Blob Blame History Raw
        - flatpak-runtime:f33
    id: org.fedoraproject.Platform
    name: f33/flatpak-runtime
    branch: f33
    sdk: org.fedoraproject.Sdk
    finish-args: >
    # For applications, appstream-compose is run automatically along with other processing
    # of the tree. For runtimes, we have to run it manually. flatpak-module-tools local
    # builds have issues if the cleanup script outputs to stdout, hence the 1>&2
    # redirection.
    cleanup-commands: |
        appstream-compose --verbose   \
            --prefix=/usr             \
            --basename=org.fedoraproject.Platform \
            --origin=flatpak          \
            org.fedoraproject.Platform 1>&2

        touch -d @0 /usr/share/fonts /usr/share/fonts/*
        fc-cache -rs