------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dl is a file exchange service that allows you to upload any file to a web server and generate a unique ticket for others to download. The ticket is automatically expired according to the specified rules, so that you don't need to keep track or cleanup afterward. dl also allows you to grant an anonymous, one-time upload for others to send you a file, without the requirement of account management. dl is usually installed as a "email attachments replacement" due to its simplicity (though can be used in other ways). Once this package is installed, there are a few configuration items which need to be performed before it is usable. This package makes use of a configuration database to hold information about users that are allowed to use the service. By default, a sqlite configuration database is configured. MySQL and PostgreSQL are also supported. The default configuration does not have any users defined. To create a user "admin", you'll need to perform the following commands: # cd /usr/share/dl/include/scripts # php useradmin.php add admin true s3cr3t This will create a user "admin" with a password of "s3cr3t". See the included file 'README.rst' for more detailed configuration information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next, you'll need to modify the $masterPath setting in /etc/dl/config.php to specify the URL that your users will use to access the application. By default, only "http://localhost/dl/" is defined. You should also review the other configuration settings to customize the email address that notifications appear to come from, retention settings, logging, and other options as described in the 'README.rst' documentation file. Note that if you don't have a default timezone specified in /etc/php.ini, you may receive warnings like the following: PHP Notice: date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID '' is invalid in /usr/share/dl/include/init.php on line 52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're running SELinux, the following is run by the RPM %post scriptlet for you to set file contexts allowing PHP to read/write the /var/spool/dl directory: semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/spool/dl(/.*)?" restorecon -R -v /var/spool/dl However, to send notification emails, you will need to manually enable the SELinux option to allow this: setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail=1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, you'll need to modify /etc/httpd/conf.d/dl.conf to specify what networks should be allowed to use the application. By default, only localhost is allowed to access it. After editing /etc/httpd/conf.d/dl.conf, restart the webserver to pickup the configuration changes. At this point, you should be able to access http://localhost/dl/ and verify that you're able to log in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------