Blob Blame History Raw
%bcond_without check
%global __cargo_skip_build 0

Name:           i3status-rs
Version:        0.13.1
Release:        4%{?dist}
Summary:        Feature-rich and resource-friendly replacement for i3status, written in Rust

# Upstream license specification: GPLv3
# Install all deps (without check), grab their licenses and make it simple
# * 0BSD
# * ASL 2.0
# * ASL 2.0 or Boost
# * ASL 2.0 or MIT
# * ISC
# * MIT
# * MIT or ASL 2.0
# * (MIT or ASL 2.0) and BSD
# * (MIT or ASL 2.0) and Public Domain
# * Unlicense or MIT
License:        GPLv3 and 0BSD and ASL 2.0 and ISC and MIT and BSD and Public Domain
Source:         %{url}/archive/v%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz

ExclusiveArch:  %{rust_arches}

BuildRequires:  rust-packaging
Recommends:     fontawesome-fonts
Enhances:       i3
Enhances:       sway

i3status-rs is a feature-rich and resource-friendly replacement for i3status,
written in pure Rust. It provides a way to display "blocks" of system
information (time, battery status, volume, etc) on the i3 bar. It is also
compatible with sway.

%autosetup -n i3status-rust-%{version_no_tilde} -p1
# Upstream bumps deps every release
sed -i -e '/maildir/s/0.3/0.4/' -e '/nix/s/0.16.0/0.17/' Cargo.toml




%if %{with check}

%license LICENSE
%doc example_config.toml example_icon.toml example_theme.toml

* Mon Dec 28 13:26:06 CET 2020 Igor Raits <> - 0.13.1-4
- Rebuild

* Tue Jul 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.13.1-3
- Rebuilt for

* Sat Feb 22 2020 Igor Raits <> - 0.13.1-2
- Update dependencies

* Fri Feb 21 2020 Igor Raits <> - 0.13.1-1
- Update to 0.13.1

* Mon Feb 03 2020 Artem Polishchuk <> - 0.13.0-1
- Update to 0.13.0
- Drop example config file in favour of upstream examples

* Wed Jan 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.12.0-7
- Rebuilt for

* Thu Dec 19 2019 Igor Gnatenko <> - 0.12.0-6
- Rename to i3status-rs

* Wed Dec 18 2019 Artem Polishchuk <> - 0.12.0-5
- Use Enhances instead of Suggests

* Tue Dec 17 00:00:00 EET 2019 Artem Polishchuk <> - 0.12.0-4
- Fix license
- Bump inotify to "0.8.0"

* Thu Dec 12 18:35:09 EET 2019 Artem Polishchuk <> - 0.12.0-3
- Update to 0.12.0

* Tue Nov 05 18:51:24 EET 2019 Artem Polishchuk <> - 0.11.0-1
- Initial package