README for Fedora ----------------- The previously-monolithic FBReader package has now been split into separate subpackages: - fbreader: The ebook reader - zlibrary: Cross-platform GUI library - zlibrary-ui-gtk: GTK+ interface for zlibrary - zlibrary-ui-qt: Qt interface for zlibrary Two convenience packages are provided: - fbreader-gtk: installs fbreader and zlibrary-ui-gtk - fbreader-qt: installs fbreader and zlibrary-ui-qt 'yum install fbreader' does not guarantee which interface gets picked; install fbreader-gtk or -qt instead. If both -gtk and -qt interfaces are installed, by default the Gtk+ interface is used. To change the interface you want to use, do as root: # alternatives --config zlibrary-ui to reset the choice to the default, use # alternatives --auto zlibrary-ui