54b799d Correct the license

1 file Authored by bowlofeggs 3 years ago, Committed by eclipseo 3 years ago,
    Correct the license
    Prior to this commit, the license did not include the licenses of
    the executable's bundled libraries. This commit corrects the
    license to do so. cargo-license was used to determine the set of
    licenses. This is the output from that application:
    $ cargo-license
    AGPL-3.0 (1): base100
    Apache-2.0 OR MIT (9): unicode-width, winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu, libc, vec_map, bitflags, hermit-abi, winapi, winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu, yaml-rust
    MIT (5): textwrap, clap, strsim, ansi_term, atty
    Signed-off-by: Randy Barlow <randy@electronsweatshop.com>
file modified
+7 -2