Name: verilator Version: 3.804 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: A fast simulator for synthesizable Verilog License: GPLv2 Group: Applications/Engineering URL: Source0:{name}-%{version}.tgz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: perl, flex, bison, perl-SystemPerl-devel Requires: perl-SystemPerl-devel >= 1.320 %description Verilator is the fastest free Verilog HDL simulator. It compiles synthesizable Verilog, plus some PSL, SystemVerilog and Synthesis assertions into C++ or SystemC code. It is designed for large projects where fast simulation performance is of primary concern, and is especially well suited to create executable models of CPUs for embedded software design teams. %prep %setup -q find . -name .gitignore -exec rm {} \; export VERILATOR_ROOT=%{_datadir} %{configure} --enable-envdef --prefix=%{_prefix} --mandir=%{_mandir} %{__sed} -i "s|CPPFLAGSNOWALL +=|CPPFLAGSNOWALL +=%{optflags}|" \ {src,test_c,test_regress,test_sc,test_sp,test_verilated}/Makefile_obj %build SYSTEMPERL_INCLUDE=%{_includedir}/perl-SystemPerl %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags} %install %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %{__make} DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install # move the examples out of the datadir so that we can later include # them in the doc dir %{__mv} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/verilator/examples examples # remove not needed build directory and bin directory %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/verilator/src %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/verilator_includer %clean %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} %files %defattr(-, root, root, -) %doc README %doc COPYING Changes TODO Artistic %doc verilator.pdf verilator.html %doc examples/ %attr(644,-,-) %{_mandir}/man1/verilator.1.gz %{_datadir}/verilator %{_bindir}/verilator %{_bindir}/verilator_bin %{_bindir}/verilator_bin_dbg %{_bindir}/verilator_profcfunc %changelog * Sat Sep 25 2010 Chitlesh Goorah - 3.804-1 - updated to 3.804 * Sun Jul 11 2010 Chitlesh Goorah - 3.803-1 - updated to 3.803 * Fri Jul 24 2009 Lane Brooks - 3.712-1 - Updated to verilator 3.712 * Fri Jun 26 2009 Lane Brooks - 3.711-1 - Updated to verilator 3.711 - Added Artistic file - Fixed permissions on man file * Tue Jun 9 2009 Lane Brooks - 3.710-1 - Updated to verilator 3.710 - Removed GCC 4.3 patch (no longer necessary) - Added SYSTEMPERL_INCLUDE to point to perl-SystemPerl rpm install location * Fri Jan 9 2009 Lane Brooks - 3.700-1 - Updated dependancy to newly packaged perl-SystemPerl and removed patch - Updated to verilator 3.700 - Added GCC 4.3 patch * Fri Jan 2 2009 Lane Brooks - 3.681-2 - Moved examples from data dir to doc dir * Thu Jan 1 2009 Lane Brooks - 3.681-1 - Updated verilator 3.681 - Removed gcc 4.3 patch as verilator 3.681 incorporates this fix - Removed shared object patch as it is possible to do this from Makefile using environment variables - Further updates to the spec file per Chitlesh's feedback * Sun Oct 26 2008 Lane Brooks - 3.680-3 - Improved spec file for Fedora integration based on initial feedback * Thu Oct 23 2008 Lane Brooks - 3.680-2 - Added shared object generation patch * Thu Oct 16 2008 Lane Brooks - 3.680-1 - Initial package based on SUSE packages from Guenter Dannoritzer