psss / rpms / libguestfs

Forked from rpms/libguestfs 5 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
From 1dfb6894138018c50534e90210f2916eab2fd842 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Richard W.M. Jones" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 13:18:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] builder: Use a planner to work out how to convert the
 template to the final image.

The original template might be, say, xz-compressed raw of a certain
size.  We need to work out how to convert it to, say, qcow2 with a
larger size, in as few operations as possible.

Instead of using a nasty aggregation of special cases to do this, use
a breadth-first search over all possible trees to try to find an
optimal plan.

(Actually the current implementation isn't optimal, but it's fine for

(cherry picked from commit 62cc7d3361127b4e007f8e23028213852be09124)
 builder/   |   1 +
 builder/    | 403 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 mllib/     |   5 +-
 mllib/ |  12 ++
 mllib/      |  80 ++++++++++
 mllib/planner.mli     |  78 ++++++++++
 po/POTFILES-ml        |   1 +
 7 files changed, 445 insertions(+), 135 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 mllib/
 create mode 100644 mllib/planner.mli

diff --git a/builder/ b/builder/
index 30ada87..ca4a254 100644
--- a/builder/
+++ b/builder/
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ OBJECTS = \
 	$(top_builddir)/mllib/fsync-c.o \
 	$(top_builddir)/mllib/fsync.cmx \
 	$(top_builddir)/mllib/password.cmx \
+	$(top_builddir)/mllib/planner.cmx \
 	$(top_builddir)/mllib/config.cmx \
 	index-scan.o \
 	index-struct.o \
diff --git a/builder/ b/builder/
index b59f6ec..c0e81f5 100644
--- a/builder/
+++ b/builder/
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ module G = Guestfs
 open Common_utils
 open Password
+open Planner
 open Cmdline
-open Pxzcat
 open Unix
 open Printf
@@ -243,148 +243,281 @@ let main () =
       Sigchecker.verify_detached sigchecker template sigfile in
-  (* Plan how to create the output.  This depends on:
-   * - did the user specify --output?
-   * - is the output a block device?
-   * - did the user specify --size?
-   *)
-  let output, size, format, delete_output_file, do_resize, resize_sparse =
+  (* Planner: Input tags. *)
+  let itags =
+    let { Index_parser.size = size; format = format } = entry in
+    let format = match format with None -> "auto" | Some format -> format in
+    let compression_tags =
+      match detect_compression template with
+      | `XZ -> [ `XZ, "" ]
+      | `Unknown -> []
+    [ `Template, ""; `Filename, template; `Size, Int64.to_string size;
+      `Format, format ] @ compression_tags in
-    let headroom = 256L *^ 1024L *^ 1024L in
+  (* Planner: Goal. *)
+  let output_size =
+    let { Index_parser.size = default_size } = entry in
+    match size with None -> default_size | Some size -> size in
+  let output_filename, output_format =
+    match output, format with
+    | None, None -> sprintf "%s.img" arg, "raw"
+    | None, Some "raw" -> sprintf "%s.img" arg, "raw"
+    | None, Some format -> sprintf "%s.%s" arg format, format
+    | Some output, None -> output, "raw"
+    | Some output, Some format -> output, format in
+  let output_is_block_dev = is_block_device output_filename in
-    match output with
-    (* If the output file was specified and it exists and it's a block
-     * device, then we should skip the creation step.
+  if output_is_block_dev && size <> None then (
+    eprintf (f_"%s: you cannot use --size option with block devices\n") prog;
+    exit 1
+  );
+  let goal =
+    (* MUST *)
+    let goal_must = [
+      `Filename, output_filename;
+      `Size, Int64.to_string output_size;
+      `Format, output_format
+    ] in
+    (* MUST NOT *)
+    let goal_must_not = [ `Template, ""; `XZ, ""; `Format, "auto" ] in
+    goal_must, goal_must_not in
+  (* Planner: Transitions. *)
+  let transitions itags =
+    let is t = List.mem_assoc t itags in
+    let is_not t = not (is t) in
+    let remove = List.remove_assoc in
+    let ret = ref [] in
+    let tr task weight otags = ret := (task, weight, otags) :: !ret in
+    (* XXX Weights are not very smartly chosen.  At the moment I'm
+     * using a range [0..100] where 0 = free and 100 = expensive.  We
+     * could estimate weights better by looking at file sizes.
+     *)
+    (* Since the final plan won't run in parallel, we don't only need
+     * to choose unique tempfiles per transition, so this is OK:
-    | Some output when is_block_device output ->
-      if size <> None then (
-        eprintf (f_"%s: you cannot use --size option with block devices\n")
-          prog;
-        exit 1
+    let tempfile = Filename.temp_file "vb" ".img" in
+    unlink_on_exit tempfile;
+    (* Always possible to copy from one place to another.  The only
+     * thing a copy does is to remove the template tag (since it's always
+     * copied out of the cache directory).
+     *)
+    tr `Copy 50 ((`Filename, output_filename) :: remove `Template itags);
+    tr `Copy 50 ((`Filename, tempfile) :: remove `Template itags);
+    (* We can rename a file instead of copying, but don't rename the
+     * cache copy!  (XXX Also this is not free if copying across
+     * filesystems)
+     *)
+    if is_not `Template then (
+      if not output_is_block_dev then
+        tr `Rename 0 ((`Filename, output_filename) :: itags);
+      tr `Rename 0 ((`Filename, tempfile) :: itags);
+    );
+    if is `XZ then (
+      (* If the input is XZ-compressed, then we can run xzcat, either
+       * to the output file or to a temp file.
+       *)
+      if not output_is_block_dev then
+        tr `Pxzcat 80
+          ((`Filename, output_filename) :: remove `XZ (remove `Template itags));
+      tr `Pxzcat 80
+        ((`Filename, tempfile) :: remove `XZ (remove `Template itags));
+    )
+    else (
+      (* If the input is NOT compressed then we could run virt-resize
+       * if it makes sense to resize the image.  Note that virt-resize
+       * can do both size and format conversions.
+       *)
+      let old_size = Int64.of_string (List.assoc `Size itags) in
+      let headroom = 256L *^ 1024L *^ 1024L in
+      if output_size >= old_size +^ headroom then (
+        tr `Virt_resize 100
+          ((`Size, Int64.to_string output_size) ::
+              (`Filename, output_filename) ::
+              (`Format, output_format) :: (remove `Template itags));
+        tr `Virt_resize 100
+          ((`Size, Int64.to_string output_size) ::
+              (`Filename, tempfile) ::
+              (`Format, output_format) :: (remove `Template itags))
+      )
+      (* If the size increase is smaller than the amount of headroom
+       * inside the disk image, then virt-resize won't work.  However
+       * we can do a disk resize (using 'qemu-img resize') instead,
+       * although it won't resize the filesystems for the user.
+       *
+       * 'qemu-img resize' works on the file in-place and won't change
+       * the format.  It must not be run on a template directly.
+       *)
+      else if output_size > old_size && is_not `Template then (
+        tr `Disk_resize 60 ((`Size, Int64.to_string output_size) :: itags);
+        tr `Disk_resize 60 ((`Size, Int64.to_string output_size) :: itags);
-      (* XXX Should check the output size is big enough.  However this
-       * requires running 'blockdev --getsize64 <output>'.
+      (* qemu-img convert is always possible, and quicker.  It doesn't
+       * resize, but it does change the format.
+      tr `Convert 60
+        ((`Filename, output_filename) :: (`Format, output_format) ::
+            (remove `Template itags));
+      tr `Convert 60
+        ((`Filename, tempfile) :: (`Format, output_format) ::
+            (remove `Template itags));
+    );
-      let format = match format with None -> "raw" | Some f -> f in
-      (* Dummy: The output file is never deleted in this case. *)
-      let delete_output_file = ref false in
-      output, None, format, delete_output_file, true, false
-    (* Regular file output.  Note the file gets deleted. *)
-    | _ ->
-      (* Check the --size option. *)
-      let size, do_resize =
-        let { Index_parser.size = default_size } = entry in
-        match size with
-        | None -> default_size, false
-        | Some size ->
-          if size < default_size +^ headroom then (
-            eprintf (f_"%s: --size is too small for this disk image, minimum size is %s\n")
-              prog (human_size default_size);
-            exit 1
-          );
-          size, true in
-      (* Create the output file. *)
-      let output, format =
-        match output, format with
-        | None, None -> sprintf "%s.img" arg, "raw"
-        | None, Some "raw" -> sprintf "%s.img" arg, "raw"
-        | None, Some format -> sprintf "%s.%s" arg format, format
-        | Some output, None -> output, "raw"
-        | Some output, Some format -> output, format in
-      (* If the input format != output format then we must run virt-resize. *)
-      let do_resize =
-        let input_format =
-          match entry with
-          | { Index_parser.format = Some format } -> format
-          | { Index_parser.format = None } -> "raw" in
-        if input_format <> format then true else do_resize in
-      msg (f_"Creating disk image: %s") output;
+    (* Return the list of possible transitions. *)
+    !ret
+  in
+  (* Plan how to create the disk image. *)
+  msg (f_"Planning how to build this image");
+  let plan =
+    try plan ~max_depth:5 transitions itags goal
+    with
+      Failure "plan" ->
+        eprintf (f_"%s: no plan could be found for making a disk image with\nthe required size, format etc. This is a bug in libguestfs!\nPlease file a bug, giving the command line arguments you used.\n") prog;
+        exit 1
+  in
+  (* Print out the plan. *)
+  if debug then (
+    let print_tags tags =
+      (try
+         let v = List.assoc `Filename tags in eprintf " +filename=%s" v
+       with Not_found -> ());
+      (try
+         let v = List.assoc `Size tags in eprintf " +size=%s" v
+       with Not_found -> ());
+      (try
+         let v = List.assoc `Format tags in eprintf " +format=%s" v
+       with Not_found -> ());
+      if List.mem_assoc `Template tags then eprintf " +template";
+      if List.mem_assoc `XZ tags then eprintf " +xz"
+    in
+    let print_task = function
+      | `Copy -> eprintf "cp"
+      | `Rename -> eprintf "mv"
+      | `Pxzcat -> eprintf "pxzcat"
+      | `Virt_resize -> eprintf "virt-resize"
+      | `Disk_resize -> eprintf "qemu-img resize"
+      | `Convert -> eprintf "qemu-img convert"
+    in
+    List.iteri (
+      fun i (itags, task, otags) ->
+        eprintf "%d: itags:" i;
+        print_tags itags;
+        eprintf "\n";
+        eprintf "%d: task : " i;
+        print_task task;
+        eprintf "\n";
+        eprintf "%d: otags:" i;
+        print_tags otags;
+        eprintf "\n\n"
+    ) plan
+  );
+  (* Delete the output file before we finish.  However don't delete it
+   * if it's block device.
+   *)
+  let delete_output_file = ref (not output_is_block_dev) in
+  let delete_file () =
+    if !delete_output_file then
+      try unlink output_filename with _ -> ()
+  in
+  at_exit delete_file;
+  (* Carry out the plan. *)
+  List.iter (
+    function
+    | itags, `Copy, otags ->
+      let ifile = List.assoc `Filename itags in
+      let ofile = List.assoc `Filename otags in
+      msg (f_"Copying");
+      let cmd = sprintf "cp %s %s" (quote ifile) (quote ofile) in
+      if debug then eprintf "%s\n%!" cmd;
+      if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then exit 1
+    | itags, `Rename, otags ->
+      let ifile = List.assoc `Filename itags in
+      let ofile = List.assoc `Filename otags in
+      let cmd = sprintf "mv %s %s" (quote ifile) (quote ofile) in
+      if debug then eprintf "%s\n%!" cmd;
+      if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then exit 1
+    | itags, `Pxzcat, otags ->
+      let ifile = List.assoc `Filename itags in
+      let ofile = List.assoc `Filename otags in
+      msg (f_"Uncompressing");
+      Pxzcat.pxzcat ifile ofile
+    | itags, `Virt_resize, otags ->
+      let ifile = List.assoc `Filename itags in
+      let iformat = List.assoc `Format itags in
+      let ofile = List.assoc `Filename otags in
+      let osize = Int64.of_string (List.assoc `Size otags) in
+      let osize = roundup64 osize 512L in
+      let oformat = List.assoc `Format otags in
+      let { Index_parser.expand = expand; lvexpand = lvexpand } = entry in
+      msg (f_"Resizing (using virt-resize) to expand the disk to %s")
+        (human_size osize);
       let cmd =
         sprintf "qemu-img create -f %s%s %s %Ld%s"
-          (quote format)
-          (if format = "qcow2" then " -o preallocation=metadata" else "")
-          (quote output) size
+          (quote oformat)
+          (if oformat = "qcow2" then " -o preallocation=metadata" else "")
+          (quote ofile) osize
           (if debug then "" else " >/dev/null 2>&1") in
-      let r = Sys.command cmd in
-      if r <> 0 then (
-        eprintf (f_"%s: error: could not create output file '%s'\n")
-          prog output;
-        exit 1
-      );
-      (* This ensures the output file will be deleted on failure,
-       * until we set !delete_output_file = false at the end of the build.
-       *)
-      let delete_output_file = ref true in
-      let delete_file () =
-        if !delete_output_file then
-          try unlink output with _ -> ()
-      in
-      at_exit delete_file;
+      if debug then eprintf "%s\n%!" cmd;
+      if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then exit 1;
+      let cmd =
+        sprintf "virt-resize%s%s --format %s --output-format %s%s%s %s %s"
+          (if debug then " --verbose" else " --quiet")
+          (if output_is_block_dev then " --no-sparse" else "")
+          (quote iformat)
+          (quote oformat)
+          (match expand with
+          | None -> ""
+          | Some expand -> sprintf " --expand %s" (quote expand))
+          (match lvexpand with
+          | None -> ""
+          | Some lvexpand -> sprintf " --lv-expand %s" (quote lvexpand))
+          (quote ifile) (quote ofile) in
+      if debug then eprintf "%s\n%!" cmd;
+      if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then exit 1
-      output, Some size, format, delete_output_file, do_resize, true in
+    | itags, `Disk_resize, otags ->
+      let ofile = List.assoc `Filename otags in
+      let osize = Int64.of_string (List.assoc `Size otags) in
+      let osize = roundup64 osize 512L in
+      msg (f_"Resizing container (but not filesystems) to expand the disk to %s")
+        (human_size osize);
+      let cmd = sprintf "qemu-img resize %s %Ld%s"
+        (quote ofile) osize (if debug then "" else " >/dev/null") in
+      if debug then eprintf "%s\n%!" cmd;
+      if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then exit 1
-  if not do_resize then (
-    (* If the user did not specify --size and the output is a regular
-     * file and the format is raw, then we just uncompress the template
-     * directly to the output file.  This is fast but less flexible.
-     *)
-    let { Index_parser.file_uri = file_uri } = entry in
-    msg (f_"Uncompressing: %s") file_uri;
-    pxzcat template output
-  ) else (
-    (* If none of the above apply, uncompress to a temporary file and
-     * run virt-resize on the result.
-     *)
-    let tmpfile =
-      (* Uncompress it to a temporary file. *)
-      let { Index_parser.file_uri = file_uri } = entry in
-      let tmpfile = Filename.temp_file "vbsrc" ".img" in
-      msg (f_"Uncompressing: %s") file_uri;
-      pxzcat template tmpfile;
-      unlink_on_exit tmpfile;
-      tmpfile in
-    (* Resize the source to the output file. *)
-    (match size with
-    | None ->
-      msg (f_"Running virt-resize to expand the disk")
-    | Some size ->
-      msg (f_"Running virt-resize to expand the disk to %s") (human_size size)
-    );
-    let { Index_parser.expand = expand; lvexpand = lvexpand;
-          format = input_format } =
-      entry in
-    let cmd =
-      sprintf "virt-resize%s%s%s --output-format %s%s%s %s %s"
-        (if debug then " --verbose" else " --quiet")
-        (if not resize_sparse then " --no-sparse" else "")
-        (match input_format with
-        | None -> ""
-        | Some input_format -> sprintf " --format %s" (quote input_format))
-        (quote format)
-        (match expand with
-        | None -> ""
-        | Some expand -> sprintf " --expand %s" (quote expand))
-        (match lvexpand with
-        | None -> ""
-        | Some lvexpand -> sprintf " --lv-expand %s" (quote lvexpand))
-        (quote tmpfile) (quote output) in
-    if debug then eprintf "%s\n%!" cmd;
-    let r = Sys.command cmd in
-    if r <> 0 then (
-      eprintf (f_"%s: error: virt-resize failed\n") prog;
-      exit 1
-    )
-  );
+    | itags, `Convert, otags ->
+      let ifile = List.assoc `Filename itags in
+      let iformat = List.assoc `Format itags in
+      let ofile = List.assoc `Filename otags in
+      let oformat = List.assoc `Format otags in
+      msg (f_"Converting %s to %s") iformat oformat;
+      let cmd = sprintf "qemu-img convert -f %s %s -O %s %s%s"
+        (quote iformat) (quote ifile)
+        (quote oformat) (quote ofile)
+        (if debug then "" else " >/dev/null 2>&1") in
+      if debug then eprintf "%s\n%!" cmd;
+      if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then exit 1
+  ) plan;
   (* Now mount the output disk so we can make changes. *)
   msg (f_"Opening the new disk");
@@ -397,7 +530,7 @@ let main () =
     g#set_network network;
     (* The output disk is being created, so use cache=unsafe here. *)
-    g#add_drive_opts ~format ~cachemode:"unsafe" output;
+    g#add_drive_opts ~format:output_format ~cachemode:"unsafe" output_filename;
     (* Attach ISOs, if we have any. *)
     List.iter (
@@ -690,7 +823,9 @@ exec >>%s 2>&1
       Some (
         String.concat "\n" [
-          sprintf (f_"Output: %s") output;
+          sprintf (f_"Output: %s") output_filename;
+          sprintf (f_"Output size: %s") (human_size output_size);
+          sprintf (f_"Output format: %s") output_format;
           sprintf (f_"Total usable space: %s")
             (human_size total_bytes);
           sprintf (f_"Free space: %s (%Ld%%)")
@@ -729,7 +864,7 @@ exec >>%s 2>&1
    * use cache=none.
   if sync then
-    Fsync.file output;
+    Fsync.file output_filename;
   (* Now that we've finished the build, don't delete the output file on
    * exit.
diff --git a/mllib/ b/mllib/
index 1103ffb..67027d2 100644
--- a/mllib/
+++ b/mllib/
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ SOURCES = \ \
 	password.mli \ \
+	planner.mli \
+ \
 	progress-c.c \
 	progress.mli \ \
@@ -81,7 +83,8 @@ OBJECTS = \
 	progress.cmx \
 	uRI.cmx \
 	crypt.cmx \
-	password.cmx
+	password.cmx \
+	planner.cmx
 noinst_SCRIPTS = dummy
diff --git a/mllib/ b/mllib/
index 3b0d9f8..80c5aca 100644
--- a/mllib/
+++ b/mllib/
@@ -391,6 +391,18 @@ let rm_rf_only_files (g : Guestfs.guestfs) dir =
     List.iter g#rm files
+(* Detect compression of a file.
+ *
+ * Only detects the formats we need in virt-builder so far.
+ *)
+let detect_compression filename =
+  let chan = open_in filename in
+  let buf = String.create 6 in
+  really_input chan buf 0 6;
+  close_in chan;
+  if buf = "\2537zXZ\000" then `XZ
+  else `Unknown
 let is_block_device file =
   try (Unix.stat file).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_BLK
   with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
diff --git a/mllib/ b/mllib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0121b84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mllib/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+(* virt-builder
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+type ('name, 'value) tag = 'name * 'value
+type ('name, 'value) tags = ('name, 'value) tag list
+type ('name, 'value, 'task) plan =
+  (('name, 'value) tags * 'task * ('name, 'value) tags) list
+type ('name, 'value, 'task) transitions_function = ('name, 'value) tags -> ('task * int * ('name, 'value) tags) list
+let plan ?(max_depth = 10) transitions itags (goal_must, goal_must_not) =
+  (* Do the given output tags match the finish condition? *)
+  let finished (otags, _, _) =
+    let must =
+      (* All tags from the MUST list must be present with the given values. *)
+      List.for_all (
+        fun (name, value) ->
+          try List.assoc name otags = value with Not_found -> false
+      ) goal_must in
+    let must_not =
+      (* No tag from the MUST NOT list can appear. *)
+      List.for_all (
+        fun (name, value) ->
+          try List.assoc name otags <> value with Not_found -> true
+      ) goal_must_not in
+    must && must_not
+  in
+  (* Breadth-first search. *)
+  let rec search depth paths =
+    if depth >= max_depth then failwith "plan"
+    else (
+      let paths =
+ (
+          fun (itags, weight, preds) ->
+            let ts = transitions itags in
+   (fun (task, w, otags) ->
+              otags, weight + w, (itags, task, otags) :: preds
+            ) ts
+        ) paths in
+      let paths = List.flatten paths in
+      (* Did any path reach the finish?  If so, pick the path with the
+       * smallest weight and we're done.
+       *)
+      let finished_paths = List.filter finished paths in
+      let finished_paths =
+        List.sort (fun (_,w1,_) (_,w2,_) -> compare w1 w2) finished_paths in
+      match finished_paths with
+      | [] ->
+        (* No path reached the finish, so go deeper. *)
+        search (depth+1) paths
+      | (_, _, ret) :: _ ->
+        (* Return the shortest path, but we have to reverse it because
+         * we built it backwards.
+         *)
+        List.rev ret
+    )
+  in
+  search 0 [itags, 0, []]
diff --git a/mllib/planner.mli b/mllib/planner.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..770a00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mllib/planner.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+(* virt-builder
+ * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Red Hat Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ *)
+(** The Planner can plan how to reach a goal by carrying out a series
+    of operations.  You tag the input state and the output state, and
+    give it a list of permitted transitions, and it will return a
+    multi-step plan (list of transitions) from the input state to the
+    output state.
+    For example:
+    Input tags: xz cached size=4G format=raw
+    Output tags: -xz -cached +size=8G +format=raw
+    (In this case the "-" before an output tag means the tag MUST NOT
+    appear, and the "+" before an output tag means the tag MUST
+    appear).
+    The plan produced might be:
+    (1) Run xzcat (removes xz and cached tags).
+    (2) Run virt-resize (changes size=4G to size=8G)
+    Tags are described as OCaml association lists.  See the OCaml
+    {!List} module.
+    Transitions are defined by a function (that the caller supplies)
+    which returns the possible transitions for a given set of tags,
+    and for each possible transition, the weight (higher number =
+    higher cost), and the tag state after that transition.
+    The returned plan is a list of transitions.
+    The implementation is a simple breadth-first search of the tree of
+    states (each edge in the tree is a transition).  It doesn't work
+    very hard to optimize the weights, so the returned plan is
+    possible, but might not be optimal. *)
+type ('name, 'value) tag = 'name * 'value
+type ('name, 'value) tags = ('name, 'value) tag list
+  (** An assoc-list of tags. *)
+type ('name, 'value, 'task) plan =
+  (('name, 'value) tags * 'task * ('name, 'value) tags) list
+type ('name, 'value, 'task) transitions_function = ('name, 'value) tags -> ('task * int * ('name, 'value) tags) list
+val plan : ?max_depth:int -> ('name, 'value, 'task) transitions_function -> ('name, 'value) tags -> ('name, 'value) tags * ('name, 'value) tags -> ('name, 'value, 'task) plan
+(** Make a plan.
+    [plan transitions itags (goal_must, goal_must_not)] works out a
+    plan, which is a list of tasks that have to be carried out in
+    order to go from the input tags to the goal.  The goal is passed
+    in as a pair of lists: tags that MUST appear and tags that MUST
+    NOT appear.
+    The returned value is a {!plan}.
+    Raises [Failure "plan"] if no plan was found within [max_depth]
+    transitions. *)
diff --git a/po/POTFILES-ml b/po/POTFILES-ml
index efeb75d..8ae6ea9 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES-ml
+++ b/po/POTFILES-ml
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ mllib/