Blob Blame History Raw

import os
import re
import sys

import util
from util import start, done, warn

ignore = set()
rename = dict()

bin_ignore = [
    # A bunch of binaries built as part of nss. A few of these are
    # in /usr/lib64/nss/unsupported-tools/ as part of nss-tools, the rest are not considered
    # worth installing at all (test utilities, etc.)
    'addbuiltin', 'atob', 'baddbdir', 'bltest', 'btoa', 'certcgi', 'chktest', 'conflict',
    'crmftest', 'dbtest', 'derdump', 'dertimetest', 'digest', 'ecperf', 'encodeinttest',
    'fipstest', 'httpserv', 'listsuites', 'makepqg', 'mangle', 'multinit', 'nonspr10',
    'ocspclnt', 'ocspresp', 'oidcalc', 'p7content', 'p7env', 'p7sign', 'p7verify',
    'pk11gcmtest', 'pk11mode', 'pk1sign', 'pkix-errcodes', 'pp', 'pwdecrypt', 'remtest',
    'rsaperf', 'sdrtest', 'secmodtest', 'selfserv', 'shlibsign', 'signtool', 'strsclnt',
    'symkeyutil', 'tstclnt', 'vfychain', 'vfyserv',

    # Script added into nss by openembedded

    # /usr/share/doc/aspell/aspell-import in Fedora

    # Removed in perl-5.27

    # Removed -

    # compatibility perl script in zenity for something quite old, not packaged in fedora

    # An openembedded thing
    # "Tool that installs the GNU config.guess / config.sub into a directory tree"

    # GPG test program (;a=tree;f=tests)

    # An implementation of tar for cross-platform compatibility, disabled in gnupg2.spec

    # Removed from gtk-doc

    # Versioned python-3.5 binaries
    'idle3.5', 'pydoc3.5', 'python3.5', 'python3.5-config', 'python3.5m',  'python3.5m-config', '2to3-3.5',

    # installed in openembedded with a coreutils suffix along with the more normal version
    'kill.coreutils', 'uptime.coreutils',

    # nettle utilities not currently packaged in fedora
    # (
    'nettle-hash', 'nettle-lfib-stream', 'nettle-pbkdf2', 'pkcs1-conv', 'sexp-conv',

    # Not built by default as of util-linux-2.29

    # These are installed as <name>-64 in Fedora, we just ignore them because they will be
    # pulled in by the corresponding library
    'gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders', 'gtk-query-immodules-2.0',
    'gio-querymodules', 'gtk-query-immodules-3.0',

    # Removed in krb5-1.13 (

    # Removed in util-linux-2.30'

    # OpenEmbedded uses Debian's ca-certificates, Fedora is different

    # In the freedesktop runtime for some reason, doesn't seem useful

    # Same as 'openssl rehash', but as a perl script (openssl-perl)

    # From pulseaudio, wrapper script to start a pulseaudio server as if it was ESD (pulseaudio-esound-compat)

    # Just need the library (gcab)

    # Probably not useful in the runtime or the SDK (gstreamer-plugins-base-tools)
    'gst-device-monitor-1.0', 'gst-discoverer-1.0', 'gst-play-1.0',

    # Python utilities (python2-tools)
    'idle', '',

    # Python3 utilities (python3-tools)
    'idle3', '2to3',

    # A binary from cups, we just need the libraries (cups-libs)

    # Minimal profiler (glibc-utils)

    # (pcre-tools)
    'pcre2grep', 'pcre2test',

    # Random test program from libproxy (libproxy-bin)

    # Tools from libvpx (libvpx-utils)
    'vpxdec', 'vpxenc',
ignore.update('/usr/bin/' + x for x in bin_ignore)

bin_rename = {
    # lcms2 compiled with --program-suffix=2 in Fedora, even though there are no actual
    # conflicts between lcms and lcms2 - jpegicc was renamed to jpgicc, etc.
    'jpgicc': 'jpgicc2',
    'linkicc': 'linkicc2',
    'psicc': 'psicc2',
    'tificc': 'tificc2',
    'transicc': 'transicc2',
rename.update({ '/usr/bin/' + k: '/usr/bin/' + v for k, v in bin_rename.items() })

lib_ignore = [
    # Symlink created in flatpak runtime, not standard

    # Removed in gpgme-1.9.0

    # Not enabled in fedora (consider fixing)

    # Part of glibc
ignore.update('/usr/lib64/' + x for x in lib_ignore)

fonts_ignore = {
    # Added in 2.36
ignore.update('/usr/share/fonts/' + x for x in fonts_ignore)

lib_rename = {
    # Newer in Fedora
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',

    # Newer in Flatpak runtime
    '': '', # procps-3.10 vs. procps-3.12
    '': '', # giflib 4 vs giflib-5 -

    # Fedora arch-handling
    '': '',
rename.update({ '/usr/lib64/' + k: '/usr/lib64/' + v for k, v in lib_rename.items() })

include_ignore = {

    # Removed in 7.55
    'curl/curlbuild-64.h', 'curl/curlbuild.h', 'curl/curlrules.h',

    # Not enabled on Fedora

    'hunspell/affentry.hxx', 'hunspell/affixmgr.hxx', 'hunspell/baseaffix.hxx', 'hunspell/dictmgr.hxx',

    # Removed in openssl-1.1
    'openssl/des_old.h', 'openssl/dso.h', 'openssl/krb5_asn.h', 'openssl/kssl.h', 'openssl/pqueue.h',
    'openssl/ssl23.h', 'openssl/ui_compat.h',
ignore.update('/usr/include/' + x for x in include_ignore)

include_rename = {
    'assuan.h': 'libassuan2/assuan.h',
    'nss3/nssck.api': 'nss3/templates/nssck.api',
rename.update({ '/usr/include/' + k: '/usr/include/' + v for k, v in include_rename.items() })

nspr_include = [
    'nspr.h', 'plarena.h', 'plarenas.h', 'plbase64.h', 'plerror.h', 'plgetopt.h', 'plhash.h',
    'plstr.h', 'pratom.h', 'prbit.h', 'prclist.h', 'prcmon.h', 'prcountr.h', 'prcpucfg.h',
    'prcvar.h', 'prdtoa.h', 'prenv.h', 'prerr.h', 'prerror.h', 'prinet.h', 'prinit.h',
    'prinrval.h', 'prio.h', 'pripcsem.h', 'private/pprio.h', 'private/pprthred.h', 'private/prpriv.h',
    'prlink.h', 'prlock.h', 'prlog.h', 'prlong.h', 'prmem.h', 'prmon.h', 'prmwait.h', 'prnetdb.h',
    'prolock.h', 'prpdce.h', 'prprf.h', 'prproces.h', 'prrng.h', 'prrwlock.h', 'prshm.h', 'prshma.h',
    'prsystem.h', 'prthread.h', 'prtime.h', 'prtpool.h', 'prtrace.h', 'prtypes.h', 'prvrsion.h',
    'prwin16.h', 'stropts.h', 'obsolete/pralarm.h', 'obsolete/probslet.h', 'obsolete/protypes.h', 'obsolete/prsem.h'
rename.update({ '/usr/include/' + x: '/usr/include/nspr4/' + x for x in nspr_include })

# These four plugins in the freedesktop runtime pull in gstreamer-plugins-bad-extras, which
# in turn pulls in a lot more dependencies. If they are useful, they should be moved
# to gstreamer-plugins-extras.
gstreamer_plugins_ignore = {
    '', '', '', ''
ignore.update('/usr/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/' + x for x in gstreamer_plugins_ignore)

pc_ignore = {
    # Not enabled on Fedora

    # Was in mesa-libwayland-egl-devel, but merged into wayland-devel in F28, move causes problems



ignore.update('/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/' + x for x in pc_ignore)

pc_rename = {
    'python-3.5.pc': 'python-3.6.pc',
    'python-3.5m.pc': 'python-3.6m.pc',
rename.update({ '/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/' + k: '/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/' + v for k, v in pc_rename.items() })
rename.update({ '/usr/share/pkgconfig/' + k: '/usr/share/pkgconfig/' + v for k, v in pc_rename.items() })

ignore_patterns = [
    # Flatpak runtime has a versioned gawk-4.1.3

    # Architecture specific aliases for gcc, binutils, etc

    # From NSPR, intentionally not installed on Fedora

    # .install files litter the include directories of openembedded

    # .pyc files shouldn't affect what is needed
ignore_compiled = [re.compile(x) for x in ignore_patterns]

rename_patterns = [
    (r'^/usr/include/c\+\+/6.2.0/(.*)', r'/usr/include/c++/7/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/include/c\+\+/7/x86_64-unknown-linux/(.*)', r'/usr/include/c++/7/x86_64-redhat-linux/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/include/python3.5m/(.*)', r'/usr/include/python3.6m/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/(.*proto.pc)', r'/usr/share/pkgconfig/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/lib/python3.5/(.*)', r'/usr/lib/python3.6/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/lib64/python3.5/(.*)', r'/usr/lib64/python3.6/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/share/fonts/liberation-fonts/(.*)', r'/usr/share/fonts/liberation/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/share/fonts/cantarell/(.*)', r'/usr/share/fonts/abattis-cantarell/\1'),
rename_compiled = [(re.compile(a), b) for a, b in rename_patterns]

global_package_ignore_patterns = [
    # The Fedora packages of fcitx pull in qt4. While would be nice to match the upstream
    # runtime in including fcitx for full compatiblity when the host is using fcitx,
    # it doesn't seem worth the increase in runtime size.
global_package_ignore_compiled = [re.compile(p) for p in global_package_ignore_patterns]

platform_package_ignore_patterns = [
    "^libappstream-glib-builder$", # may not need in the sdk either
    "^icu$", # may not need in the sdk either
platform_package_ignore_compiled = [re.compile(p) for p in platform_package_ignore_patterns]

# We need to look up a lot of file dependencies. dnf/libsolv is not fast at doing
# this (at least when we look up files one-by-one) so we create a hash table that
# maps from *all* files in the distribution to the "best" package that provides
# the file. To further speed this up, we pickle the result and store it, and only
# recreate it when the DNF metadata changes. We gzip the pickle to save space
# (70M instead of 700M), this slows things down by about 2 seconds.
def make_files_map(repo_info):
    files_map = {}

    def cb(package_info, f):
        old = files_map.get(f)
        if old is None or util.package_cmp(package_info, old) < 0:
            files_map[f] = package_info

    util.foreach_file(repo_info, cb)

    start("Finalizing files map")
    for k in files_map:
        files_map[k] = files_map[k][0]

    return files_map

def get_files_map():
    return util.get_repo_cacheable('files-map', make_files_map)

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print("Usage: INFILE", file=sys.stderr)

inpath = sys.argv[1]
if not inpath.endswith('.files'):
    print("INFILE must have .files suffix", file=sys.stderr)


base_path = inpath[:-len('.files')]
is_platform = "-Platform" in base_path
is_sdk = "-Sdk" in base_path

start("Reading file list")

to_resolve = []
with open(inpath) as f:
    for l in f:
        r = l.rstrip()
        if r.startswith('/usr/lib/'):
            r = '/usr/lib64/' + r[len('/usr/lib/'):]



files_map = get_files_map()
found_packages = set()

start("Resolving files to packages")

matched_file = open(base_path + '.matched', 'w')
unmatched_file = open(base_path + '.unmatched', 'w')
unmatched_count = 0

for r in to_resolve:
    if r in ignore:

    skip = False
    for p in ignore_compiled:
        if p.match(r) is not None:
            skip = True
    if skip:

    if r in rename:
        r = rename[r]

    for p, replacement in rename_compiled:
        if p.match(r) is not None:
            r = p.sub(replacement, r)

    if os.path.dirname(r) == '/usr/lib64':
        search = [r, '/lib64/' + os.path.basename(r)]
    elif r.startswith('/usr/lib64') and r.find('/site-packages/') > 0:
        # Python packages can be either in /usr/lib64 or /usr/lib
        search = [r, '/usr/lib/' + r[len('/usr/lib64/'):]]
    elif r.startswith('/usr/bin/'):
        search = [r, '/bin/' + os.path.basename(r), '/usr/sbin/' + os.path.basename(r), '/sbin/' + os.path.basename(r)]
        search = [r]

    if r.startswith('/usr/lib64/libLLVM'):
        # freedesktop SDK builds "split" LLVM libraries

    for s in search:
        providing = files_map.get(s, None)
        if providing is not None:

    if providing is None:
        print(r, file=unmatched_file)
        unmatched_count += 1
        if any(p.match(providing) is not None for p in global_package_ignore_compiled):

        if is_platform and any(p.match(providing) is not None for p in platform_package_ignore_compiled):

        print("{}: {}".format(r, providing), file=matched_file)


with open(base_path + '.packages', 'w') as f:
    for p in sorted(found_packages):
        print(p, file=f)


if unmatched_count > 0:
    warn("{} unmatched files, see {}".format(unmatched_count, base_path + ".unmatched"))