#4 Drop changelog entries prior to 2018
Opened 4 years ago by bowlofeggs. Modified 4 years ago
rpms/ bowlofeggs/python-dogpile-cache old_changelog  into  master

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instead of doing this, I think you should add:

%global _changelog_trimtime %(date +%s -d "1 year ago")

to the spec.

That will keep all the changelog in the spec, but trim it from all the rpms.

Or does that not do what you want?

On Mon, 2019-09-23 at 22:50 +0000, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

instead of doing this, I think you should add:

%global _changelog_trimtime %(date +%s -d "1 year ago")

to the spec.

That will keep all the changelog in the spec, but trim it from all
the rpms.

Ah neat, I didn't know about that.

Or does that not do what you want?

IMO, I also kinda like the spec file not having years old changelogs in
it. We have that information in git if it's ever needed, and I
personally think it's nice to have a shorter spec file as a packager.

So I'd say it achieves one of my two goals to use that
_changelog_trimtime trick (keeping the changelog fresher for the end
user), and I'd also agree that it's the more important of the two

So if you don't want to trim the changelog, I can do that instead.

I don't feel strongly either way, just wanted to note that other idea in case it met your needs.

Ideally we need to make package changelogs, git changelogs and bodhi update notes all be generated sanely from fewer inputs... but thats a much bigger task than this PR, so feel free to merge...