#5 [BLOCKED] Update to 0.6.0
Opened 4 years ago by thrnciar. Modified 4 years ago
rpms/ thrnciar/python-tomlkit update-to-0-6-0  into  master

No commits found

Successfully tested in Copr with all depending packages. Changes introduced in this version shouldn't break runtime dependencies.

$ repoquery --repo=rawhide{,-source} --whatrequires python3-tomlkit
Last metadata expiration check: 0:11:29 ago on Thu 14 May 2020 12:58:04 PM CEST.

Successfully tested in Copr with all depending packages. Changes introduced in this version shouldn't break runtime dependencies.

But they do, since in python3-poetry Requires: (python3.8dist(tomlkit) >= 0.5.11 with python3.8dist(tomlkit) < 0.6)

I've not updated to 0.6.0 for this reason. poetry 1.1.0 will require 0.6.0, so when that happens I'll update tomlkit as well.

I am sorry, I wasn't aware of this. Thank you for info.

repoquery is tricky with such requires :(