Blob Blame History Raw
Name:           libpasastro
Version:        1.0
Release:        6.20160111svn%{?dist}
Summary:        Pascal interface for standard astronomy libraries

License:        GPLv2+
# Official stable version doesn't include yet fixes required upstream
# for packaging in Fedora, so we use svn version.
# Use the following commands to generate the tarball:
# svn export -r 9 svn:// libpasastro-1.0
# tar -cJvf libpasastro-1.0-svn.tar.xz libpasastro-1.0
Source0:        %{name}-%{version}-svn.tar.xz

# Patch to fix stripping and permissions of library files
# Since this is Fedora specific we don't ask upstream to include
Patch0:         libpasastro-1.0-fix-install.patch

Libpasastro provides shared libraries to interface Pascal program 
with standard astronomy libraries. : Interface with GetDSS to work with DSS images. : Interface with Plan404 to compute planets position. : Interface with libwcs to work with FITS WCS.

%autosetup -p1

# fix library path in script on 64bit
sed -i 's/\$destdir\/lib/\$destdir\/%{_lib}/g' ./

make %{_smp_mflags} arch_flags="%{optflags}"

make install PREFIX=%{buildroot}%{_prefix}

# Create symlinks to soname
ldconfig -n %{buildroot}%{_libdir}

%post -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig

%doc %{_datadir}/doc/%{name}/

* Mon Jan 11 2016 Mattia Verga <> - 1.0-6.20160111svn
- Update to svn rev 9

* Fri Jan 1 2016 Mattia Verga <> - 1.0-5.20151222svn
- Remove fpc and lazarus BR and remove ExcludeArch
- Update to svn rev 6
- Use optflags for debugging generation and remove hardcoded patch

* Sun Dec 20 2015 Mattia Verga <> - 1.0-4.20151219svn
- Properly set ExcludeArch

* Sun Dec 20 2015 Mattia Verga <> - 1.0-3.20151219svn
- Better symlinks creation

* Sat Dec 19 2015 Mattia Verga <> - 1.0-2.20151219svn
- Use svn updated sources
- Create symlinks to soname

* Fri Dec 18 2015 Mattia Verga <> - 1.0-1
- Initial release