Blob Blame History Raw

set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail


# This is a full hostname that will be added to replica set
# (for example, "replica-2.mongodb.myproject.svc.cluster.local")
readonly MEMBER_HOST="$(hostname -f)"

# Outputs available endpoints (hostnames) to stdout.
# This also includes hostname of the current pod.
# Uses the following global variables:
# - MONGODB_SERVICE_NAME (optional, defaults to 'mongodb')
function find_endpoints() {
  local service_name="${MONGODB_SERVICE_NAME:-mongodb}"

  # Extract host names from lines like this: "10 33 0 mongodb-2.mongodb.myproject.svc.cluster.local."
  dig "${service_name}" SRV +search +short | cut -d' ' -f4 | rev | cut -c2- | rev

# Initializes the replica set configuration.
# Arguments:
# - $1: host address[:port]
# Uses the following global variables:
function initiate() {
  local host="$1"

  local config="{_id: '${MONGODB_REPLICA_NAME}', members: [{_id: 0, host: '${host}'}]}"

  info "Initiating MongoDB replica using: ${config}"
  mongo --eval "quit(rs.initiate(${config}).ok ? 0 : 1)" --quiet

  info "Waiting for PRIMARY status ..."
  mongo --eval "while (!rs.isMaster().ismaster) { sleep(100); }" --quiet

  info "Creating MongoDB users ..."
  [[ -v CREATE_USER ]] && mongo_create_user "-u admin -p ${MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD}"

  info "Successfully initialized replica set"

# Adds a host to the replica set configuration.
# Arguments:
# - $1: host address[:port]
# Global variables:
function add_member() {
  local host="$1"
  info "Adding ${host} to replica set ..."

  # TODO: replace this with a call to `replset_addr` from, once it returns host names.
  local endpoints
  endpoints="$(find_endpoints | paste -s -d,)"

  if [ -z "${endpoints}" ]; then
    info "ERROR: couldn't add host to replica set!"
    info "CAUSE: DNS lookup for '${MONGODB_SERVICE_NAME:-mongodb}' returned no results."
    return 1

  local replset_addr

  if ! mongo admin -u admin -p "${MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" --host "${replset_addr}" --eval "while (!rs.add('${host}').ok) { sleep(100); }" --quiet; then
    info "ERROR: couldn't add host to replica set!"
    return 1

  info "Waiting for PRIMARY/SECONDARY status ..."
  mongo --eval "while (!rs.isMaster().ismaster && !rs.isMaster().secondary) { sleep(100); }" --quiet

  info "Successfully joined replica set"

info "Waiting for local MongoDB to accept connections  ..."
wait_for_mongo_up &>/dev/null

if [[ $(mongo --eval 'db.isMaster().setName' --quiet) == "${MONGODB_REPLICA_NAME}" ]]; then
  info "Replica set '${MONGODB_REPLICA_NAME}' already exists, skipping initialization"
  exit 0

# StatefulSet pods are named with a predictable name, following the pattern:
#   $(statefulset name)-$(zero-based index)
# MEMBER_ID is computed by removing the prefix matching "*-", i.e.:
#  "mongodb-0" -> "0"
#  "mongodb-1" -> "1"
#  "mongodb-2" -> "2"
readonly MEMBER_ID="${HOSTNAME##*-}"

# Initialize replica set only if we're the first member
if [ "${MEMBER_ID}" = '0' ]; then
  initiate "${MEMBER_HOST}"
  add_member "${MEMBER_HOST}"
