Blob Blame History Raw
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component type="desktop">
 <summary>Abe's Amazing Adventure</summary>
   Abe's Amazing Adventure is a scrolling, platform-jumping, key-collecting,
   ancient pyramid exploring game, vaguely in the style of similar games for
   the Commodore+4.
   The game is intended to show young people (I'm writing it for my son's
   birthday) all the cool games they missed.
  <screenshot type="default">
   <caption>Abe dodging an obstacle</caption>
   <caption>Abe climbing a ladder</caption>
 <developer_name>Gabor Torok</developer_name>
 <developer_name>Pedro Izecksohn</developer_name>
 <developer_name>Alex Clarck</developer_name>
 <url type="homepage"></url>
 <url type="bugtracker"></url>