Blob Blame History Raw

import os
import re
import sys

import util
from util import start, done, warn

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print("Usage: INFILE", file=sys.stderr)

inpath = sys.argv[1]
if not inpath.endswith('.files'):
    print("INFILE must have .files suffix", file=sys.stderr)


base_path = inpath[:-len('.files')]
is_platform = "-Platform" in base_path
is_sdk = "-Sdk" in base_path


ignore = set()
rename = dict()

bin_ignore = [
    # /usr/share/doc/aspell/aspell-import in Fedora

    # Part of dbus-x11, pulls in a pile of X11 stuff

    # fcitx is not our input method
    'fcitx', 'fcitx-autostart', 'fcitx-configtool', 'fcitx-dbus-watcher', 'fcitx-diagnose', 'fcitx-remote', 'fcitx4-config',
    'createPYMB', 'mb2org', 'mb2txt', 'readPYBase', 'readPYMB', 'scel2org', 'txt2mb',

    # compatibility perl script in zenity for something quite old, not packaged in fedora

    # GPG test program (;a=tree;f=tests)

    # An implementation of tar for cross-platform compatibility, disabled in gnupg2.spec

    # Versioned python-3.7 binaries
    'pydoc3.7', 'python3.7', 'python3.7-config', 'python3.7m',  'python3.7m-config', '2to3-3.7',
    'easy_install-3.7', 'pip3.7', 'pyvenv-3.7',

    # nettle utilities not currently packaged in fedora
    # (
    'nettle-hash', 'nettle-lfib-stream', 'nettle-pbkdf2', 'pkcs1-conv', 'sexp-conv',

    # These are installed as <name>-64 in Fedora, we just ignore them because they will be
    # pulled in by the corresponding library
    'gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders', 'gtk-query-immodules-2.0',
    'gio-querymodules', 'gtk-query-immodules-3.0',

    # Removed in krb5-1.13 (

    # OpenEmbedded uses Debian's ca-certificates, Fedora is different

    'aomdec', 'aomenc',

    # In the freedesktop runtime for some reason, doesn't seem useful

    # built out of libarchive, doesn't seem useful to have in the runtime

    # just want cyrus-sasl-libs
    'pluginviewer', 'saslauthd', 'sasldblistusers2', 'saslpasswd2', 'testsaslauthd',

    # cups-printerapp - just want cups-libs

    # just want libdav1d

    # From pulseaudio, wrapper script to start a pulseaudio server as if it was ESD (pulseaudio-esound-compat)

    # flac - jut want the library
    'flac', 'metaflac',

    # flex??
    'flex', 'flex++',

    # Just need the library (gcab)

    # giflib-utils
    'gif2rgb', 'gifbuild', 'gifclrmp', 'gifecho',
    'giffix', 'gifinto', 'giftext', 'giftool',

    # gnutls-utils
    'certtool', 'gnutls-cli', 'gnutls-cli-debug',
    'gnutls-serv', 'ocsptool',
    'p11tool', 'psktool', 'srptool',

    # Probably not useful in the runtime or the SDK (gstreamer-plugins-base-tools)
    'gst-device-monitor-1.0', 'gst-discoverer-1.0', 'gst-play-1.0',

    # krb5-server
    'kadmin.local', 'kadmind', 'kdb5_util', 'kprop', 'kpropd', 'kproplog', 'krb5kdc',
    'sclient', 'sserver',

    # Just need the ibus libraries and input methods
    'ibus', 'ibus-daemon', 'ibus-setup',

    # A binary from cups, we just need the libraries (cups-libs)

    # glibc-utils
    'mtrace', 'pcprofiledump', 'xtrace',

    # libidn2

    # libtasn1-tools
    'asn1Coding', 'asn1Decoding', 'asn1Parser',

    # lame

    # openssh

    # openssh-clients
    'scp', 'sftp', 'ssh', 'ssh-add', 'ssh-agent', 'ssh-keyscan',

    # openssl

    # (pcre-tools)
    'pcregrep', 'pcretest',
    'pcre2grep', 'pcre2test',

    'pacat', 'pacmd', 'pactl', 'padsp', 'pamon',
    'paplay', 'parec', 'parecord', 'pax11publish',

    # pipewire-utils
    'pipewire-cli', 'pipewire-monitor', 'spa-inspect', 'spa-monitor',

    # libsndfile-utils
    'sndfile-cmp', 'sndfile-concat', 'sndfile-convert', 'sndfile-deinterleave',
    'sndfile-info', 'sndfile-interleave', 'sndfile-metadata-get', 'sndfile-metadata-set',
    'sndfile-play', 'sndfile-salvage',

    # speex-tools
    'speexdec', 'speexenc',

    # 'libtiff-tools
    'fax2ps', 'fax2tiff', 'pal2rgb', 'ppm2tiff', 'raw2tiff', 'tiff2bw', 'tiff2pdf', 'tiff2ps', 'tiff2rgba',
    'tiffcmp', 'tiffcp', 'tiffcrop', 'tiffdither', 'tiffdump', 'tiffinfo', 'tiffmedian', 'tiffset', 'tiffsplit',

    # Random test program from libproxy (libproxy-bin)

    # Tools from libvpx (libvpx-utils)
    'vpxdec', 'vpxenc',


    # texinfo-tex
    'pdftexi2dvi', 'texi2dvi', 'texi2pdf', 'texindex',
ignore.update('/usr/bin/' + x for x in bin_ignore)

# development tools in the freedesktop runtime
platform_bin_ignore = [
    'fftw-wisdom', 'fftw-wisdom-to-conf',
    'yelp-build', 'yelp-check', 'yelp-new',
if is_platform:
    ignore.update('/usr/bin/' + x for x in platform_bin_ignore)

bin_rename = {
    # lcms2 compiled with --program-suffix=2 in Fedora, even though there are no actual
    # conflicts between lcms and lcms2 - jpegicc was renamed to jpgicc, etc.
    'jpgicc': 'jpgicc2',
    'linkicc': 'linkicc2',
    'perl5.30.0': 'perl',
    'psicc': 'psicc2',
    'tificc': 'tificc2',
    'transicc': 'transicc2',
rename.update({ '/usr/bin/' + k: '/usr/bin/' + v for k, v in bin_rename.items() })

lib_ignore = [
    # Symlink created in flatpak runtime, not standard

    # Part of glibc
ignore.update('/usr/lib64/' + x for x in lib_ignore)

lib_rename = {
    # Newer in Fedora
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',
    '': '',

    # Replaced by libxcrypt in Fedora
    '': '',

    # Compat symlink in gcr
    '': '',

    # Fedora arch-handling
    '': '',
rename.update({ '/usr/lib64/' + k: '/usr/lib64/' + v for k, v in lib_rename.items() })

for old in ['', '', '']:
    rename['/usr/lib64/' + old] = '/usr/lib64/' + old.replace('-0.177', '-0.180')

# Fedora has newer glibc
for old in ['', '', '', '',
            '', '',
            '', '', '',
            '', '', '',
            '', '', '',
            '', '']:
    rename['/usr/lib64/' + old] = '/usr/lib64/' + old.replace('-2.30', '-2.32')

# Fedora has newer icu
for old in ['', '', '', '',
            '', '']:
    rename['/usr/lib64/' + old] = '/usr/lib64/' + old.replace('so.64', 'so.67')

include_rename = {
    'assuan.h': 'libassuan2/assuan.h',
rename.update({ '/usr/include/' + k: '/usr/include/' + v for k, v in include_rename.items() })

nspr_include = [
    'nspr.h', 'plarena.h', 'plarenas.h', 'plbase64.h', 'plerror.h', 'plgetopt.h', 'plhash.h',
    'plstr.h', 'pratom.h', 'prbit.h', 'prclist.h', 'prcmon.h', 'prcountr.h', 'prcpucfg.h',
    'prcvar.h', 'prdtoa.h', 'prenv.h', 'prerr.h', 'prerror.h', 'prinet.h', 'prinit.h',
    'prinrval.h', 'prio.h', 'pripcsem.h', 'private/pprio.h', 'private/pprthred.h', 'private/prpriv.h',
    'prlink.h', 'prlock.h', 'prlog.h', 'prlong.h', 'prmem.h', 'prmon.h', 'prmwait.h', 'prnetdb.h',
    'prolock.h', 'prpdce.h', 'prprf.h', 'prproces.h', 'prrng.h', 'prrwlock.h', 'prshm.h', 'prshma.h',
    'prsystem.h', 'prthread.h', 'prtime.h', 'prtpool.h', 'prtrace.h', 'prtypes.h', 'prvrsion.h',
    'prwin16.h', 'stropts.h', 'obsolete/pralarm.h', 'obsolete/probslet.h', 'obsolete/protypes.h', 'obsolete/prsem.h'
rename.update({ '/usr/include/' + x: '/usr/include/nspr4/' + x for x in nspr_include })

# These four plugins in the freedesktop runtime pull in gstreamer-plugins-bad-extras, which
# in turn pulls in a lot more dependencies. If they are useful, they should be moved
# to gstreamer-plugins-extras.
gstreamer_plugins_ignore = {
    '', '', '', ''
ignore.update('/usr/lib64/gstreamer-1.0/' + x for x in gstreamer_plugins_ignore)

pc_ignore = {
    # Not enabled on Fedora


ignore.update('/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/' + x for x in pc_ignore)

pc_rename = {
    'python-3.7.pc': 'python-3.9.pc',
    'python-3.7m.pc': 'python-3.9.pc',
    'ruby-2.6.pc': 'ruby.pc',
rename.update({ '/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/' + k: '/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/' + v for k, v in pc_rename.items() })
rename.update({ '/usr/share/pkgconfig/' + k: '/usr/share/pkgconfig/' + v for k, v in pc_rename.items() })

ignore_patterns = [
    # Flatpak runtime has a versioned gawk-5.0.1

    # Architecture specific aliases for gcc, binutils, etc

    # From NSPR, intentionally not installed on Fedora

    # Windows binaries?

    # differences in pip packaging - unbundling

    # Let the python files pull in the packages, avoid versioned directory names

    # fcitx

    # .install files litter the include directories of openembedded

    # .la files

    # .pyc files shouldn't affect what is needed

    # Font ID files for fontconfig

    # We build these into the gtk+ library
ignore_compiled = [re.compile(x) for x in ignore_patterns]

rename_patterns = [
    (r'^/usr/include/c\+\+/9.2.0/(.*)', r'/usr/include/c++/10/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/include/c\+\+/10/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/(.*)', r'/usr/include/c++/10/x86_64-redhat-linux/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/include/nss/(.*)', r'/usr/include/nss3/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/include/python3.7m/(.*)', r'/usr/include/python3.9/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/include/ruby-2.6.0/ruby/(.*)', r'/usr/include/ruby/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/include/ruby-2.6.0/x86_64-linux/ruby/(.*)', r'/usr/include/ruby/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/include/ruby-2.6.0/(.*)', r'/usr/include/ruby/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/lib64/pkgconfig/(.*proto.pc)', r'/usr/share/pkgconfig/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/lib64/python3.7/(.*)', r'/usr/lib64/python3.9/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/(DejaVuSansMono.*)', r'/usr/share/fonts/dejavu-sans-mono-fonts/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/(DejaVuSans.*)', r'/usr/share/fonts/dejavu-sans-fonts/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/(DejaVuMath.*)', r'/usr/share/fonts/dejavu-serif-fonts/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/(DejaVuSerif.*)', r'/usr/share/fonts/dejavu-serif-fonts/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/share/fonts/google-crosextra-caladea/(Caladea.*).ttf', r'/usr/share/fonts/ht-caladea-fonts/\1.otf'),
    (r'^/usr/share/fonts/google-crosextra-carlito/(Carlito.*)', r'/usr/share/fonts/google-carlito-fonts/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/share/fonts/liberation-fonts/(LiberationMono.*)', r'/usr/share/fonts/liberation-mono/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/share/fonts/liberation-fonts/(LiberationSans.*)', r'/usr/share/fonts/liberation-sans/\1'),
    (r'^/usr/share/fonts/liberation-fonts/(LiberationSerif.*)', r'/usr/share/fonts/liberation-serif/\1'),
rename_compiled = [(re.compile(a), b) for a, b in rename_patterns]

global_package_ignore_patterns = [
    # The Fedora packages of fcitx pull in qt4. While would be nice to match the upstream
    # runtime in including fcitx for full compatiblity when the host is using fcitx,
    # it doesn't seem worth the increase in runtime size.

    # Should be installed on the host instead
global_package_ignore_compiled = [re.compile(p) for p in global_package_ignore_patterns]

platform_package_ignore_patterns = [
    "^libappstream-glib-builder$", # may not need in the sdk either
    "^icu$", # may not need in the sdk either
    '^llvm-test$', # pulls in gcc and binutils
platform_package_ignore_compiled = [re.compile(p) for p in platform_package_ignore_patterns]

# We need to look up a lot of file dependencies. dnf/libsolv is not fast at doing
# this (at least when we look up files one-by-one) so we create a hash table that
# maps from *all* files in the distribution to the "best" package that provides
# the file. To further speed this up, we pickle the result and store it, and only
# recreate it when the DNF metadata changes. We gzip the pickle to save space
# (70M instead of 700M), this slows things down by about 2 seconds.
def make_files_map(repo_info):
    files_map = {}

    def cb(package_info, f):
        old = files_map.get(f)
        if old is None or util.package_cmp(package_info, old) < 0:
            files_map[f] = package_info

    util.foreach_file(repo_info, cb)

    start("Finalizing files map")
    for k in files_map:
        files_map[k] = files_map[k][0]

    return files_map

def get_files_map():
    return util.get_repo_cacheable('files-map', make_files_map)

start("Reading file list")

to_resolve = []
with open(inpath) as f:
    for l in f:
        r = l.rstrip()
        if r.startswith('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/'):
            r = '/usr/lib64/' + r[len('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/'):]
        elif r.startswith('/usr/lib/'):
            r = '/usr/lib64/' + r[len('/usr/lib/'):]



files_map = get_files_map()
found_packages = set()

start("Resolving files to packages")

matched_file = open(base_path + '.matched', 'w')
unmatched_file = open(base_path + '.unmatched', 'w')
unmatched_count = 0

for r in to_resolve:
    if r in ignore:

    skip = False
    for p in ignore_compiled:
        if p.match(r) is not None:
            skip = True
    if skip:

    if r in rename:
        r = rename[r]

    for p, replacement in rename_compiled:
        if p.match(r) is not None:
            r = p.sub(replacement, r)

    if os.path.dirname(r) == '/usr/lib64':
        search = [r, '/lib64/' + os.path.basename(r)]
    elif r.startswith('/usr/lib64') and r.find('/site-packages/') > 0:
        # Python packages can be either in /usr/lib64 or /usr/lib
        search = [r, '/usr/lib/' + r[len('/usr/lib64/'):]]
    elif r.startswith('/usr/bin/'):
        search = [r, '/bin/' + os.path.basename(r), '/usr/sbin/' + os.path.basename(r), '/sbin/' + os.path.basename(r)]
        search = [r]

    if r.startswith('/usr/lib64/libLLVM'):
        # freedesktop SDK builds "split" LLVM libraries

    for s in search:
        providing = files_map.get(s, None)
        if providing is not None:

    if providing is None:
        print(r, file=unmatched_file)
        unmatched_count += 1
        if any(p.match(providing) is not None for p in global_package_ignore_compiled):

        if is_platform and any(p.match(providing) is not None for p in platform_package_ignore_compiled):

        print("{}: {}".format(r, providing), file=matched_file)


with open(base_path + '.packages', 'w') as f:
    for p in sorted(found_packages):
        print(p, file=f)


if unmatched_count > 0:
    warn("{} unmatched files, see {}".format(unmatched_count, base_path + ".unmatched"))