pviktori / rpms / blender

Forked from rpms/blender 5 years ago
Rebuilt to fix dep. issues
Jochen Schmitt • 8 years ago  
New upstream release
Jochen Schmitt • 8 years ago  
Add dependency to numpy (#1222122I
Jochen Schmitt • 9 years ago  
Fix regression for 3D mice support
Jochen Schmitt • 9 years ago  
Enable 3D mice support
Jochen Schmitt • 9 years ago  
New upstream release
Jochen Schmitt • 9 years ago  
Bump for rebuild.
Petr Machata • 9 years ago  
Rebuild for boost 1.57.0
Petr Machata • 9 years ago  
New upstream release
Jochen Schmitt • 9 years ago  
rebuild (openexr)
Rex Dieter • 9 years ago  
Fix odd dependy issue
Jochen Schmitt • 9 years ago  
Fix dependency issue (#1157600)
Jochen Schmitt • 9 years ago  
New upstream release
Jochen Schmitt • 9 years ago  
New upstream release
Jochen Schmitt • 9 years ago  
Remove OpenCOLLADA patch
Jochen Schmitt • 9 years ago  
New upstream release
Jochen Schmitt • 9 years ago  
Rebuilt for openCOLLADA 0-19.git69b844d
Jochen Schmitt • 9 years ago  
fix/update icon/mime scriptlets
Rex Dieter • 9 years ago  
Disable parallel build
Jochen Schmitt • 10 years ago  
fix issue with blender.1.py
Jochen Schmitt • 10 years ago  
Using python3 to generate man page
Jochen Schmitt • 10 years ago