Blob Blame History Raw
#in noarch? why...
%global debug_package %{nil}
#javadoc is empty. Keep building it now with hope for bright future
%global with_javadoc 1

Name:       fernflower
Version:    183.5153.8
Release:    3%{?dist}
Summary:    JIdea's java decompiler
License:    ASL 2.0 
# this source is 280MB big, so only the decompiler is repacked via and has 350kB
# generated by source2; ` 183.5153.8`
Source0:    %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
# launcher
Source1:    %{name}
Patch0:     remove_main.patch
BuildArch:  noarch
BuildRequires:  javapackages-tools
BuildRequires:  java-devel
BuildRequires:  gradle-local
%if %{with_javadoc}
BuildRequires:  zip
Requires:      java-headless
Requires:      javapackages-tools
Provides:      %{name}-decompiler

JIdea's decompiler is the first actually working analytical decompiler for Java and probably
for a high-level programming language in general. Naturally it is still under development,
please send your bug reports and improvement suggestions to the issue tracker.

%if %{with_javadoc}
%package javadoc
Summary: %{name} API documentation
Requires: javapackages-filesystem
BuildArch: noarch
Provides:  %{name}-decompiler-javadoc

%description javadoc
The %{name} 100% empty API documentation.

# removing test classes and jars, tests are not run in rpm build anyway (but can be run out of it)
# maybe to pack them as demos?
find | grep "\\.class$"
find | grep "\\.jar$"
rm -rvf test
rm -rvf testData
rm  -vf gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar
find | grep "\\.class$" && exit 1
find | grep "\\.jar$"   && exit 1
#removing main method from entry point jar

%gradle_build --skip-install jar
%if %{with_javadoc}
# this is sad. Javadoc is really 100% empty
mkdir fernflower-javadoc 
cd fernflower-javadoc 
javadoc `find ../src -type f`
cd ..
zip -r %{name}.zip fernflower-javadoc

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/
cp %{SOURCE1}  $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/ # cusotm launcher for main method in main jar
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_javadir}/
cp  build/libs/%{name}.jar $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_javadir}
%if %{with_javadoc}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
cp %{name}.zip $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_javadocdir}/

%license LICENSE.txt
%attr(755, root, root) %{_bindir}/%{name}

%if %{with_javadoc}
%files javadoc
%license LICENSE.txt

* Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 183.5153.8-3
- Rebuilt for

* Fri Jan 18 2019 Jiri Vanek <> - 183.5153.8-2
- added virtual provides of fernflower-decompiler and fernflower-decompiler-javadoc

* Wed Jan 09 2019 Jiri Vanek <> - 183.5153.8-1
- initial package