# Postgrey offers 2 listening types, --inet and --unix. As default, Fedora # postgrey works under UNIX socket, but, changing to TCP socket on user's own # is also available, for instance, let it work at 10023 port of localhost: # --inet=10023 # To be more detailed, there is another way if you still run it at localhost: # --inet= POSTGREY_TYPE="--unix=/var/spool/postfix/postgrey/socket" # If postgrey works under UNIX socket way, PID file can be specified to # custom location, note that no need to set this if postgrey is working # under TCP socket way. POSTGREY_PID="--pidfile=/var/run/postgrey.pid" # Name of group which postgrey belongs, default is postgrey POSTGREY_GROUP="--group=postgrey" # Name of user which postgrey belongs, default is postgrey POSTGREY_USER="--user=postgrey" # DELAY POSTGREY_DELAY="--delay=60" # For more options can be used, please read manpage or execute `postgrey -h`. # Custom options. POSTGREY_OPTS=""