#2 Update to acts_as_list 1.0.1.
Opened 3 years ago by pvalena. Modified 3 years ago
rpms/ pvalena/rubygem-acts_as_list rebase  into  master

No commits found

Resolves: rhbz#1686627

Note: this update was created and tested automatically, but it has not yet been checked manually. Please check the logs, and merge it if you find it ok. It will be built automatically.

Update log: https://git.io/JUefr
Test log: https://git.io/JUefo
gem2rpm diff: https://git.io/JUefi

Does your automated check include the rpmlint and dependency check? Updating from version 0.X to 1.X is a major version up.

Your automated program looks nice.
I want to see it will be improved not to ask this kind of question showing the results of the rpmlint, dependency check and installation in the message on the PR.

Your automated program looks nice.
I want to see it will be improved not to ask this kind of question showing the results of the rpmlint, dependency check and installation in the message on the PR.

Thanks! It's there in the test log.

Does your automated check include the rpmlint and dependency check? Updating from version 0.X to 1.X is a major version up.

Yes, sorry, the checks are there, but the update summary is missing.

Thanks! It's there in the test log.

OK. nice!