Blob Blame History Raw
# This is a set of binary packages that we should depsolve to get the
# set of packages that are installed into the runtime.
    - enchant
    - hunspell-en-US
    - hunspell-en-GB
    - gtk3
    - gnome-desktop3
    - gvfs-client
    - librsvg2
    - libappstream-glib
    - python3-gobject
    - zenity

# These are extra packages to install into the runtime beyond what we
# depsolve from runtime-roots.
    - flatpak-runtime-config

# These are the extra packages that we want available as build dependencies
# for application modules. -devel packages are listed explicitly, because
# we need to make sure they are installable and potentially build more
# packages. For example, 'gobject-introspection' is part of base-runtime,
# but base-runtime doesn't include all the python packages that
# the tools in gobject-introspection-devel need.
    - gtk3-devel
    - gnome-desktop3-devel
    - librsvg2-devel
    - libappstream-glib-devel
    - intltool
    - itstool
    - gobject-introspection-devel
    - pygobject3-devel

# These are extra components to include literally in the component list;
# they are listed here either because they aren't in F26, so can't be
# depsolved, or because they are in a module we depend upon, but we need
# to rebuild them explicitly for some reason
        rationale: Set up build root for flatpak RPMS
        ref: master
        rationale: Runtime configuration files
        ref: master
        rationale: Rebuild to fix triggers
        ref: private-f26-flatpak
        buildorder: -1
        rationale: >
            Rebuild to include devel which is filtered out of base-runtime
        ref: f26
        buildorder: 0

# These are binary packages built from extra-components that we want
# in the api list
    - flatpak-rpm-macros
    - flatpak-runtime-config
    - glib2
    - glib2-devel
    - gobject-introspection
    - gobject-introspection-devel

# These are keys to change for packages that we do depsolve
        # Freeze to this version, until python-cryptography 1.9 is in
        # updates-testing and the bootstrap module is updated as well
        # otherwise we fail on missing/ wrong-versioned dependencies.
        ref: e0298e25e9da5501076d61449640f61c10fdef5a

# When computing the order to build things in, we can get into circular
# dependencies
# For example  gtk3 requires wayland which requires dot from graphviz
# to build, but graphviz needs gtk3. The packages in this list indicate
# links to ignore when computing the build order.
    - adwaita-icon-theme
    - graphviz
    - python-sphinx
    - python2-sphinx
    - gtk-update-icon-cache
    - python2-setuptools
    - python3-setuptools