Blob Blame History Raw
# Package whose only architecture dependent binary is a library
%global debug_package %{nil}

Name:           cgnslib
Version:        3.2
Release:        1%{?dist}
Summary:        Computational Fluid Dynamics General Notation System

Group:          Development/Libraries
License:        zlib


BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)

BuildRequires:  hdf5-devel >= 1.8
BuildRequires:  zlib-devel
BuildRequires:  gcc-gfortran
BuildRequires:  chrpath
BuildRequires:  cmake
Requires:       hdf5 = %{_hdf5_version}

The Computational Fluid Dynamics General Notation System (CGNS) provides 
a general, portable, and extensible standard for the storage and
retrieval of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis
data. It consists of a collection of conventions, and free
and open software implementing those conventions. It is
self-descriptive, machine-independent, well-documented, and
administered by an international steering committee.

%package devel
Summary:      Header files for %{name} package
Group:        Development/Libraries
Requires:     %{name} = %{version}-%{release}   
Requires:     hdf5-devel

%description devel
The %{name}-devel package contains the header files
for %{name} package.

%setup -q -n %{name}_%{version}

sed -i "s|DESTINATION lib|DESTINATION \${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}|" src/CMakeLists.txt

%{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}


find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name libcgns.a -exec rm -f  {} \;

%post -p /sbin/ldconfig

%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig

%{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}

%doc readme.lyx

%files devel

* Mon Mar 18 2013 Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan [AT] fedoraproject dot org> - 3.2-1
- new upstream version 3.2
- userguide not provided any more

* Wed Feb 13 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 3.1-5.r4
- Rebuilt for

* Mon Dec 03 2012 Orion Poplawski <> - 3.1-4.r4
- Rebuild for hdf5 1.8.10

* Wed Aug 15 2012 Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan [AT] fedoraproject DOT org> 3.1-3.r4
- Updated to 3.1.3-4

* Wed Jul 18 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.5-8.r2
- Rebuilt for

* Tue May 15 2012 Orion Poplawski <> - 2.5-7.rc2
- Rebuild for hdf5
- Explicitly require version of hdf5 built with

* Thu Jan 12 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.5-6.r2
- Rebuilt for

* Thu Sep 01 2011 Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan [AT] fedoraproject DOT org> 2.5-5.r2
- Added hdf5 to Requires, and hdf5-devel to devel Requires.

* Thu Feb 17 2011 Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan [AT] fedoraproject DOT org> 2.5-5.r1
- Updated to 2.5-5 release.

* Sun Jul 18 2010 Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan [AT] fedoraproject DOT org> 2.5-3.r4
- Use zlib license that supercedes LGPLv2.

* Fri Jul 16 2010 Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan [AT] fedoraproject DOT org> 2.5-2.r4
- Expanded CFD abbreviation.
- Added -devel sub-package.
- Added global debug_package nil.
- Added patch for creating shared library with soname.
- Added patch to fix library returning exit.
- Added usersguide.pdf to -devel sub-package.
- hdf5 atleast 1.8 is required.
- Added if condition for matching LINUX64 when copying library.

* Sat Aug 15 2009 Chitlesh Goorah <chitlesh [AT] fedoraproject DOT org> 2.5-1.r4
- New Package