Mystro256 bef77bf
%undefine _hardened_build
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
%global shortname vbam
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
#Upstream git tag/commit:
Mystro256 7c6d2f2
%global upstreamtag 78cd2238274e1fe7ec7d64ff4e1a75a24248422d
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
#Sanitized RC name (for fedora)
Mystro256 7c6d2f2
%global rctagfedora git78cd223
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
#RC Version that appears in app
Mystro256 7c6d2f2
%global rcversion Beta3-07032017
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Name:           visualboyadvance-m
Mystro256 bef77bf
Version:        2.0.0
Mystro256 567b4dc
Release:        0.16%{?rctagfedora:.%{rctagfedora}}%{?dist}
Mystro256 bef77bf
Summary:        High compatibility Gameboy Advance Emulator combining VBA builds
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
License:        GPLv2
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  cairo-devel
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  cmake
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  libjpeg-turbo-devel
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  libpng-devel
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  libtiff-devel
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  mesa-libGL-devel
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  nasm
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  openal-soft-devel
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  SDL2-devel
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  SFML-devel
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  wxGTK3-devel
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  zlib-devel
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  zip
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  gettext
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  desktop-file-utils
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  hicolor-icon-theme
Mystro256 bef77bf
BuildRequires:  libappstream-glib
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
%if 0%{?fedora} < 25
Mystro256 bef77bf
Requires(post): desktop-file-utils
Mystro256 bef77bf
Requires(postun): desktop-file-utils
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Requires:  hicolor-icon-theme
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
#Rpmfusion package name (wx frontend obsoletes the old gtk):
Mystro256 bef77bf
Provides:       %{shortname}-gtk = %{version}-%{release}
Mystro256 bef77bf
Obsoletes:      %{shortname}-gtk < %{version}-%{release}
Mystro256 b6dd017
Obsoletes:      %{shortname}-common < %{version}-%{release}
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
#Using info from here: and debian files
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
VisualBoyAdvance-M is a Nintendo Game Boy Emulator with high compatibility with
Mystro256 bef77bf
commercial games. It emulates the Nintendo Game Boy Advance hand held console,
Mystro256 bef77bf
in addition to the original Game Boy hand held systems and its Super and Color
Mystro256 bef77bf
variants. VBA-M is a continued development of the now inactive VisualBoy
Mystro256 bef77bf
Advance project, with many improvements from various developments of VBA.
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
%package        sdl
Mystro256 bef77bf
Summary:        SDL version (no GUI) for VBA-M, a high compatibility Gameboy Advance Emulator
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
#Rpmfusion package name:
Mystro256 bef77bf
Provides:       %{shortname}-sdl = %{version}-%{release}
Mystro256 bef77bf
Obsoletes:      %{shortname}-sdl < %{version}-%{release}
Mystro256 b6dd017
Obsoletes:      %{shortname}-common < %{version}-%{release}
Mystro256 b6dd017
Conflicts:      %{shortname}-common < %{version}-%{release}
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
%description    sdl
Mystro256 bef77bf
This package provides the no-GUI, SDL only version of VisualBoyAdvance-M.
Mystro256 bef77bf
VisualBoyAdvance-M is a Nintendo Game Boy Emulator with high compatibility with
Mystro256 bef77bf
commercial games. It emulates the Nintendo Game Boy Advance hand held console,
Mystro256 bef77bf
in addition to the original Game Boy hand held systems and its Super and Color
Mystro256 bef77bf
variants. VBA-M is a continued development of the now inactive VisualBoy
Mystro256 bef77bf
Advance project, with many improvements from various developments of VBA.
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
%autosetup -p1 -n %{name}-%{upstreamtag}
Mystro256 67bc3fc
sed -i 's/ -mtune=generic//g' CMakeLists.txt
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
#Some odd permission issues:
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
chmod -x src/wx/rpi.h
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
%cmake . \
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
    -DVERSION="%{version}%{?rcversion: %{rcversion}}" \
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 28dad97
Mystro256 2d66370
Mystro256 2d66370
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
%find_lang wx%{shortname}
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
desktop-file-validate \
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
appstream-util validate-relax --nonet \
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
%files -f wx%{shortname}.lang
Mystro256 bef77bf
%license doc/gpl.txt doc/License.txt
Mystro256 bef77bf
%doc doc/ips.htm
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
%files sdl
Mystro256 bef77bf
%doc doc/ReadMe.SDL.txt
Mystro256 bef77bf
%license doc/gpl.txt doc/License.txt
Mystro256 bef77bf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{shortname}.cfg
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
/bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
Mystro256 bef77bf
%if 0%{?fedora} < 25
Mystro256 bef77bf
/usr/bin/update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || :
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
Mystro256 bef77bf
    /bin/touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null
Mystro256 bef77bf
    /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
%if 0%{?fedora} < 25
Mystro256 bef77bf
/usr/bin/update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || :
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 7c6d2f2
* Thu Mar 16 2017 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.16.git78cd223
Mystro256 7c6d2f2
- Update to new git snapshot
Mystro256 567b4dc
Mystro256 811798c
* Sun Mar 05 2017 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.15.git7b85964
Mystro256 811798c
- Update to new git snapshot
Mystro256 811798c
Mystro256 5a2e1f7
* Sun Mar 05 2017 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.14.waylandplus
Mystro256 5a2e1f7
- Update to new version
Mystro256 5a2e1f7
- Add patch for SDL issues
Mystro256 5a2e1f7
- Fix incorrect bug tracker link
Mystro256 5a2e1f7
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
* Mon Feb 20 2017 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.13.git6a7d494
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
- Update to git snapshot, fixes many issues
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
- Drop wayland and openal fixes (better fixes have been upstreamed)
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
- Better workaround patch for sound syncing issue
Mystro256 fdd3cc5
Mystro256 f86d1c6
* Wed Feb 15 2017 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.12.Beta3
Mystro256 f86d1c6
- Rebuilt for SFML 2.4
Mystro256 f86d1c6
Mystro256 f86d1c6
* Sat Feb 11 2017 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.11.Beta3
Mystro256 b6dd017
- Added missing obsoletes for vbam-common (from rpmfusion)
Mystro256 b6dd017
- Tweaking openal patch
Mystro256 b6dd017
* Sat Feb 11 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 2.0.0-0.10.Beta3
- Rebuilt for
Mystro256 23947a1
* Mon Jan 30 2017 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.9.Beta3
Mystro256 23947a1
- Fix dynamic loading of openal library if openal-soft-devel is not installed
Mystro256 23947a1
Mystro256 6efd3c8
* Sun Jan 29 2017 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.8.Beta3
Mystro256 6efd3c8
- Add patch to fix wayland drawing
Mystro256 6efd3c8
- Remove launcher to force xwayland
Mystro256 6efd3c8
Mystro256 28dad97
* Thu Jan 19 2017 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.7.Beta3
Mystro256 28dad97
- Force X11/xwayland, rendering issues exist on Wayland
Mystro256 28dad97
- Enable cairo to fix wx segfaults on xwayland
Mystro256 28dad97
* Thu Jan 19 2017 Dan HorĂ¡k <dan[at]> - 2.0.0-0.6.Beta3
- Don't override distro-wide -mtune option
Mystro256 67bc3fc
* Wed Jan 18 2017 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.5.Beta3
Mystro256 67bc3fc
- Added fix for armv7hl and pcc
Mystro256 67bc3fc
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Fri Dec 30 2016 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.4.Beta3
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added missing desktop scriptlet for f24
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added missing build requires
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Missing hicolor-icon-theme require
Mystro256 28dad97
- Use sysconfdir macro in spec
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Wed Dec 21 2016 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.3.Beta3
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Update to beta 3
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Dropping GTK, upstream no longer supports this
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Change packagename visualboyadvance-m to reflect upstream
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Various tweaks
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Sat Dec 10 2016 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.2.beta2
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added patch to fix audio syncing issues
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added fixes for linux data files
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Fri Dec  9 2016 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> - 2.0.0-0.1.beta2
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Update to 2.0.0 beta 2
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Re-enable wx GUI
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Rename common subpackage to data
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added appdata
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Build Require cleanup
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Thu Jul  7 2016 Hans de Goede <> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Fix building with gcc6 / fix FTBFS
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Mon Jan 12 2015 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Fix typo in desktop file
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Sat Apr 5 2014 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Update to latest "release" version
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Mon Nov 18 2013 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Update patch for SFML, thanks to Hans de Goede
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Sun Nov 17 2013 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added patch for SFML
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Sun Nov 17 2013 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Updated to new snapshot version
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Fri Mar 1 2013 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Updated to new upstream version
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Fixed some spec date typos
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Mon Dec 10 2012 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Updated to new upstream version
Mystro256 bef77bf
- FFMpeg dep removed due to only needed by wx and now disabled by default
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Thu Jul 5 2012 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Updated to new upstream version
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Disabling WX because its not supported
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Removed extra sources as they are now included
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Removed FFMPEG fix
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Moved ips.htm doc file into common to avoid duplicates
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Various cleanup
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Wed Mar 28 2012 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added man pages
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Tue Feb 14 2012 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added Zip as a dependancy
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Tue Feb 14 2012 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Changed building commands to avoid failed builds
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Sun Jan 29 2012 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added missing Build Requirement: openal-soft-devel
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Removed redundant license files
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Thu Jan 26 2012 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added DCMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=ON to cmake (fixes rpath error)
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added more relevant package summaries
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Fixed up the descriptions a bit
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Enabled Linking Support
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Various tweaks
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Thu Jan 26 2012 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Updated to new upstream version
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added new WX subpackage for new GUI
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Adding WX requires gui common subpackage to avoid conflicts
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added DVERSION cmake tag for aesthetic reasons
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Sun Jan 22 2012 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added vbam-common package to avoid conflicts with common files
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Added ImageMagick build dep, as cmake checks for it
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Building now uses cmake macro
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Turned off building shared libs
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Removed unnecessary lines
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Fixed debuginfo-without-sources issue
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Sun Jan 22 2012 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Fixed SPM summary
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Cleaned up SPEC for easier reading
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Sun Jan 8 2012 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Fixed up spec file
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Split into two packages: sdl, gtk
Mystro256 bef77bf
Mystro256 bef77bf
* Sun Dec 18 2011 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt AT hotmail DOT com> -
Mystro256 bef77bf
- Initial package SPEC created
Mystro256 bef77bf