Blob Blame History Raw
# Test the MySQL image.
# IMAGE_NAME specifies the name of the candidate image used for testing.
# The image has to be available before this script is executed.

set -o errexit
set -o nounset
shopt -s nullglob

THISDIR=$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})
source ${THISDIR}/


if [ -e "${IMAGE_NAME:-}" ] ; then
  echo "Error: IMAGE_NAME must be specified"
  exit 1

CID_FILE_DIR=$(mktemp --suffix=mysql_test_cidfiles -d)
test_dir="$(readlink -f $(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"))"

s2i_args="--pull-policy=never "

function cleanup() {

  if [ $TESTSUITE_RESULT -eq 0 ] ; then
    echo "Tests for ${IMAGE_NAME} succeeded."
    echo "Tests for ${IMAGE_NAME} failed."
trap cleanup EXIT SIGINT

function mysql_cmd() {
  local container_ip="$1"; shift
  local login="$1"; shift
  local password="$1"; shift
  docker run --rm ${CONTAINER_EXTRA_ARGS:-} "$IMAGE_NAME" mysql --host "$container_ip" -u"$login" -p"$password" "$@" db

function test_connection() {
  local name=$1 ; shift
  local login=$1 ; shift
  local password=$1 ; shift
  local ip
  ip=$(ct_get_cip $name)
  echo "  Testing MySQL connection to $ip..."
  local max_attempts=20
  local sleep_time=2
  local i
  local status=''
  echo -n "    Trying to connect..."
  for i in $(seq $max_attempts); do
    local status=$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Status}}' $(ct_get_cid "${name}"))
    if [ "${status}" != 'running' ] ; then
    echo -n "."
    if mysql_cmd "$ip" "$login" "$password" &>/dev/null <<< 'SELECT 1;'; then
      echo " OK"
      echo "  Success!"
      return 0
    sleep $sleep_time
  echo " FAIL"
  echo "  Giving up: Failed to connect."
  if [ "${status}" == 'running' ] ; then
    echo "  Container is still running."
    local exit_status=$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.ExitCode}}' ${name})
    echo "  Container finised with exit code ${exit_status}."
  echo "Logs:"
  docker logs $(ct_get_cid $name)
  return 1

function test_mysql() {
  local container_ip="$1"
  local login="$2"
  local password="$3"

  echo "  Testing MySQL"
  mysql_cmd "$container_ip" "$login" "$password" <<< 'CREATE TABLE tbl (col1 VARCHAR(20), col2 VARCHAR(20));'
  mysql_cmd "$container_ip" "$login" "$password" <<< 'INSERT INTO tbl VALUES ("foo1", "bar1");'
  mysql_cmd "$container_ip" "$login" "$password" <<< 'INSERT INTO tbl VALUES ("foo2", "bar2");'
  mysql_cmd "$container_ip" "$login" "$password" <<< 'INSERT INTO tbl VALUES ("foo3", "bar3");'
  mysql_cmd "$container_ip" "$login" "$password" <<< 'SELECT * FROM tbl;'
  mysql_cmd "$container_ip" "$login" "$password" <<< 'DROP TABLE tbl;'
  echo "  Success!"

function create_container() {
  local name=$1 ; shift
  # create container with a cidfile in a directory for cleanup
  local container_id
  container_id="$(docker run ${DOCKER_ARGS:-} --cidfile $cidfile -d "$@" $IMAGE_NAME ${CONTAINER_ARGS:-})"
  echo "    Created container $container_id"

function run_change_password_test() {
  local tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
  chmod -R a+rwx "${tmpdir}"

  # Create MySQL container with persistent volume and set the initial password
  create_container "testpass1" -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=foo \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -v ${tmpdir}:/var/lib/mysql/data:Z
  test_connection testpass1 user foo
  docker stop $(ct_get_cid testpass1) >/dev/null

  # Create second container with changed password
  create_container "testpass2" -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=bar \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -v ${tmpdir}:/var/lib/mysql/data:Z
  test_connection testpass2 user bar

  # The old password should not work anymore
  if mysql_cmd "$(ct_get_cip testpass2)" user foo -e 'SELECT 1;'; then
    return 1

function run_replication_test() {
  local cluster_args="-e MYSQL_MASTER_USER=master -e MYSQL_MASTER_PASSWORD=master -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db"
  local max_attempts=30

  # Run the MySQL master
  docker run $cluster_args -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=foo \
    -d --cidfile ${CID_FILE_DIR}/master.cid $IMAGE_NAME mysqld-master >/dev/null
  local master_ip
  master_ip=$(ct_get_cip master.cid)

  # Run the MySQL slave
  docker run $cluster_args -e MYSQL_MASTER_SERVICE_NAME=${master_ip} \
    -d --cidfile ${CID_FILE_DIR}/slave.cid $IMAGE_NAME mysqld-slave >/dev/null
  local slave_ip
  slave_ip=$(ct_get_cip slave.cid)

  # Now wait till the MASTER will see the SLAVE
  local i
  for i in $(seq $max_attempts); do
    result="$(mysql_cmd "$master_ip" root root -e 'SHOW SLAVE HOSTS;' | grep "$slave_ip" || true)"
    if [[ -n "${result}" ]]; then
      echo "${slave_ip} successfully registered as SLAVE for ${master_ip}"
    if [[ "${i}" == "${max_attempts}" ]]; then
      echo "The ${slave_ip} failed to register in MASTER"
      echo "Dumping logs for $(ct_get_cid slave.cid)"
      docker logs $(ct_get_cid slave.cid)
      return 1
    sleep 1

  # do some real work to test replication in practice
  mysql_cmd "$master_ip" root root -e "CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (24);"

  # read value from slave and check whether it is expectd
  for i in $(seq $max_attempts); do
    set +e
    result="$(mysql_cmd "${slave_ip}" root root -e "select * from t1 \G" | grep -e ^a | grep 24)"
    set -e
    if [[ ! -z "${result}" ]]; then
      echo "${slave_ip} successfully got value from MASTER ${master_ip}"
    if [[ "${i}" == "${max_attempts}" ]]; then
      echo "The ${slave_ip} failed to see value added on MASTER"
      echo "Dumping logs for $(ct_get_cid slave.cid)"
      docker logs $(ct_get_cid slave.cid)
      return 1
    sleep 1

function assert_login_access() {
  local container_ip=$1; shift
  local USER=$1 ; shift
  local PASS=$1 ; shift
  local success=$1 ; shift

  if mysql_cmd "$container_ip" "$USER" "$PASS" <<< 'SELECT 1;' ; then
    if $success ; then
      echo "    $USER($PASS) access granted as expected"
    if ! $success ; then
      echo "    $USER($PASS) access denied as expected"
  echo "    $USER($PASS) login assertion failed"
  exit 1

function assert_local_access() {
  local id="$1" ; shift
  if docker exec $(ct_get_cid "$id") bash -c 'mysql -uroot <<< "SELECT 1;"' ; then
    echo "    local access granted as expected"
  echo "    local access assertion failed"
  return 1

# Make sure the invocation of docker run fails.
function assert_container_creation_fails() {

  # Time the docker run command. It should fail. If it doesn't fail,
  # mysqld will keep running so we kill it with SIGKILL to make sure
  # timeout returns a non-zero value.
  local ret=0
  timeout -s 9 --preserve-status 60s docker run --rm "$@" $IMAGE_NAME >/dev/null || ret=$?

  # Timeout will exit with a high number.
  if [ $ret -gt 30 ]; then
    return 1
  echo "  Success!"

function try_image_invalid_combinations() {
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db "$@"
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db "$@"

function run_container_creation_tests() {
  echo "  Testing image entrypoint usage"
  try_image_invalid_combinations  -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_pass

  local VERY_LONG_DB_NAME="very_long_database_name_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  local VERY_LONG_USER_NAME="very_long_user_name_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_USER=\$invalid -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_pass
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_USER=$VERY_LONG_USER_NAME -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_pass
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD="\"" -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_pass
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=\$invalid -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_pass
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=$VERY_LONG_DB_NAME -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_pass
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="\""
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_USER=root -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=pass
  echo "  Success!"

function test_config_option() {
  local container_name="$1"
  local configuration="$2"
  local option_name="$3"
  local option_value="$4"

  if ! echo "$configuration" | grep -qx "$option_name[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*$option_value"; then
    local configs="$(docker exec -t "$(ct_get_cid $container_name)" bash -c 'set +f; shopt -s nullglob; echo /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf.d/* /opt/rh/mysql*/root/etc/my.cnf /opt/rh/mysql*/root/etc/my.cnf.d/* | paste -s')"
    echo >&2 "FAIL: option '$option_name' should have value '$option_value', but it wasn't found in any of the configuration files ($configs):"
    echo >&2
    echo >&2 "$configuration"
    echo >&2
    return 1

  return 0

function run_configuration_tests() {
  echo "  Testing image configuration settings"

  local container_name=config_test

  create_container \
    "$container_name" \
    --env MYSQL_USER=config_test_user \
    --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=config_test \
    --env MYSQL_DATABASE=db \
    --env MYSQL_MAX_CONNECTIONS=1337 \
    --env MYSQL_FT_MIN_WORD_LEN=8 \
    --env MYSQL_FT_MAX_WORD_LEN=15 \
    --env MYSQL_TABLE_OPEN_CACHE=100 \
    --env WORKAROUND_DOCKER_BUG_14203=

  test_connection "$container_name" config_test_user config_test

  # TODO: this check is far from perfect and could be improved:
  # - we should look for an option in the desired config, not in all of them
  # - we should respect section of the config (now we have duplicated options from a different sections)
  local configuration
  configuration="$(docker exec -t "$(ct_get_cid $container_name)" bash -c 'set +f; shopt -s nullglob; egrep -hv "^(#|\!|\[|$)" /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf.d/* /opt/rh/mysql*/root/etc/my.cnf /opt/rh/mysql*/root/etc/my.cnf.d/*' | sed 's,\(^[[:space:]]\+\|[[:space:]]\+$\),,' | sort -u)"

  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" lower_case_table_names 1
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" general_log 1
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" max_connections 1337
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" ft_min_word_len 8
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" ft_max_word_len 15
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" max_allowed_packet 10M
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" table_open_cache 100
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" sort_buffer_size 256K
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" key_buffer_size 16M
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" read_buffer_size 16M
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" innodb_buffer_pool_size 16M
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" innodb_log_file_size 4M
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" innodb_log_buffer_size 4M

  docker stop "$(ct_get_cid $container_name)" >/dev/null

  echo "  Success!"
  echo "  Testing image auto-calculated configuration settings"


  DOCKER_ARGS='--memory=256m' create_container \
    "$container_name" \
    --env MYSQL_USER=config_test_user \
    --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=config_test \
    --env MYSQL_DATABASE=db

  test_connection "$container_name" config_test_user config_test

  configuration="$(docker exec -t "$(ct_get_cid $container_name)" bash -c 'set +f; shopt -s nullglob; egrep -hv "^(#|\!|\[|$)" /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf.d/* /opt/rh/mysql*/root/etc/my.cnf /opt/rh/mysql*/root/etc/my.cnf.d/*' | sed 's,\(^[[:space:]]\+\|[[:space:]]\+$\),,' | sort -u)"

  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" key_buffer_size 25M
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" read_buffer_size 12M
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" innodb_buffer_pool_size 128M
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" innodb_log_file_size 38M
  test_config_option "$container_name" "$configuration" innodb_log_buffer_size 38M

  docker stop "$(ct_get_cid $container_name)" >/dev/null

  echo "  Success!"

function run_tests() {
  local name=$1 ; shift
  if [ -v ROOT_PASS ]; then
    envs="$envs -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=$ROOT_PASS"
  create_container $name $envs
  test_connection "$name" "$USER" "$PASS"
  echo "  Testing scl usage"
  ct_scl_usage_old $name 'mysql --version' "$VERSION"
  echo "  Testing login accesses"
  local container_ip
  container_ip=$(ct_get_cip $name)
  assert_login_access "$container_ip" "$USER" "$PASS" true
  assert_login_access "$container_ip" "$USER" "${PASS}_foo" false
  if [ -v ROOT_PASS ]; then
    assert_login_access "$container_ip" root "$ROOT_PASS" true
    assert_login_access "$container_ip" root "${ROOT_PASS}_foo" false
    assert_login_access "$container_ip" root 'foo' false
    assert_login_access "$container_ip" root '' false
  assert_local_access "$name"
  echo "  Success!"
  test_mysql "$container_ip" "$USER" "$PASS"

run_doc_test() {
  echo "  Testing documentation in the container image"
  ct_doc_content_old "MYSQL\_ROOT\_PASSWORD" volume 3306
  echo "  Success!"

_s2i_test_image() {
  local container_name="$1"
  local mount_opts="$2"
  echo "  Testing s2i app image with invalid configuration"
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_USER=root -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=pass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=pass
  echo "  Testing s2i app image with correct configuration"
  create_container \
    "$container_name" \
    --env MYSQL_USER=config_test_user \
    --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=config_test \
    --env MYSQL_DATABASE=db \
    --env MYSQL_OPERATIONS_USER=operations_user \
    --env MYSQL_OPERATIONS_PASSWORD=operations_pass \

  test_connection "$container_name" operations_user operations_pass

  configuration="$(docker exec -t "$(ct_get_cid $container_name)" bash -c 'set +f; shopt -s nullglob; egrep -hv "^(#|\!|\[|$)" /etc/my.cnf /etc/my.cnf.d/* /opt/rh/mysql*/root/etc/my.cnf /opt/rh/mysql*/root/etc/my.cnf.d/*' | sed 's,\(^[[:space:]]\+\|[[:space:]]\+$\),,' | sort -u)"

  docker stop "$(ct_get_cid $container_name)" >/dev/null

run_s2i_test() {
  echo "  Testing s2i usage"
  ct_s2i_usage ${IMAGE_NAME} ${s2i_args} &>/dev/null

  echo "  Testing s2i build"
  ct_s2i_build_as_df file://${test_dir}/test-app ${IMAGE_NAME} ${IMAGE_NAME}-testapp
  local image_name_backup=${IMAGE_NAME}
  export IMAGE_NAME=${IMAGE_NAME}-testapp

  local container_name=s2i_config_build
  _s2i_test_image "s2i_config_build" ""

  # return back original value for IMAGE_NAME
  export IMAGE_NAME=${image_name_backup}

  echo "  Testing s2i mount"
  test_app_dir=$(mktemp -d)
  cp -Lr ${test_dir}/test-app ${test_app_dir}/
  chown -R 27:27 ${test_app_dir}
  _s2i_test_image "_s2i_test_mount" "-v ${test_app_dir}/test-app:/opt/app-root/src/:z"
  rm -rf ${test_app_dir}
  echo "  Success!"

gen_self_signed_cert() {
  local output_dir=$1 ; shift
  local base_name=$1 ; shift
  mkdir -p ${output_dir}
  openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout ${output_dir}/${base_name}-key.pem -subj '/C=GB/ST=Berkshire/L=Newbury/O=My Server Company' > ${base_name}-req.pem
  openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -key ${output_dir}/${base_name}-key.pem -batch > ${output_dir}/${base_name}-cert-selfsigned.pem

run_ssl_test() {
  echo "  Testing ssl usage"
  test_app_dir=$(mktemp -d)
  mkdir -p ${test_app_dir}/{mysql-certs,mysql-cfg}
  gen_self_signed_cert ${test_app_dir}/mysql-certs server
  echo "[mysqld]
" >${test_app_dir}/mysql-cfg/ssl.cnf
  chown -R 27:27 ${test_app_dir}
  local ca_cert_path="/opt/app-root/src/mysql-certs/server-cert-selfsigned.pem"

  create_container \
    "_s2i_test_ssl" \
    --env MYSQL_USER=ssl_test_user \
    --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=ssl_test \
    --env MYSQL_DATABASE=db \
    -v ${test_app_dir}:/opt/app-root/src/:z

  test_connection "_s2i_test_ssl" ssl_test_user ssl_test
  ip=$(ct_get_cip _s2i_test_ssl)

  # At least MySQL 5.6 requires ssl-ca option on client side, otherwise the ssl is not used
  CONTAINER_EXTRA_ARGS="-v ${test_app_dir}:/opt/app-root/src/:z"

  # MySQL requires --ssl-mode to be set in order to require SSL
  case ${VERSION} in
    5*) ssl_mode_opt='--ssl-mode=REQUIRED'

  if mysql_cmd "$ip" "ssl_test_user" "ssl_test" ${ssl_mode_opt:-} --ssl-ca=${ca_cert_path} -e 'show status like "Ssl_cipher" \G' | grep 'Value: [A-Z][A-Z0-9-]*' ; then
    echo "  Success!"
    rm -rf ${test_app_dir}
    echo "  FAIL!"
    mysql_cmd "$ip" "ssl_test_user" "ssl_test" --ssl-ca=${ca_cert_path} -e 'show status like "%ssl%" \G'
    return 1
  # Clear the global variable content after we are done using it

function run_general_tests() {
  # Set lower buffer pool size to avoid running out of memory.
  export CONTAINER_ARGS="run-mysqld --innodb_buffer_pool_size=5242880"

  # Normal tests
  USER=user PASS=pass run_tests no_root
  USER=user1 PASS=pass1 ROOT_PASS=r00t run_tests root
  # Test with arbitrary uid for the container
  DOCKER_ARGS="--user 12345" USER=user PASS=pass run_tests no_root_altuid
  DOCKER_ARGS="--user 12345" USER=user1 PASS=pass1 ROOT_PASS=r00t run_tests root_altuid

function get_previous_major_version() {
  case "${1}" in
    5.5) echo "5.1" ;;
    5.6) echo "5.5" ;;
    5.7) echo "5.6" ;;
    8.0) echo "5.7" ;;
    10.0) echo "5.5" ;;
    10.1) echo "10.0" ;;
    10.2) echo "10.1" ;;
    10.3) echo "10.2" ;;
    *) echo "Non expected version '${1}'" ; return 1 ;;

function run_upgrade_test() {
  local tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
  echo "  Testing upgrade of the container image"
  mkdir "${tmpdir}/data" && chmod -R a+rwx "${tmpdir}"

  # Create MySQL container with persistent volume and set the version from too old version
  local datadir=${tmpdir}/data
  create_container "testupg1" -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=foo \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -v ${datadir}:/var/lib/mysql/data:Z
  test_connection testupg1 user foo
  docker stop $(ct_get_cid testupg1) >/dev/null

  # Simulate datadir without version information
  rm -f ${datadir}/mysql_upgrade_info
  echo "  Testing upgrade from data without version"
  # This should work, but warning should be printed
  create_container "testupg2" -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=foo \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -v ${datadir}:/var/lib/mysql/data:Z
  test_connection testupg2 user foo
  docker stop $(ct_get_cid testupg2) >/dev/null
  # Check whether some information is provided
  if ! docker logs $(ct_get_cid testupg2) 2>&1 | grep -e 'Version of the data could not be determined' &>/dev/null ; then
    echo "Information about missing version file is not available in the logs"
    return 1
  # Check whether upgrade did not happen
  if docker logs $(ct_get_cid testupg2) 2>&1 | grep -e 'Running mysql_upgrade' &>/dev/null ; then
    echo "Upgrade should not be run when information about version is missing"
    return 1

  # Create version file that is too old
  echo "  Testing upgrade from too old data"
  echo "5.0.12" >${datadir}/mysql_upgrade_info
  # Create another container with same data and upgrade set to 'upgrade-auto'
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=foo \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -v ${datadir}:/var/lib/mysql/data:Z -e MYSQL_DATADIR_ACTION=upgrade-auto 2>/dev/null

  # Create version file that we can upgrade from
  echo "  Testing upgrade from previous version"
  echo "$(get_previous_major_version ${VERSION}).12" >${datadir}/mysql_upgrade_info
  # Create another container with same data and upgrade set to 'upgrade-aauto'
  create_container "testupg3" -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=foo \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -v ${datadir}:/var/lib/mysql/data:Z -e MYSQL_DATADIR_ACTION=upgrade-auto
  test_connection testupg3 user foo
  docker stop $(ct_get_cid testupg3) >/dev/null
  # Check whether some upgrade happened
  if ! docker logs $(ct_get_cid testupg3) 2>&1 | grep -qe 'Running mysql_upgrade' ; then
    echo "Upgrade did not happen but it should when upgrading from previous version"
    docker logs $(ct_get_cid testupg3)
    return 1

  # Create version file that we don't need to upgrade from
  echo "  Testing upgrade from the same version"
  echo "${VERSION}.12" >${datadir}/mysql_upgrade_info
  # Create another container with same data and upgrade set to 'upgrade-aauto'
  create_container "testupg4" -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=foo \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -v ${datadir}:/var/lib/mysql/data:Z -e MYSQL_DATADIR_ACTION=upgrade-auto
  test_connection testupg4 user foo
  docker stop $(ct_get_cid testupg4) >/dev/null
  # Check whether some upgrade happened
  if docker logs $(ct_get_cid testupg4) 2>&1 | grep -e 'Running mysql_upgrade' &>/dev/null ; then
    echo "Upgrade happened but it should not when upgrading from current version"
    return 1

  # Create second container with same data and upgrade set to 'analyze'
  echo "  Testing running --analyze"
  create_container "testupg5" -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=foo \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -v ${datadir}:/var/lib/mysql/data:Z -e MYSQL_DATADIR_ACTION=analyze
  test_connection testupg5 user foo
  docker stop $(ct_get_cid testupg5) >/dev/null
  # Check whether analyze happened
  if ! docker logs $(ct_get_cid testupg5) 2>&1 | grep -e '--analyze --all-databases' &>/dev/null ; then
    echo "Analyze did not happen but it should"
    return 1

  # Create another container with same data and upgrade set to 'optimize'
  echo "  Testing running --optimize"
  create_container "testupg6" -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=foo \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -v ${datadir}:/var/lib/mysql/data:Z -e MYSQL_DATADIR_ACTION=optimize
  test_connection testupg6 user foo
  docker stop $(ct_get_cid testupg6) >/dev/null
  # Check whether optimize happened
  if ! docker logs $(ct_get_cid testupg6) 2>&1 | grep -e '--optimize --all-databases' &>/dev/null ; then
    echo "Optimize did not happen but it should"
    return 1

  # Create version file that we cannot upgrade from
  echo "  Testing upgrade from the future version"
  echo "20.1.12" >${datadir}/mysql_upgrade_info
  assert_container_creation_fails -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=foo \
    -e MYSQL_DATABASE=db -v ${datadir}:/var/lib/mysql/data:Z -e MYSQL_DATADIR_ACTION=upgrade-auto 2>/dev/null

  echo "  Upgrade tests succeeded!"

function run_all_tests() {
  for test_case in $TEST_LIST; do
    echo "Running test $test_case for ${IMAGE_NAME}"

# Run the chosen tests
TEST_LIST=${@:-$TEST_LIST} run_all_tests