
nodejs-ronn is deprecated upstream, npm(opts) has gone away, and nodejs-markdown is going away. The suggested node based replacement is marked-man.

I have adopted nodejs-marked and updated to a supported version (1.1.0). marked-man currently only works with marked-0.7.0 or earlier. I have submitted a bug upstream:

Meanwhile, I am using pandoc where that is available. To use pandoc on a man page designed for ronn I preprocess with

  for i in *.md;
    sed -i -e'1,1 s/^/% /' -e'1,1 s/--/|/' -e'2,2d' $i

Pandoc is not available on epel8, so I am using rubygen-ronn.

I am also considering asciidoc, but haven't tried it yet with existing man pages.