#1 Update to connection_pool 2.2.3.
Opened 3 years ago by pvalena. Modified 3 years ago
rpms/ pvalena/rubygem-connection_pool rebase  into  master

No commits found

Resolves: rhbz#1843247

Note: this update was created and tested automatically, but it has not yet been checked manually. Please check the logs, and merge it if you find it ok. It will be built automatically.

Update log: https://git.io/JJjh1
Test log: https://git.io/JJjhM
gem2rpm diff: https://git.io/JJjhD

It looks good to me.
Are you okay if you will merge it by yourself after if someone tells you it's ok?

That would defer the automation I'd say (the update won't be created if it's broken). And the builds will be checked by me (for failures etc.), off course. But I'm open for feedback as this is a testing stage. I could f.e. check for LGTM (two f.e.) in the comment, but only for authorized people.

Additionally, the summary from testing is missing.

@jaruga Thanks for feedback and review!


However doing rebase, I would expect to bring the package up to the latest standards.