Blob Blame History Raw
--- alexandria-0.6.9/lib/alexandria/models/library.rb.delbroken	2012-10-25 14:39:40.029847934 +0900
+++ alexandria-0.6.9/lib/alexandria/models/library.rb	2012-10-24 13:58:38.445172696 +0900
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
             md = /([\dxX]{10,13})#{EXT[:book]}/.match(filename)
             if md
               file_isbn = md[1]
-              ruined_books << [nil, file_isbn, library]
+              ruined_books << [nil, file_isbn, library, filename, library.path]
               log.warn { "Filename #{filename} does not contain an ISBN"}
               #TODO delete this file...
--- alexandria-0.6.9/lib/alexandria/ui/ui_manager.rb.delbroken	2012-10-25 14:39:40.026847577 +0900
+++ alexandria-0.6.9/lib/alexandria/ui/ui_manager.rb	2012-10-24 14:03:49.811462773 +0900
@@ -805,6 +805,73 @@
+          else ## if response_type == Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_OK
+            handle_and_delete_ruined_books
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      def handle_and_delete_ruined_books
+        title = _("Delete Book Data")
+        new_message = _("Or do you wish to delete the data files for the following books are malformed or empty?\n")
+        @libraries.ruined_books.each { |bi|
+          new_message += "\n#{bi[1] or bi[1].inspect}"
+        }
+        recovery_dialog =, Gtk::Dialog::MODAL,
+                                                 Gtk::MessageDialog::WARNING,
+                                                 Gtk::MessageDialog::BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL,
+                                                 new_message ).show
+        recovery_dialog.signal_connect('response') do |dialog, response_type|
+          recovery_dialog.destroy
+          if response_type == Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_OK
+            books_to_add = []
+            # progress indicator...
+            @progressbar.fraction = 0
+            @appbar.children.first.visible = true   # show the progress bar
+            total_book_count = @libraries.ruined_books.size
+            fraction_per_book = 1.0 / total_book_count
+            prog_percentage = 0
+            @libraries.ruined_books.reverse!
+            Gtk.idle_add do
+              ruined_book = @libraries.ruined_books.pop
+              if ruined_book
+                book, isbn, library, filename, path = ruined_book
+                filename_path = File.join(path, filename)
+                begin
+                  File.delete(filename_path)
+                  set_status_label(_("The file '%s' removed") % filename)
+                  log.debug {"The maybe-malformed file #{filename} removed"}
+                rescue Exception => ex
+                  log.error { "Could not delete #{filename_path}: #{ex}" }
+                  log.error { ex.backtrace.join("\n") }
+                end
+                prog_percentage += fraction_per_book
+                @progressbar.fraction = prog_percentage
+                true
+              else
+                ## Totally copied and pasted from refresh_books...
+                ## call this the second strike... (CathalMagus)
+                # @iconview.unfreeze
+                # @filtered_model.refilter
+                # @listview.columns_autosize
+                @progressbar.fraction = 1
+                ## Hide the progress bar.
+                @appbar.children.first.visible = false
+                ## Refresh the status bar.
+                set_status_label('')
+                # on_books_selection_changed
+                false
+              end
+            end