Blob Blame History Raw
document: modulemd
version: 2
  summary: Easily and securely share files from the command line
  description: |-
    Easily and securely share files from the command line.
    A fully featured Firefox Send client.
    module: [MIT]
  - buildrequires:
      platform: []
      rust: [stable]
      platform: []
    - ffsend
      - ffsend
    - rust-adler32+default-devel
    - rust-adler32-devel
    - rust-aho-corasick+default-devel
    - rust-aho-corasick+std-devel
    - rust-aho-corasick-devel
    - rust-ansi_term+default-devel
    - rust-ansi_term-devel
    - rust-arrayref+default-devel
    - rust-arrayref-devel
    - rust-arrayvec+array-sizes-129-255-devel
    - rust-arrayvec+array-sizes-33-128-devel
    - rust-arrayvec+default-devel
    - rust-arrayvec+serde-1-devel
    - rust-arrayvec+serde-devel
    - rust-arrayvec+std-devel
    - rust-arrayvec-devel
    - rust-atty+default-devel
    - rust-atty-devel
    - rust-autocfg+default-devel
    - rust-autocfg-devel
    - rust-backtrace+addr2line-devel
    - rust-backtrace+backtrace-sys-devel
    - rust-backtrace+cpp_demangle-devel
    - rust-backtrace+default-devel
    - rust-backtrace+dladdr-devel
    - rust-backtrace+findshlibs-devel
    - rust-backtrace+gimli-devel
    - rust-backtrace+gimli-symbolize-devel
    - rust-backtrace+libbacktrace-devel
    - rust-backtrace+libunwind-devel
    - rust-backtrace+memmap-devel
    - rust-backtrace+object-devel
    - rust-backtrace+rustc-serialize-devel
    - rust-backtrace+serde-devel
    - rust-backtrace+serde_derive-devel
    - rust-backtrace+serialize-rustc-devel
    - rust-backtrace+serialize-serde-devel
    - rust-backtrace+std-devel
    - rust-backtrace+unix-backtrace-devel
    - rust-backtrace-devel
    - rust-backtrace-sys+default-devel
    - rust-backtrace-sys-devel
    - rust-base64+default-devel
    - rust-base64-devel
    - rust-bitflags+default-devel
    - rust-bitflags-devel
    - rust-block-buffer+default-devel
    - rust-block-buffer-devel
    - rust-block-padding+default-devel
    - rust-block-padding-devel
    - rust-build_const+default-devel
    - rust-build_const+std-devel
    - rust-build_const-devel
    - rust-byte-tools+default-devel
    - rust-byte-tools-devel
    - rust-byteorder+default-devel
    - rust-byteorder+i128-devel
    - rust-byteorder+std-devel
    - rust-byteorder-devel
    - rust-bytes+default-devel
    - rust-bytes+either-devel
    - rust-bytes+i128-devel
    - rust-bytes+serde-devel
    - rust-bytes-devel
    - rust-cc+default-devel
    - rust-cc+parallel-devel
    - rust-cc+rayon-devel
    - rust-cc-devel
    - rust-cfg-if+default-devel
    - rust-cfg-if-devel
    - rust-chbs+default-devel
    - rust-chbs-devel
    - rust-checked_int_cast+default-devel
    - rust-checked_int_cast-devel
    - rust-chrono+clock-devel
    - rust-chrono+default-devel
    - rust-chrono+rustc-serialize-devel
    - rust-chrono+serde-devel
    - rust-chrono+time-devel
    - rust-chrono-devel
    - rust-clap+ansi_term-devel
    - rust-clap+atty-devel
    - rust-clap+color-devel
    - rust-clap+debug-devel
    - rust-clap+default-devel
    - rust-clap+doc-devel
    - rust-clap+no_cargo-devel
    - rust-clap+strsim-devel
    - rust-clap+suggestions-devel
    - rust-clap+term_size-devel
    - rust-clap+unstable-devel
    - rust-clap+vec_map-devel
    - rust-clap+wrap_help-devel
    - rust-clap+yaml-devel
    - rust-clap+yaml-rust-devel
    - rust-clap-devel
    - rust-color_quant+default-devel
    - rust-color_quant-devel
    - rust-colored+default-devel
    - rust-colored+no-color-devel
    - rust-colored-devel
    - rust-crc+default-devel
    - rust-crc+std-devel
    - rust-crc-devel
    - rust-crc32fast+default-devel
    - rust-crc32fast+std-devel
    - rust-crc32fast-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-deque+default-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-deque-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-deque0.4+default-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-deque0.4-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-epoch+default-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-epoch+lazy_static-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-epoch+sanitize-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-epoch+std-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-epoch-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-queue+default-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-queue-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-utils+default-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-utils+lazy_static-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-utils+std-devel
    - rust-crossbeam-utils-devel
    - rust-crossterm+crossterm_cursor-devel
    - rust-crossterm+crossterm_input-devel
    - rust-crossterm+crossterm_screen-devel
    - rust-crossterm+crossterm_style-devel
    - rust-crossterm+crossterm_terminal-devel
    - rust-crossterm+cursor-devel
    - rust-crossterm+default-devel
    - rust-crossterm+input-devel
    - rust-crossterm+screen-devel
    - rust-crossterm+style-devel
    - rust-crossterm+terminal-devel
    - rust-crossterm-devel
    - rust-crossterm_cursor+default-devel
    - rust-crossterm_cursor-devel
    - rust-crossterm_input+default-devel
    - rust-crossterm_input-devel
    - rust-crossterm_screen+default-devel
    - rust-crossterm_screen-devel
    - rust-crossterm_style+default-devel
    - rust-crossterm_style-devel
    - rust-crossterm_terminal+default-devel
    - rust-crossterm_terminal-devel
    - rust-crossterm_utils+default-devel
    - rust-crossterm_utils-devel
    - rust-crypto-mac+blobby-devel
    - rust-crypto-mac+default-devel
    - rust-crypto-mac+dev-devel
    - rust-crypto-mac+std-devel
    - rust-crypto-mac-devel
    - rust-csv+default-devel
    - rust-csv-core+default-devel
    - rust-csv-core+libc-devel
    - rust-csv-core-devel
    - rust-csv-devel
    - rust-darling+default-devel
    - rust-darling+diagnostics-devel
    - rust-darling+suggestions-devel
    - rust-darling-devel
    - rust-darling_core+default-devel
    - rust-darling_core+diagnostics-devel
    - rust-darling_core+strsim-devel
    - rust-darling_core+suggestions-devel
    - rust-darling_core-devel
    - rust-darling_macro+default-devel
    - rust-darling_macro-devel
    - rust-deflate+default-devel
    - rust-deflate+gzip-devel
    - rust-deflate+gzip-header-devel
    - rust-deflate-devel
    - rust-derive_builder+default-devel
    - rust-derive_builder+env_logger-devel
    - rust-derive_builder+log-devel
    - rust-derive_builder+logging-devel
    - rust-derive_builder+skeptic-devel
    - rust-derive_builder-devel
    - rust-derive_builder_core+default-devel
    - rust-derive_builder_core+log-devel
    - rust-derive_builder_core+logging-devel
    - rust-derive_builder_core-devel
    - rust-digest+blobby-devel
    - rust-digest+default-devel
    - rust-digest+dev-devel
    - rust-digest+std-devel
    - rust-digest-devel
    - rust-directories+default-devel
    - rust-directories-devel
    - rust-dirs+default-devel
    - rust-dirs-devel
    - rust-dtoa+default-devel
    - rust-dtoa-devel
    - rust-either+default-devel
    - rust-either+serde-devel
    - rust-either+use_std-devel
    - rust-either-devel
    - rust-encode_unicode+ascii-devel
    - rust-encode_unicode+default-devel
    - rust-encode_unicode+std-devel
    - rust-encode_unicode-devel
    - rust-encoding_rs+default-devel
    - rust-encoding_rs+fast-big5-hanzi-encode-devel
    - rust-encoding_rs+fast-gb-hanzi-encode-devel
    - rust-encoding_rs+fast-hangul-encode-devel
    - rust-encoding_rs+fast-hanja-encode-devel
    - rust-encoding_rs+fast-kanji-encode-devel
    - rust-encoding_rs+fast-legacy-encode-devel
    - rust-encoding_rs+less-slow-big5-hanzi-encode-devel
    - rust-encoding_rs+less-slow-gb-hanzi-encode-devel
    - rust-encoding_rs+less-slow-kanji-encode-devel
    - rust-encoding_rs+serde-devel
    - rust-encoding_rs-devel
    - rust-failure+backtrace-devel
    - rust-failure+default-devel
    - rust-failure+derive-devel
    - rust-failure+failure_derive-devel
    - rust-failure+std-devel
    - rust-failure-devel
    - rust-failure_derive+default-devel
    - rust-failure_derive+std-devel
    - rust-failure_derive-devel
    - rust-fake-simd+default-devel
    - rust-fake-simd-devel
    - rust-ffsend-api+default-devel
    - rust-ffsend-api+send2-devel
    - rust-ffsend-api+send3-devel
    - rust-ffsend-api+websocket-devel
    - rust-ffsend-api-devel
    - rust-filetime+default-devel
    - rust-filetime-devel
    - rust-flate2+default-devel
    - rust-flate2+futures-devel
    - rust-flate2+libz-sys-devel
    - rust-flate2+miniz-sys-devel
    - rust-flate2+miniz_oxide_c_api-devel
    - rust-flate2+rust_backend-devel
    - rust-flate2+tokio-devel
    - rust-flate2+tokio-io-devel
    - rust-flate2+zlib-devel
    - rust-flate2-devel
    - rust-fnv+default-devel
    - rust-fnv-devel
    - rust-foreign-types+default-devel
    - rust-foreign-types-devel
    - rust-foreign-types-shared+default-devel
    - rust-foreign-types-shared-devel
    - rust-fs2+default-devel
    - rust-fs2-devel
    - rust-futures-cpupool+default-devel
    - rust-futures-cpupool+with-deprecated-devel
    - rust-futures-cpupool-devel
    - rust-futures0.1+default-devel
    - rust-futures0.1+use_std-devel
    - rust-futures0.1+with-deprecated-devel
    - rust-futures0.1-devel
    - rust-generic-array+default-devel
    - rust-generic-array+serde-devel
    - rust-generic-array-devel
    - rust-gif+c_api-devel
    - rust-gif+default-devel
    - rust-gif+libc-devel
    - rust-gif+raii_no_panic-devel
    - rust-gif-devel
    - rust-h2+default-devel
    - rust-h2+unstable-devel
    - rust-h2-devel
    - rust-hkdf+default-devel
    - rust-hkdf+std-devel
    - rust-hkdf-devel
    - rust-hmac+default-devel
    - rust-hmac-devel
    - rust-http+default-devel
    - rust-http-devel
    - rust-httparse+default-devel
    - rust-httparse+std-devel
    - rust-httparse-devel
    - rust-hyper+default-devel
    - rust-hyper+futures-cpupool-devel
    - rust-hyper+net2-devel
    - rust-hyper+runtime-devel
    - rust-hyper+tokio-devel
    - rust-hyper+tokio-executor-devel
    - rust-hyper+tokio-reactor-devel
    - rust-hyper+tokio-tcp-devel
    - rust-hyper+tokio-threadpool-devel
    - rust-hyper+tokio-timer-devel
    - rust-hyper-devel
    - rust-hyper-tls+default-devel
    - rust-hyper-tls-devel
    - rust-hyper0.10+default-devel
    - rust-hyper0.10-devel
    - rust-ident_case+default-devel
    - rust-ident_case-devel
    - rust-idna+default-devel
    - rust-idna-devel
    - rust-image+bmp-devel
    - rust-image+default-devel
    - rust-image+dxt-devel
    - rust-image+gif-devel
    - rust-image+gif_codec-devel
    - rust-image+hdr-devel
    - rust-image+ico-devel
    - rust-image+jpeg-decoder-devel
    - rust-image+jpeg-devel
    - rust-image+jpeg_rayon-devel
    - rust-image+png-devel
    - rust-image+png_codec-devel
    - rust-image+pnm-devel
    - rust-image+scoped_threadpool-devel
    - rust-image+tga-devel
    - rust-image+tiff-devel
    - rust-image+webp-devel
    - rust-image-devel
    - rust-indexmap+default-devel
    - rust-indexmap+serde-1-devel
    - rust-indexmap+serde-devel
    - rust-indexmap-devel
    - rust-inflate+default-devel
    - rust-inflate+unstable-devel
    - rust-inflate-devel
    - rust-iovec+default-devel
    - rust-iovec-devel
    - rust-itoa+default-devel
    - rust-itoa+i128-devel
    - rust-itoa+std-devel
    - rust-itoa-devel
    - rust-jpeg-decoder+default-devel
    - rust-jpeg-decoder+rayon-devel
    - rust-jpeg-decoder-devel
    - rust-language-tags+default-devel
    - rust-language-tags-devel
    - rust-lazy_static+default-devel
    - rust-lazy_static+spin-devel
    - rust-lazy_static+spin_no_std-devel
    - rust-lazy_static-devel
    - rust-lazycell+default-devel
    - rust-lazycell-devel
    - rust-libc+align-devel
    - rust-libc+default-devel
    - rust-libc+extra_traits-devel
    - rust-libc+use_std-devel
    - rust-libc-devel
    - rust-lock_api+default-devel
    - rust-lock_api+owning_ref-devel
    - rust-lock_api-devel
    - rust-log+default-devel
    - rust-log+max_level_debug-devel
    - rust-log+max_level_error-devel
    - rust-log+max_level_info-devel
    - rust-log+max_level_off-devel
    - rust-log+max_level_trace-devel
    - rust-log+max_level_warn-devel
    - rust-log+release_max_level_debug-devel
    - rust-log+release_max_level_error-devel
    - rust-log+release_max_level_info-devel
    - rust-log+release_max_level_off-devel
    - rust-log+release_max_level_trace-devel
    - rust-log+release_max_level_warn-devel
    - rust-log+serde-devel
    - rust-log+std-devel
    - rust-log-devel
    - rust-log0.3+default-devel
    - rust-log0.3+max_level_debug-devel
    - rust-log0.3+max_level_error-devel
    - rust-log0.3+max_level_info-devel
    - rust-log0.3+max_level_off-devel
    - rust-log0.3+max_level_trace-devel
    - rust-log0.3+max_level_warn-devel
    - rust-log0.3+release_max_level_debug-devel
    - rust-log0.3+release_max_level_error-devel
    - rust-log0.3+release_max_level_info-devel
    - rust-log0.3+release_max_level_off-devel
    - rust-log0.3+release_max_level_trace-devel
    - rust-log0.3+release_max_level_warn-devel
    - rust-log0.3+use_std-devel
    - rust-log0.3-devel
    - rust-lzw+default-devel
    - rust-lzw+raii_no_panic-devel
    - rust-lzw-devel
    - rust-matches+default-devel
    - rust-matches-devel
    - rust-memchr+default-devel
    - rust-memchr+libc-devel
    - rust-memchr+use_std-devel
    - rust-memchr-devel
    - rust-memoffset+default-devel
    - rust-memoffset-devel
    - rust-mime+default-devel
    - rust-mime-devel
    - rust-mime0.2+default-devel
    - rust-mime0.2+serde-devel
    - rust-mime0.2-devel
    - rust-mime_guess+default-devel
    - rust-mime_guess-devel
    - rust-miniz-sys+default-devel
    - rust-miniz-sys-devel
    - rust-miniz_oxide+default-devel
    - rust-miniz_oxide-devel
    - rust-miniz_oxide_c_api+default-devel
    - rust-miniz_oxide_c_api+no_c_export-devel
    - rust-miniz_oxide_c_api-devel
    - rust-mio+default-devel
    - rust-mio+with-deprecated-devel
    - rust-mio-devel
    - rust-mio-uds+default-devel
    - rust-mio-uds-devel
    - rust-native-tls+default-devel
    - rust-native-tls-devel
    - rust-net2+default-devel
    - rust-net2+duration-devel
    - rust-net2-devel
    - rust-nodrop+default-devel
    - rust-nodrop+std-devel
    - rust-nodrop+use_needs_drop-devel
    - rust-nodrop-devel
    - rust-num-bigint+default-devel
    - rust-num-bigint+i128-devel
    - rust-num-bigint+rand-devel
    - rust-num-bigint+serde-devel
    - rust-num-bigint+std-devel
    - rust-num-bigint-devel
    - rust-num-derive+default-devel
    - rust-num-derive+full-syntax-devel
    - rust-num-derive-devel
    - rust-num-integer+default-devel
    - rust-num-integer+i128-devel
    - rust-num-integer+std-devel
    - rust-num-integer-devel
    - rust-num-iter+default-devel
    - rust-num-iter+i128-devel
    - rust-num-iter+std-devel
    - rust-num-iter-devel
    - rust-num-rational+bigint-devel
    - rust-num-rational+bigint-std-devel
    - rust-num-rational+default-devel
    - rust-num-rational+i128-devel
    - rust-num-rational+num-bigint-devel
    - rust-num-rational+serde-devel
    - rust-num-rational+std-devel
    - rust-num-rational-devel
    - rust-num-traits+default-devel
    - rust-num-traits+i128-devel
    - rust-num-traits+std-devel
    - rust-num-traits-devel
    - rust-num_cpus+default-devel
    - rust-num_cpus-devel
    - rust-opaque-debug+default-devel
    - rust-opaque-debug-devel
    - rust-open+default-devel
    - rust-open-devel
    - rust-openssl+default-devel
    - rust-openssl+v101-devel
    - rust-openssl+v102-devel
    - rust-openssl+v110-devel
    - rust-openssl+v111-devel
    - rust-openssl-devel
    - rust-openssl-probe+default-devel
    - rust-openssl-probe-devel
    - rust-openssl-sys+default-devel
    - rust-openssl-sys-devel
    - rust-owning_ref+default-devel
    - rust-owning_ref-devel
    - rust-parking_lot+default-devel
    - rust-parking_lot+owning_ref-devel
    - rust-parking_lot-devel
    - rust-parking_lot_core+backtrace-devel
    - rust-parking_lot_core+deadlock_detection-devel
    - rust-parking_lot_core+default-devel
    - rust-parking_lot_core+petgraph-devel
    - rust-parking_lot_core+thread-id-devel
    - rust-parking_lot_core-devel
    - rust-pbr+default-devel
    - rust-pbr-devel
    - rust-percent-encoding+default-devel
    - rust-percent-encoding-devel
    - rust-phf+core-devel
    - rust-phf+default-devel
    - rust-phf+unicase-devel
    - rust-phf-devel
    - rust-phf_codegen+default-devel
    - rust-phf_codegen-devel
    - rust-phf_generator+default-devel
    - rust-phf_generator-devel
    - rust-phf_shared+core-devel
    - rust-phf_shared+default-devel
    - rust-phf_shared+unicase-devel
    - rust-phf_shared-devel
    - rust-pkg-config+default-devel
    - rust-pkg-config-devel
    - rust-png+default-devel
    - rust-png+deflate-devel
    - rust-png+png-encoding-devel
    - rust-png+unstable-devel
    - rust-png-devel
    - rust-prettytable-rs+csv-devel
    - rust-prettytable-rs+default-devel
    - rust-prettytable-rs+win_crlf-devel
    - rust-prettytable-rs-devel
    - rust-proc-macro2+default-devel
    - rust-proc-macro2+proc-macro-devel
    - rust-proc-macro2+span-locations-devel
    - rust-proc-macro2-devel
    - rust-qr2term+default-devel
    - rust-qr2term-devel
    - rust-qrcode+default-devel
    - rust-qrcode+image-devel
    - rust-qrcode+svg-devel
    - rust-qrcode-devel
    - rust-quote+default-devel
    - rust-quote+proc-macro-devel
    - rust-quote-devel
    - rust-rand+alloc-devel
    - rust-rand+default-devel
    - rust-rand+i128_support-devel
    - rust-rand+log-devel
    - rust-rand+rand_os-devel
    - rust-rand+serde1-devel
    - rust-rand+std-devel
    - rust-rand-devel
    - rust-rand_chacha+default-devel
    - rust-rand_chacha-devel
    - rust-rand_core+alloc-devel
    - rust-rand_core+default-devel
    - rust-rand_core+serde-devel
    - rust-rand_core+serde1-devel
    - rust-rand_core+serde_derive-devel
    - rust-rand_core+std-devel
    - rust-rand_core-devel
    - rust-rand_core0.3+alloc-devel
    - rust-rand_core0.3+default-devel
    - rust-rand_core0.3+serde1-devel
    - rust-rand_core0.3+std-devel
    - rust-rand_core0.3-devel
    - rust-rand_hc+default-devel
    - rust-rand_hc-devel
    - rust-rand_isaac+default-devel
    - rust-rand_isaac+serde-devel
    - rust-rand_isaac+serde1-devel
    - rust-rand_isaac+serde_derive-devel
    - rust-rand_isaac-devel
    - rust-rand_jitter+default-devel
    - rust-rand_jitter+log-devel
    - rust-rand_jitter+std-devel
    - rust-rand_jitter-devel
    - rust-rand_os+default-devel
    - rust-rand_os+log-devel
    - rust-rand_os-devel
    - rust-rand_pcg+default-devel
    - rust-rand_pcg+serde-devel
    - rust-rand_pcg+serde1-devel
    - rust-rand_pcg+serde_derive-devel
    - rust-rand_pcg-devel
    - rust-rand_xorshift+default-devel
    - rust-rand_xorshift+serde-devel
    - rust-rand_xorshift+serde1-devel
    - rust-rand_xorshift+serde_derive-devel
    - rust-rand_xorshift-devel
    - rust-rayon+default-devel
    - rust-rayon-core+default-devel
    - rust-rayon-core-devel
    - rust-rayon-devel
    - rust-regex+default-devel
    - rust-regex+pattern-devel
    - rust-regex+unstable-devel
    - rust-regex+use_std-devel
    - rust-regex-devel
    - rust-regex-syntax+default-devel
    - rust-regex-syntax-devel
    - rust-remove_dir_all+default-devel
    - rust-remove_dir_all-devel
    - rust-reqwest+default-devel
    - rust-reqwest+default-tls-devel
    - rust-reqwest+hyper-tls-devel
    - rust-reqwest+native-tls-devel
    - rust-reqwest+tls-devel
    - rust-reqwest-devel
    - rust-rpassword+default-devel
    - rust-rpassword-devel
    - rust-rustc-demangle+default-devel
    - rust-rustc-demangle-devel
    - rust-rustc_version+default-devel
    - rust-rustc_version-devel
    - rust-ryu+default-devel
    - rust-ryu+no-panic-devel
    - rust-ryu+small-devel
    - rust-ryu-devel
    - rust-scoped_threadpool+default-devel
    - rust-scoped_threadpool-devel
    - rust-scopeguard+default-devel
    - rust-scopeguard+use_std-devel
    - rust-scopeguard-devel
    - rust-semver+default-devel
    - rust-semver+serde-devel
    - rust-semver-devel
    - rust-semver-parser0.7+default-devel
    - rust-semver-parser0.7-devel
    - rust-serde+alloc-devel
    - rust-serde+default-devel
    - rust-serde+derive-devel
    - rust-serde+rc-devel
    - rust-serde+serde_derive-devel
    - rust-serde+std-devel
    - rust-serde+unstable-devel
    - rust-serde-devel
    - rust-serde_derive+default-devel
    - rust-serde_derive+deserialize_in_place-devel
    - rust-serde_derive-devel
    - rust-serde_json+arbitrary_precision-devel
    - rust-serde_json+default-devel
    - rust-serde_json+indexmap-devel
    - rust-serde_json+preserve_order-devel
    - rust-serde_json+raw_value-devel
    - rust-serde_json+unbounded_depth-devel
    - rust-serde_json-devel
    - rust-serde_urlencoded+default-devel
    - rust-serde_urlencoded-devel
    - rust-sha1+default-devel
    - rust-sha1+serde-devel
    - rust-sha1+std-devel
    - rust-sha1-devel
    - rust-sha2+default-devel
    - rust-sha2+std-devel
    - rust-sha2-devel
    - rust-siphasher+default-devel
    - rust-siphasher-devel
    - rust-slab+default-devel
    - rust-slab-devel
    - rust-smallvec+default-devel
    - rust-smallvec+serde-devel
    - rust-smallvec+std-devel
    - rust-smallvec-devel
    - rust-stable_deref_trait+default-devel
    - rust-stable_deref_trait+std-devel
    - rust-stable_deref_trait-devel
    - rust-string+default-devel
    - rust-string-devel
    - rust-strsim+default-devel
    - rust-strsim-devel
    - rust-subtle+default-devel
    - rust-subtle+i128-devel
    - rust-subtle+std-devel
    - rust-subtle-devel
    - rust-syn+clone-impls-devel
    - rust-syn+default-devel
    - rust-syn+derive-devel
    - rust-syn+extra-traits-devel
    - rust-syn+fold-devel
    - rust-syn+full-devel
    - rust-syn+parsing-devel
    - rust-syn+printing-devel
    - rust-syn+proc-macro-devel
    - rust-syn+quote-devel
    - rust-syn+visit-devel
    - rust-syn+visit-mut-devel
    - rust-syn-devel
    - rust-synstructure+default-devel
    - rust-synstructure+simple-derive-devel
    - rust-synstructure-devel
    - rust-tar+default-devel
    - rust-tar+xattr-devel
    - rust-tar-devel
    - rust-tempfile+default-devel
    - rust-tempfile-devel
    - rust-term+default-devel
    - rust-term-devel
    - rust-textwrap+default-devel
    - rust-textwrap+hyphenation-devel
    - rust-textwrap+term_size-devel
    - rust-textwrap-devel
    - rust-thread_local+default-devel
    - rust-thread_local-devel
    - rust-tiff+default-devel
    - rust-tiff-devel
    - rust-time+default-devel
    - rust-time+rustc-serialize-devel
    - rust-time-devel
    - rust-tokio+async-await-preview-devel
    - rust-tokio+bytes-devel
    - rust-tokio+codec-devel
    - rust-tokio+default-devel
    - rust-tokio+fs-devel
    - rust-tokio+io-devel
    - rust-tokio+mio-devel
    - rust-tokio+num_cpus-devel
    - rust-tokio+reactor-devel
    - rust-tokio+rt-full-devel
    - rust-tokio+sync-devel
    - rust-tokio+tcp-devel
    - rust-tokio+timer-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-async-await-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-codec-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-current-thread-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-executor-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-fs-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-io-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-reactor-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-sync-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-tcp-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-threadpool-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-timer-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-trace-core-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-udp-devel
    - rust-tokio+tokio-uds-devel
    - rust-tokio+udp-devel
    - rust-tokio+uds-devel
    - rust-tokio-codec+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-codec-devel
    - rust-tokio-current-thread+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-current-thread-devel
    - rust-tokio-devel
    - rust-tokio-executor+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-executor-devel
    - rust-tokio-fs+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-fs-devel
    - rust-tokio-io+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-io-devel
    - rust-tokio-reactor+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-reactor-devel
    - rust-tokio-sync+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-sync-devel
    - rust-tokio-tcp+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-tcp-devel
    - rust-tokio-threadpool+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-threadpool-devel
    - rust-tokio-timer+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-timer-devel
    - rust-tokio-tls+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-tls-devel
    - rust-tokio-trace-core+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-trace-core-devel
    - rust-tokio-udp+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-udp-devel
    - rust-tokio-uds+default-devel
    - rust-tokio-uds-devel
    - rust-toml+default-devel
    - rust-toml+linked-hash-map-devel
    - rust-toml+preserve_order-devel
    - rust-toml-devel
    - rust-traitobject+default-devel
    - rust-traitobject-devel
    - rust-try-lock+default-devel
    - rust-try-lock-devel
    - rust-typeable+default-devel
    - rust-typeable-devel
    - rust-typenum+default-devel
    - rust-typenum+i128-devel
    - rust-typenum+no_std-devel
    - rust-typenum+strict-devel
    - rust-typenum-devel
    - rust-ucd-util+default-devel
    - rust-ucd-util-devel
    - rust-unicase+default-devel
    - rust-unicase-devel
    - rust-unicase1+default-devel
    - rust-unicase1-devel
    - rust-unicode-bidi+default-devel
    - rust-unicode-bidi+serde-devel
    - rust-unicode-bidi+unstable-devel
    - rust-unicode-bidi+with_serde-devel
    - rust-unicode-bidi-devel
    - rust-unicode-normalization+default-devel
    - rust-unicode-normalization-devel
    - rust-unicode-width+default-devel
    - rust-unicode-width+no_std-devel
    - rust-unicode-width-devel
    - rust-unicode-xid+default-devel
    - rust-unicode-xid+no_std-devel
    - rust-unicode-xid-devel
    - rust-url+default-devel
    - rust-url+encoding-devel
    - rust-url+heap_size-devel
    - rust-url+heapsize-devel
    - rust-url+query_encoding-devel
    - rust-url+rustc-serialize-devel
    - rust-url+serde-devel
    - rust-url-devel
    - rust-url_serde+default-devel
    - rust-url_serde-devel
    - rust-urlshortener+client-devel
    - rust-urlshortener+default-devel
    - rust-urlshortener+reqwest-devel
    - rust-urlshortener-devel
    - rust-utf8-ranges+default-devel
    - rust-utf8-ranges-devel
    - rust-uuid+byteorder-devel
    - rust-uuid+default-devel
    - rust-uuid+md5-devel
    - rust-uuid+rand-devel
    - rust-uuid+serde-devel
    - rust-uuid+sha1-devel
    - rust-uuid+slog-devel
    - rust-uuid+std-devel
    - rust-uuid+u128-devel
    - rust-uuid+v1-devel
    - rust-uuid+v3-devel
    - rust-uuid+v4-devel
    - rust-uuid+v5-devel
    - rust-uuid-devel
    - rust-vec_map+default-devel
    - rust-vec_map+eders-devel
    - rust-vec_map+serde-devel
    - rust-vec_map-devel
    - rust-version-compare+default-devel
    - rust-version-compare+dev-devel
    - rust-version-compare-devel
    - rust-version_check+default-devel
    - rust-version_check-devel
    - rust-want+default-devel
    - rust-want-devel
    - rust-websocket+async-devel
    - rust-websocket+async-ssl-devel
    - rust-websocket+bytes-devel
    - rust-websocket+default-devel
    - rust-websocket+futures-devel
    - rust-websocket+native-tls-devel
    - rust-websocket+sync-devel
    - rust-websocket+sync-ssl-devel
    - rust-websocket+tokio-devel
    - rust-websocket+tokio-tls-devel
    - rust-websocket-devel
    - rust-which+default-devel
    - rust-which-devel
    - rust-xattr+default-devel
    - rust-xattr+unsupported-devel
    - rust-xattr-devel
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-deflate
          * rust-inflate
          * rust-miniz_oxide

          Required by:
          * rust-deflate-devel
            (built by rust-deflate)
          * rust-inflate-devel
            (built by rust-inflate)
          * rust-miniz_oxide-devel
            (built by rust-miniz_oxide)
        ref: 77df72b961c60ce13de5f5cd487c07ab23c7b55e # rust-adler32-1.0.3-4.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-clap

          Required by:
          * rust-clap+color-devel
            (built by rust-clap)
        ref: 981f698b95b96924110b56201491bca38b4a43a8 # rust-ansi_term-0.11.0-5.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
        ref: 3764bc43185f94af4463dbe5df05379d4c7b5705 # rust-arrayref-0.3.5-3.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-backtrace
          * rust-rand
          * rust-rand_chacha
          * rust-rand_pcg

          Required by:
          * rust-backtrace-devel
            (built by rust-backtrace)
          * rust-rand-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
          * rust-rand_chacha-devel
            (built by rust-rand_chacha)
          * rust-rand_pcg-devel
            (built by rust-rand_pcg)
        ref: 81a855938853d5b158170384a78b4bfd0e640fd5 # rust-autocfg-0.1.2-3.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-clap
          * rust-openssl
          * rust-png
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-clap-devel
            (built by rust-clap)
          * rust-openssl-devel
            (built by rust-openssl)
          * rust-png-devel
            (built by rust-png)
          * rust-websocket-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: d6cb4b7f827a92a89c3d6c4744c6dd5525fc394f # rust-bitflags-1.0.4-4.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crc

          Required by:
          * rust-crc-devel
            (built by rust-crc)
        ref: 137dfa1cb0559450bebd66967ffa38a47c48c06b # rust-build_const-0.2.1-5.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-block-buffer
          * rust-block-padding

          Required by:
          * rust-block-buffer-devel
            (built by rust-block-buffer)
          * rust-block-padding-devel
            (built by rust-block-padding)
        ref: b6473b170257c0b7590a520500108f4377510660 # rust-byte-tools-0.3.1-2.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-base64
          * rust-block-buffer
          * rust-bytes
          * rust-deflate
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-h2
          * rust-image
          * rust-jpeg-decoder
          * rust-term
          * rust-tiff
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-base64-devel
            (built by rust-base64)
          * rust-block-buffer-devel
            (built by rust-block-buffer)
          * rust-bytes-devel
            (built by rust-bytes)
          * rust-deflate-devel
            (built by rust-deflate)
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
          * rust-h2-devel
            (built by rust-h2)
          * rust-image-devel
            (built by rust-image)
          * rust-jpeg-decoder-devel
            (built by rust-jpeg-decoder)
          * rust-term-devel
            (built by rust-term)
          * rust-tiff-devel
            (built by rust-tiff)
          * rust-websocket-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: 9121d26b6afea36bcb39252abdb3e3826b37af11 # rust-byteorder-1.3.1-2.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-backtrace-sys
          * rust-miniz-sys
          * rust-miniz_oxide_c_api
          * rust-openssl-sys

          Required by:
          * rust-backtrace-sys-devel
            (built by rust-backtrace-sys)
          * rust-miniz-sys-devel
            (built by rust-miniz-sys)
          * rust-miniz_oxide_c_api-devel
            (built by rust-miniz_oxide_c_api)
          * rust-openssl-sys-devel
            (built by rust-openssl-sys)
        ref: 50986962acfdc525fcd0a6bbd31ac16021d5c392 # rust-cc-1.0.35-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-backtrace
          * rust-crc32fast
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch
          * rust-crossbeam-utils
          * rust-encoding_rs
          * rust-filetime
          * rust-log
          * rust-net2
          * rust-openssl
          * rust-tempfile

          Required by:
          * rust-backtrace-devel
            (built by rust-backtrace)
          * rust-crc32fast-devel
            (built by rust-crc32fast)
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-epoch)
          * rust-crossbeam-utils-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-utils)
          * rust-encoding_rs-devel
            (built by rust-encoding_rs)
          * rust-filetime-devel
            (built by rust-filetime)
          * rust-log-devel
            (built by rust-log)
          * rust-net2-devel
            (built by rust-net2)
          * rust-openssl-devel
            (built by rust-openssl)
          * rust-tempfile-devel
            (built by rust-tempfile)
        ref: fa49aac8a48bd413f6e3f2062adbe2a4d56d9abf # rust-cfg-if-0.1.7-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-qrcode

          Required by:
          * rust-qrcode-devel
            (built by rust-qrcode)
        ref: 3962288ba944b436279bd702b5231665d0b47b44 # rust-checked_int_cast-1.0.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-gif

          Required by:
          * rust-gif-devel
            (built by rust-gif)
        ref: 8106882f01e914d9d3021a432d2d85ba42d2a0b9 # rust-color_quant-1.0.1-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-serde_urlencoded

          Required by:
          * rust-serde_urlencoded-devel
            (built by rust-serde_urlencoded)
        ref: fc6e27dd5a8e865c1a7abe6263c21a808f0bf234 # rust-dtoa-0.4.3-5.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rayon

          Required by:
          * rust-rayon-devel
            (built by rust-rayon)
        ref: 29d370ac672a7424a8b064b0d665c4352da400d7 # rust-either-1.5.2-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-prettytable-rs

          Required by:
          * rust-prettytable-rs-devel
            (built by rust-prettytable-rs)
        ref: 3f8fe66f26737f9a5360e1a2a30533d3084caf56 # rust-encode_unicode-0.3.5-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-sha2

          Required by:
          * rust-sha2-devel
            (built by rust-sha2)
        ref: d22f22aebcb328d53ec5e8f39d6cdaa3922d3371 # rust-fake-simd-0.1.2-2.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-darling_core
          * rust-h2
          * rust-http
          * rust-tokio-sync

          Required by:
          * rust-darling_core-devel
            (built by rust-darling_core)
          * rust-h2-devel
            (built by rust-h2)
          * rust-http-devel
            (built by rust-http)
          * rust-tokio-sync-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-sync)
        ref: 6fc5413ebbbd5d44337be1c961b39002e5b92345 # rust-fnv-1.0.6-7.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-foreign-types

          Required by:
          * rust-foreign-types-devel
            (built by rust-foreign-types)
        ref: c496e37af27efc64db5958915dc71eb4594fa513 # rust-foreign-types-shared-0.1.1-7.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-futures-cpupool
          * rust-h2
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-hyper-tls
          * rust-reqwest
          * rust-tokio
          * rust-tokio-codec
          * rust-tokio-current-thread
          * rust-tokio-executor
          * rust-tokio-fs
          * rust-tokio-io
          * rust-tokio-reactor
          * rust-tokio-sync
          * rust-tokio-tcp
          * rust-tokio-threadpool
          * rust-tokio-timer
          * rust-tokio-tls
          * rust-tokio-udp
          * rust-tokio-uds
          * rust-want
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-futures-cpupool+with-deprecated-devel
            (built by rust-futures-cpupool)
          * rust-futures-cpupool-devel
            (built by rust-futures-cpupool)
          * rust-h2-devel
            (built by rust-h2)
          * rust-hyper-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-hyper-tls-devel
            (built by rust-hyper-tls)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
          * rust-tokio-codec-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-codec)
          * rust-tokio-current-thread-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-current-thread)
          * rust-tokio-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
          * rust-tokio-executor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-executor)
          * rust-tokio-fs-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-fs)
          * rust-tokio-io-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-io)
          * rust-tokio-reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-reactor)
          * rust-tokio-sync-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-sync)
          * rust-tokio-tcp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-tcp)
          * rust-tokio-threadpool-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-threadpool)
          * rust-tokio-timer-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-timer)
          * rust-tokio-tls-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-tls)
          * rust-tokio-udp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-udp)
          * rust-tokio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-uds)
          * rust-want-devel
            (built by rust-want)
          * rust-websocket+async-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: 0c7d3f82cba5969a1a06899be67152bfc2a1421f # rust-futures0.1-0.1.26-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-hyper0.10

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-hyper0.10-devel
            (built by rust-hyper0.10)
        ref: 8a5b393ac5ef9d908c39c6e231f5e8b1d19a9bbd # rust-httparse-1.3.3-3.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-darling_core

          Required by:
          * rust-darling_core-devel
            (built by rust-darling_core)
        ref: 4693531d7d2b61dc64bff8506dafadb0d288fdda # rust-ident_case-1.0.1-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-csv
          * rust-http
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-serde_json
          * rust-serde_urlencoded

          Required by:
          * rust-csv-devel
            (built by rust-csv)
          * rust-http-devel
            (built by rust-http)
          * rust-hyper-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-serde_json-devel
            (built by rust-serde_json)
          * rust-serde_urlencoded-devel
            (built by rust-serde_urlencoded)
        ref: 7b951314bd701ac8cde5e65ec10c1306b8c5964d # rust-itoa-0.4.3-4.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper0.10

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper0.10-devel
            (built by rust-hyper0.10)
        ref: c6ab53d5601521dd8fab31999600f8d90a57b1ee # rust-language-tags-0.2.2-5.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-colored
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch
          * rust-crossbeam-utils
          * rust-ffsend
          * rust-openssl
          * rust-prettytable-rs
          * rust-rayon-core
          * rust-thread_local
          * rust-tokio-reactor
          * rust-tokio-trace-core

          Required by:
          * rust-colored-devel
            (built by rust-colored)
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch+std-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-epoch)
          * rust-crossbeam-utils+std-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-utils)
          * rust-openssl-devel
            (built by rust-openssl)
          * rust-prettytable-rs-devel
            (built by rust-prettytable-rs)
          * rust-rayon-core-devel
            (built by rust-rayon-core)
          * rust-thread_local-devel
            (built by rust-thread_local)
          * rust-tokio-reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-reactor)
          * rust-tokio-trace-core-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-trace-core)
        ref: 6e30973f915da136bba20baa034e2cff95a6b74e # rust-lazy_static-1.3.0-3.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-mio

          Required by:
          * rust-mio-devel
            (built by rust-mio)
        ref: be7ca59356c97d86955e80d72d055d9a8475b3ff # rust-lazycell-1.2.1-3.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-atty
          * rust-backtrace
          * rust-backtrace-sys
          * rust-crossterm_input
          * rust-crossterm_terminal
          * rust-crossterm_utils
          * rust-directories
          * rust-dirs
          * rust-filetime
          * rust-flate2
          * rust-fs2
          * rust-iovec
          * rust-miniz-sys
          * rust-miniz_oxide_c_api
          * rust-mio
          * rust-mio-uds
          * rust-net2
          * rust-num_cpus
          * rust-openssl
          * rust-openssl-sys
          * rust-parking_lot_core
          * rust-pbr
          * rust-rand
          * rust-rand_os
          * rust-rayon-core
          * rust-rpassword
          * rust-tar
          * rust-tempfile
          * rust-time
          * rust-tokio-uds
          * rust-which
          * rust-xattr

          Required by:
          * rust-atty-devel
            (built by rust-atty)
          * rust-backtrace-devel
            (built by rust-backtrace)
          * rust-backtrace-sys-devel
            (built by rust-backtrace-sys)
          * rust-crossterm_input-devel
            (built by rust-crossterm_input)
          * rust-crossterm_terminal-devel
            (built by rust-crossterm_terminal)
          * rust-crossterm_utils-devel
            (built by rust-crossterm_utils)
          * rust-directories-devel
            (built by rust-directories)
          * rust-dirs-devel
            (built by rust-dirs)
          * rust-filetime-devel
            (built by rust-filetime)
          * rust-flate2-devel
            (built by rust-flate2)
          * rust-fs2-devel
            (built by rust-fs2)
          * rust-iovec-devel
            (built by rust-iovec)
          * rust-memchr+libc-devel
            (built by rust-memchr)
          * rust-miniz-sys-devel
            (built by rust-miniz-sys)
          * rust-miniz_oxide_c_api-devel
            (built by rust-miniz_oxide_c_api)
          * rust-mio-devel
            (built by rust-mio)
          * rust-mio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-mio-uds)
          * rust-net2-devel
            (built by rust-net2)
          * rust-num_cpus-devel
            (built by rust-num_cpus)
          * rust-openssl-devel
            (built by rust-openssl)
          * rust-openssl-sys-devel
            (built by rust-openssl-sys)
          * rust-parking_lot_core-devel
            (built by rust-parking_lot_core)
          * rust-pbr-devel
            (built by rust-pbr)
          * rust-rand-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
          * rust-rand_os-devel
            (built by rust-rand_os)
          * rust-rayon-core-devel
            (built by rust-rayon-core)
          * rust-rpassword-devel
            (built by rust-rpassword)
          * rust-tar-devel
            (built by rust-tar)
          * rust-tempfile-devel
            (built by rust-tempfile)
          * rust-time-devel
            (built by rust-time)
          * rust-tokio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-uds)
          * rust-which-devel
            (built by rust-which)
          * rust-xattr-devel
            (built by rust-xattr)
        ref: e7c60a86439ac84f37f6fba723ae8a12fc2f4226 # rust-libc-0.2.51-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-gif
          * rust-image
          * rust-tiff

          Required by:
          * rust-gif-devel
            (built by rust-gif)
          * rust-image-devel
            (built by rust-image)
          * rust-tiff-devel
            (built by rust-tiff)
        ref: e03f6a6c94715df7622e9d0bd13eb657fec8ad76 # rust-lzw-0.10.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-idna
          * rust-unicode-bidi
          * rust-url

          Required by:
          * rust-idna-devel
            (built by rust-idna)
          * rust-unicode-bidi-devel
            (built by rust-unicode-bidi)
          * rust-url-devel
            (built by rust-url)
        ref: 8e9a1c4f46c1355869374fe7fb403a6b6c1b0fca # rust-matches-0.1.8-4.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-aho-corasick
          * rust-csv-core
          * rust-regex

          Required by:
          * rust-aho-corasick+std-devel
            (built by rust-aho-corasick)
          * rust-aho-corasick-devel
            (built by rust-aho-corasick)
          * rust-csv-core+libc-devel
            (built by rust-csv-core)
          * rust-csv-core-devel
            (built by rust-csv-core)
          * rust-regex-devel
            (built by rust-regex)
        ref: 1e687e82d0f14eca98597968c0985a0eaa048f38 # rust-memchr-2.2.0-2.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch

          Required by:
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-epoch)
        ref: 6d80581b094d58c275bb447f0c6a3c73ee261570 # rust-memoffset-0.2.1-6.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-arrayvec

          Required by:
          * rust-arrayvec-devel
            (built by rust-arrayvec)
        ref: fe8918fa149286ef77b227729774a34069a2d1a5 # rust-nodrop-0.1.13-2.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-chrono
          * rust-image
          * rust-num-bigint
          * rust-num-integer
          * rust-num-iter
          * rust-num-rational
          * rust-tiff

          Required by:
          * rust-chrono-devel
            (built by rust-chrono)
          * rust-image-devel
            (built by rust-image)
          * rust-num-bigint+std-devel
            (built by rust-num-bigint)
          * rust-num-bigint-devel
            (built by rust-num-bigint)
          * rust-num-integer+std-devel
            (built by rust-num-integer)
          * rust-num-integer-devel
            (built by rust-num-integer)
          * rust-num-iter+std-devel
            (built by rust-num-iter)
          * rust-num-iter-devel
            (built by rust-num-iter)
          * rust-num-rational-devel
            (built by rust-num-rational)
          * rust-tiff-devel
            (built by rust-tiff)
        ref: f52b292282ba55da6bfe30e849f3e8a74fe9e1f9 # rust-num-traits-0.2.6-4.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-sha2

          Required by:
          * rust-sha2-devel
            (built by rust-sha2)
        ref: 5c35eadc27aa55a5d89ff0cf0eba1dae9b6638ee # rust-opaque-debug-0.2.2-1.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: e8c926fed923dbc0ccd0d6a9d86013194b9d09cb # rust-open-1.2.2-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
          * rust-native-tls

          Required by:
          * rust-native-tls-devel
            (built by rust-native-tls)
        ref: 190a76ba01abf8e5f727b5889037383cd045ca06 # rust-openssl-probe-0.1.2-7.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-url

          Required by:
          * rust-url-devel
            (built by rust-url)
        ref: 3454351c48f229751bbd1b0e0fa8622e6528d2b2 # rust-percent-encoding-1.0.1-7.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-openssl-sys

          Required by:
          * rust-openssl-sys-devel
            (built by rust-openssl-sys)
        ref: 4ed2590b18b486e7105d76b94f9baad214b3d2a0 # rust-pkg-config-0.3.14-4.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rand
          * rust-rand_core0.3
          * rust-rand_jitter
          * rust-rand_os
          * rust-rand_pcg

          Required by:
          * rust-rand+alloc-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
          * rust-rand+std-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
          * rust-rand-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
          * rust-rand_core0.3-devel
            (built by rust-rand_core0.3)
          * rust-rand_jitter+std-devel
            (built by rust-rand_jitter)
          * rust-rand_jitter-devel
            (built by rust-rand_jitter)
          * rust-rand_os-devel
            (built by rust-rand_os)
          * rust-rand_pcg-devel
            (built by rust-rand_pcg)
        ref: 2ffed169b8788f3f390f33f36bdcaa94c99ca8ce # rust-rand_core-0.4.0-3.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tempfile

          Required by:
          * rust-tempfile-devel
            (built by rust-tempfile)
        ref: 8fe0af9b623f38dd787b38e38920ea425abca29b # rust-remove_dir_all-0.5.1-5.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-backtrace

          Required by:
          * rust-backtrace-devel
            (built by rust-backtrace)
        ref: f6591e77439e59774539826c2c50d8ba66280772 # rust-rustc-demangle-0.1.14-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-csv
          * rust-serde_json

          Required by:
          * rust-csv-devel
            (built by rust-csv)
          * rust-serde_json-devel
            (built by rust-serde_json)
        ref: d9b73e871f3b01f8180355d804434566e0f5c66b # rust-ryu-0.2.7-3.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-image
        ref: 68937e60199cbf8b67dfc72bfd6585fe8d12577f # rust-scoped_threadpool-0.1.9-4.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch
          * rust-lock_api

          Required by:
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-epoch)
          * rust-lock_api-devel
            (built by rust-lock_api)
        ref: d058bbf19eab010ef6477045a7c26cb93381b7e1 # rust-scopeguard-0.3.3-7.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-semver

          Required by:
          * rust-semver-devel
            (built by rust-semver)
        ref: 171aa5834211cb7ba17fe68f68587879040bf342 # rust-semver-parser0.7-0.7.0-9.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-csv
          * rust-ffsend
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-indexmap
          * rust-reqwest
          * rust-serde_json
          * rust-serde_urlencoded
          * rust-toml
          * rust-url_serde

          Required by:
          * rust-chrono+serde-devel
            (built by rust-chrono)
          * rust-csv-devel
            (built by rust-csv)
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
          * rust-serde_json-devel
            (built by rust-serde_json)
          * rust-serde_urlencoded-devel
            (built by rust-serde_urlencoded)
          * rust-toml-devel
            (built by rust-toml)
          * rust-url_serde-devel
            (built by rust-url_serde)
        ref: 904d8cc515235d1a806c9a7aded22bd6ffa04c7b # rust-serde-1.0.90-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-websocket-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: e4355377a5debd22b348577ca321d2d2a68eec37 # rust-sha1-0.6.0-6.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-phf_shared

          Required by:
          * rust-phf_shared-devel
            (built by rust-phf_shared)
        ref: a1bf6e75f35720dfa0a4da064a64f39b4e390c13 # rust-siphasher-0.3.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-h2
          * rust-mio
          * rust-tokio-reactor
          * rust-tokio-threadpool
          * rust-tokio-timer

          Required by:
          * rust-h2-devel
            (built by rust-h2)
          * rust-mio-devel
            (built by rust-mio)
          * rust-tokio-reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-reactor)
          * rust-tokio-threadpool-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-threadpool)
          * rust-tokio-timer-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-timer)
        ref: 83b9a15f2f26ed7c95c0cfb63f2f465332ca222b # rust-slab-0.4.2-3.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-parking_lot_core
          * rust-unicode-normalization

          Required by:
          * rust-parking_lot_core-devel
            (built by rust-parking_lot_core)
          * rust-unicode-normalization-devel
            (built by rust-unicode-normalization)
        ref: 0b1ca3633d5339c61780cbd948553ba37db89771 # rust-smallvec-0.6.9-2.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-owning_ref

          Required by:
          * rust-owning_ref-devel
            (built by rust-owning_ref)
        ref: 75e1c3a99b3691a84a2908e5c0e1b47683bf6e07 # rust-stable_deref_trait-1.1.1-4.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-h2

          Required by:
          * rust-h2-devel
            (built by rust-h2)
        ref: 21011caa7d0fb66ecfd9f60117da4eb55256a418 # rust-string-0.1.3-2.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-clap

          Required by:
          * rust-clap+suggestions-devel
            (built by rust-clap)
          * rust-darling_core+suggestions-devel
            (built by rust-darling_core)
        ref: 6db610582eecbd8ea9f81a1f077e4c48106b16c7 # rust-strsim-0.9.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crypto-mac

          Required by:
          * rust-crypto-mac-devel
            (built by rust-crypto-mac)
        ref: 4a730ae8894793e135edb34d8213a51b195a94b1 # rust-subtle-2.0.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper0.10

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper0.10-devel
            (built by rust-hyper0.10)
        ref: 878328ce80893e4fc39a9e0e7a922e2e24328cde # rust-traitobject-0.1.0-6.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-want

          Required by:
          * rust-want-devel
            (built by rust-want)
        ref: 028bec4a5bda56b16ebb8bf44266c77462fe544e # rust-try-lock-0.2.2-3.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper0.10

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper0.10-devel
            (built by rust-hyper0.10)
        ref: 7e8d94aa1d3cad9add43d59941f32be7b95fe580 # rust-typeable-0.1.2-4.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-generic-array

          Required by:
          * rust-generic-array-devel
            (built by rust-generic-array)
        ref: 9847aea4d225d104b6fa5da163add55dc5788de7 # rust-typenum-1.10.0-3.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-regex-syntax

          Required by:
          * rust-regex-syntax-devel
            (built by rust-regex-syntax)
        ref: b1e81c701e5edeeb5bf13f05529c9efd651d7cc3 # rust-ucd-util-0.1.3-2.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-clap
          * rust-prettytable-rs
          * rust-textwrap

          Required by:
          * rust-clap-devel
            (built by rust-clap)
          * rust-prettytable-rs-devel
            (built by rust-prettytable-rs)
          * rust-textwrap-devel
            (built by rust-textwrap)
        ref: 6b7a220e29805a34e566e0bbc056f04288e46b98 # rust-unicode-width-0.1.5-5.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-proc-macro2
          * rust-syn
          * rust-synstructure

          Required by:
          * rust-proc-macro2-devel
            (built by rust-proc-macro2)
          * rust-syn-devel
            (built by rust-syn)
          * rust-synstructure-devel
            (built by rust-synstructure)
        ref: f0f240a98191837a508e3a829186f3e68fb073a7 # rust-unicode-xid-0.1.0-8.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-regex

          Required by:
          * rust-regex-devel
            (built by rust-regex)
        ref: 9ffdb97b701fca2b72af10278be1a94dbf09fbf9 # rust-utf8-ranges-1.0.2-2.fc30
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-reqwest

          Required by:
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
        ref: a51b9bf964bf4823c0d9bbd85adf7c865fe1ef31 # rust-uuid-0.7.4-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-clap

          Required by:
          * rust-clap+default-devel
            (built by rust-clap)
        ref: 8061e58004d95400d13c320814f4dc5525f7e99e # rust-vec_map-0.8.1-6.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
          * rust-ffsend-api

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
        ref: 8c71ceea66003b623e71615b468d4c8a13d122ee # rust-version-compare-0.0.8-1.fc31
        buildorder: 0
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-unicase
          * rust-unicase1

          Required by:
          * rust-unicase-devel
            (built by rust-unicase)
          * rust-unicase1-devel
            (built by rust-unicase1)
        ref: 7b006b3abd5634172c1e3754529abe2123a1c4f5 # rust-version_check-0.1.5-4.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-regex

          Required by:
          * rust-regex-devel
            (built by rust-regex)
        ref: 8ae49fe3cc182b7574c49496db81bfc23dc53a47 # rust-aho-corasick-0.7.3-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch

          Required by:
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-epoch)
        ref: 144e3768783e842e97df18ad3e280781b54b94b4 # rust-arrayvec-0.4.10-3.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-clap
          * rust-prettytable-rs

          Required by:
          * rust-clap+color-devel
            (built by rust-clap)
          * rust-prettytable-rs-devel
            (built by rust-prettytable-rs)
        ref: 8292e9fbe915444fb7fc60ae8843c039ae41ee5c # rust-atty-0.2.11-4.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-backtrace

          Required by:
          * rust-backtrace+libbacktrace-devel
            (built by rust-backtrace)
        ref: 4881ae8b7c5ebd061d70d1d394aa595940899d58 # rust-backtrace-sys-0.1.28-2.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-hyper0.10
          * rust-reqwest
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
          * rust-hyper0.10-devel
            (built by rust-hyper0.10)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
          * rust-websocket-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: 15ffa2715034c40f17ce75b547d834062baf48aa # rust-base64-0.10.1-2.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-block-buffer

          Required by:
          * rust-block-buffer-devel
            (built by rust-block-buffer)
        ref: ad65376ef54feee98d0a20900abb763f1af9ad84 # rust-block-padding-0.1.3-2.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: 8d30dbf88f33da5e6f5e4a045ae37e2b8e47a67e # rust-colored-1.7.0-2.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-miniz_oxide_c_api

          Required by:
          * rust-miniz_oxide_c_api-devel
            (built by rust-miniz_oxide_c_api)
        ref: 53c80f4238740a53dfa355dbb7c682e0f29ce6d4 # rust-crc-1.8.1-5.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-flate2

          Required by:
          * rust-flate2-devel
            (built by rust-flate2)
        ref: dc0538858f36021a14f341f6c5046a9b25690214 # rust-crc32fast-1.2.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crossbeam-deque
          * rust-crossbeam-deque0.4
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch
          * rust-crossbeam-queue
          * rust-tokio-executor
          * rust-tokio-reactor
          * rust-tokio-threadpool
          * rust-tokio-timer

          Required by:
          * rust-crossbeam-deque-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-deque)
          * rust-crossbeam-deque0.4-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-deque0.4)
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch+std-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-epoch)
          * rust-crossbeam-epoch-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-epoch)
          * rust-crossbeam-queue-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-queue)
          * rust-tokio-executor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-executor)
          * rust-tokio-reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-reactor)
          * rust-tokio-threadpool-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-threadpool)
          * rust-tokio-timer-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-timer)
        ref: 236090c5368d179d40194f1128fe875dd19e7e2b # rust-crossbeam-utils-0.6.5-2.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crossterm
          * rust-crossterm_cursor
          * rust-crossterm_input
          * rust-crossterm_screen
          * rust-crossterm_style
          * rust-crossterm_terminal

          Required by:
          * rust-crossterm-devel
            (built by rust-crossterm)
          * rust-crossterm_cursor-devel
            (built by rust-crossterm_cursor)
          * rust-crossterm_input-devel
            (built by rust-crossterm_input)
          * rust-crossterm_screen-devel
            (built by rust-crossterm_screen)
          * rust-crossterm_style-devel
            (built by rust-crossterm_style)
          * rust-crossterm_terminal-devel
            (built by rust-crossterm_terminal)
        ref: 05e0fc9c18008aceb3fab146141388c351844881 # rust-crossterm_utils-0.2.1-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-csv

          Required by:
          * rust-csv-devel
            (built by rust-csv)
        ref: 19bfc6eee9a274d1b58ca1f95981437da5e877e8 # rust-csv-core-0.1.5-2.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-png

          Required by:
          * rust-png+png-encoding-devel
            (built by rust-png)
        ref: eac5697c3dc46ae42d4536843ea351716a0acb23 # rust-deflate-0.7.19-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: 44387ed60ef74f0cdabf07d8f0ca87024dac4b1b # rust-directories-1.0.2-3.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-term

          Required by:
          * rust-term-devel
            (built by rust-term)
        ref: 8fc11cedb2221a5c75b97694e0e83ad250cb1977 # rust-dirs-1.0.5-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-reqwest

          Required by:
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
        ref: b1388c8c64c6e2acb6072fe541e9a8d6e3dabaf2 # rust-encoding_rs-0.8.17-2.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tar

          Required by:
          * rust-tar-devel
            (built by rust-tar)
        ref: 01bf239579338d8565e3758690a4b6ba3ac54bca # rust-filetime-0.2.5-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-openssl

          Required by:
          * rust-openssl-devel
            (built by rust-openssl)
        ref: 7b381796cc6caa110378281f6a5fb5c1c14101fd # rust-foreign-types-0.3.2-7.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: d70eba8450245f9fa4fa74f895d23027c359a7fa # rust-fs2-0.4.3-6.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-block-buffer
          * rust-crypto-mac
          * rust-digest

          Required by:
          * rust-block-buffer-devel
            (built by rust-block-buffer)
          * rust-crypto-mac-devel
            (built by rust-crypto-mac)
          * rust-digest-devel
            (built by rust-digest)
        ref: 51d165a5ce1a5407152b2fe3d1ccc94360d20cd7 # rust-generic-array-0.12.0-4.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-image
        ref: 48207fcf76d577378ca55a90203d1603d10aa41e # rust-gif-0.10.1-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-h2

          Required by:
          * rust-h2-devel
            (built by rust-h2)
        ref: 3f60c84d32bec3bceca0c09a8dea4c514aef5518 # rust-indexmap-1.0.2-3.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-png

          Required by:
          * rust-png-devel
            (built by rust-png)
        ref: 7f098b8d45c47ff0b6c86b87f301689ff49bbb6c # rust-inflate-0.4.5-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-bytes
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-mio
          * rust-mio-uds
          * rust-tokio-tcp
          * rust-tokio-uds

          Required by:
          * rust-bytes-devel
            (built by rust-bytes)
          * rust-hyper-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-mio-devel
            (built by rust-mio)
          * rust-mio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-mio-uds)
          * rust-tokio-tcp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-tcp)
          * rust-tokio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-uds)
        ref: 44c97d716c52e4d81a302405c69739a084682f23 # rust-iovec-0.1.2-5.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-parking_lot

          Required by:
          * rust-parking_lot+owning_ref-devel
            (built by rust-parking_lot)
          * rust-parking_lot-devel
            (built by rust-parking_lot)
        ref: 2113933181dc804590ffdfad931e2dcd82c6ae86 # rust-lock_api-0.1.5-3.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-h2
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-log0.3
          * rust-mio
          * rust-reqwest
          * rust-tokio-io
          * rust-tokio-reactor
          * rust-tokio-threadpool
          * rust-tokio-udp
          * rust-tokio-uds
          * rust-urlshortener
          * rust-want

          Required by:
          * rust-h2-devel
            (built by rust-h2)
          * rust-hyper-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-log0.3+use_std-devel
            (built by rust-log0.3)
          * rust-log0.3-devel
            (built by rust-log0.3)
          * rust-mio-devel
            (built by rust-mio)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
          * rust-tokio-io-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-io)
          * rust-tokio-reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-reactor)
          * rust-tokio-threadpool-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-threadpool)
          * rust-tokio-udp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-udp)
          * rust-tokio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-uds)
          * rust-urlshortener-devel
            (built by rust-urlshortener)
          * rust-want-devel
            (built by rust-want)
        ref: f2ed0b96f2aef62b3f25f527f3970f857e7e42a3 # rust-log-0.4.6-3.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-flate2
        ref: 3e04e5557d0c09a478178dbf94ea184a36dddb0a # rust-miniz-sys-0.1.11-4.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-miniz_oxide_c_api

          Required by:
          * rust-miniz_oxide_c_api-devel
            (built by rust-miniz_oxide_c_api)
        ref: c37de4dc4e6769ce97a89751c55df3ca70c8c4fc # rust-miniz_oxide-0.2.1-2.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-mio

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper+runtime-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-mio-devel
            (built by rust-mio)
        ref: 2b46b9734561a49016457d5cec7e2b808c3a92b0 # rust-net2-0.2.33-5.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-chrono
          * rust-num-bigint
          * rust-num-iter
          * rust-num-rational

          Required by:
          * rust-chrono-devel
            (built by rust-chrono)
          * rust-num-bigint+std-devel
            (built by rust-num-bigint)
          * rust-num-bigint-devel
            (built by rust-num-bigint)
          * rust-num-iter+std-devel
            (built by rust-num-iter)
          * rust-num-iter-devel
            (built by rust-num-iter)
          * rust-num-rational-devel
            (built by rust-num-rational)
        ref: 95b28ad1b64403e529c3f3c8eb7cdd95218b865e # rust-num-integer-0.1.39-6.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-futures-cpupool
          * rust-hyper0.10
          * rust-rayon-core
          * rust-tokio
          * rust-tokio-reactor
          * rust-tokio-threadpool

          Required by:
          * rust-futures-cpupool-devel
            (built by rust-futures-cpupool)
          * rust-hyper0.10-devel
            (built by rust-hyper0.10)
          * rust-rayon-core-devel
            (built by rust-rayon-core)
          * rust-tokio+rt-full-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
          * rust-tokio-reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-reactor)
          * rust-tokio-threadpool-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-threadpool)
        ref: 9fec5098b96e9803df65c367d24567d0ddf53b47 # rust-num_cpus-1.10.0-1.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          Required by:
          * rust-lock_api+owning_ref-devel
            (built by rust-lock_api)
        ref: a58a242f26a99df67cdc7249b0d27090189d2a9d # rust-owning_ref-0.4.0-2.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-phf
          * rust-phf_codegen
          * rust-phf_generator

          Required by:
          * rust-phf+unicase-devel
            (built by rust-phf)
          * rust-phf-devel
            (built by rust-phf)
          * rust-phf_codegen-devel
            (built by rust-phf_codegen)
          * rust-phf_generator-devel
            (built by rust-phf_generator)
        ref: 0427bf2e051b1dab60be29ba93cb89d41d593255 # rust-phf_shared-0.7.24-5.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-darling_core
          * rust-derive_builder
          * rust-derive_builder_core
          * rust-failure_derive
          * rust-num-derive
          * rust-quote
          * rust-serde_derive
          * rust-syn
          * rust-synstructure

          Required by:
          * rust-darling_core-devel
            (built by rust-darling_core)
          * rust-derive_builder-devel
            (built by rust-derive_builder)
          * rust-derive_builder_core-devel
            (built by rust-derive_builder_core)
          * rust-failure_derive-devel
            (built by rust-failure_derive)
          * rust-num-derive-devel
            (built by rust-num-derive)
          * rust-quote+proc-macro-devel
            (built by rust-quote)
          * rust-quote-devel
            (built by rust-quote)
          * rust-serde_derive-devel
            (built by rust-serde_derive)
          * rust-syn+proc-macro-devel
            (built by rust-syn)
          * rust-syn-devel
            (built by rust-syn)
          * rust-synstructure-devel
            (built by rust-synstructure)
        ref: ca5260fd7290b7d14824b423e8c4890d9fd2f6bd # rust-proc-macro2-0.4.28-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rand_chacha
          * rust-rand_hc
          * rust-rand_isaac
          * rust-rand_xorshift

          Required by:
          * rust-rand_chacha-devel
            (built by rust-rand_chacha)
          * rust-rand_hc-devel
            (built by rust-rand_hc)
          * rust-rand_isaac-devel
            (built by rust-rand_isaac)
          * rust-rand_xorshift-devel
            (built by rust-rand_xorshift)
        ref: e87f2e4a155d98dab8dd94f064e8e6de4c75fd95 # rust-rand_core0.3-0.3.1-3.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rand

          Required by:
          * rust-rand+std-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
          * rust-rand-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
        ref: 397d4a229a47ef2806e7c3cd0a5c05382fa66344 # rust-rand_jitter-0.1.3-2.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rand

          Required by:
          * rust-rand+std-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
        ref: bf6aba9620e08749b5697e4d3d3e4b5f2b3d8cf9 # rust-rand_os-0.1.3-2.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rand

          Required by:
          * rust-rand-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
        ref: 55c099d27ef3d71b49404ff1cdaefa980dce3ae1 # rust-rand_pcg-0.1.2-2.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-regex

          Required by:
          * rust-regex-devel
            (built by rust-regex)
        ref: 0b2634c7c2a106884898b344d42a1995098287f0 # rust-regex-syntax-0.6.6-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: f1f51ee28d2652c1c6b866953e1828318a9010dd # rust-rpassword-3.0.2-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rustc_version

          Required by:
          * rust-rustc_version-devel
            (built by rust-rustc_version)
        ref: c6b7210fce440b9e2b2f8f489d49af557c023ae7 # rust-semver-0.9.0-8.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-reqwest

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
        ref: 61cade1d268658cb972dbc4f16e4804e82448116 # rust-serde_json-1.0.39-2.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-clap

          Required by:
          * rust-clap-devel
            (built by rust-clap)
        ref: 0776aa5c1485c4af8fb70fb89827473d012aa50c # rust-textwrap-0.11.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-regex

          Required by:
          * rust-regex-devel
            (built by rust-regex)
        ref: 203b239665653ad710d5dc0f750bfe691b3054f1 # rust-thread_local-0.3.6-4.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-chrono
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-hyper0.10
          * rust-pbr

          Required by:
          * rust-chrono+clock-devel
            (built by rust-chrono)
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
          * rust-hyper-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-hyper0.10-devel
            (built by rust-hyper0.10)
          * rust-pbr-devel
            (built by rust-pbr)
        ref: afc60bde9c4f5e9075775b51b084c7e2de45e2a7 # rust-time-0.1.42-4.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tokio
          * rust-tokio-reactor

          Required by:
          * rust-tokio+sync-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
          * rust-tokio-reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-reactor)
        ref: dffbd8c42c2cc3d51e1ecbddc07a805265d20aaf # rust-tokio-sync-0.1.5-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tokio

          Required by:
          * rust-tokio+rt-full-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
        ref: 8a3cb159876906586281324c1f4621b26c9081f5 # rust-tokio-trace-core-0.1.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: 545f0d33f9e673f4ed759849d49f4b374fd7482b # rust-toml-0.5.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-mime

          Required by:
          * rust-mime-devel
            (built by rust-mime)
        ref: dbfbaa30bdf5a738b76b68f1652220b9abcb4bd2 # rust-unicase-2.3.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper0.10
          * rust-mime_guess
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper0.10-devel
            (built by rust-hyper0.10)
          * rust-mime_guess-devel
            (built by rust-mime_guess)
          * rust-phf_shared+unicase-devel
            (built by rust-phf_shared)
          * rust-websocket-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: bc685819bd0756a6a2e1198f9a8ec46eb1dd2b1f # rust-unicase1-1.4.2-4.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-idna

          Required by:
          * rust-idna-devel
            (built by rust-idna)
        ref: e7e9c6c03dc86f7d21597ff8e6e780fd2626c315 # rust-unicode-bidi-0.3.4-8.fc31
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-idna

          Required by:
          * rust-idna-devel
            (built by rust-idna)
        ref: c29ca70068f7d9723e2c8199cdd37f22ebeee74a # rust-unicode-normalization-0.1.8-2.fc30
        buildorder: 10
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tar

          Required by:
          * rust-tar+default-devel
            (built by rust-tar)
        ref: c35cca32bbd05876cbeb83103201e6dde011ff1f # rust-xattr-0.2.2-6.fc30
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-failure

          Required by:
          * rust-failure+std-devel
            (built by rust-failure)
        ref: f344647b2e444a7a8c8a75dc633caeaa3a49a658 # rust-backtrace-0.3.15-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-sha2

          Required by:
          * rust-sha2-devel
            (built by rust-sha2)
        ref: dac46ac82d61d8bac74a9764ebd32062b0f75037 # rust-block-buffer-0.7.3-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-h2
          * rust-http
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-hyper-tls
          * rust-reqwest
          * rust-tokio
          * rust-tokio-codec
          * rust-tokio-io
          * rust-tokio-tcp
          * rust-tokio-udp
          * rust-tokio-uds
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
          * rust-h2-devel
            (built by rust-h2)
          * rust-http-devel
            (built by rust-http)
          * rust-hyper-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-hyper-tls-devel
            (built by rust-hyper-tls)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
          * rust-tokio+io-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
          * rust-tokio-codec-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-codec)
          * rust-tokio-io-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-io)
          * rust-tokio-tcp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-tcp)
          * rust-tokio-udp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-udp)
          * rust-tokio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-uds)
          * rust-websocket+async-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: dea1f76e96fe74e5fea3821a9972a755d59f33e8 # rust-bytes-0.4.12-2.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
          * rust-ffsend-api

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
        ref: f1fc5b2924e40b293ec6baec47b83aecd5726aa9 # rust-chrono-0.4.6-4.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: 6e71af04e33895c2f43142e49c7075fef09f439e # rust-clap-2.33.0-2.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crossbeam-deque
          * rust-crossbeam-deque0.4

          Required by:
          * rust-crossbeam-deque-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-deque)
          * rust-crossbeam-deque0.4-devel
            (built by rust-crossbeam-deque0.4)
        ref: f3b4c3f6040cc98b61b881a274cff0d0e4302f0b # rust-crossbeam-epoch-0.7.1-2.fc30
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tokio-threadpool

          Required by:
          * rust-tokio-threadpool-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-threadpool)
        ref: 9ef65533dd36eff41f10c4caf095c81ab39271da # rust-crossbeam-queue-0.1.2-1.fc30
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crossterm
          * rust-crossterm_terminal

          Required by:
          * rust-crossterm_terminal-devel
            (built by rust-crossterm_terminal)
        ref: b0f54653584352441c3684045827b60a778a8155 # rust-crossterm_cursor-0.2.1-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crossterm
          * rust-crossterm_input

          Required by:
          * rust-crossterm_input-devel
            (built by rust-crossterm_input)
        ref: 62d979251bdb1757867e6d3ed4e93ba78afc948c # rust-crossterm_screen-0.2.1-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crossterm

          Required by:
          * rust-crossterm+style-devel
            (built by rust-crossterm)
        ref: 9cb09214da62d231ca497e6865dec54768eaa47a # rust-crossterm_style-0.3.1-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hmac

          Required by:
          * rust-hmac-devel
            (built by rust-hmac)
        ref: 7f384f8492c67ddf9c59e1d079a7601b9a78655b # rust-crypto-mac-0.7.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-prettytable-rs

          Required by:
          * rust-prettytable-rs+default-devel
            (built by rust-prettytable-rs)
        ref: 409f87f6ac65a2970cbc79e283ecb0ecde22ead0 # rust-csv-1.0.7-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hkdf
          * rust-hmac
          * rust-sha2

          Required by:
          * rust-hkdf-devel
            (built by rust-hkdf)
          * rust-hmac-devel
            (built by rust-hmac)
          * rust-sha2+std-devel
            (built by rust-sha2)
          * rust-sha2-devel
            (built by rust-sha2)
        ref: 7cd048dbd12d684c002b6e429a7c06511c46fa98 # rust-digest-0.8.0-3.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper+runtime-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
        ref: d08e1ab960d8e654a59806c3e038f29a9e3aaac1 # rust-futures-cpupool-0.1.8-6.fc30
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-url

          Required by:
          * rust-url-devel
            (built by rust-url)
        ref: b2fe751e5d267e82c63bddcb52492ab8181ab768 # rust-idna-0.1.5-4.fc30
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper0.10
          * rust-mime0.2

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper0.10-devel
            (built by rust-hyper0.10)
          * rust-mime0.2-devel
            (built by rust-mime0.2)
        ref: 950e6209ffdc88614d2ede8fb5b2078fb6e8fed5 # rust-log0.3-0.3.9-8.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-mime_guess
          * rust-reqwest

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
          * rust-mime_guess-devel
            (built by rust-mime_guess)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
        ref: 5f8998e426256c8a4da88130af814dc90635b22a # rust-mime-0.3.13-3.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-flate2

          Required by:
          * rust-flate2+rust_backend-devel
            (built by rust-flate2)
          * rust-flate2-devel
            (built by rust-flate2)
        ref: 18f4885a9a379af6ed7e53ef703d0d4b8f974c68 # rust-miniz_oxide_c_api-0.2.1-2.fc30
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-mio-uds
          * rust-tokio
          * rust-tokio-reactor
          * rust-tokio-tcp
          * rust-tokio-udp
          * rust-tokio-uds

          Required by:
          * rust-mio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-mio-uds)
          * rust-tokio+reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
          * rust-tokio-reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-reactor)
          * rust-tokio-tcp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-tcp)
          * rust-tokio-udp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-udp)
          * rust-tokio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-uds)
        ref: c293ce331e5b9b28f2ec2cc645317fb5ada40f29 # rust-mio-0.6.16-3.fc30
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-num-rational
        ref: 20e3a0f105d8ad03515f8e5aea5d33b2fad97219 # rust-num-bigint-0.2.2-4.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-image
          * rust-png

          Required by:
          * rust-image-devel
            (built by rust-image)
          * rust-png-devel
            (built by rust-png)
        ref: 5b2013069332cd33f2a2bd0b5c48a30fb5ac7c68 # rust-num-iter-0.1.37-6.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: ff3a00cdb4f68e2dfbea5c73dd75db03d7dedd11 # rust-pbr-1.0.1-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-mime_guess

          Required by:
          * rust-mime_guess-devel
            (built by rust-mime_guess)
        ref: 9f861b30d9c230e3ea37052fb5ec8ea99ddc6379 # rust-phf-0.7.24-4.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-darling_core
          * rust-darling_macro
          * rust-derive_builder
          * rust-derive_builder_core
          * rust-failure_derive
          * rust-num-derive
          * rust-serde_derive
          * rust-syn
          * rust-synstructure

          Required by:
          * rust-darling_core-devel
            (built by rust-darling_core)
          * rust-darling_macro-devel
            (built by rust-darling_macro)
          * rust-derive_builder-devel
            (built by rust-derive_builder)
          * rust-derive_builder_core-devel
            (built by rust-derive_builder_core)
          * rust-failure_derive-devel
            (built by rust-failure_derive)
          * rust-num-derive-devel
            (built by rust-num-derive)
          * rust-serde_derive-devel
            (built by rust-serde_derive)
          * rust-syn+printing-devel
            (built by rust-syn)
          * rust-syn+proc-macro-devel
            (built by rust-syn)
          * rust-synstructure-devel
            (built by rust-synstructure)
        ref: 8c5ff10d7856a8a9633a0ea1950f307351654314 # rust-quote-0.6.12-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rand

          Required by:
          * rust-rand-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
        ref: 0e9ac782e7b4d9b50a674f96392dcf00527ee639 # rust-rand_chacha-0.1.1-2.fc30
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rand

          Required by:
          * rust-rand-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
        ref: 4b6818ef7dabe874c31778c29ad01a7eead91aa4 # rust-rand_hc-0.1.0-3.fc30
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rand

          Required by:
          * rust-rand-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
        ref: 3cf62a581a3f5f399234f95f9da9d107fdd27bb5 # rust-rand_isaac-0.1.1-4.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rand

          Required by:
          * rust-rand-devel
            (built by rust-rand)
        ref: 45df31bb381c91d5f7bfd570192673d8809a627e # rust-rand_xorshift-0.1.1-3.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
        ref: d1396d0a0c3ec97c542e78cd3470220ef8fd42cd # rust-regex-1.1.6-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-openssl-sys
          * rust-parking_lot_core

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-openssl-sys-devel
            (built by rust-openssl-sys)
          * rust-parking_lot_core-devel
            (built by rust-parking_lot_core)
        ref: ca4603e4a52064674282104f297dd25dc12f909e # rust-rustc_version-0.2.3-4.fc30
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: 7477b29e10513e6e434f2e7012700534fec5ac48 # rust-tar-0.4.23-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-prettytable-rs

          Required by:
          * rust-prettytable-rs-devel
            (built by rust-prettytable-rs)
        ref: 9ab3f9b8b0fe40162faa986236bb36544f5da915 # rust-term-0.5.2-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-reqwest
          * rust-tokio
          * rust-tokio-current-thread
          * rust-tokio-reactor
          * rust-tokio-threadpool
          * rust-tokio-timer

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper+runtime-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
          * rust-tokio+rt-full-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
          * rust-tokio-current-thread-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-current-thread)
          * rust-tokio-reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-reactor)
          * rust-tokio-threadpool-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-threadpool)
          * rust-tokio-timer-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-timer)
        ref: cd96aead9afca1778e1606484456240d23c44ede # rust-tokio-executor-0.1.7-1.fc31
        buildorder: 20
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
        ref: bcd6b8eb6ce3b8931d40dbb24d3a1b39a3baf997 # rust-want-0.0.6-3.fc30
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tokio-threadpool

          Required by:
          * rust-tokio-threadpool-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-threadpool)
        ref: d841d812ac037a49317638b849cde1d777b60792 # rust-crossbeam-deque-0.7.1-1.fc30
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rayon
          * rust-rayon-core

          Required by:
          * rust-rayon-core-devel
            (built by rust-rayon-core)
          * rust-rayon-devel
            (built by rust-rayon)
        ref: d24e227c8d3ca42361f4efaeaab9876fc299316b # rust-crossbeam-deque0.4-0.4.1-9.fc30
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crossterm
        ref: 3a35379bd54a6691c00b325712f29e0be3cee577 # rust-crossterm_input-0.3.3-1.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-crossterm
        ref: 1942ec3a1cc255dd9773492f259cdce1aa6fe079 # rust-crossterm_terminal-0.2.2-1.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-reqwest

          Required by:
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
        ref: d2266e5f143f10d58dc87aea0b857baf9bb4cfd7 # rust-flate2-1.0.7-1.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hkdf

          Required by:
          * rust-hkdf-devel
            (built by rust-hkdf)
        ref: efdf11023e8cb8f57c7051501c36705dd9c9957a # rust-hmac-0.7.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-h2
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-reqwest

          Required by:
          * rust-h2-devel
            (built by rust-h2)
          * rust-hyper-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
        ref: ea6d903194f498f7e5c9e2a5392a291c54e33ae2 # rust-http-0.1.17-1.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper0.10

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper0.10-devel
            (built by rust-hyper0.10)
        ref: 4c3676efc20610dc0df40b66711b6fd988a5d7d5 # rust-mime0.2-0.2.6-4.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tokio-uds

          Required by:
          * rust-tokio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-uds)
        ref: 5113c0af1ac58869a8a37ea3bd09ee284984cd46 # rust-mio-uds-0.6.7-4.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-image

          Required by:
          * rust-image-devel
            (built by rust-image)
        ref: 08c740b5a0a4ec275cafe1edf8fe9088f246c17b # rust-num-rational-0.2.1-6.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-native-tls
          * rust-openssl

          Required by:
          * rust-native-tls-devel
            (built by rust-native-tls)
          * rust-openssl-devel
            (built by rust-openssl)
        ref: fc2a0da0c26a9b0f0efd5b09edb519b76d267007 # rust-openssl-sys-0.9.43-1.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-image
        ref: 4bd045388958b76485e5d1490bcd460b61e215c9 # rust-png-0.14.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: 0340c3f792fb5b1fc7efc5cd9841d18398d293c5 # rust-prettytable-rs-0.8.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-chbs
          * rust-parking_lot_core
          * rust-phf_generator
          * rust-tempfile
          * rust-tokio-threadpool
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-chbs-devel
            (built by rust-chbs)
          * rust-parking_lot_core-devel
            (built by rust-parking_lot_core)
          * rust-phf_generator-devel
            (built by rust-phf_generator)
          * rust-tempfile-devel
            (built by rust-tempfile)
          * rust-tokio-threadpool-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-threadpool)
          * rust-uuid+v4-devel
            (built by rust-uuid)
          * rust-websocket-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: ed88355deb5e2867d0422f861bcbe4c720e12e0b # rust-rand-0.6.5-3.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
        ref: a2c740609a94d0d59638a0e34be36dbb68aa0166 # rust-sha2-0.8.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-darling_core
          * rust-darling_macro
          * rust-derive_builder
          * rust-derive_builder_core
          * rust-failure_derive
          * rust-num-derive
          * rust-serde_derive
          * rust-synstructure

          Required by:
          * rust-darling_core-devel
            (built by rust-darling_core)
          * rust-darling_macro-devel
            (built by rust-darling_macro)
          * rust-derive_builder-devel
            (built by rust-derive_builder)
          * rust-derive_builder_core-devel
            (built by rust-derive_builder_core)
          * rust-failure_derive-devel
            (built by rust-failure_derive)
          * rust-num-derive-devel
            (built by rust-num-derive)
          * rust-serde_derive-devel
            (built by rust-serde_derive)
          * rust-synstructure-devel
            (built by rust-synstructure)
        ref: 26b8a08f513893aec9bad71d68e26ac121e8e95f # rust-syn-0.15.32-1.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tokio

          Required by:
          * rust-tokio+rt-full-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
        ref: bf8d9f2ddc63308aad65817fe62363b47023042b # rust-tokio-current-thread-0.1.6-1.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-h2
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-hyper-tls
          * rust-reqwest
          * rust-tokio
          * rust-tokio-codec
          * rust-tokio-fs
          * rust-tokio-reactor
          * rust-tokio-tcp
          * rust-tokio-tls
          * rust-tokio-udp
          * rust-tokio-uds

          Required by:
          * rust-h2-devel
            (built by rust-h2)
          * rust-hyper-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-hyper-tls-devel
            (built by rust-hyper-tls)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
          * rust-tokio+io-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
          * rust-tokio-codec-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-codec)
          * rust-tokio-fs-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-fs)
          * rust-tokio-reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-reactor)
          * rust-tokio-tcp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-tcp)
          * rust-tokio-tls-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-tls)
          * rust-tokio-udp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-udp)
          * rust-tokio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-uds)
        ref: 658ea2c29b9cf7a517266f3abb1a15bca0f3fae7 # rust-tokio-io-0.1.12-1.fc31
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-reqwest
          * rust-tokio

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper+runtime-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
          * rust-tokio+timer-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
        ref: 79e38b0f567da653d8bed8951130c85aa947b848 # rust-tokio-timer-0.2.10-1.fc30
        buildorder: 30
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-hyper0.10
          * rust-reqwest
          * rust-serde_urlencoded
          * rust-url_serde
          * rust-urlshortener
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
          * rust-hyper0.10-devel
            (built by rust-hyper0.10)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
          * rust-serde_urlencoded-devel
            (built by rust-serde_urlencoded)
          * rust-url_serde-devel
            (built by rust-url_serde)
          * rust-urlshortener-devel
            (built by rust-urlshortener)
          * rust-websocket-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: b259e34417267000954a3cf6c878e66851ddb4d4 # rust-url-1.7.2-3.fc31
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-qr2term

          Required by:
          * rust-qr2term-devel
            (built by rust-qr2term)
        ref: 2bfbe36e52cc0c5442bdd922f07e29de7133bd28 # rust-crossterm-0.9.3-1.fc31
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-darling
          * rust-darling_macro

          Required by:
          * rust-darling+suggestions-devel
            (built by rust-darling)
          * rust-darling-devel
            (built by rust-darling)
          * rust-darling_macro-devel
            (built by rust-darling_macro)
        ref: 71b830dc5e8c7af6158536178234bd63b29fb679 # rust-darling_core-0.9.0-2.fc31
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
        ref: 5f8d8b00d46d662dde3780202aee79e289f61594 # rust-h2-0.1.18-1.fc31
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
        ref: 6219e07dbb701fedb59adad4fb4b666207199d2c # rust-hkdf-0.7.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-websocket-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: 02d721f7cd14103d08b794478b8f1000769be1c6 # rust-hyper0.10-0.10.15-3.fc30
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tiff

          Required by:
          * rust-tiff-devel
            (built by rust-tiff)
        ref: 01d8b29cde5d40ea179a369a0e039b52e5974ab7 # rust-num-derive-0.2.5-1.fc31
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-native-tls

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
          * rust-native-tls-devel
            (built by rust-native-tls)
        ref: c2bc5998db862022859c5bda067aecd7f37bf226 # rust-openssl-0.10.20-1.fc31
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-parking_lot

          Required by:
          * rust-parking_lot-devel
            (built by rust-parking_lot)
        ref: c910ab0697d367be25661c75f722cfef1084e1ca # rust-parking_lot_core-0.4.0-3.fc31
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-phf_codegen

          Required by:
          * rust-phf_codegen-devel
            (built by rust-phf_codegen)
        ref: d89a8dc689e8604f69c623df0ef8f9b9ed711787 # rust-phf_generator-0.7.24-3.fc31
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-rayon

          Required by:
          * rust-rayon-devel
            (built by rust-rayon)
        ref: 131ce464842574d7346febe6d6b352d17371c6d1 # rust-rayon-core-1.4.1-3.fc30
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
          * rust-ffsend-api

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
        ref: 5e3d37a6f0cc592eb8bc387cf47d0cdaa50953b2 # rust-serde_derive-1.0.90-1.fc31
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-reqwest

          Required by:
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
        ref: 3e8eb9fdb6cb1b8fdfc0452e571b6ecadfde7ee6 # rust-serde_urlencoded-0.5.5-1.fc31
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-failure_derive

          Required by:
          * rust-failure_derive-devel
            (built by rust-failure_derive)
        ref: 2e428470d1c28423406d924fcdeb189548fd62c4 # rust-synstructure-0.10.1-2.fc30
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: 0ae8e8a1d0071fa5c84ef8a7c08a92892731cb2f # rust-tempfile-3.0.7-1.fc30
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tokio
          * rust-tokio-udp
          * rust-tokio-uds

          Required by:
          * rust-tokio+codec-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
          * rust-tokio-udp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-udp)
          * rust-tokio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-uds)
        ref: 048618dce4ec9d5c5fc3b17af3148de4d74ba50c # rust-tokio-codec-0.1.1-4.fc30
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-reqwest
          * rust-tokio
          * rust-tokio-fs

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper+runtime-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
          * rust-tokio+rt-full-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
          * rust-tokio-fs-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-fs)
        ref: 4e2ee2b348cd4883d700ec49f55a6d3d2ef28db4 # rust-tokio-threadpool-0.1.14-1.fc31
        buildorder: 40
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
        ref: d6119f7ea1be91e33816d6489f1bd899ae80dfd5 # rust-url_serde-0.2.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 50
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-darling

          Required by:
          * rust-darling-devel
            (built by rust-darling)
        ref: e4b9e78411453efcb7426734f69357176e5c8a54 # rust-darling_macro-0.9.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 50
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-failure
          * rust-ffsend-api

          Required by:
          * rust-failure+derive-devel
            (built by rust-failure)
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
        ref: 664c9e0fa2b805f529d2ea938e7314040c236c9c # rust-failure_derive-0.1.5-2.fc30
        buildorder: 50
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper-tls
          * rust-reqwest
          * rust-tokio-tls
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper-tls-devel
            (built by rust-hyper-tls)
          * rust-reqwest+default-tls-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
          * rust-tokio-tls-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-tls)
          * rust-websocket+async-ssl-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
          * rust-websocket+sync-ssl-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: 7261a5a028ed55b4498da0c7be7f52e6fa6d452f # rust-native-tls-0.2.2-3.fc30
        buildorder: 50
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tokio-reactor

          Required by:
          * rust-tokio-reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-reactor)
        ref: 8daed268292f9b920aa1e8b54d73bf29f80269de # rust-parking_lot-0.7.1-2.fc30
        buildorder: 50
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-mime_guess

          Required by:
          * rust-mime_guess-devel
            (built by rust-mime_guess)
        ref: 6fdec9e8f9624e7aebd56b01ccfd7ba95605f550 # rust-phf_codegen-0.7.24-3.fc31
        buildorder: 50
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-jpeg-decoder

          Required by:
          * rust-jpeg-decoder+rayon-devel
            (built by rust-jpeg-decoder)
        ref: 6be91c8871b9725adb36dabcb3f21c23d1c9f295 # rust-rayon-1.0.3-3.fc31
        buildorder: 50
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-image
        ref: 7f7b037560ea62852333b00ec0af441382f2133d # rust-tiff-0.2.2-1.fc31
        buildorder: 50
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tokio

          Required by:
          * rust-tokio+fs-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
        ref: dc263ed6314a20b091a2349a09468e29a14e0f84 # rust-tokio-fs-0.1.6-1.fc31
        buildorder: 60
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-derive_builder
          * rust-derive_builder_core

          Required by:
          * rust-derive_builder-devel
            (built by rust-derive_builder)
          * rust-derive_builder_core-devel
            (built by rust-derive_builder_core)
        ref: 9a70ac48ec40aa491131a9a8e85815bf03b20229 # rust-darling-0.9.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 60
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-chbs
          * rust-ffsend
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-which

          Required by:
          * rust-chbs-devel
            (built by rust-chbs)
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
          * rust-which-devel
            (built by rust-which)
        ref: 7504e904f6249ea8c218fa7ba2c09afb68b08fbe # rust-failure-0.1.5-3.fc31
        buildorder: 60
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-image
        ref: 501fb3bd4dfe02f1584e9996d22bb9f70e7ceef0 # rust-jpeg-decoder-0.1.15-1.fc31
        buildorder: 60
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-reqwest

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
        ref: 84deb6d40c3811b7b4efa05027f6e99000a4b26e # rust-mime_guess-2.0.0~alpha.6-3.fc30
        buildorder: 60
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-tokio
          * rust-tokio-tcp
          * rust-tokio-udp
          * rust-tokio-uds

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper+runtime-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-tokio+reactor-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
          * rust-tokio-tcp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-tcp)
          * rust-tokio-udp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-udp)
          * rust-tokio-uds-devel
            (built by rust-tokio-uds)
        ref: 49bf83991c2b23e6f4d1bfb4b6abeb626896bd13 # rust-tokio-reactor-0.1.9-1.fc31
        buildorder: 60
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-websocket+async-ssl-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: bbfb343f6346c728b490fa3ffc3c9ce2b02b85c4 # rust-tokio-tls-0.2.1-1.fc31
        buildorder: 70
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-derive_builder

          Required by:
          * rust-derive_builder-devel
            (built by rust-derive_builder)
        ref: eb26e2576325e441acd99208b86d23506160d5c4 # rust-derive_builder_core-0.4.1-2.fc31
        buildorder: 70
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-qrcode
        ref: a02e002f46bf835104ee0162b6fb4b731840c194 # rust-image-0.21.1-1.fc31
        buildorder: 70
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-tokio

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper+runtime-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-tokio+tcp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
        ref: 642ecbb981bdc0bcf047cb56eff064abc1756cdb # rust-tokio-tcp-0.1.3-3.fc31
        buildorder: 70
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tokio

          Required by:
          * rust-tokio+udp-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
        ref: 8132bcf007bdd1072a5628dfc1c4af2ba9fa6fff # rust-tokio-udp-0.1.3-3.fc31
        buildorder: 70
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-tokio

          Required by:
          * rust-tokio+uds-devel
            (built by rust-tokio)
        ref: 735dab9ce118507b0ad97b08b129d8023ed92c51 # rust-tokio-uds-0.2.5-3.fc31
        buildorder: 70
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: d1dd2b2ac1f89427247dd7837a8d9ec77f913555 # rust-which-2.0.1-3.fc30
        buildorder: 80
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-chbs
          * rust-ffsend
          * rust-ffsend-api

          Required by:
          * rust-chbs-devel
            (built by rust-chbs)
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
        ref: 3efebca6eab54da034aa9a6499390852dac3956c # rust-derive_builder-0.7.1-2.fc31
        buildorder: 80
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-qr2term

          Required by:
          * rust-qr2term-devel
            (built by rust-qr2term)
        ref: 293c2a27fca50eb889c60452c67c230a902b99ab # rust-qrcode-0.10.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 80
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-hyper
          * rust-reqwest
          * rust-websocket

          Required by:
          * rust-hyper+runtime-devel
            (built by rust-hyper)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
          * rust-websocket+async-devel
            (built by rust-websocket)
        ref: 7691cd63902a551e759ce8f2202c34d732b88575 # rust-tokio-0.1.19-1.fc31
        buildorder: 90
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: e89003b01ed0acc3976aad6bd7cc91945f592bd7 # rust-chbs-0.0.8-1.fc31
        buildorder: 90
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-hyper-tls
          * rust-reqwest

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
          * rust-hyper-tls-devel
            (built by rust-hyper-tls)
          * rust-reqwest-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
        ref: 6667aa0b2fa1816b291c76de058f9dcd1aead23f # rust-hyper-0.12.27-1.fc31
        buildorder: 90
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: 08942c813459037d87f493b1f95f2698dc7b1b32 # rust-qr2term-0.1.2-1.fc31
        buildorder: 90
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api+send3-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
        ref: f1164f286d3ccda15a4d8d10bfaf6b63c29ea78a # rust-websocket-0.22.3-1.fc31
        buildorder: 100
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-reqwest

          Required by:
          * rust-reqwest+default-tls-devel
            (built by rust-reqwest)
        ref: 6f7ded38add91057aebefa97739420dee5855045 # rust-hyper-tls-0.3.2-1.fc31
        buildorder: 110
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend-api
          * rust-urlshortener

          Required by:
          * rust-ffsend-api-devel
            (built by rust-ffsend-api)
        ref: 086d02fa5491639958ac6326a14b164ce84b176a # rust-reqwest-0.9.13-1.fc31
        buildorder: 120
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: 99a508b0d2bbf58a1bbfdf60fa405748ee1e91ed # rust-ffsend-api-0.3.2-2.fc31
        buildorder: 120
        rationale: |-
          Dependency of other components.

          BuildRequired by:
          * rust-ffsend
        ref: 2b80c79d66bb5e942e7ac39e712185edce514002 # rust-urlshortener-0.10.0-1.fc31
        buildorder: 130
        rationale: Main component.
        ref: 6e37c326c5afdebe9b4d124150cb870616d7848b # rust-ffsend-0.2.45-1.fc31