key;");
+		query.bindValue(":key", key);
+		if (query.exec() && && query.record().value("count").toULongLong() != 0) {
+			query.prepare("UPDATE `system` SET `value` = :val WHERE `key` = :key;");
+			query.bindValue(":key", key);
+			query.bindValue(":val", val);
+			query.exec();
+		}
+		else {
+			query.prepare("INSERT INTO `system` (`key`, `value`) VALUES (:key, :val);");
+			query.bindValue(":key", key);
+			query.bindValue(":val", val);
+			query.exec();
+		}
+	}
+	commit();
+void EDBSqLite::setInsertingMode(InsertMode mode)
+	// in the case of a flow of new records
+	if (mode == Import) {
+		// Commit after 10000 inserts and every 5 seconds
+		maxUncommitedRecs = 10000;
+		maxUncommitedSecs = 5;
+	} else {
+		// Commit after 3 inserts and every 1 second
+		maxUncommitedRecs = 3;
+		maxUncommitedSecs = 1;
+	}
+	// Commit if there were no new additions for 1 second
+	commitByTimeoutSecs = 1;
+	//--
+	commit();
+void EDBSqLite::setMirror(EDBFlatFile *mirr)
+	if (mirr != mirror_) {
+		if (mirror_)
+			delete mirror_;
+		mirror_ = mirr;
+	}
+EDBFlatFile *EDBSqLite::mirror() const
+	return mirror_;
+void EDBSqLite::performRequests()
+	if (rlist.isEmpty())
+		return;
+	item_query_req *r = rlist.takeFirst();
+	const int type = r->type;
+	if (type == item_query_req::Type_append) {
+		bool b = appendEvent(r->accId, r->j, r->event, r->jidType);
+		writeFinished(r->id, b);
+	}
+	else if (type == item_query_req::Type_get) {
+		commit();
+		bool fContAll = r->j.isEmpty();
+		bool fAccAll  = r->accId.isEmpty();
+		QueryType queryType;
+		if (r->date.isNull()) {
+			if (r->dir == Forward)
+				queryType = QueryOldest;
+			else
+				queryType = QueryLatest;
+		} else {
+			if (r->dir == Backward)
+				queryType = QueryDateBackward;
+			else
+				queryType = QueryDateForward;
+		}
+		EDBSqLite::PreparedQuery *query = queryes.getPreparedQuery(queryType, fAccAll, fContAll);
+		if (!fContAll)
+			query->bindValue(":jid", r->j.full());
+		if (!fAccAll)
+			query->bindValue(":acc_id", r->accId);
+		if (!r->date.isNull())
+			query->bindValue(":date", r->date);
+		query->bindValue(":start", r->start);
+		query->bindValue(":cnt", r->len);
+		EDBResult result;
+		if (query->exec()) {
+			while (query->next()) {
+				PsiEvent::Ptr e(getEvent(query->record()));
+				if (e) {
+					QString id = query->record().value("id").toString();
+					result.append(EDBItemPtr(new EDBItem(e, id)));
+				}
+			}
+			query->freeResult();
+		}
+		int beginRow;
+		if (r->dir == Forward && r->date.isNull()) {
+			beginRow = r->start;
+		} else {
+			int cnt = rowCount(r->accId, r->j, r->date);
+			if (r->dir == Backward) {
+				beginRow = cnt - r->len + 1;
+				if (beginRow < 0)
+					beginRow = 0;
+			} else {
+				beginRow = cnt + 1;
+			}
+		}
+		resultReady(r->id, result, beginRow);
+	} else if(type == item_file_req::Type_find) {
+		commit();
+		bool fContAll = r->j.isEmpty();
+		bool fAccAll  = r->accId.isEmpty();
+		EDBSqLite::PreparedQuery *query = queryes.getPreparedQuery(QueryFindText, fAccAll, fContAll);
+		if (!fContAll)
+			query->bindValue(":jid", r->j.bare());
+		if (!fAccAll)
+			query->bindValue(":acc_id", r->accId);
+		EDBResult result;
+		if (query->exec()) {
+			QString str = r->findStr.toLower();
+			while (query->next()) {
+				const QSqlRecord rec = query->record();
+				if (!rec.value("m_text").toString().toLower().contains(str, Qt::CaseSensitive))
+					continue;
+				PsiEvent::Ptr e(getEvent(rec));
+				if (e) {
+					QString id = rec.value("id").toString();
+					EDBItemPtr eip = EDBItemPtr(new EDBItem(e, id));
+					result.append(eip);
+				}
+			}
+			query->freeResult();
+		}
+		resultReady(r->id, result, 0);
+	} else if(type == item_file_req::Type_erase) {
+		writeFinished(r->id, eraseHistory(r->accId, r->j));
+	}
+	delete r;
+bool EDBSqLite::appendEvent(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const PsiEvent::Ptr &e, int jidType)
+	QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("history");
+	const qint64 contactId = ensureJidRowId(accId, jid, jidType);
+	if (contactId == 0)
+		return false;
+	QDateTime dTime;
+	int nType = 0;
+	if (e->type() == PsiEvent::Message) {
+		MessageEvent::Ptr me = e.staticCast<MessageEvent>();
+		const Message &m = me->message();
+		dTime = m.timeStamp();
+		if (m.type() == "chat")
+			nType = 1;
+		else if(m.type() == "error")
+			nType = 4;
+		else if(m.type() == "headline")
+			nType = 5;
+	} else if (e->type() == PsiEvent::Auth) {
+		AuthEvent::Ptr ae = e.staticCast<AuthEvent>();
+		dTime = ae->timeStamp();
+		QString subType = ae->authType();
+		if(subType == "subscribe")
+			nType = 3;
+		else if(subType == "subscribed")
+			nType = 6;
+		else if(subType == "unsubscribe")
+			nType = 7;
+		else if(subType == "unsubscribed")
+			nType = 8;
+	} else
+		return false;
+	int nDirection = e->originLocal() ? 1 : 2;
+	if (!transaction(false))
+		return false;
+	PreparedQuery *query = queryes.getPreparedQuery(QueryInsertEvent, false, false);
+	query->bindValue(":contact_id", contactId);
+	query->bindValue(":resource", (jidType != GroupChatContact) ? jid.resource() : "");
+	query->bindValue(":date", dTime);
+	query->bindValue(":type", nType);
+	query->bindValue(":direction", nDirection);
+	if (nType == 0 || nType == 1 || nType == 4 || nType == 5) {
+		MessageEvent::Ptr me = e.staticCast<MessageEvent>();
+		const Message &m = me->message();
+		QString lang = m.lang();
+		query->bindValue(":subject", m.subject(lang));
+		query->bindValue(":m_text", m.body(lang));
+		query->bindValue(":lang", lang);
+		QString extraData;
+		const UrlList &urls = m.urlList();
+		if (!urls.isEmpty()) {
+			QVariantMap xepList;
+			QVariantList urlList;
+			foreach (const Url &url, urls)
+				if (!url.url().isEmpty()) {
+					QVariantList urlItem;
+					urlItem.append(QVariant(url.url()));
+					if (!url.desc().isEmpty())
+						urlItem.append(QVariant(url.desc()));
+					urlList.append(QVariant(urlItem));
+				}
+			xepList["jabber:x:oob"] = QVariant(urlList);
+			QJson::Serializer serializer;
+			extraData = QString::fromUtf8(serializer.serialize(xepList));
+		}
+		query->bindValue(":extra_data", extraData);
+	}
+	else {
+		query->bindValue(":subject", QVariant(QVariant::String));
+		query->bindValue(":m_text", QVariant(QVariant::String));
+		query->bindValue(":lang", QVariant(QVariant::String));
+		query->bindValue(":extra_data", QVariant(QVariant::String));
+	}
+	bool res = query->exec();
+	return res;
+PsiEvent::Ptr EDBSqLite::getEvent(const QSqlRecord &record)
+	PsiAccount *pa = psi()->contactList()->getAccount(record.value("acc_id").toString());
+	int type = record.value("type").toInt();
+	if(type == 0 || type == 1 || type == 4 || type == 5) {
+		Message m;
+		m.setTimeStamp(record.value("date").toDateTime());
+		if(type == 1)
+			m.setType("chat");
+		else if(type == 4)
+			m.setType("error");
+		else if(type == 5)
+			m.setType("headline");
+		else
+			m.setType("");
+		m.setFrom(Jid(record.value("jid").toString()));
+		QVariant text = record.value("m_text");
+		if (!text.isNull()) {
+			m.setBody(text.toString());
+			m.setLang(record.value("lang").toString());
+			m.setSubject(record.value("subject").toString());
+		}
+		m.setSpooled(true);
+		QString extraStr = record.value("extra_data").toString();
+		if (!extraStr.isEmpty()) {
+			QJson::Parser parser;
+			bool fOk;
+			QVariantMap extraData = parser.parse(extraStr.toUtf8(), &fOk).toMap();
+			if (fOk) {
+				foreach (const QVariant &urlItem, extraData["jabber:x:oob"].toList()) {
+					QVariantList itemList = urlItem.toList();
+					if (!itemList.isEmpty()) {
+						QString url =;
+						QString desc;
+						if (itemList.size() > 1)
+							desc =;
+						m.urlAdd(Url(url, desc));
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		MessageEvent::Ptr me(new MessageEvent(m, pa));
+		me->setOriginLocal((record.value("direction").toInt() == 1));
+		return me.staticCast<PsiEvent>();
+	}
+	if(type == 2 || type == 3 || type == 6 || type == 7 || type == 8) {
+		QString subType = "subscribe";
+		// if(type == 2) { // Not used (stupid "system message" from Psi <= 0.8.6)
+		if(type == 3)
+			subType = "subscribe";
+		else if(type == 6)
+			subType = "subscribed";
+		else if(type == 7)
+			subType = "unsubscribe";
+		else if(type == 8)
+			subType = "unsubscribed";
+		AuthEvent::Ptr ae(new AuthEvent(Jid(record.value("jid").toString()), subType, pa));
+		ae->setTimeStamp(record.value("date").toDateTime());
+		return ae.staticCast<PsiEvent>();
+	}
+	return PsiEvent::Ptr();
+qint64 EDBSqLite::ensureJidRowId(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, int type)
+	if (jid.isEmpty())
+		return 0;
+	QString sJid = (type == GroupChatContact) ? jid.full() : jid.bare();
+	QString sKey = accId + "|" + sJid;
+	qint64 id = jidsCache.value(sKey, 0);
+	if (id != 0)
+		return id;
+	EDBSqLite::PreparedQuery *query = queryes.getPreparedQuery(QueryJidRowId, false, false);
+	query->bindValue(":jid", sJid);
+	query->bindValue(":acc_id", accId);
+	if (query->exec()) {
+		if (query->first()) {
+			id = query->record().value("id").toLongLong();
+		} else {
+			//
+			QSqlQuery queryIns(QSqlDatabase::database("history"));
+			queryIns.prepare("INSERT INTO `contacts` (`acc_id`, `type`, `jid`, `lifetime`)"
+				" VALUES (:acc_id, :type, :jid, -1);");
+			queryIns.bindValue(":acc_id", accId);
+			queryIns.bindValue(":type", type);
+			queryIns.bindValue(":jid", sJid);
+			if (queryIns.exec()) {
+				id  = queryIns.lastInsertId().toLongLong();
+			}
+		}
+		query->freeResult();
+		if (id != 0)
+			jidsCache[sKey] = id;
+	}
+	return id;
+int EDBSqLite::rowCount(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, QDateTime before)
+	bool fAccAll  = accId.isEmpty();
+	bool fContAll = jid.isEmpty();
+	QueryType type;
+	if (before.isNull())
+		type = QueryRowCount;
+	else
+		type = QueryRowCountBefore;
+	PreparedQuery *query = queryes.getPreparedQuery(type, fAccAll, fContAll);
+	if (!fContAll)
+		query->bindValue(":jid", jid.full());
+	if (!fAccAll)
+		query->bindValue(":acc_id", accId);
+	if (!before.isNull())
+		query->bindValue(":date", before);
+	int res = 0;
+	if (query->exec()) {
+		if (query->next()) {
+			res = query->record().value("count").toInt();
+		}
+		query->freeResult();
+	}
+	return res;
+bool EDBSqLite::eraseHistory(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid)
+	bool res = false;
+	if (!transaction(true))
+		return false;
+	if (accId.isEmpty() && jid.isEmpty()) {
+		QSqlQuery query(QSqlDatabase::database("history"));
+		//if (query.exec("DELETE FROM `events`;"))
+			if (query.exec("DELETE FROM `contacts`;")) {
+				jidsCache.clear();
+				res = true;
+			}
+	}
+	else {
+		PreparedQuery *query = queryes.getPreparedQuery(QueryJidRowId, false, false);
+		query->bindValue(":jid", jid.full());
+		query->bindValue(":acc_id", accId);
+		if (query->exec() && query->next()) {
+			const qint64 id = query->record().value("id").toLongLong();
+			QSqlQuery query2(QSqlDatabase::database("history"));
+			query2.prepare("DELETE FROM `events` WHERE `contact_id` = :id;");
+			query2.bindValue(":id", id);
+			if (query2.exec()) {
+				res = true;
+				query2.prepare("DELETE FROM `contacts` WHERE `id` = :id AND `lifetime` = -1;");
+				query2.bindValue(":id", id);
+				if (query2.exec()) {
+					if (query2.numRowsAffected() > 0)
+							jidsCache.clear();
+				} else
+					res = false;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (res)
+		res = commit();
+	else
+		rollback();
+	return res;
+bool EDBSqLite::transaction(bool now)
+	if (status == NotActive)
+		return false;
+	if (now || transactionsCounter >= maxUncommitedRecs
+			|| lastCommitTime.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) >= maxUncommitedSecs)
+		if (!commit())
+			return false;
+	if (status == Commited) {
+		if (!QSqlDatabase::database("history").transaction())
+			return false;
+		status = NotCommited;
+	}
+	++transactionsCounter;
+	startAutocommitTimer();
+	return true;
+bool EDBSqLite::commit()
+	if (status != NotActive) {
+		if (status == Commited || QSqlDatabase::database("history").commit()) {
+			transactionsCounter = 0;
+			lastCommitTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+			status = Commited;
+			stopAutocommitTimer();
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+bool EDBSqLite::rollback()
+	if (status == NotCommited && QSqlDatabase::database("history").rollback()) {
+		transactionsCounter = 0;
+		lastCommitTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+		status = Commited;
+		stopAutocommitTimer();
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+void EDBSqLite::startAutocommitTimer()
+	if (!commitTimer) {
+		commitTimer = new QTimer(this);
+		connect(commitTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(commit()));
+		commitTimer->setSingleShot(true);
+		commitTimer->setInterval(commitByTimeoutSecs * 1000);
+	}
+	commitTimer->start();
+void EDBSqLite::stopAutocommitTimer()
+	if (commitTimer && commitTimer->isActive())
+		commitTimer->stop();
+bool EDBSqLite::importExecute()
+	bool res = true;
+	HistoryImport *imp = new HistoryImport(psi());
+	if (imp->isNeeded()) {
+		if (imp->exec() != HistoryImport::ResultNormal) {
+			res = false;
+		}
+	}
+	delete imp;
+	return res;
+// ****************** class PreparedQueryes ********************
+	foreach (EDBSqLite::PreparedQuery *q, queryList.values()) {
+		if (q)
+			delete q;
+	}
+EDBSqLite::PreparedQuery *EDBSqLite::QueryStorage::getPreparedQuery(QueryType type, bool allAccounts, bool allContacts)
+	QueryProperty queryProp(type, allAccounts, allContacts);
+	EDBSqLite::PreparedQuery *q = queryList.value(queryProp, NULL);
+	if (q != NULL)
+		return q;
+	q = new EDBSqLite::PreparedQuery(QSqlDatabase::database("history"));
+	q->setForwardOnly(true);
+	q->prepare(getQueryString(type, allAccounts, allContacts));
+	queryList[queryProp] = q;
+	return q;
+EDBSqLite::PreparedQuery::PreparedQuery(QSqlDatabase db) : QSqlQuery(db)
+QString EDBSqLite::QueryStorage::getQueryString(QueryType type, bool allAccounts, bool allContacts)
+	QString queryStr;
+	switch (type)
+	{
+		case QueryContactsList:
+			queryStr = "SELECT `acc_id`, `jid` FROM `contacts` WHERE `type` = :type";
+			if (!allAccounts)
+				queryStr.append(" AND `acc_id` = :acc_id");
+			queryStr.append(" ORDER BY `jid`;");
+			break;
+		case QueryLatest:
+		case QueryOldest:
+		case QueryDateBackward:
+		case QueryDateForward:
+			queryStr = "SELECT `acc_id`, `events`.`id`, `jid`, `date`, `events`.`type`, `direction`, `subject`, `m_text`, `lang`, `extra_data`"
+				" FROM `events`, `contacts`"
+				" WHERE `contacts`.`id` = `contact_id`";
+			if (!allContacts)
+				queryStr.append(" AND `jid` = :jid");
+			if (!allAccounts)
+				queryStr.append(" AND `acc_id` = :acc_id");
+			if (type == QueryDateBackward)
+				queryStr.append(" AND `date` < :date");
+			else if (type == QueryDateForward)
+				queryStr.append(" AND `date` >= :date");
+			if (type == QueryLatest || type == QueryDateBackward)
+				queryStr.append(" ORDER BY `date` DESC");
+			else
+				queryStr.append(" ORDER BY `date` ASC");
+			queryStr.append(" LIMIT :start, :cnt;");
+			break;
+		case QueryRowCount:
+		case QueryRowCountBefore:
+			queryStr = "SELECT count(*) AS `count`"
+				" FROM `events`, `contacts`"
+				" WHERE `contacts`.`id` = `contact_id`";
+			if (!allContacts)
+				queryStr.append(" AND `jid` = :jid");
+			if (!allAccounts)
+				queryStr.append(" AND `acc_id` = :acc_id");
+			if (type == QueryRowCountBefore)
+				queryStr.append(" AND `date` < :date");
+			queryStr.append(";");
+			break;
+		case QueryJidRowId:
+			queryStr = "SELECT `id` FROM `contacts` WHERE `jid` = :jid AND acc_id = :acc_id;";
+			break;
+		case QueryFindText:
+			queryStr = "SELECT `acc_id`, `events`.`id`, `jid`, `date`, `events`.`type`, `direction`, `subject`, `m_text`, `lang`, `extra_data`"
+				" FROM `events`, `contacts`"
+				" WHERE `contacts`.`id` = `contact_id`";
+			if (!allContacts)
+				queryStr.append(" AND `jid` = :jid");
+			if (!allAccounts)
+				queryStr.append(" AND `acc_id` = :acc_id");
+			queryStr.append(" AND `m_text` IS NOT NULL");
+			queryStr.append(" ORDER BY `date`;");
+			break;
+		case QueryInsertEvent:
+			queryStr = "INSERT INTO `events` ("
+				"`contact_id`, `resource`, `date`, `type`, `direction`, `subject`, `m_text`, `lang`, `extra_data`"
+				") VALUES ("
+				":contact_id, :resource, :date, :type, :direction, :subject, :m_text, :lang, :extra_data"
+				");";
+			break;
+	}
+	return queryStr;
+uint qHash(const QueryProperty &struc)
+	uint res = struc.type;
+	res <<= 8;
+	res |=  struc.allAccounts;
+	res <<= 8;
+	res |=  struc.allContacts;
+	return res;
--- git.orig/src/eventdb.h
+++ git/src/eventdb.h
@@ -26,23 +26,27 @@
 #include <QFile>
 #include <QSharedPointer>
 #include <QDateTime>
+#include <QSqlDatabase>
+#include <QSqlQuery>
+#include <QSqlRecord>
+#include <QHash>
+#include <QVariant>
 #include "xmpp_jid.h"
+#include "psicon.h"
 #include "psievent.h"
 class EDBItem
-	EDBItem(const PsiEvent::Ptr &, const QString &id, const QString &nextId, const QString &prevId);
+	EDBItem(const PsiEvent::Ptr &, const QString &id);
 	PsiEvent::Ptr event() const;
 	const QString & id() const;
-	const QString & nextId() const;
-	const QString & prevId() const;
-	QString v_id, v_prevId, v_nextId;
+	QString v_id;
 	PsiEvent::Ptr e;
@@ -59,18 +63,16 @@ public:
 	// operations
-	void getLatest(const XMPP::Jid &, int len);
-	void getOldest(const XMPP::Jid &, int len);
-	void get(const XMPP::Jid &jid, const QString &id, int direction, int len);
-	void getByDate(const XMPP::Jid &jid, QDateTime first, QDateTime last);
-	void find(const QString &, const XMPP::Jid &, const QString &id, int direction);
-	void append(const XMPP::Jid &, const PsiEvent::Ptr &);
-	void erase(const XMPP::Jid &);
+	void get(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const QDateTime date, int direction, int begin, int len);
+	void find(const QString &accId, const QString &, const XMPP::Jid &, const QDateTime date, int direction);
+	void append(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &, const PsiEvent::Ptr &, int);
+	void erase(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &);
 	bool busy() const;
 	const EDBResult result() const;
 	bool writeSuccess() const;
 	int lastRequestType() const;
+	int beginRow() const;
 	void finished();
@@ -90,20 +92,30 @@ class EDB : public QObject
 	enum { Forward, Backward };
-	EDB();
+	enum { Contact = 1, GroupChatContact = 2 };
+	struct ContactItem
+	{
+		QString   accId;
+		XMPP::Jid jid;
+		ContactItem(const QString &aId, XMPP::Jid j) { accId = aId; jid = j; }
+	};
+	EDB(PsiCon *psi);
 	virtual ~EDB()=0;
+	virtual QList<ContactItem> contacts(const QString &accId, int type) = 0;
+	virtual quint64 eventsCount(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid) = 0;
+	virtual QString getStorageParam(const QString &key) = 0;
+	virtual void setStorageParam(const QString &key, const QString &val) = 0;
 	int genUniqueId() const;
-	virtual int getLatest(const XMPP::Jid &, int len)=0;
-	virtual int getOldest(const XMPP::Jid &, int len)=0;
-	virtual int get(const XMPP::Jid &jid, const QString &id, int direction, int len)=0;
-	virtual int getByDate(const XMPP::Jid &jid, QDateTime first, QDateTime last) = 0;
-	virtual int append(const XMPP::Jid &, const PsiEvent::Ptr &)=0;
-	virtual int find(const QString &, const XMPP::Jid &, const QString &id, int direction)=0;
-	virtual int erase(const XMPP::Jid &)=0;
-	void resultReady(int, EDBResult);
+	virtual int get(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const QDateTime date, int direction, int start, int len)=0;
+	virtual int append(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &, const PsiEvent::Ptr &, int)=0;
+	virtual int find(const QString &accId, const QString &, const XMPP::Jid &, const QDateTime date, int direction)=0;
+	virtual int erase(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &)=0;
+	void resultReady(int, EDBResult, int);
 	void writeFinished(int, bool);
+	inline PsiCon *psi();
 	class Private;
@@ -113,29 +125,27 @@ private:
 	void reg(EDBHandle *);
 	void unreg(EDBHandle *);
-	int op_getLatest(const XMPP::Jid &, int len);
-	int op_getOldest(const XMPP::Jid &, int len);
-	int op_get(const XMPP::Jid &, const QString &id, int direction, int len);
-	int op_getByDate(const XMPP::Jid &jid, QDateTime first, QDateTime last);
-	int op_find(const QString &, const XMPP::Jid &, const QString &id, int direction);
-	int op_append(const XMPP::Jid &, const PsiEvent::Ptr&);
-	int op_erase(const XMPP::Jid &);
+	int op_get(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &, const QDateTime date, int direction, int start, int len);
+	int op_find(const QString &accId, const QString &, const XMPP::Jid &, const QDateTime date, int direction);
+	int op_append(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &, const PsiEvent::Ptr &, int);
+	int op_erase(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &);
 class EDBFlatFile : public EDB
-	EDBFlatFile();
+	EDBFlatFile(PsiCon *psi);
-	int getLatest(const XMPP::Jid &, int len);
-	int getOldest(const XMPP::Jid &, int len);
-	int get(const XMPP::Jid &jid, const QString &id, int direction, int len);
-	int getByDate(const XMPP::Jid &jid, QDateTime first, QDateTime last);
-	int find(const QString &, const XMPP::Jid &, const QString &id, int direction);
-	int append(const XMPP::Jid &, const PsiEvent::Ptr&);
-	int erase(const XMPP::Jid &);
+	int get(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const QDateTime date, int direction, int start, int len);
+	int find(const QString &accId, const QString &, const XMPP::Jid &, const QDateTime date, int direction);
+	int append(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &, const PsiEvent::Ptr &, int);
+	int erase(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &);
+	QList<ContactItem> contacts(const QString &accId, int type);
+	quint64 eventsCount(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid);
+	QString getStorageParam(const QString &) {return QString();}
+	void setStorageParam(const QString &, const QString &) {}
 	class File;
@@ -160,11 +170,14 @@ public:
 	int total() const;
+	int getId(QDateTime &date, int dir, int offset);
 	void touch();
 	PsiEvent::Ptr get(int);
 	bool append(const PsiEvent::Ptr &);
 	static QString jidToFileName(const XMPP::Jid &);
+	static QString strToFileName(const QString &);
+	static QList<EDB::ContactItem> contacts(int type);
 	void timeout();
@@ -186,6 +199,145 @@ private:
 	PsiEvent::Ptr lineToEvent(const QString &);
 	QString eventToLine(const PsiEvent::Ptr&);
 	void ensureIndex();
+	int findIdByNearDate(QDateTime &date, int start, int end);
+	QString getLine(int);
+	QDateTime getLineDate(const QString &line) const;
+enum QueryType {
+	QueryContactsList,
+	QueryLatest, QueryOldest,
+	QueryDateForward, QueryDateBackward,
+	QueryFindText,
+	QueryRowCount, QueryRowCountBefore,
+	QueryJidRowId,
+	QueryInsertEvent
+struct QueryProperty
+	QueryType type;
+	bool      allAccounts;
+	bool      allContacts;
+	QueryProperty(QueryType tp, bool allAcc, bool allCont) {
+		type        = tp;
+		allAccounts = allAcc;
+		allContacts = allCont;
+	}
+	bool operator==(const QueryProperty &other) const {
+		return (type        == other.type &&
+				allAccounts == other.allAccounts &&
+				allContacts == other.allContacts);
+	}
+uint qHash(const QueryProperty &struc);
+class EDBSqLite : public EDB
+	class QueryStorage;
+	//--------
+	class PreparedQuery : private QSqlQuery
+	{
+	public:
+		void bindValue(const QString &placeholder, const QVariant &val) {QSqlQuery::bindValue(placeholder, val);}
+		bool exec() {return QSqlQuery::exec();}
+		bool first() {return QSqlQuery::first();}
+		bool next() {return QSqlQuery::next();}
+		QSqlRecord record() const {return QSqlQuery::record();}
+		void freeResult() {QSqlQuery::finish();}
+	private:
+		friend class QueryStorage;
+		PreparedQuery(QSqlDatabase db);
+		~PreparedQuery() {}
+	};
+	//--------
+	class QueryStorage
+	{
+	public:
+		QueryStorage();
+		~QueryStorage();
+		PreparedQuery *getPreparedQuery(QueryType type, bool allAccounts, bool allContacts);
+	private:
+		QString getQueryString(QueryType type, bool allAccounts, bool allContacts);
+	private:
+		QHash<QueryProperty, PreparedQuery *> queryList;
+	};
+	//--------
+	enum InsertMode {Normal, Import};
+	EDBSqLite(PsiCon *psi);
+	~EDBSqLite();
+	bool init();
+	int get(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const QDateTime date, int direction, int start, int len);
+	int find(const QString &accId, const QString &str, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const QDateTime date, int direction);
+	int append(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const PsiEvent::Ptr &e, int type);
+	int erase(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid);
+	QList<ContactItem> contacts(const QString &accId, int type);
+	quint64 eventsCount(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid);
+	QString getStorageParam(const QString &key);
+	void setStorageParam(const QString &key, const QString &val);
+	void setInsertingMode(InsertMode mode);
+	void setMirror(EDBFlatFile *mirr);
+	EDBFlatFile *mirror() const;
+	enum {NotActive, NotCommited, Commited};
+	struct item_query_req
+	{
+		QString accId;
+		XMPP::Jid j;
+		int jidType;
+		int type; // 0 = latest, 1 = oldest, 2 = random, 3 = write
+		int start;
+		int len;
+		int dir;
+		int id;
+		QDateTime date;
+		QString findStr;
+		PsiEvent::Ptr event;
+		enum Type {
+			Type_get,
+			Type_append,
+			Type_find,
+			Type_erase
+		};
+	};
+	int  status;
+	unsigned int transactionsCounter;
+	QDateTime lastCommitTime;
+	unsigned int maxUncommitedRecs;
+	int maxUncommitedSecs;
+	unsigned int commitByTimeoutSecs;
+	QTimer *commitTimer;
+	EDBFlatFile *mirror_;
+	QList<item_query_req*> rlist;
+	QHash<QString, qint64>jidsCache;
+	QueryStorage queryes;
+	bool appendEvent(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &, const PsiEvent::Ptr &, int);
+	PsiEvent::Ptr getEvent(const QSqlRecord &record);
+	qint64 ensureJidRowId(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, int type);
+	int  rowCount(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, const QDateTime before);
+	bool eraseHistory(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &);
+	bool transaction(bool now);
+	bool rollback();
+	void startAutocommitTimer();
+	void stopAutocommitTimer();
+	bool importExecute();
+private slots:
+	void performRequests();
+	bool commit();
--- git.orig/src/historydlg.cpp
+++ git/src/historydlg.cpp
@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ public:
 	Jid jid;
 	PsiAccount *pa;
 	PsiCon *psi;
-	QString id_prev, id_begin, id_end, id_next;
+	int begin_row, end_row;
+	bool can_backward, can_forward;
 	HistoryDlg::RequestType reqType;
 	QString findStr;
 	QDate date;
@@ -122,10 +123,12 @@ HistoryDlg::HistoryDlg(const Jid &jid, P
 	d = new Private;
 	d->reqType = TypeNone;
-	d->pa = pa;
+	d->begin_row = 0;
+	d->end_row = -1;
 	d->psi = pa->psi();
 	d->jid = jid;
-	d->pa->dialogRegister(this, d->jid);
+	d->pa = pa;
+	pa->dialogRegister(this, d->jid);
 	//workaround calendar size
 	int minWidth = ui_.calendar->minimumSizeHint().width();
@@ -133,7 +136,11 @@ HistoryDlg::HistoryDlg(const Jid &jid, P
-	ui_.jidList->setFont(fontForOption("options.ui.look.font.contactlist"));
+	QFont f = fontForOption("options.ui.look.font.contactlist");
+	ui_.jidList->setFont(f);
+	ui_.jidList2->setFont(f);
+	ui_.privList->setFont(f);
+	ui_.advList->setFont(f);
@@ -142,7 +149,10 @@ HistoryDlg::HistoryDlg(const Jid &jid, P
 	connect(ui_.buttonPrevious, SIGNAL(released()), SLOT(getPrevious()));
 	connect(ui_.buttonNext, SIGNAL(released()), SLOT(getNext()));
 	connect(ui_.buttonRefresh, SIGNAL(released()), SLOT(refresh()));
-	connect(ui_.jidList, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), SLOT(openSelectedContact()));
+	connect(ui_.jidList, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), SLOT(openSelectedContact()));
+	connect(ui_.jidList2, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), SLOT(openSelectedContact()));
+	connect(ui_.privList, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), SLOT(openSelectedContact()));
+	connect(ui_.advList, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), SLOT(openSelectedContact()));
 	connect(ui_.tb_find, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(findMessages()));
 	connect(ui_.buttonLastest, SIGNAL(released()), SLOT(getLatest()));
 	connect(ui_.buttonEarliest, SIGNAL(released()), SLOT(getEarliest()));
@@ -159,16 +169,19 @@ HistoryDlg::HistoryDlg(const Jid &jid, P
 	connect(PsiOptions::instance(), SIGNAL(optionChanged(QString)), SLOT(optionUpdated(QString)));
-	connect(d->pa, SIGNAL(removedContact(PsiContact*)), SLOT(removedContact(PsiContact*)));
+	connect(pa, SIGNAL(removedContact(PsiContact*)), SLOT(removedContact(PsiContact*)));
+	ui_.jidList2->installEventFilter(this);
+	ui_.privList->installEventFilter(this);
+	ui_.advList->installEventFilter(this);
-	ui_.jidList->setFocus();
+	openSelectedContact();
@@ -178,7 +191,7 @@ HistoryDlg::~HistoryDlg()
 bool HistoryDlg::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *e)
-	if(obj == ui_.jidList && e->type() == QEvent::ContextMenu) {
+	if((obj == ui_.jidList || obj == ui_.jidList2 || obj == ui_.privList || obj == ui_.advList) && e->type() == QEvent::ContextMenu) {
 		QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(doMenu()));
 		return true;
@@ -199,72 +212,189 @@ void HistoryDlg::changeAccount(const QSt
 	d->jid = QString();
-	d->pa = d->psi->contactList()->getAccountByJid(ui_.accountsBox->itemData(ui_.accountsBox->currentIndex()).toString());
-	ui_.jidList->setCurrentRow(0);
+	setCurrentUserListItem();
+void HistoryDlg::setCurrentUserListItem()
+	switch (ui_.contactToolBox->currentIndex()) {
+	case 0:
+		ui_.jidList->setCurrentRow(0);
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		ui_.jidList2->setCurrentRow(0);
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		ui_.privList->setCurrentRow(0);
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		ui_.advList->setCurrentRow(0);
+		break;
+	}
 void HistoryDlg::listAccounts()
+	ui_.accountsBox->addItem(IconsetFactory::icon("psi/account").icon(), tr("All accounts"), QVariant());
 	if (d->psi)
 		foreach (PsiAccount* account, d->psi->contactList()->enabledAccounts())
-			ui_.accountsBox->addItem(IconsetFactory::icon("psi/account").icon(), account->nameWithJid(), QVariant(account->jid().full()));
+			ui_.accountsBox->addItem(IconsetFactory::icon("psi/account").icon(), account->nameWithJid(), QVariant(account->id()));
 	//select active account
-	ui_.accountsBox->setCurrentIndex(ui_.accountsBox->findData(d->pa->jid().full()));
+	ui_.accountsBox->setCurrentIndex(ui_.accountsBox->findData(getCurrentAccountId()));
 	//connect signal after the list is populated to prevent execution in the middle of the loop
 	connect(ui_.accountsBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString)), SLOT(changeAccount(const QString)));
 void HistoryDlg::loadContacts()
-	jids_.clear();
+	QStringList jids;
+	ui_.jidList2->clear();
+	ui_.privList->clear();
+	ui_.advList->clear();
-	foreach (PsiContact* contact, d->pa->contactList())
-	{
+	QList<PsiContact*> contactList;
+	QString pa_id = ui_.accountsBox->itemData(ui_.accountsBox->currentIndex()).toString();
+	if (pa_id.isEmpty())
+		contactList = d->psi->contactList()->contacts();
+	else
+		contactList = d->psi->contactList()->getAccount(pa_id)->contactList();
+	// Roster contacts
+	foreach (PsiContact* contact, contactList) {
-		|| contact->isPrivate()
-		|| jids_.contains(contact->jid().bare()))
+		|| contact->isPrivate())
+			continue;
+		QString contactId = contact->account()->id() + "|" + contact->jid().bare();
+		if (jids.contains(contactId))
 		QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(contact->name(), ui_.jidList);
-		item->setToolTip(contact->jid().bare());
+		item->setToolTip(makeContactToolTip(contact, true));
+		item->setStatusTip(contactId);
-		jids_.append(item->toolTip());
+		jids.append(contactId);
+		if (contact->jid().bare() == d->jid.bare()) {
+			ui_.contactToolBox->setCurrentIndex(0);
+			ui_.jidList->setCurrentItem(item);
+		}
-	PsiContact* self = d->pa->selfContact();
-	if(!jids_.contains(self->jid().bare())) {
-		QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(self->name(), ui_.jidList);
-		item->setToolTip(self->jid().bare());
-		//item->setIcon(PsiIconset::instance()->status(self->status()).icon());
-		item->setIcon(PsiIconset::instance()->statusPtr(self->jid(),Status(Status::Online))->icon());
-		ui_.jidList->addItem(item);
-		jids_.append(item->toolTip());
+	// Self contact
+	QString currentAccountId = ui_.accountsBox->itemData(ui_.accountsBox->currentIndex()).toString();
+	foreach (PsiAccount *pa, d->psi->contactList()->accounts()) {
+		if (currentAccountId.isEmpty() || pa->id() == currentAccountId)
+		{
+			PsiContact* self = pa->selfContact();
+			QString contactId = pa->id() + "|" + self->jid().bare();
+			if(!jids.contains(contactId)) {
+				QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(self->name(), ui_.jidList);
+				item->setToolTip(makeContactToolTip(self, true));
+				item->setIcon(PsiIconset::instance()->statusPtr(self->jid(),Status(Status::Online))->icon());
+				item->setStatusTip(contactId);
+				ui_.jidList->addItem(item);
+				jids.append(contactId);
+				if (self->jid().bare() == d->jid.bare()) {
+					ui_.contactToolBox->setCurrentIndex(0);
+					ui_.jidList->setCurrentItem(item);
+				}
+			}
+			if (!currentAccountId.isEmpty())
+				break;
+		}
-	ui_.jidList->sortItems();
-	//set contact in jidList to selected jid
-	for (int i = 0; i < ui_.jidList->count(); i++)
+	// Not in roster list
+	foreach (const EDB::ContactItem &ci, d->psi->edb()->contacts(pa_id, EDB::Contact)) {
+		QString contactId = ci.accId + "|" + ci.jid.bare();
+		if (!jids.contains(contactId)) {
+			QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(ci.jid.bare(), ui_.jidList2);
+			item->setToolTip(makeContactToolTip(ci.accId, ci.jid, true));
+			item->setIcon(PsiIconset::instance()->statusPtr(ci.jid, Status(Status::Offline))->icon());
+			item->setStatusTip(contactId);
+			ui_.jidList2->addItem(item);
+			if (ci.jid.bare() == d->jid.bare()) {
+				ui_.contactToolBox->setCurrentIndex(1);
+				ui_.jidList2->setCurrentItem(item);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// Private
+	foreach (const EDB::ContactItem &ci, d->psi->edb()->contacts(pa_id, EDB::GroupChatContact)) {
+		QString contactId = ci.accId + "|" + ci.jid.full();
+		QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(ci.jid.resource(), ui_.privList);
+		item->setToolTip(makeContactToolTip(ci.accId, ci.jid, false));
+		item->setIcon(PsiIconset::instance()->statusPtr(ci.jid, Status(Status::Offline))->icon());
+		item->setStatusTip(contactId);
+		ui_.privList->addItem(item);
+		if (ci.jid == d->jid) {
+			ui_.contactToolBox->setCurrentIndex(2);
+			ui_.privList->setCurrentItem(item);
+		}
+	}
+	// Advanced
-		if (ui_.jidList->item(i)->toolTip() == d->jid.bare().toLower())
-			ui_.jidList->setCurrentRow(i);  //triggers openSelectedContact()
+		QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(tr("All contacts"), ui_.advList);
+		item->setToolTip(tr("All contacts"));
+		item->setStatusTip(QString());
+		ui_.advList->addItem(item);
+	ui_.jidList->sortItems();
+	ui_.jidList2->sortItems();
+	ui_.privList->sortItems();
 void HistoryDlg::openSelectedContact()
-	UserListItem *u = currentUserListItem();
-	if (!u)
-		return;
-	setWindowTitle(u->name() + " (" + u->jid().full() + ")");
-	d->jid = u->jid();
+	QListWidget *contactList = NULL;
+	switch (ui_.contactToolBox->currentIndex()) {
+		case 0:
+			contactList = ui_.jidList;
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			contactList = ui_.jidList2;
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			contactList = ui_.privList;
+			break;
+	}
+	d->pa = 0;
+	d->jid = XMPP::Jid();
+	if (contactList) {
+		QListWidgetItem *item = contactList->currentItem();
+		if (item) {
+			QString sId = item->statusTip();
+			if (!sId.isEmpty())
+			{
+				d->pa = d->psi->contactList()->getAccount(sId.section('|', 0, 0));
+				d->jid = XMPP::Jid(sId.section('|', 1, -1));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	QString sTitle;
+	if (!d->jid.isEmpty()) {
+		UserListItem *u = currentUserListItem();
+		if (u) {
+			sTitle = u->name() + " (" + u->jid().full() + ")";
+		}
+		else {
+			sTitle = d->jid.full();
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		QString paId = ui_.accountsBox->itemData(ui_.accountsBox->currentIndex()).toString();
+		if (!paId.isEmpty())
+			d->pa = d->psi->contactList()->getAccount(paId);
+		sTitle = tr("All contacts");
+	}
+	setWindowTitle(sTitle);
@@ -301,35 +431,38 @@ void HistoryDlg::findMessages()
 	//get the oldest event as a starting point
 	d->reqType = TypeFindOldest;
-	getEDBHandle()->getOldest(d->jid, 1);
+	getEDBHandle()->get(getCurrentAccountId(), d->jid, QDateTime(), EDB::Forward, 0, 1);
 void HistoryDlg::removeHistory()
 	int res = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Remove history"),
-					tr("Are you sure you want to completely remove history for a contact %1?").arg(d->jid.bare())
+					tr("Are you sure you want to completely remove history for a contact %1?").arg(d->jid.full())
 					,QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel);
 	if(res == QMessageBox::Ok) {
-		getEDBHandle()->erase(d->jid);
+		getEDBHandle()->erase(getCurrentAccountId(), d->jid);
 void HistoryDlg::openChat()
-	UserListItem *u = currentUserListItem();
-	if(u) {
-		d->pa->actionOpenChat2(u->jid().bare());
-	}
+	if (d->pa && !d->jid.isEmpty())
+		d->pa->actionOpenChat2(d->jid);
 void HistoryDlg::exportHistory()
 	UserListItem *u = currentUserListItem();
-	if(!u)
-		return;
-	QString them = JIDUtil::nickOrJid(u->name(), u->jid().full());
-	QString s = JIDUtil::encode(them).toLower();
+	QString them;
+	if(u) {
+		them = JIDUtil::nickOrJid(u->name(), u->jid().full());
+	} else {
+		//if (d->jid.isEmpty())
+		//	return;
+		them = d->jid.full();
+	}
+	QString s = (!them.isEmpty()) ? JIDUtil::encode(them).toLower() : "all_contacts";
 	QString fname = FileUtil::getSaveFileName(this,
 						  tr("Export message history"),
 						  s + ".txt",
@@ -344,19 +477,22 @@ void HistoryDlg::exportHistory()
 	QTextStream stream(&f);
-	QString us = d->pa->nick();
-	EDBHandle* h;
-	QString id;
+	int start = 0;
-	while(1) {
-		h = new EDBHandle(d->pa->edb());
-		if(id.isEmpty()) {
-			h->getOldest(d->jid, 1000);
-		}
-		else {
-			h->get(d->jid, id, EDB::Forward, 1000);
+	QString paId = getCurrentAccountId();
+	int max = 0;
+	{
+		quint64 edbCnt = d->psi->edb()->eventsCount(paId, d->jid);
+		if (edbCnt > 1000) {
+			max = edbCnt / 1000;
+			if ((edbCnt % 1000) != 0)
+				++max;
+			showProgress(max);
+	}
+	while(1) {
+		EDBHandle *h = new EDBHandle(d->psi->edb());
+		h->get(paId, d->jid, QDateTime(), EDB::Forward, start, 1000);
 		while(h->busy()) {
@@ -367,7 +503,6 @@ void HistoryDlg::exportHistory()
 		// events are in forward order
 		for(int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
 			EDBItemPtr item = r.value(i);
-			id = item->nextId();
 			PsiEvent::Ptr e(item->event());
 			QString txt;
@@ -375,10 +510,16 @@ void HistoryDlg::exportHistory()
 			QString nick;
 			if(e->originLocal()) {
-				nick = us;
+				if (e->account())
+					nick = e->account()->nick();
+				else
+					nick = tr("deleted");
 			else {
-				nick = them;
+				if (!them.isEmpty())
+					nick = them;
+				else
+					nick = e->from().full();
 			if(e->type() == PsiEvent::Message) {
@@ -401,10 +542,14 @@ void HistoryDlg::exportHistory()
 		delete h;
+		if (max > 0)
+			incrementProgress();
 		// done!
-		if(cnt == 0 || id.isEmpty()) {
+		if(cnt == 0)
-		}
+		start += 1000;
@@ -412,11 +557,16 @@ void HistoryDlg::exportHistory()
 void HistoryDlg::doMenu()
-	QMenu *m = new QMenu(ui_.jidList);
-	m->addAction(IconsetFactory::icon("psi/chat").icon(), tr("&Open chat"), this, SLOT(openChat()));
+	openSelectedContact();
+	bool fAll = (!d->pa || d->jid.isEmpty());
+	QMenu *m = new QMenu();
+	if (!fAll)
+		m->addAction(IconsetFactory::icon("psi/chat").icon(), tr("&Open chat"), this, SLOT(openChat()));
 	m->addAction(IconsetFactory::icon("psi/save").icon(), tr("&Export history"), this, SLOT(exportHistory()));
-	m->addAction(IconsetFactory::icon("psi/clearChat").icon(), tr("&Delete history"), this, SLOT(removeHistory()));
+	if (!fAll)
+		m->addAction(IconsetFactory::icon("psi/clearChat").icon(), tr("&Delete history"), this, SLOT(removeHistory()));
+	delete m;
 void HistoryDlg::edbFinished()
@@ -437,28 +587,22 @@ void HistoryDlg::edbFinished()
 			if (d->reqType == TypeLatest || d->reqType == TypePrevious)
 				// events are in backward order
-				// first entry is the end event
-				EDBItemPtr it = r.first();
-				d->id_end = it->id();
-				d->id_next = it->nextId();
-				// last entry is the begin event
-				it = r.last();
-				d->id_begin = it->id();
-				d->id_prev = it->prevId();
-				displayResult(r, EDB::Forward);
+				d->begin_row = h->beginRow();
+				d->end_row = d->begin_row + r.count() - 1;
+				d->can_backward = (d->begin_row > 0);
+				d->can_forward = (d->reqType != TypeLatest);
+				displayResult(r, (d->reqType == TypeLatest) ? EDB::Forward : EDB::Backward);
 			else if (d->reqType == TypeEarliest || d->reqType == TypeNext || d->reqType == TypeDate)
 				// events are in forward order
-				// last entry is the end event
-				EDBItemPtr it = r.last();
-				d->id_end = it->id();
-				d->id_next = it->nextId();
-				// first entry is the begin event
-				it = r.first();
-				d->id_begin = it->id();
-				d->id_prev = it->prevId();
+				d->begin_row = h->beginRow();
+				d->end_row = d->begin_row + r.count() - 1;
+				d->can_backward = (d->begin_row > 0);
+				d->can_forward = true;
 				displayResult(r, EDB::Backward);
@@ -473,14 +617,15 @@ void HistoryDlg::edbFinished()
 					d->reqType = TypeFind;
 					d->findStr = str;
-					EDBItemPtr ei = r.first();
-					getEDBHandle()->find(str, d->jid, ei->id(), EDB::Forward);
+					getEDBHandle()->find(getCurrentAccountId(), str, d->jid, QDateTime(), EDB::Forward);
 			else if (d->reqType == TypeFind)
+				d->begin_row = 0;
+				d->end_row = r.count() - 1;
 				displayResult(r, EDB::Forward);
@@ -488,7 +633,29 @@ void HistoryDlg::edbFinished()
-			ui_.msgLog->clear();
+			// no more data. TODO: visualization is needed.
+			bool buttons_updated = false;
+			if (d->reqType == TypePrevious)
+			{
+				d->can_backward = false;
+				buttons_updated = true;
+			}
+			else if (d->reqType == TypeLatest || d->reqType == TypeEarliest)
+			{
+				d->can_backward = false;
+				d->can_forward = false;
+				buttons_updated = true;
+			}
+			else if (d->reqType == TypeNext || d->reqType == TypeDate)
+			{
+				d->can_forward = false;
+				buttons_updated = true;
+			}
+			if (d->reqType == TypeFind)
+				ui_.msgLog->clear();
+			if (buttons_updated)
+				setButtons();
 	delete h;
@@ -496,10 +663,10 @@ void HistoryDlg::edbFinished()
 void HistoryDlg::setButtons()
-	ui_.buttonPrevious->setEnabled(!d->id_prev.isEmpty());
-	ui_.buttonNext->setEnabled(!d->id_next.isEmpty());
-	ui_.buttonEarliest->setEnabled(!d->id_prev.isEmpty());
-	ui_.buttonLastest->setEnabled(!d->id_next.isEmpty());
+	ui_.buttonPrevious->setEnabled(d->can_backward);
+	ui_.buttonNext->setEnabled(d->can_forward);
+	ui_.buttonEarliest->setEnabled(d->can_backward);
+	ui_.buttonLastest->setEnabled(d->can_forward);
 void HistoryDlg::setButtons(bool act)
@@ -521,28 +688,29 @@ void HistoryDlg::getLatest()
 	d->reqType = TypeLatest;
-	getEDBHandle()->getLatest(d->jid, 50);
+	getEDBHandle()->get(getCurrentAccountId(), d->jid, QDateTime(), EDB::Backward, 0, 50);
 void HistoryDlg::getEarliest()
 	d->reqType = TypeEarliest;
-	getEDBHandle()->getOldest(d->jid, 50);
+	getEDBHandle()->get(getCurrentAccountId(), d->jid, QDateTime(), EDB::Forward, 0, 50);
 void HistoryDlg::getPrevious()
 	d->reqType = TypePrevious;
-	getEDBHandle()->get(d->jid, d->id_prev, EDB::Backward, 50);
+	int begin = (d->begin_row < 50) ? 0 : d->begin_row - 50;
+	getEDBHandle()->get(getCurrentAccountId(), d->jid, QDateTime(), EDB::Forward, begin, 50);
 void HistoryDlg::getNext()
 	d->reqType = TypeNext;
-	getEDBHandle()->get(d->jid, d->id_next, EDB::Forward, 50);
+	getEDBHandle()->get(getCurrentAccountId(), d->jid, QDateTime(), EDB::Forward, d->end_row + 1, 50);
 void HistoryDlg::getDate()
@@ -550,23 +718,33 @@ void HistoryDlg::getDate()
 	const QDate date = ui_.calendar->selectedDate();
 	d->reqType = TypeDate;
 	d->date = date;
-	QDateTime first (d->date);
-	QDateTime last = first.addDays(1);
+	QDateTime first(d->date);
-	getEDBHandle()->getByDate(d->jid, first, last);
+	getEDBHandle()->get(getCurrentAccountId(), d->jid, first, EDB::Forward, 0, 50);
 void HistoryDlg::removedContact(PsiContact *pc)
-	QString jid = pc->jid().bare().toLower();
-	QString curJid  = ui_.jidList->currentItem()->toolTip();
+	QString contactId = pc->account()->id() + "|" + pc->jid().bare().toLower();
+	QString curId;
+	QListWidgetItem *lwi = ui_.jidList->currentItem();
+	if (lwi)
+		curId = lwi->statusTip();
 	for(int i = 0; i < ui_.jidList->count(); i++) {
 		QListWidgetItem *it = ui_.jidList->item(i);
-		if(it && it->toolTip() == jid) {
+		if(it && it->statusTip() == contactId) {
-			if(jid == curJid) {
+			it = new QListWidgetItem(pc->jid().bare(), ui_.jidList2);
+			it->setToolTip(makeContactToolTip(pc, true));
+			it->setIcon(PsiIconset::instance()->statusPtr(pc->jid().bare(), Status(Status::Offline))->icon());
+			it->setStatusTip(contactId);
+			ui_.jidList2->addItem(it);
+			if(contactId == curId) {
-				openSelectedContact();
+				if (ui_.contactToolBox->currentIndex() == 0) {
+					ui_.jidList2->setCurrentItem(it);
+					ui_.contactToolBox->setCurrentIndex(1);
+				}
@@ -597,38 +775,53 @@ void HistoryDlg::autoCopy()
-void HistoryDlg::displayResult(const EDBResult r, int direction, int max)
+void HistoryDlg::displayResult(const EDBResult &r, int direction, int max)
 	int i  = (direction == EDB::Forward) ? r.count() - 1 : 0;
 	int at = 0;
-	QString nick = TextUtil::plain2rich(d->pa->nick());
+	bool fAll = d->jid.isEmpty();
 	while (i >= 0 && i <= r.count() - 1 && (max == -1 ? true : at < max))
 		EDBItemPtr item = r.value(i);
 		PsiEvent::Ptr e(item->event());
-		UserListItem *u = d->pa->findFirstRelevant(e->from().full());
-		if(u) {
-			QString from = JIDUtil::nickOrJid(u->name(), u->jid().full());
-			if (e->type() == PsiEvent::Message)
+		if (e->type() == PsiEvent::Message) {
+			PsiAccount *pa = e->account();
+			QString from;
+			if (pa)
-				MessageEvent::Ptr me = e.staticCast<MessageEvent>();
-				QString msg = me->message().body();
-				msg = TextUtil::linkify(TextUtil::plain2rich(msg));
-				if (d->emoticons)
-					msg = TextUtil::emoticonify(msg);
-				if (d->formatting)
-					msg = TextUtil::legacyFormat(msg);
-				if (me->originLocal())
-					msg = "<span style='color:"+d->sentColor+"'>" + me->timeStamp().toString("[dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss]")+" &lt;"+ nick +"&gt; " + msg + "</span>";
-				else
-					msg = "<span style='color:"+d->receivedColor+"'>" + me->timeStamp().toString("[dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss]") + " &lt;" +  TextUtil::plain2rich(from) + "&gt; " + msg + "</span>";
-				ui_.msgLog->appendText(msg);
+				UserListItem *u = pa->findFirstRelevant(e->from().full());
+				if(u) {
+					if (!u->name().trimmed().isEmpty())
+						from = u->name().trimmed();
+				}
+			}
+			if (from.isEmpty())
+			{
+				from = e->from().resource().trimmed(); // for offline conferences
+				if (from.isEmpty())
+						from = e->from().node();
+			}
+			MessageEvent::Ptr me = e.staticCast<MessageEvent>();
+			QString msg = me->message().body();
+			msg = TextUtil::linkify(TextUtil::plain2rich(msg));
+			if (d->emoticons)
+				msg = TextUtil::emoticonify(msg);
+			if (d->formatting)
+				msg = TextUtil::legacyFormat(msg);
+			if (me->originLocal())
+			{
+				QString nick = (pa) ? TextUtil::plain2rich(pa->nick()) : tr("deleted");
+				msg = "<span style='color:" + d->sentColor + "'>" + me->timeStamp().toString("[dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss]") + " &lt;" + nick
+					+ ((fAll) ? QString(" -> %1").arg(TextUtil::plain2rich(from)) : QString())
+					+ "&gt; " + msg + "</span>";
+			else
+				msg = "<span style='color:" + d->receivedColor + "'>" + me->timeStamp().toString("[dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss]") + " &lt;" +  TextUtil::plain2rich(from) + "&gt; " + msg + "</span>";
+			ui_.msgLog->appendText(msg);
@@ -641,11 +834,9 @@ void HistoryDlg::displayResult(const EDB
 UserListItem* HistoryDlg::currentUserListItem() const
 	UserListItem* u = 0;
-	QListWidgetItem *i = ui_.jidList->currentItem();
-	if(!i)
-		return u;
-	u = d->pa->findFirstRelevant(i->toolTip());
+	if (d->pa && !d->jid.isEmpty()) {
+		u = d->pa->findFirstRelevant(d->jid);
+	}
 	return u;
@@ -662,6 +853,7 @@ void HistoryDlg::stopRequest()
 	if(ui_.busy->isActive()) {
+	ui_.progressBar->setVisible(false);
 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
 	// To workaround a Qt bug
@@ -670,9 +862,46 @@ void HistoryDlg::stopRequest()
+void HistoryDlg::showProgress(int max)
+	ui_.progressBar->setValue(0);
+	ui_.progressBar->setMaximum(max);
+	ui_.progressBar->setVisible(true);
+void HistoryDlg::incrementProgress()
+	ui_.progressBar->setValue(ui_.progressBar->value() + 1);
 EDBHandle* HistoryDlg::getEDBHandle()
-	EDBHandle* h = new EDBHandle(d->pa->edb());
+	EDBHandle* h = new EDBHandle(d->psi->edb());
 	connect(h, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(edbFinished()));
 	return h;
+QString HistoryDlg::makeContactToolTip(const PsiContact *contact, bool bare) const
+	QString jidStr = JIDUtil::toString(contact->jid(), !bare);
+	if (ui_.accountsBox->itemData(ui_.accountsBox->currentIndex()).isNull())
+		jidStr.append(QString(" [%1]").arg(contact->account()->name()));
+	return jidStr;
+QString HistoryDlg::makeContactToolTip(const QString &accId, const XMPP::Jid &jid, bool bare) const
+	QString jidStr = JIDUtil::toString(jid, !bare);
+	if (ui_.accountsBox->itemData(ui_.accountsBox->currentIndex()).isNull()) {
+		PsiAccount *pa = d->psi->contactList()->getAccount(accId);
+		jidStr.append(QString(" [%1]").arg((pa) ? pa->name() : tr("deleted")));
+	}
+	return jidStr;
+QString HistoryDlg::getCurrentAccountId() const
+	if (d->pa)
+		return d->pa->id();
+	return QString();
--- git.orig/src/historydlg.h
+++ git/src/historydlg.h
@@ -81,19 +81,23 @@ private:
 	void setButtons();
 	void setButtons(bool act);
 	void loadContacts();
-	void displayResult(const EDBResult , int, int max=-1);
+	void displayResult(const EDBResult &, int, int max=-1);
 	QFont fontForOption(const QString& option);
 	void listAccounts();
 	UserListItem* currentUserListItem() const;
 	void startRequest();
 	void stopRequest();
+	void showProgress(int max);
+	void incrementProgress();
+	void setCurrentUserListItem();
+	QString makeContactToolTip(const PsiContact *contact, bool bare) const;
+	QString makeContactToolTip(const QString &accId, const Jid &jid, bool bare) const;
 	EDBHandle* getEDBHandle();
+	QString getCurrentAccountId() const;
 	class Private;
 	Private *d;
 	Ui::HistoryDlg ui_;
-	QStringList jids_;
--- git.orig/src/historyimp.cpp
+++ git/src/historyimp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+ * historyimp.cpp
+ * Copyright (C) 2011   Aleksey Andreev
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QLayout>
+#include "historyimp.h"
+#include "applicationinfo.h"
+#include "psicontactlist.h"
+#include "psiaccount.h"
+#include "psicontact.h"
+HistoryImport::HistoryImport(PsiCon *psi) : QObject(),
+	psi_(psi),
+	srcEdb(NULL),
+	dstEdb(NULL),
+	hErase(NULL),
+	hRead(NULL),
+	hWrite(NULL),
+	active(false),
+	result_(ResultNone),
+	recordsCount(0),
+	dlg(NULL)
+	clear();
+bool HistoryImport::isNeeded()
+	bool res = false;
+	EDBSqLite *stor = static_cast<EDBSqLite *>(psi_->edb());
+	if (!stor->getStorageParam("import_start").isEmpty()) {
+		EDB *src = stor->mirror();
+		if (!src)
+			src = new EDBFlatFile(psi_);
+		//if (sou && sou->eventsCount(QString(), XMPP::Jid()) != 0)
+		if (!src->contacts(QString(), EDB::Contact).isEmpty())
+			res = true;
+		else
+			stor->setStorageParam("import_start", QString());
+		if (src != stor->mirror())
+			delete src;
+	}
+	return res;
+void HistoryImport::clear()
+	if (dstEdb) {
+		((EDBSqLite *)dstEdb)->setInsertingMode(EDBSqLite::Normal);
+		((EDBSqLite *)dstEdb)->setMirror(new EDBFlatFile(psi_));
+	}
+	if (hErase) {
+		delete hErase;
+		hErase = NULL;
+	}
+	if (hRead) {
+		delete hRead;
+		hRead = NULL;
+	}
+	if (srcEdb) {
+		delete srcEdb;
+		srcEdb = NULL;
+	}
+	if (hWrite) {
+		delete hWrite;
+		hWrite = NULL;
+	}
+	if (dlg) {
+		delete dlg;
+		dlg = NULL;
+	}
+int HistoryImport::exec()
+	active = true;
+	dstEdb = psi_->edb();
+	((EDBSqLite *)dstEdb)->setMirror(NULL);
+	((EDBSqLite *)dstEdb)->setInsertingMode(EDBSqLite::Import);
+	dstEdb->setStorageParam("import_start", "yes");
+	if (!srcEdb)
+		srcEdb = new EDBFlatFile(psi_);
+	foreach (const EDB::ContactItem &ci, srcEdb->contacts(QString(), EDB::Contact)) {
+		const XMPP::Jid &jid = ci.jid;
+		QStringList accIds;
+		foreach (PsiAccount *acc, psi_->contactList()->accounts()) {
+			foreach (PsiContact *contact, acc->contactList()) {
+				if (contact->jid() == jid)
+					accIds.append(acc->id());
+			}
+		}
+		if (accIds.isEmpty()) {
+			PsiAccount *pa = psi_->contactList()->defaultAccount();
+			if (pa)
+				accIds.append(pa->id());
+			else
+				accIds.append(psi_->contactList()->accounts().first()->id());
+		}
+		importList.append(ImportItem(accIds, jid));
+	}
+	if (importList.isEmpty())
+		stop(ResultNormal);
+	else
+		showDialog();
+	return result_;
+void HistoryImport::stop(int reason)
+	stopTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+	result_ = reason;
+	if (reason == ResultNormal) {
+		dstEdb->setStorageParam("import_start", QString());
+		int sec = importDuration();
+		int min = sec / 60;
+		sec = sec % 60;
+		qWarning(QString("Import is finished. Duration is %1 min. %2 sec.").arg(min).arg(sec).toLatin1());
+	}
+	else if (reason == ResultCancel)
+		qWarning("Import canceled");
+	else
+		qWarning("Import error");
+	active = false;
+	emit finished(reason);
+int HistoryImport::importDuration()
+	return startTime.secsTo(stopTime);
+void HistoryImport::readFromFiles()
+	if (!active)
+		return;
+	if (hWrite != NULL) {
+		if (!hWrite->writeSuccess()) {
+			stop(ResultError); // Write error
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	else if (hErase != NULL && !hErase->writeSuccess()) {
+		stop(ResultError);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (importList.isEmpty()) {
+		stop(ResultNormal);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (hRead == NULL) {
+		hRead = new EDBHandle(srcEdb);
+		connect(hRead, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(writeToSqlite()));
+	}
+	const ImportItem &item = importList.first();
+	int start = item.startNum;
+	if (start == 0)
+		qWarning(QString("Importing %1").arg(JIDUtil::toString(item.jid, true)).toLatin1());
+	--recordsCount;
+	if (dlg && (recordsCount % 100) == 0)
+		progressBar->setValue(progressBar->value() + 1);
+	hRead->get(item.accIds.first(), item.jid, QDateTime(), EDB::Forward, start, 1);
+void HistoryImport::writeToSqlite()
+	if (!active)
+		return;
+	const EDBResult r = hRead->result();
+	if (hRead->lastRequestType() != EDBHandle::Read || r.size() > 1) {
+		stop(ResultError);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (r.isEmpty()) {
+		importList.first().accIds.removeFirst();
+		if (importList.first().accIds.isEmpty())
+			importList.removeFirst();
+		QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(readFromFiles()));
+		return;
+	}
+	if (hWrite == NULL) {
+		hWrite = new EDBHandle(dstEdb);
+		connect(hWrite, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(readFromFiles()));
+	}
+	EDBItemPtr it = r.first();
+	ImportItem &item = importList.first();
+	hWrite->append(item.accIds.first(), item.jid, it->event(), EDB::Contact);
+	item.startNum += 1;
+void HistoryImport::showDialog()
+	dlg = new QDialog();
+	dlg->setModal(true);
+	dlg->setWindowTitle(tr("Psi+ Import history"));
+	QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(dlg);
+	stackedWidget = new QStackedWidget(dlg);
+	QWidget *page1 = new QWidget();
+	QGridLayout *page1Layout = new QGridLayout(page1);
+	QLabel *lbMessage = new QLabel(page1);
+	lbMessage->setWordWrap(true);
+	lbMessage->setText(tr("Found %1 files for import.\nContinue?").arg(importList.size()));
+	page1Layout->addWidget(lbMessage, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+	stackedWidget->addWidget(page1);
+	QWidget *page2 = new QWidget();
+	QHBoxLayout *page2Layout = new QHBoxLayout(page2);
+	QGridLayout *page2GridLayout = new QGridLayout();
+	page2GridLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Status:"), page2), 0, 0, 1, 1);
+	lbStatus = new QLabel(page2);
+	page2GridLayout->addWidget(lbStatus, 0, 1, 1, 1);
+	page2GridLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Progress:"), page2), 1, 0, 1, 1);
+	progressBar = new QProgressBar(page2);
+	progressBar->setMaximum(1);
+	progressBar->setValue(0);
+	page2GridLayout->addWidget(progressBar, 1, 1, 1, 1);
+	page2Layout->addLayout(page2GridLayout);
+	stackedWidget->addWidget(page2);
+	mainLayout->addWidget(stackedWidget);
+	QHBoxLayout *buttonsLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
+	QSpacerItem *buttonsSpacer = new QSpacerItem(0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
+	buttonsLayout->addItem(buttonsSpacer);
+	btnOk = new QPushButton(dlg);
+	connect(btnOk, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(start()));
+	btnOk->setText(tr("Ok"));
+	buttonsLayout->addWidget(btnOk);
+	QPushButton *btnCancel = new QPushButton(dlg);
+	connect(btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cancel()));
+	btnCancel->setText(tr("Exit"));
+	buttonsLayout->addWidget(btnCancel);
+	mainLayout->addLayout(buttonsLayout);
+	dlg->adjustSize();
+	dlg->exec();
+void HistoryImport::start()
+	qWarning("Import start");
+	startTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+	btnOk->setEnabled(false);
+	stackedWidget->setCurrentIndex(1);
+	lbStatus->setText(tr("Counting records"));
+	qApp->processEvents();
+	recordsCount = srcEdb->eventsCount(QString(), XMPP::Jid());
+	int max = recordsCount / 100;
+	if ((recordsCount % 100) != 0)
+		++max;
+	progressBar->setMaximum(max);
+	progressBar->setValue(0);
+	lbStatus->setText(tr("Import"));
+	hErase = new EDBHandle(dstEdb);
+	connect(hErase, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(readFromFiles()));
+	hErase->erase(QString(), QString());
+	while (active)
+		qApp->processEvents();
+	if (result_ == ResultNormal)
+		dlg->accept();
+	else
+		lbStatus->setText(tr("Error"));
+void HistoryImport::cancel()
+	stop();
+	dlg->reject();
--- git.orig/src/historyimp.h
+++ git/src/historyimp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * historyimp.h
+ * Copyright (C) 2011   Aleksey Andreev
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ *
+ */
+#include <QObject>
+#include <QDialog>
+#include <QLabel>
+#include <QProgressBar>
+#include <QStackedWidget>
+#include <QPushButton>
+#include "xmpp/jid/jid.h"
+#include "jidutil.h"
+#include "psicon.h"
+#include "eventdb.h"
+struct ImportItem
+	QStringList   accIds;
+	XMPP::Jid     jid;
+	int           startNum;
+	ImportItem(const QStringList &ids, const XMPP::Jid &j) { accIds = ids; jid = j; startNum = 0; }
+class HistoryImport : public QObject
+	enum {ResultNone, ResultNormal, ResultCancel, ResultError};
+	HistoryImport(PsiCon *psi);
+	~HistoryImport();
+	bool isNeeded();
+	int exec();
+	int importDuration();
+	PsiCon *psi_;
+	QList<ImportItem> importList;
+	EDB *srcEdb;
+	EDB *dstEdb;
+	EDBHandle *hErase;
+	EDBHandle *hRead;
+	EDBHandle *hWrite;
+	QDateTime startTime;
+	QDateTime stopTime;
+	bool active;
+	int result_;
+	quint64 recordsCount;
+	QDialog *dlg;
+	QLabel *lbStatus;
+	QProgressBar *progressBar;
+	QStackedWidget *stackedWidget;
+	QPushButton *btnOk;
+	void clear();
+	void showDialog();
+private slots:
+	void readFromFiles();
+	void writeToSqlite();
+	void start();
+	void stop(int reason = ResultCancel);
+	void cancel();
+	void finished(int);
--- git.orig/src/history.ui
+++ git/src/history.ui
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-    <width>672</width>
+    <width>670</width>
@@ -34,207 +34,377 @@
   <property name="modal">
-  <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
-   <item row="0" column="0">
-    <widget class="QComboBox" name="accountsBox">
-     <property name="maximumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>220</width>
-       <height>16777215</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="0" column="1">
-    <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2">
+  <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2">
+   <item>
+    <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_4" stretch="0,0,1">
-      <widget class="QLineEdit" name="searchField">
-       <property name="sizePolicy">
-        <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="Preferred">
-         <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-         <verstretch>0</verstretch>
-        </sizepolicy>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
+      <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
+       <item>
+        <widget class="QComboBox" name="accountsBox">
+         <property name="maximumSize">
+          <size>
+           <width>220</width>
+           <height>16777215</height>
+          </size>
+         </property>
+        </widget>
+       </item>
+       <item>
+        <widget class="QToolBox" name="contactToolBox">
+         <property name="maximumSize">
+          <size>
+           <width>220</width>
+           <height>16777215</height>
+          </size>
+         </property>
+         <property name="currentIndex">
+          <number>0</number>
+         </property>
+         <widget class="QWidget" name="page_1">
+          <property name="geometry">
+           <rect>
+            <x>0</x>
+            <y>0</y>
+            <width>220</width>
+            <height>233</height>
+           </rect>
+          </property>
+          <attribute name="label">
+           <string>Roster contacts</string>
+          </attribute>
+          <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
+           <property name="margin">
+            <number>0</number>
+           </property>
+           <item row="1" column="0">
+            <widget class="QListWidget" name="jidList">
+             <property name="sizePolicy">
+              <sizepolicy hsizetype="Maximum" vsizetype="Expanding">
+               <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+               <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+              </sizepolicy>
+             </property>
+             <property name="maximumSize">
+              <size>
+               <width>220</width>
+               <height>16777215</height>
+              </size>
+             </property>
+            </widget>
+           </item>
+          </layout>
+         </widget>
+         <widget class="QWidget" name="page_3">
+          <property name="geometry">
+           <rect>
+            <x>0</x>
+            <y>0</y>
+            <width>220</width>
+            <height>233</height>
+           </rect>
+          </property>
+          <attribute name="label">
+           <string>Not in roster</string>
+          </attribute>
+          <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_2">
+           <property name="margin">
+            <number>0</number>
+           </property>
+           <item row="0" column="0">
+            <widget class="QListWidget" name="jidList2">
+             <property name="maximumSize">
+              <size>
+               <width>220</width>
+               <height>16777215</height>
+              </size>
+             </property>
+            </widget>
+           </item>
+          </layout>
+         </widget>
+         <widget class="QWidget" name="page_4">
+          <property name="geometry">
+           <rect>
+            <x>0</x>
+            <y>0</y>
+            <width>220</width>
+            <height>233</height>
+           </rect>
+          </property>
+          <attribute name="label">
+           <string>Private</string>
+          </attribute>
+          <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_3">
+           <property name="margin">
+            <number>0</number>
+           </property>
+           <item row="0" column="0">
+            <widget class="QListWidget" name="privList">
+             <property name="maximumSize">
+              <size>
+               <width>220</width>
+               <height>16777215</height>
+              </size>
+             </property>
+            </widget>
+           </item>
+          </layout>
+         </widget>
+         <widget class="QWidget" name="page_5">
+          <property name="geometry">
+           <rect>
+            <x>0</x>
+            <y>0</y>
+            <width>220</width>
+            <height>233</height>
+           </rect>
+          </property>
+          <attribute name="label">
+           <string>Advanced</string>
+          </attribute>
+          <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout_4">
+           <property name="margin">
+            <number>0</number>
+           </property>
+           <item row="0" column="0">
+            <widget class="QListWidget" name="advList">
+             <property name="maximumSize">
+              <size>
+               <width>220</width>
+               <height>16777215</height>
+              </size>
+             </property>
+            </widget>
+           </item>
+          </layout>
+         </widget>
+        </widget>
+       </item>
+       <item>
+        <widget class="QCalendarWidget" name="calendar">
+         <property name="minimumSize">
+          <size>
+           <width>220</width>
+           <height>0</height>
+          </size>
+         </property>
+         <property name="maximumSize">
+          <size>
+           <width>220</width>
+           <height>220</height>
+          </size>
+         </property>
+         <property name="firstDayOfWeek">
+          <enum>Qt::Sunday</enum>
+         </property>
+         <property name="gridVisible">
+          <bool>true</bool>
+         </property>
+         <property name="horizontalHeaderFormat">
+          <enum>QCalendarWidget::ShortDayNames</enum>
+         </property>
+         <property name="verticalHeaderFormat">
+          <enum>QCalendarWidget::NoVerticalHeader</enum>
+         </property>
+        </widget>
+       </item>
+       <item>
+        <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonRefresh">
+         <property name="sizePolicy">
+          <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Preferred">
+           <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+           <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+          </sizepolicy>
+         </property>
+         <property name="maximumSize">
+          <size>
+           <width>220</width>
+           <height>16777215</height>
+          </size>
+         </property>
+         <property name="focusPolicy">
+          <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
+         </property>
+         <property name="toolTip">
+          <string>Refresh history</string>
+         </property>
+         <property name="text">
+          <string>&amp;Refresh</string>
+         </property>
+         <property name="autoDefault">
+          <bool>false</bool>
+         </property>
+        </widget>
+       </item>
+      </layout>
-      <widget class="QToolButton" name="tb_find">
-       <property name="sizePolicy">
-        <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
-         <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-         <verstretch>0</verstretch>
-        </sizepolicy>
-       </property>
-       <property name="maximumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>27</width>
-         <height>27</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
+      <widget class="Line" name="line">
+       <property name="orientation">
+        <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
-    </layout>
-   </item>
-   <item row="1" column="0">
-    <widget class="QListWidget" name="jidList">
-     <property name="maximumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>220</width>
-       <height>16777215</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="sortingEnabled">
-      <bool>true</bool>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="1" column="1" rowspan="2">
-    <widget class="PsiTextView" name="msgLog">
-     <property name="sizePolicy">
-      <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="MinimumExpanding">
-       <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-       <verstretch>0</verstretch>
-      </sizepolicy>
-     </property>
-     <property name="maximumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>16777215</width>
-       <height>16777215</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="focusPolicy">
-      <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="readOnly">
-      <bool>true</bool>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="2" column="0">
-    <widget class="QCalendarWidget" name="calendar">
-     <property name="maximumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>220</width>
-       <height>220</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="firstDayOfWeek">
-      <enum>Qt::Sunday</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="gridVisible">
-      <bool>true</bool>
-     </property>
-     <property name="horizontalHeaderFormat">
-      <enum>QCalendarWidget::ShortDayNames</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="verticalHeaderFormat">
-      <enum>QCalendarWidget::NoVerticalHeader</enum>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="3" column="0">
-    <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonRefresh">
-     <property name="sizePolicy">
-      <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Preferred">
-       <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-       <verstretch>0</verstretch>
-      </sizepolicy>
-     </property>
-     <property name="maximumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>220</width>
-       <height>16777215</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="focusPolicy">
-      <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="toolTip">
-      <string>Refresh history</string>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text">
-      <string>&amp;Refresh</string>
-     </property>
-     <property name="autoDefault">
-      <bool>false</bool>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item row="3" column="1">
-    <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
-     <property name="sizeConstraint">
-      <enum>QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint</enum>
-     </property>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonEarliest">
-       <property name="focusPolicy">
-        <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string>&amp;Earliest</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
+      <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_3">
+       <item>
+        <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2">
+         <item>
+          <widget class="QLineEdit" name="searchField">
+           <property name="sizePolicy">
+            <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="Preferred">
+             <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+             <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+            </sizepolicy>
+           </property>
+          </widget>
+         </item>
+         <item>
+          <widget class="QToolButton" name="tb_find">
+           <property name="sizePolicy">
+            <sizepolicy hsizetype="Preferred" vsizetype="Preferred">
+             <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+             <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+            </sizepolicy>
+           </property>
+           <property name="maximumSize">
+            <size>
+             <width>27</width>
+             <height>27</height>
+            </size>
+           </property>
+           <property name="text">
+            <string/>
+           </property>
+          </widget>
+         </item>
+        </layout>
+       </item>
+       <item>
+        <widget class="PsiTextView" name="msgLog">
+         <property name="sizePolicy">
+          <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="MinimumExpanding">
+           <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+           <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+          </sizepolicy>
+         </property>
+         <property name="maximumSize">
+          <size>
+           <width>16777215</width>
+           <height>16777215</height>
+          </size>
+         </property>
+         <property name="focusPolicy">
+          <enum>Qt::ClickFocus</enum>
+         </property>
+         <property name="readOnly">
+          <bool>true</bool>
+         </property>
+        </widget>
+       </item>
+       <item>
+        <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
+         <property name="sizeConstraint">
+          <enum>QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint</enum>
+         </property>
+         <item>
+          <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonEarliest">
+           <property name="focusPolicy">
+            <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
+           </property>
+           <property name="text">
+            <string>&amp;Earliest</string>
+           </property>
+          </widget>
+         </item>
+         <item>
+          <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonPrevious">
+           <property name="focusPolicy">
+            <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
+           </property>
+           <property name="text">
+            <string>&amp;Previous</string>
+           </property>
+           <property name="autoDefault">
+            <bool>false</bool>
+           </property>
+          </widget>
+         </item>
+         <item>
+          <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
+           <property name="orientation">
+            <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+           </property>
+           <property name="sizeType">
+            <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum>
+           </property>
+           <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+            <size>
+             <width>13</width>
+             <height>13</height>
+            </size>
+           </property>
+          </spacer>
+         </item>
+         <item>
+          <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonNext">
+           <property name="focusPolicy">
+            <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
+           </property>
+           <property name="text">
+            <string>&amp;Next</string>
+           </property>
+           <property name="autoDefault">
+            <bool>false</bool>
+           </property>
+          </widget>
+         </item>
+         <item>
+          <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonLastest">
+           <property name="focusPolicy">
+            <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
+           </property>
+           <property name="text">
+            <string>&amp;Lastest</string>
+           </property>
+          </widget>
+         </item>
+        </layout>
+       </item>
+      </layout>
+    </layout>
+   </item>
+   <item>
+    <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_3">
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonPrevious">
-       <property name="focusPolicy">
-        <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string>&amp;Previous</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="autoDefault">
-        <bool>false</bool>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
+      <widget class="BusyWidget" name="busy" native="true"/>
-      <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
+      <spacer name="horizontalSpacer">
        <property name="orientation">
-       <property name="sizeType">
-        <enum>QSizePolicy::Expanding</enum>
-       </property>
        <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-         <width>13</width>
-         <height>13</height>
+         <width>20</width>
+         <height>20</height>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonNext">
-       <property name="focusPolicy">
-        <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string>&amp;Next</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="autoDefault">
-        <bool>false</bool>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonLastest">
-       <property name="focusPolicy">
-        <enum>Qt::NoFocus</enum>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string>&amp;Lastest</string>
+      <widget class="QProgressBar" name="progressBar">
+       <property name="sizePolicy">
+        <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Fixed">
+         <horstretch>1</horstretch>
+         <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+        </sizepolicy>
-   <item row="4" column="0">
-    <widget class="BusyWidget" name="busy" native="true"/>
-   </item>
@@ -251,14 +421,13 @@
+  <tabstop>accountsBox</tabstop>
+  <tabstop>jidList2</tabstop>
+  <tabstop>privList</tabstop>
+  <tabstop>advList</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>buttonEarliest</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>buttonPrevious</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>buttonNext</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>buttonLastest</tabstop>
-  <tabstop>accountsBox</tabstop>
--- git.orig/src/psiaccount.cpp
+++ git/src/psiaccount.cpp
@@ -4764,11 +4764,12 @@ void PsiAccount::dj_sendMessage(const Me
 	// don't log groupchat, private messages, or encrypted messages
 	if(log) {
-		if(m.type() != "groupchat" && m.xencrypted().isEmpty() && !findGCContact( {
+		if(m.type() != "groupchat" && m.xencrypted().isEmpty()/* && !findGCContact(*/) {
+			int type = findGCContact( ? EDB::GroupChatContact : EDB::Contact;
 			MessageEvent::Ptr me(new MessageEvent(m, this));
-			logEvent(, me);
+			logEvent(, me, type);
@@ -5113,7 +5114,7 @@ void PsiAccount::handleEvent(const PsiEv
 			// don't log private messages
 			if (!found &&
-				!findGCContact(e->from()) &&
+				//!findGCContact(e->from()) &&
 				!(e->type() == PsiEvent::Message &&
@@ -5126,7 +5127,8 @@ void PsiAccount::handleEvent(const PsiEv
 				if (!isMuc) {
-					logEvent(e->from(), e);
+					int type = findGCContact(e->from()) ? EDB::GroupChatContact : EDB::Contact;
+					logEvent(e->from(), e, type);
@@ -5827,14 +5829,16 @@ void PsiAccount::groupChatMessagesRead(c
-void PsiAccount::logEvent(const Jid &j, const PsiEvent::Ptr &e)
+void PsiAccount::logEvent(const Jid &j, const PsiEvent::Ptr &e, int type)
 	if (!d->acc.opt_log)
+	if (type == EDB::GroupChatContact && !PsiOptions::instance()->getOption("").toBool())
+		return;
 	EDBHandle *h = new EDBHandle(d->psi->edb());
 	connect(h, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(edb_finished()));
-	h->append(j, e);
+	h->append(id(), j, e, type);
 void PsiAccount::edb_finished()
@@ -6289,7 +6293,7 @@ void PsiAccount::pgp_encryptFinished()
 			MessageEvent::Ptr me(new MessageEvent(m, this));
-			logEvent(, me);
+			logEvent(, me, EDB::Contact);
 		Message mwrap;
--- git.orig/src/psiaccount.h
+++ git/src/psiaccount.h
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ private:
 	void simulateRosterOffline();
 	void cpUpdate(const UserListItem &, const QString &rname="", bool fromPresence=false);
 	UserListItem* addUserListItem(const Jid& jid, const QString& nick="");
-	void logEvent(const Jid &, const PsiEvent::Ptr &);
+	void logEvent(const Jid &, const PsiEvent::Ptr &, int);
 	void queueEvent(const PsiEvent::Ptr &e, ActivationType activationType);
 	void openNextEvent(const UserListItem &, ActivationType activationType);
 	void updateReadNext(const Jid &);
--- git.orig/src/psichatdlg.cpp
+++ git/src/psichatdlg.cpp
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ bool PsiChatDlg::isEncryptionEnabled() c
 void PsiChatDlg::appendSysMsg(const QString &str)
-	chatView()->dispatchMessage(MessageView::fromHtml(str, MessageView::System));
+	dispatchMessage(MessageView::fromHtml(str, MessageView::System));
 ChatView* PsiChatDlg::chatView() const
--- git.orig/src/psicon.cpp
+++ git/src/psicon.cpp
@@ -359,8 +359,7 @@ PsiCon::PsiCon()
 	d->ftwin = 0;
-	d->edb = new EDBFlatFile;
+	d->edb = 0;
 	d->s5bServer = 0;
 	d->tuneManager = 0;
 	d->autoUpdater = 0;
@@ -381,7 +380,8 @@ PsiCon::~PsiCon()
 	delete d->autoUpdater;
 	delete d->actionList;
-	delete d->edb;
+	if (d->edb)
+		delete d->edb;
 	delete d->defaultMenuBar;
 	delete d->tabManager;
 	delete d->popupManager;
@@ -703,6 +703,12 @@ bool PsiCon::init()
+	// Import for SQLite history
+	EDBSqLite *edb = new EDBSqLite(this);
+	d->edb = edb;
+	if (!edb->init())
+		return false;
 	// try autologin if needed
 	foreach(PsiAccount* account, d->contactList->accounts()) {
--- git.orig/src/src.pri
+++ git/src/src.pri
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-QT += xml network
+QT += xml network sql
 greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) {
   QT += widgets multimedia concurrent
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ HEADERS += \
 	$$PWD/translationmanager.h \
 	$$PWD/eventdb.h \
 	$$PWD/historydlg.h \
+	$$PWD/historyimp.h \
 	$$PWD/tipdlg.h \
 	$$PWD/searchdlg.h \
 	$$PWD/registrationdlg.h \
@@ -290,6 +291,7 @@ SOURCES += \
 	$$PWD/translationmanager.cpp \
 	$$PWD/eventdb.cpp \
 	$$PWD/historydlg.cpp \
+	$$PWD/historyimp.cpp \
 	$$PWD/searchdlg.cpp \
 	$$PWD/registrationdlg.cpp \
 	$$PWD/psitoolbar.cpp \
--- git.orig/themes/chatview/psi/adapter.js
+++ git/themes/chatview/psi/adapter.js
@@ -189,7 +189,11 @@ window[chatServer.jsNamespace()].adapter
 							if (!template) {
 								data.nextOfGroup = false; //can't group w/o template
-								template = data.local?shared.templates.sentMessage:shared.templates.receivedMessage;
+								if (data.spooled) {
+									template = shared.templates.spooledMessage;
+								} else {
+									template = data.local?shared.templates.sentMessage:shared.templates.receivedMessage;
+								}
                         case "status":
--- git.orig/themes/chatview/psi/classic/index.html
+++ git/themes/chatview/psi/classic/index.html
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ body > div img { vertical-align:bottom;
 body > div > img:first-child { vertical-align:text-bottom; }
 .sent {}
 .received {}
+.spooledmsg {}
 .infmsg {}
 .usertext {}
 .alert {font-weight:bold;}
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ window[chatServer.jsNamespace()].theme =
 	var cssBody = chat.util.findStyleSheet(document.styleSheets[0], "body").style;
 	var cssSentMsg = chat.util.findStyleSheet(document.styleSheets[0], ".sent").style;
 	var cssReceivedMsg = chat.util.findStyleSheet(document.styleSheets[0], ".received").style;
+	var cssSpooledMsg = chat.util.findStyleSheet(document.styleSheets[0], ".spooledmsg").style;
 	var cssInfMsg = chat.util.findStyleSheet(document.styleSheets[0], ".infmsg").style;
 	var cssUserText = chat.util.findStyleSheet(document.styleSheets[0], ".usertext").style;
 	var cssChatSays = chat.util.findStyleSheet(document.styleSheets[0], ".msg>span:first").style;
@@ -46,6 +48,7 @@ window[chatServer.jsNamespace()].theme =
 		cssReceivedMsg.color = shared.colorOption("options.ui.look.colors.messages.received");
 		cssInfMsg.color = shared.colorOption("options.ui.look.colors.messages.informational");
 		cssUserText.color = shared.colorOption("options.ui.look.colors.messages.usertext");
+		cssSpooledMsg.color = cssUserText.color;
 		cssAlertMsg.color = shared.psiOption("options.ui.look.colors.messages.highlighting");
 		useMessageIcons = shared.psiOption("");
 		if (shared.psiOption("")) {
@@ -73,7 +76,9 @@ window[chatServer.jsNamespace()].theme =
 			receivedMessage: shared.isMuc?
 				"<div class='msg'>%icon%<span style='color:%nickcolor%'>[%time%] %sender%</span> %alertedmessage%</div>"
 				: null,
-			spooledMessage: "<div class='infmsg'>%icon%[%time%] %sender% %message%</div>",
+			spooledMessage: shared.isMuc?
+				"<div class='spooledmsg'>%icon%<span style='color:%nickcolor%'>[%time%] %sender%</span> %message%</div>"
+				: "<div class='spooledmsg'>%icon%<span class='%sentrec%'>[%time%] %sender%</span> %message%</div>",
 			sys: "<div class='infmsg'>%icon%%message%</div>",
 			sysMessage: "<div class='infmsg'>%icon%[%time%] *** %message%</div>",
 			sysMessageUT: "<div class='infmsg'>%icon%[%time%] *** %message%: <span class='usertext'>%usertext%</span></div>",
@@ -97,7 +102,7 @@ window[chatServer.jsNamespace()].theme =
 			if (shared.cdata.mtype == "message") {
 				var template = shared.cdata.emote && shared.templates.messageNC ||
-					(shared.cdata.spooled && shared.templates.message || null);
+					(shared.cdata.spooled && shared.templates.spooledMessage || null);
 				if (template) {
 					shared.appendHtml(template.toString(), shared.cdata.local?true:null);
 					return false;
@@ -119,8 +124,7 @@ window[chatServer.jsNamespace()].theme =
 				return shared.cdata.alert?"<span class='alert'>"+
-			sentrec : function() {return shared.cdata.spooled?"infmsg":
-				(shared.cdata.local?"sent":"received");},
+			sentrec : function() {return shared.cdata.local?"sent":"received";},
 			nickcolor : function() {
 				return shared.session.mucNickColor(shared.cdata.sender, shared.cdata.local);
@@ -129,6 +133,10 @@ window[chatServer.jsNamespace()].theme =
 				if (useMessageIcons) {
 					switch (shared.cdata.mtype) {
 						case "message":
+							if (shared.cdata.spooled) {
+								icon = "psi/history";
+								break;
+							}
 							icon = shared.cdata.local?(shared.cdata.awaitingReceipt?
 								: "psi/notification_chat_receive";