rpms / perl-XRD-Parser

Created 4 years ago
Maintained by ppisar
While XRD has a rather different history, it turns out it can mostly be thought of as a serialization format for a limited subset of RDF. This parser ignores the order of Link elements, as RDF is a graph format with no concept of statements coming in an order. The XRD spec says that grokking the order of Link elements is only a SHOULD. That said, if you're concerned about the order of Link elements, the callback routines allowed by this package may be of use. This package aims to be roughly compatible with RDF::RDFa::Parser's interface.  |  https://metacpan.org/release/XRD-Parser


While XRD has a rather different history, it turns out it can mostly be thought of as a serialization format for a limited subset of RDF.

This parser ignores the order of Link elements, as RDF is a graph format with no concept of statements coming in an order. The XRD spec says that grokking the order of Link elements is only a SHOULD. That said, if you're concerned about the order of Link elements, the callback routines allowed by this package may be of use.

This package aims to be roughly compatible with RDF::RDFa::Parser's interface.