jkang / rpms / eclipse

Forked from rpms/eclipse 4 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0
#P org.eclipse.pde.build
--- /dev/null
+++ eclipse.pde.build/org.eclipse.pde.build/templates/package-build/prepare-build-dir.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+  echo "usage: $0 <path to source dir> <path to build dir>"
+  exit 1
+if [ ! -d $1 ]; then
+  echo "usage: $0 <path to source dir> <path to build dir>"
+  exit 1
+echo "preparing files in $1 for buildfile generation ..."
+mkdir -p $BUILDDIR
+# make some ant build files to extract the id from the feature.xml, plugin.xml or the fragment.xml
+mkdir -p $BUILDDIR/tmp
+echo "<project default=\"main\">
+   <target name=\"main\">
+                   <xmlproperty file=\"@type@.xml\" collapseAttributes=\"true\"/>
+       <fail unless=\"@type@.id\" message=\"feature.id not set\"/>
+                   <echo message=\"\${@type@.id}\" />
+        </target>
+</project>" > $BUILDFILE
+for type in feature plugin fragment; do
+  CURBUILDFILE=$BUILDDIR/tmp/$type-build.xml
+  cat $BUILDFILE | sed "s|@type@|$type|" > $CURBUILDFILE
+# make the directories eclipse is expecting
+echo "  making the 'features' and 'plugins' directories"
+mkdir -p $BUILDDIR/features $BUILDDIR/plugins
+# make symlinks for the features
+FEATURES=$(find $SOURCEDIR -name feature.xml)
+find $SOURCEDIR -name feature.xml | while read f; do
+  PROJECTDIR=$(dirname "$f")
+  inSDK=1
+  inSDK=$(echo $PROJECTDIR | grep -c $BUILDDIR)
+  if [ $inSDK = 0 ]; then
+    PROJECTNAME=$(ant -Dbasedir="$PROJECTDIR" -f $BUILDDIR/tmp/feature-build.xml 2>&1 | grep echo | cut --delimiter=' ' -f 7)
+    ERROR=""
+    if [ -z "$PROJECTNAME" ]; then
+      echo "ERROR: could not determine the feature id for $PROJECTDIR"
+      if [ $TESTING != true ]; then
+        exit 1
+      else
+        ERROR="yes"
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [ "x$ERROR" != "xyes" ]; then
+      if [ $TESTING != true ] || `echo "$PROJECTNAME" | grep "org.eclipse"`; then
+        echo "  making symlink: $BUILDDIR/features/$PROJECTNAME -> $PROJECTDIR"
+        ln -sfT "$PROJECTDIR" $BUILDDIR/features/"$PROJECTNAME"
+      fi
+    fi
+  fi
+# make symlinks for plugins and fragments
+PLUGINDIRS=$(find $SOURCEDIR -name plugin.xml -o -name fragment.xml -o -name MANIFEST.MF | sed "s/plugin.xml//g" | sed "s/fragment.xml//g" | sed "s/META-INF\/MANIFEST.MF//" | sort | uniq)
+find $SOURCEDIR -name plugin.xml -o -name fragment.xml -o -name MANIFEST.MF | sed "s/plugin.xml//g" | sed "s/fragment.xml//g" | sed "s/META-INF\/MANIFEST.MF//" | sort | uniq | while read dir; do
+  ERROR=""
+  inSDK=1
+  inSDK=$(echo $dir | grep -c $BUILDDIR)
+  if [ $inSDK = 0 ]; then
+    if [ -e "$dir/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" ]; then
+      PROJECTNAME=$(grep Bundle-SymbolicName $dir/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | cut --delimiter=';' -f 1 | cut --delimiter=' ' -f 2)
+    elif [ -e "$dir/plugin.xml" ]; then
+      PROJECTNAME=$(ant -Dbasedir=$dir -f $BUILDDIR/tmp/plugin-build.xml 2>&1 | grep echo | cut --delimiter=' ' -f 7)
+    elif [ -e "$dir/fragment.xml" ]; then
+      PROJECTNAME=$(ant -Dbasedir=$dir -f $BUILDDIR/tmp/fragment-build.xml 2>&1 | grep echo | cut --delimiter=' ' -f 7)
+    fi
+    if [ -z "$PROJECTNAME"  ]; then
+      echo "ERROR: could not determine the plugin or fragment id for $dir"
+      if [ $TESTING != true ]; then
+        exit 1
+      else
+        ERROR="yes"
+      fi
+    fi
+    if [ "x$ERROR" != "xyes" ]; then
+      if [ $TESTING != true ] || `echo "$PROJECTNAME" | grep "org.eclipse"`; then
+        echo "  making symlink: $BUILDDIR/plugins/$PROJECTNAME -> $dir"
+        ln -sfT "$dir" $BUILDDIR/plugins/"$PROJECTNAME"
+      fi
+    fi;
+  fi
+rm -rf $BUILDDIR/tmp
+echo done
--- /dev/null
+++ eclipse.pde.build/org.eclipse.pde.build/templates/package-build/customTargets-assemble-target.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Targets to assemble the built elements for particular configurations  -->
+   <!-- These generally call the generated assemble scripts (named in -->
+   <!-- ${assembleScriptName}) but may also add pre and post processing -->
+   <!-- Add one target for each root element and each configuration -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="assemble.@id@">
+       <ant antfile="${assembleScriptName}" dir="${buildDirectory}"/>
+   </target>
+   <target name="assemble.@id@.@configs@">
+       <ant antfile="${assembleScriptName}" dir="${buildDirectory}" />
+   </target>
--- /dev/null
+++ eclipse.pde.build/org.eclipse.pde.build/templates/package-build/customTargets.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+<project name="Build specific targets and properties" default="noDefault">
+   <fail unless="type" message="Please set the ${type} property to 'feature', 'plugin' or 'fragment'." />
+   <fail unless="id" message="Please set the ${id} property to the feature, plugin or fragment id of the plugin you are building." />
+   <fail unless="sourceDirectory" message="Please set the ${sourceDirectory} property to the directory that has the source plugins." />
+   <!-- we need to do this because you can't expand variables in target names -->
+   <copy file="${builder}/customTargets-assemble-target.xml" tofile="${buildDirectory}/customTargets-${id}-assemble-target.xml" />
+   <replace file="${buildDirectory}/customTargets-${id}-assemble-target.xml" token="@id@" value="${id}" />
+   <replace file="${buildDirectory}/customTargets-${id}-assemble-target.xml" token="@configs@" value="${configs}" />
+   <replace file="${buildDirectory}/customTargets-${id}-assemble-target.xml" token="," value="." />
+   <import file="${buildDirectory}/customTargets-${id}-assemble-target.xml" />
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Run a given ${target} on all elements being built -->
+   <!-- Add on <ant> task for each top level element being built. -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="allElements">
+       <ant antfile="${genericTargets}" target="${target}">
+           <property name="type" value="${type}" />
+           <property name="id" value="${id}" />
+       </ant>
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Check out map files from correct repository -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="getMapFiles">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="clean" unless="noclean">
+       <antcall target="allElements">
+           <param name="target" value="cleanElement" />
+       </antcall>
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do before setup -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="preSetup">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do after setup but before starting the build proper -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="postSetup">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do before fetching the build elements -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="preFetch">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do after fetching the build elements -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="postFetch">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do before generating the build scripts. -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="preGenerate">
+       <!-- Eclipse expects the feature projects to be in the 'features' directory and
+           plugin projects to be in the 'plugins' directory. The build infrastructure
+       normally arranges the projects during the fetch stage. Since we aren't doing
+       the fetch stage, we have to manually arrange the files -->
+       <exec dir="${builder}" executable="/bin/bash" failOnError="true">
+           <arg line="prepare-build-dir.sh ${sourceDirectory} ${buildDirectory} ${testing}" />
+       </exec>
+       <antcall target="symlinkDeps" />
+   </target>
+   <target name="symlinkDeps" if="orbitDepsDir">
+       <apply executable="ln" parallel="false" dir="${buildDirectory}/plugins" verbose="true">
+           <arg line="-s" />
+           <srcfile />
+           <fileset dir="${orbitDepsDir}" includes="*.jar" />
+       </apply>
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do after generating the build scripts. -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="postGenerate">
+       <antcall target="clean" />
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do before running the build.xmls for the elements being built. -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="preProcess">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do after running the build.xmls for the elements being built. -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="postProcess">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do before running assemble. -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="preAssemble">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do after  running assemble. -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="postAssemble">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do before running package. -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="prePackage">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do after  running package. -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="postPackage">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do after the build is done. -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="postBuild">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do to test the build results -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="test">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Steps to do to publish the build results -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="publish">
+   </target>
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <!-- Default target                                                        -->
+   <!-- ===================================================================== -->
+   <target name="noDefault">
+       <echo message="You must specify a target when invoking this file" />
+   </target>
--- /dev/null
+++ eclipse.pde.build/org.eclipse.pde.build/templates/package-build/build.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@