fbo / rpms / zuul

Forked from rpms/zuul 4 years ago
# Getting started with Zuul on Fedora ## Upstream documentation The upstream documentation is available at that page: https://zuul-ci.org/docs/zuul/index.html ## Installation This section describes the installation process of the minimal set of Zuul components to get a working Zuul deployment. Please refer to the upstream documentation for advanced setup. ### Zookeeper TODO ### Install Zuul components To install the packages run: $ sudo dnf install zuul-scheduler zuul-executor zuul-web zuul-webui ### Install and setup postgresql $ sudo dnf install -y posgresql python3-psycopg2 $ su - postgres $ psql ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'mypassword'; $ createdb --owner=postgres zuul $ exit Update the local access setting: $ sudo sed -i /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf 's/ ident/ md5/' $ sudo systemctl restart posgreql Validate server connection by running: $ psql -h -U postgres -W zuul ### Update the zuul configuration to define the sql connection In /etc/zuul/zuul.conf add the following: [connection sqlreporter] driver=sql dburi=postgresql://postgres:mypassword@ ### Setup Ansible virtual environment for the Zuul executor The Zuul executor is the component in charge of running Zuul Job. A Zuul job is a set of Ansible playbook. The Zuul executor support multiple version of Ansible. Zuul provides a tool to manage the Ansible virtual environments. To initialize them run: $ sudo -u zuul bash -c "cd && zuul-manage-ansible -u -r /var/lib/zuul/ansible-bin" ### Build the Zuul web UI The Zuul web UI is a React application. The Zuul packaging provide the source code of the application. The following process describe how to compile the source to get a production build: $ curl --silent --location https://dl.yarnpkg.com/rpm/yarn.repo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo $ sudo dnf install yarn $ cd /usr/share/zuul-ui/ $ yarn install $ REACT_APP_ZUUL_API='<api_url>' yarn build Replace <api_url> by the URL where the zuul-web API is listening. ### Start the scheduler and executor To do so run: $ sudo -u zuul bash -c "ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f /var/lib/zuul/.ssh/id_rsa" $ sudo systemctl start zuul-scheduler $ sudo systemctl start zuul-executor The services logs are available into /var/log/zuul/zuul.log. ### Setup the web API Install Apache: $ sudo dnf install httpd $ setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on Then setup the reverve proxy by adding to /etc/httpd/conf.d/zuul.conf the following content: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^/api/tenant/(.*)/console-stream ws://localhost:9000/api/tenant/$1/console-stream [P] RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://localhost:9000/$1 [P] Reload Apache: $ sudo systemctl relead httpd Finally start the zuul-web process $ sudo systemctl start zuul-web Validate the direct access to the API by running: $ curl http://localhost:9000/api/tenants Validate the access to the API via the reverse proxy: $ curl http://<site_url>/api/tenants ## Run a first Zuul job ### Prepare a Git repository to host the CI configuration We need to prepare a local Git repository to host the pipelines and jobs configuration. Follow the process below: $ git init /home/fedora/zuul-config In /home/fedora/zuul-config/.zuul.yaml add the following content: - pipeline: name: periodic post-review: true description: Jobs in this queue are triggered every minute. manager: independent precedence: low trigger: timer: - time: '* * * * *' success: sqlreporter: failure: sqlreporter: - job: name: my-noop description: Minimal working job parent: null run: my-noop.yaml - project: periodic: jobs: - my-noop Create the /home/fedora/zuul-config/my-noop.yaml and add the following content: --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: List working directory command: ls -al {{ ansible_user_dir }} - name: Sleep 30 seconds wait_for: timeout: 30 Then commit the configuration by running: $ cd /home/fedora/zuul-config/ $ git config user.name "John Doe" $ git config user.email "john@localhost" $ git add -A . $ git commit -m"Init demo config" ### Run a simple Git deamon to serve the config repository $ dulwich web-daemon -l / ### Add the new connection in the Zuul configuration In /etc/zuul/zuul.conf add the following: [connection local_git] driver=git baseurl=http://localhost:8000/home/fedora poll_delay=300 ### Setup the Zuul tenant configuration file In /etc/zuul/main.yaml add the following: - tenant: name: default source: local_git: config-projects: - zuul-config ### Restart the Zuul services $ sudo systemctl restart zuul-* ## Access the web ui Access the build page, where you should see the periodic job my-noop runs http://<api_url>/t/default/builds