Blob Blame History Raw
# Run tests in check section
%bcond_without check

%global goipath
Version:                2.1.0

%global common_description %{expand:
Martian Proxy is a programmable HTTP proxy designed to be used for testing.

Martian is a great tool to use if you want to:

 - Verify that all (or some subset) of requests are secure
 - Mock external services at the network layer
 - Inject headers, modify cookies or perform other mutations of HTTP requests 
   and responses
 - Verify that pingbacks happen when you think they should
 - Unwrap encrypted traffic (requires install of CA certificate in browser)

By taking advantage of Go cross-compilation, Martian can be deployed anywhere 
that Go can target.}


Name:           %{goname}
Release:        2%{?dist}
Summary:        Library for building custom HTTP/S proxies
License:        ASL 2.0
URL:            %{gourl}
Source0:        %{gosource}

BuildRequires: golang(


%package devel
Summary:       %{summary}
BuildArch:     noarch

%description devel

This package contains library source intended for
building other packages which use import path with
%{goipath} prefix.



%if %{with check}
%gochecks -t marbl -t static -d body

%files devel -f devel.file-list
%license LICENSE

* Fri Feb 01 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.1.0-2
- Rebuilt for

* Fri Oct 05 2018 Robert-André Mauchin <> - 2.1.0-1
- First package for Fedora