Blob Blame History Raw
# This is the F5 router for OpenShift Origin.
# The standard name for this image is openshift/origin-f5-router

ENV NAME=origin-f5-router \
    VERSION=3.11 \

LABEL io.k8s.display-name="OpenShift Origin F5 Router" \
      io.k8s.description="This is a component of OpenShift Origin and programs a BigIP F5 router to expose services within the cluster." \
      io.openshift.tags="openshift,router,f5" \
      summary="This is a component of OpenShift Origin and programs a BigIP F5 router to expose services within the cluster." \
      maintainer="Jakub Cajka <>" \
      License="GPLv2+" \
      name="$FGC/$NAME" \
      com.redhat.component="$NAME" \
      version="$VERSION" \
      architecture="$ARCH" \
      usage="This is a component of OpenShift Origin and programs a BigIP F5 router to expose services within the cluster."

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/openshift-f5-router"]