Blob Blame History Raw
--- a/appdata/iyfct
+++ b/appdata/iyfct
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+if [ $# -ne 0 ]
+ if [ "$1" == "-h" ]||[ "$1" == "--help" ]
+ then
+  man 6 iyfct
+  exit
+ fi
+ echo "Invalid option(s): $*" 1>&2
+ echo Usage: `basename $0` [-h] 1>&2
+ exit 1
+love /usr/share/iyfct/
--- a/appdata/iyfct.6
+++ b/appdata/iyfct.6
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+.TH iyfct 6 "VERSION" "In Your Face City Trains"
+iyfct - In Your Face City Trains v VERSION
+Side scrolling endless runner game
+The goal of the game is to survive as long as you can.
+Jump over trains with closed doors and try (as much as possible) to run
+through trains with open doors to avoid birds and tunnels. Some open trains
+will give you coffee. When your coffee-meter is full, you have one extra life.
+.IP Space
+.IP R
+.IP 1-4,F1-F4
+Set zoom
+.IP P
+Pause game
+.IP M
+Mute sound
+This game is made with LOVE. You can find more games and
+information about the author(s) at
+.BR \-h ", " \-\-help
+Show manpage.
+.BR love(6)
--- a/appdata/iyfct.appdata.xml
+++ b/appdata/iyfct.appdata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<component type="desktop">
+ <id>iyfct.desktop</id>
+ <metadata_license>CC-BY-SA</metadata_license>
+ <project_license>GPL-3.0</project_license>
+ <name>In Your Face City Trains</name>
+ <summary>Side scrolling endless runner game</summary>
+ <description>
+  <p>
+   The goal of the game is to survive as long as you can.
+   Jump over trains with closed doors and try (as much as possible) to run
+   through trains with open doors to avoid birds and tunnels. Some open trains
+   will give you coffee. When your coffee-meter is full, you have one extra life.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+   Space: Jump
+   R: Restart
+   1-4 or F1-F4: Set zoom
+   P: Pause game
+   M: Mute sound
+  </p>
+ </description>
+ <screenshots>
+  <screenshot type="default">
+   <image></image>
+   <caption>Example gameplay</caption>
+  </screenshot>
+ </screenshots>
+ <url type="homepage"></url>
+ <url type="bugtracker"></url>
--- a/appdata/iyfct.desktop
+++ b/appdata/iyfct.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=In Your Face City Trains
+Comment=Side scrolling endless runner game