lkundrak / rpms / vim

Forked from rpms/vim 4 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
Patches for Vim - Vi IMproved 7.1

The files in this directory contain source code changes to fix
problems in released versions of Vim.  Each file also contains an
explanation of the problem that is fixed, like the message that
was sent to the vim-dev maillist.

The best is to apply the patches in sequence.  This avoids problems
when a patch depends on a previous patch.  If you did not unpack the
extra archive, you may want to skip patches marked with "extra:".
Similarly for the "lang" archive.  Or ignore errors for missing files.

Before patching, change to the top Vim directory, where the "src"
and "runtime" directories are located.
Depending on the version of "patch" that you use, you may have add
an argument to make it patch the right file:
        patch -p < 7.1.001
        patch -p0 < 7.1.001

After applying a patch, you need to compile Vim.  There are no
patches for binaries.

Checksums for the patch files can be found in the file MD5.

Individual patches for Vim 7.1:

  2404  7.1.001  can't build with Gnome GUI
  2011  7.1.002  Oracle Pro*C/C++ files are not detected
  1529  7.1.003  (extra) Win32: menu entries end up in message history
  2481  7.1.004  crash when editing a directory
  3841  7.1.005  "cit" used on <foo></foo> deletes <foo>
  2941  7.1.006  when reading from stdin 'modified' can't be reset in autocmd
  6458  7.1.007  (extra) Mac: context menu does not work, scrollbars not dimmed
  2631  7.1.008  getfsize() returns an invalid number for very big files
  1881  7.1.009  diff mode: tab to spaces change not highlighted correctly
  2796  7.1.010  Gnome: tab pages are not included in the saved session
  1934  7.1.011  buffer overflow when $VIMRUNTIME is very long
  1904  7.1.012  ":let &tw = 'asdf'" does not give an error message
  2139  7.1.013  ":syn include" only loads the first file
  1479  7.1.014  crash in C-indenting
  3743  7.1.015  MzScheme interface doesn't build on Mac; init problem
  2368  7.1.016  (after 7.1.012) error message when using ":cwindow"
  6729  7.1.017  ":confirm w" does not give a prompt when file is read-only
  1771  7.1.018  "p" at end of line doesn't work right when 've' is set
  1650  7.1.019  ":python" doesn't mention the command is not implemented
  3229  7.1.020  reading uninitialized memory when using a dialog
  2875  7.1.021  (after 7.1.015) MzScheme interface doesn't build on Win32
  1842  7.1.022  when setting 'keymap' twice b:keymap_name variable isn't set
  1718  7.1.023  "dw" in a line with one character deletes the line
  1335  7.1.024  using a pointer that may have become invalid
  2292  7.1.025  search('pat', 'bc) doesn't find word under cursor at BOL
  1710  7.1.026  "[p" doesn't work in Visual mode
  3345  7.1.027  on Sun OS reading from a process substitutions doesn't work
  2239  7.1.028  ":sort" does nothing special with empty search pattern
  2692  7.1.029  (after 7.1.019) can't compile when all interfaces are used
  2364  7.1.030  vimtutor shell script checks for "vim6" but not for "vim7"
  6533  7.1.031  virtcol([123, '$']) doesn't work
  3006  7.1.032  possible crash when doing completion on the command line
  1530  7.1.033  buffer marked modified after ":bdel" and ":next"
  2956  7.1.034  Win64: compiler warnings for typecast, optimizer problem
  1797  7.1.035  after ":s/./&/#" all listed lines have a line number
 12171  7.1.036  add "none" to completion of ":echohl" and ":match"
  1817  7.1.037  using strcpy() for an overlapping string
  5704  7.1.038  'preseveindent' doesn't always work when 'et' is set
  1750  7.1.039  weird help-tags tag in docs file may make cause a crash
 53412  7.1.040  ":match" only supports three matches
  4614  7.1.041  (extra, after 7.1.040) update test makefiles for new test
  2366  7.1.042  (after 7.1.040) internal error when using matchadd()
  2820  7.1.043  in Ex mode using CTRL-D twice may cause a crash
  1632  7.1.044  in Insert mode 0 CTRL-T deletes all indent
  3101  7.1.045  double screen redraw in some situations
  1637  7.1.046  ":s/.*/&/" deletes composing characters
  1552  7.1.047  wrong argument for vim_regcomp()
  5010  7.1.048  paren highlighting is not updated after scrolling
  1722  7.1.049  can't compile with GTK2 when using hangul input feature
  4800  7.1.050  possible crash in C++ indenting
  2295  7.1.051  accessing uninitialized memory when finding spell suggestions
  2435  7.1.052  when creating a new match not all fields are initialized
  1473  7.1.053  reading uninitialized memory when updating command line
  4451  7.1.054  accessing uninitialized memory when displaying the fold column
  5414  7.1.055  using strcpy() with arguments that overlap
  3151  7.1.056  scrolling back at more prompt doesn't work properly
  2514  7.1.057  CursorHold causes problems for Normal and Visual mode commands
 10612  7.1.058  completion menu doesn't work properly when 'righleft' is set
  3350  7.1.059  in Ex mode "g/^/vi" and pressing CTRL-C: Vim hangs and beeps
  5066  7.1.060  splitting quickfix window messes up window layout
  6320  7.1.061  with latin1 'ignorecase' doesn't work for umlauts
  1550  7.1.062  (after 7.0.038) C comment indent can be wrong
  1391  7.1.063  compiler warning for uninitialized variable
  1405  7.1.064  on interix some files appear not to exist
  2983  7.1.065  Win32: MingW Compilation problem for newer version of w32api
  4553  7.1.066  when 'bomb' is changed the file should be considered modified
  7701  7.1.067  'infercase' doesn't work for thesaurus completion
  6709  7.1.068  'equalalways' equalizes windows too often
  2757  7.1.069  GTK GUI: confirm() dialog has a default button when not wanted
  1560  7.1.070  (extra) Win32 GUI: same confirm() default button problem
  5534  7.1.071  (after 7.1.040) add a basic test for regexp patterns
  5705  7.1.072  (extra, after 7.1.041 and 7.1.071) extra part of 7.1.071
  3595  7.1.073  (after 7.1.062) crash when 'preserveindent' is set
  5259  7.1.074  crash when using string() on a recursively nested List
  1686  7.1.075  ":let v:statusmsg" reads memory already freed
  2376  7.1.076  a couple more strcpy() with overlapping arguments
  2678  7.1.078  dropping file name on gvim containing CSI byte doesn't work
  2922  7.1.079  "@" character in 'isfname' doesn't pick up umlauts for latin1
  2960  7.1.080  (extra) Compiler warnings for gvimex.cpp
  3253  7.1.081  completion doesn't work after ":!cat <foo"
  3464  7.1.082  matchparen plugin doesn't update after window split
  3448  7.1.083  (after 7.1.081) completion doesn't work with wildcards
  1671  7.1.084  netbeans doesn't get fileOpened events when using -nb twice
  2496  7.1.085  after ":split fold.c" folds in one window disappear
  3561  7.1.086  crash when using specific Python syntax highlighting
  4165  7.1.087  cscope: reading past command end; writing past buffer end
  2276  7.1.088  (extra) window position wrong when using ":winpos"
 13841  7.1.089  when listing variables text of command is not cleared
  2372  7.1.090  compiler warning on Mac OS X 10.5 for sigaltstack()
 10488  7.1.091  (extra) Win32: add --windowid argument
  2901  7.1.092  (extra, after 7.1.088) wrong args for MoveWindowStructure()
 15955  7.1.093  read past end of screen line when checking for double width
  1901  7.1.094  using wrong buffer to check if syntax HL is present
  5809  7.1.095  autocmmand for focus events may cause problems
  2287  7.1.096  reading past end of a string when resizing Vim
  1620  7.1.097  "setlocal stl=%!expr" doesn't work
  1780  7.1.098  ":call s:var()" doesn't work if "s:var" is a Funcref
  4552  7.1.099  ":mkvimrc" doesn't work properly when 'paste' or 'keymap' set
 14551  7.1.100  Win32: Executing cscope doesn't always work properly