Blob Blame History Raw
%global with_debug 1
%global with_check 0

%if 0%{?with_debug}
%global _find_debuginfo_dwz_opts %{nil}
%global _dwz_low_mem_die_limit 0
%global debug_package %{nil}

%global provider github
%global provider_tld com
%global project cri-o
%global repo cri-o
%global provider_prefix %{provider}.%{provider_tld}/%{project}/%{repo}
%global import_path %{provider_prefix}
%global commit0 b7644f67e6383cc862b3e37fb74fba334b0b2721
%global shortcommit0 %(c=%{commit0}; echo ${c:0:7})
%global git0 https://%{provider_prefix}

%global service_name crio

Name: %{repo}
Epoch: 2
Version: 1.14.1
Release: 1.git%{shortcommit0}%{?dist}
ExcludeArch: ppc64
Summary: Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface for OCI-based containers
License: ASL 2.0
URL: %{git0}
Source0: %{git0}/archive/%{commit0}/%{name}-%{shortcommit0}.tar.gz
Source3: %{service_name}-network.sysconfig
Source4: %{service_name}-storage.sysconfig
# If go_compiler is not set to 1, there is no virtual provide. Use golang instead.
BuildRequires: %{?go_compiler:compiler(go-compiler)}%{!?go_compiler:golang}
BuildRequires: btrfs-progs-devel
BuildRequires: device-mapper-devel
BuildRequires: git
BuildRequires: glib2-devel
BuildRequires: glibc-static
BuildRequires: go-md2man
BuildRequires: gpgme-devel
BuildRequires: libassuan-devel
BuildRequires: libseccomp-devel
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(systemd)
Requires(pre): container-selinux
Requires: containers-common >= 1:0.1.31-14
Requires: runc >= 1.0.0-16
Obsoletes: ocid <= 0.3
Provides: ocid = %{version}-%{release}
Provides: %{service_name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: containernetworking-plugins >= 0.7.3-1


%package -n conmon
Summary: OCI container runtime monitor

%description -n conmon
conmon is an OCI container runtime monitor.

%autosetup -Sgit -n %{name}-%{commit0}
sed -i '/strip/d' pause/Makefile
sed -i 's/install.config: crio.conf/install.config:/' Makefile

mkdir _output
pushd _output
mkdir -p src/%{provider}.%{provider_tld}/{%{project},opencontainers}
ln -s $(dirs +1 -l) src/%{import_path}

ln -s vendor src
export GOPATH=$(pwd)/_output:$(pwd)
export BUILDTAGS="$(hack/ $(hack/ $(hack/ $(hack/ $(hack/ $(hack/ $(hack/"
%gobuild -o bin/%{service_name} %{import_path}/cmd/%{service_name}

# build conmon
%gobuild -o bin/crio-config %{import_path}/cmd/crio-config
pushd conmon && ../bin/crio-config
%{__make} all

%{__make} bin/pause docs

sed -i 's/\/local//' contrib/systemd/%{service_name}.service
./bin/%{service_name} \
      --selinux \
      --cgroup-manager "systemd" \
      --conmon "%{_libexecdir}/%{service_name}/conmon" \
      --cni-plugin-dir "%{_libexecdir}/cni" \
      --default-mounts "%{_datadir}/rhel/secrets:/run/secrets" \
      --file-locking=false config > %{service_name}.conf

# install binaries
install -dp %{buildroot}{%{_bindir},%{_libexecdir}/%{service_name}}
install -p -m 755 bin/%{service_name} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
install -p -m 755 bin/conmon %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{service_name}
install -p -m 755 bin/pause %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/%{service_name}

# install conf files
install -dp %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cni/net.d
install -p -m 644 contrib/cni/10-crio-bridge.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cni/net.d/100-crio-bridge.conf
install -p -m 644 contrib/cni/99-loopback.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/cni/net.d/200-loopback.conf

install -dp %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{service_name}
install -dp %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/containers/oci/hooks.d
install -dp %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/oci-umount/oci-umount.d
install -p -m 644 crio.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{service_name}
install -p -m 644 seccomp.json %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{service_name}
install -p -m 644 crio-umount.conf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/oci-umount/oci-umount.d/%{service_name}-umount.conf
install -p -m 644 crictl.yaml %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}

install -dp %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig
install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE3} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{service_name}-network
install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE4} %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{service_name}-storage

# install manpages
install -dp %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man{5,8}
install -p -m 644 docs/*.5 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man5
install -p -m 644 docs/*.8 %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man8

# install bash completion
install -dp %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions

# install unitfiles
install -dp %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
install contrib/systemd/%{service_name}.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}
ln -sf %{_unitdir}/%{service_name}.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/%{name}.service
install contrib/systemd/%{service_name}-shutdown.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}

install -dp %{buildroot}%{_sharedstatedir}/containers

%if 0%{?with_check}
export GOPATH=%{buildroot}/%{gopath}:$(pwd)/Godeps/_workspace

%systemd_post %{service_name}

%systemd_preun %{service_name}

%systemd_postun_with_restart %{service_name}

#define license tag if not already defined
%{!?_licensedir:%global license %doc}

%license LICENSE
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{service_name}
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{service_name}/%{service_name}.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{service_name}/seccomp.json
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{service_name}-storage
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{service_name}-network
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/cni/net.d/100-%{service_name}-bridge.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/cni/net.d/200-loopback.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/crictl.yaml
%dir %{_libexecdir}/%{service_name}
%dir %{_sharedstatedir}/containers
%dir %{_datadir}/oci-umount
%dir %{_datadir}/oci-umount/oci-umount.d

%files -n conmon
%license LICENSE

* Thu May 23 2019 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.14.1-1.gitb7644f6
- bump to v1.14.1

* Thu May 23 2019 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.13.9-1.gitd70609a
- bump to v1.13.9

* Thu Feb 21 2019 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.13.0-1.gite8a2525
- bump to v1.13.0

* Sat Nov 24 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.12.0-1.git18bc811
- bump to v1.12.1

* Tue Oct 30 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.12.0-1.git774a29e
- bump to v1.12.0

* Tue Oct 30 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.11.8-1.git71cc465
- bump to v1.11.8
- built commit 71cc465

* Mon Sep 17 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.11.4-1.gite0c89d8
- bump to v1.11.4
- built commit e0c89d8
- crio.conf changes: cgroup_manager=systemd, file_locking=false

* Tue Sep 11 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.11.3-1.git4fbb022
- bump to v1.11.3

* Mon Aug 27 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.11.2-2.git3eac3b2
- no go-md2man or go compiler for ppc64

* Mon Aug 27 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.11.2-1.git3eac3b2
- bump to v1.11.2
- conmon is a separate subpackage

* Mon Jul 2 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.11.0-1.rhaos3.11.git441bd3d
- bump to v1.11.0

* Mon Jul 2 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.10.5-1.rhaos3.10.git
- bump to v1.10.5

* Wed Jun 27 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.10.4-1.rhaos3.10.gitebaa77a
- bump to v1.10.4
- remove devel and unittest subpackages - unused
- debuginfo disabled for now, complains about %%files being empty

* Mon Jun 18 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.10.3-1.rhaos3.10.gite558bd
- bump to v1.10.3

* Tue Jun 12 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.10.2-2.rhaos3.10.git1ffcbb
- Released version of v1.10.2

* Tue May 15 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.10.2-1.rhaos3.10.git095e88c
- bump to v1.10.2
- built commit 095e88c
- include rhaos3.10 in release tag
- do not compress debuginfo with dwz to support delve debugger

* Tue May 8 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.10.1-2.git728df92
- bump to v1.10.1

* Wed Mar 28 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.10.0-1.beta.1gitc956614
- bump to v1.10.0-beta.1
- built commit c956614

* Tue Mar 13 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.9.10-1.git8723732
- bump to v1.9.10

* Fri Mar 09 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.9.9-1.git4d7e7dc
- bump to v1.9.9

* Fri Feb 23 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.9.8-1.git7d9d2aa
- bump to v1.9.8

* Fri Feb 23 2018 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 2:1.9.7-2.gita98f9c9
- correct version in previous changelog entry

* Fri Feb 23 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.9.7-1.gita98f9c9
- Merge pull request #1357 from runcom/netns-fixes
- sandbox_stop: close/remove the netns _after_ stopping the containers
- sandbox net: set netns closed after actaully closing it

* Wed Feb 21 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.9.6-1.git5e48c92
- vendor: update c/image to handle text/plain from registries

* Fri Feb 16 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.9.5-1.git125ec8a
- image: Add lock around image cache access

* Thu Feb 15 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.9.4-1.git28c7dee
- imageService: cache information about images
- container_create: correctly set user
- system container: add /var/tmp as RW

* Sun Feb 11 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.9.3-1.git63ea1dd
- Update containers/image and containers/storage
-   Pick up lots of fixes in image and storage library

* Thu Feb 8 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.9.2-1.gitb066a83
- sandbox: fix sandbox logPath when crio restarts
- syscontainers, rhel: add ADDTL_MOUNTS
- Adapt to recent containers/image API updates
- container_create: only bind mount /etc/hosts if not provided by k8s

* Wed Jan 24 2018 Dan Walsh <> - 2:1.9.1-1.gitb066a8
- Final Release 1.9.1

* Wed Jan 03 2018 Frantisek Kluknavsky <> - 2:1.8.4-4.gitdffb5c2
- epoch not needed, 1.9 was never shipped, 1.8 with epoch also never shipped

* Wed Jan 03 2018 Frantisek Kluknavsky <> - 2:1.8.4-3.gitdffb5c2
- reversed to 1.8, epoch

* Mon Dec 18 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.9.0-1.git814c6ab
- bump to v1.9.0

* Fri Dec 15 2017 Dan Walsh <> - 1.8.4-1.gitdffb5c2
- bump to v1.8.4

* Wed Nov 29 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.8.2-1.git3de7ab4
- bump to v1.8.2

* Mon Nov 20 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.8.0-1.git80f54bc
- bump to v1.8.0

* Wed Nov 15 2017 Dan Walsh <> - 1.0.4-2.git4aceedee
- Fix script error in kpod completions.

* Mon Nov 13 2017 Dan Walsh <> - 1.0.4-1.git4aceedee
- bump to v1.0.4
- Add crictl.yaml
- Add prometheous end points
- Several bug fixes

* Fri Nov 10 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.0.3-1.git17bcfb4
- bump to v1.0.3

* Fri Nov 03 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.0.2-3.git748bc46
- enable debuginfo for C binaries

* Fri Nov 03 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.0.2-2.git748bc46
- enable debuginfo

* Mon Oct 30 2017 Dan Walsh <> - 1.0.2-1.git748bc46
- Lots of bug fixes
- Fixes to pass cri-tools tests

* Wed Oct 25 2017 Dan Walsh <> - 1.0.1-1.git64a30e1
- Lots of bug fixes
- Fixes to pass cri-tools tests

* Thu Oct 19 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.0.0-7.gita636972
- update dep NVRs
- update release tag

* Mon Oct 16 2017 Dan Walsh <> - 1.0.0-6.gita636972
- Get the correct checksum
- Setup storage-opt to override kernel check

* Fri Oct 13 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.0.0-2.gitcd1bac5
- bump to v1.0.0
- require containernetworking-plugins >= 0.5.2-3

* Wed Oct 11 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.0.0-1.rc3.gitd2c6f64
- bump to v1.0.0-rc3

* Wed Sep 20 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.0.0-1.rc2.git6784a66
- bump to v1.0.0-rc2

* Mon Sep 18 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.0.0-2.rc1.gitbb1da97
- bump release tag and build for extras

* Mon Sep 18 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.0.0-1.rc1.gitbb1da97
- bump to v1.0.0-rc1 tag
- built commit bb1da97
- use bundled deps
- disable devel package
- remove redundant meta-provides

* Thu Aug 3 2017 Dan Walsh <> - 1.0.0.beta.0-1.git66d96e7
- Beta Release
-   Additional registry support
-   Daemon pids-limit support
-   cri-o daemon now supports a default pid-limit on all containers to prevent fork-bombs. This is configurable by admins through a flag or /etc/crio/crio.conf
-   Configurable image volume support
-   Bugs and Stability fixes
-   OCI 1.0 runtime support
-     Dropped internal runc, and now use systems runc 

* Fri Jun 30 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 1.0.0.alpha.0-1.git91977d3
- built commit 91977d3
- remove cri-o-cni subpackage
- require containernetworking-plugins >= 0.5.2-2 (same as containernetworking-cni)

* Fri Jun 23 2017 Antonio Murdaca <> - 1.0.0.alpha.0-0.git5dcbdc0.3
- rebuilt to include cri-o-cni sub package

* Wed Jun 21 2017 Antonio Murdaca <> - 1.0.0.alpha.0-0.git5dcbdc0.2
- rebuilt for s390x

* Wed Jun 21 2017 Antonio Murdaca <> - 1.0.0.alpha.0-0.git5dcbdc0.1
- built first alpha release

* Fri May 5 2017 Dan Walsh <> 0.3-0.gitf648cd6e
- Bump up version to 0.3

* Tue Mar 21 2017 Dan Walsh <> 0.2-1.git7d7570e
- Bump up version to 0.2

* Tue Mar 21 2017 Dan Walsh <> 0.1-1.git9bf26b5
- Bump up version to 0.1

* Mon Feb 13 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 0-0.15.git0639f06
- built commit 0639f06
- packaging workarounds for 'go install'

* Wed Feb 8 2017 Dan Walsh <> 0-0.14.git6bd7c53
- Use newer versions of runc
- Applying k8s kubelet v3 api to cri-o server
- Applying v3 API for ocic and ocid
- doc: Add instruction to run cri-o with kubernetes
- Lots of  updates of container/storage and containers/image

* Mon Jan 23 2017 Peter Robinson <> 0-0.13.git7cc8492
- Build on all kubernetes arches

* Fri Jan 20 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 0-0.12.git7cc8492
- add bash completion
- From: Daniel J Walsh <>

* Thu Jan 19 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 0-0.11.git7cc8492
- remove trailing whitespace from unitfile

* Thu Jan 19 2017 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 0-0.10.git7cc8492
- built commit 7cc8492
- packaging fixes from Nalin Dahyabhai <>

* Thu Jan 19 2017 Dan Walsh <> - 0-0.9.gitb9dc097
- Change to require skopeo-containers
- Merge Nalind/storage patch
-    Now uses Storage for Image Management

* Mon Jan 16 2017 Lokesh Manvekar <> - 0-0.8.git2e6070f
- packaging changes from Nalin Dahyabhai <>
- Don't make the ExecReload setting part of the ExecStart setting.
- Create ocid.conf in install, not in check.
- Own /etc/ocid.
- Install an "anything goes" pulling policy for a default.

* Thu Dec 22 2016 Dan Walsh <> - 0-0.7.git2e6070f
- Switch locate to /var/lib/containers for images

* Thu Dec 22 2016 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 0-0.6.git2e6070f
- built commit 2e6070f

* Wed Dec 21 2016 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 0-0.5.git36dfef5
- install plugins into /usr/libexec/ocid/cni/
- require runc >= 1.0.0 rc2

* Wed Dec 21 2016 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 0-0.4.git36dfef5
- built runcom/alpha commit 36dfef5
- cni bundled for now

* Thu Dec 15 2016 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 0-0.3.gitc57530e
- Resolves: #1392977 - first upload to Fedora
- add build deps, enable only for x86_64 (doesn't build on i686)

* Thu Dec 15 2016 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 0-0.2.gitc57530e
- add Godeps.json

* Tue Nov 08 2016 Lokesh Mandvekar <> - 0-0.1.gitc57530e
- First package for Fedora