#1 Initial version.
Merged 4 years ago by sergesanspaille. Opened 4 years ago by sergesanspaille.

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ 

+ /hans-gpg-key.asc

+ /polly-10.0.0rc5.src.tar.xz.sig

+ /polly-10.0.0rc5.src.tar.xz

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ 

+ diff -ru polly-10.0.0rc4.src.orig/lib/CMakeLists.txt polly-10.0.0rc4.src/lib/CMakeLists.txt

+ --- polly-10.0.0rc4.src.orig/lib/CMakeLists.txt	2020-03-16 21:18:29.768913840 +0000

+ +++ polly-10.0.0rc4.src/lib/CMakeLists.txt	2020-03-16 21:18:38.569999300 +0000

+ @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@

+  # the sources them to be recompiled for each of them.

+  add_llvm_pass_plugin(Polly



+    Analysis/DependenceInfo.cpp

+    Analysis/PolyhedralInfo.cpp

+    Analysis/ScopDetection.cpp

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ 

+ %global rc_ver 5

+ %global baserelease 0.1

+ %global polly_srcdir polly-%{version}%{?rc_ver:rc%{rc_ver}}.src


+ Name: polly

+ Version: 10.0.0

+ Release: %{baserelease}%{?rc_ver:.rc%{rc_ver}}%{?dist}

+ Summary: LLVM Framework for High-Level Loop and Data-Locality Optimizations


+ License: NCSA

+ URL: http://polly.llvm.org	

+ Source0: http://%{?rc_ver:pre}releases.llvm.org/%{version}/%{?rc_ver:rc%{rc_ver}}/%{polly_srcdir}.tar.xz

+ Source1: https://%{?rc_ver:pre}releases.llvm.org/%{version}/%{?rc_ver:rc%{rc_ver}}/%{polly_srcdir}.tar.xz.sig

+ Source2: https://prereleases.llvm.org/%{version}/hans-gpg-key.asc


+ Patch0: polly-subproject-extension.patch


+ BuildRequires: cmake

+ BuildRequires: llvm-devel = %{version}

+ BuildRequires: llvm-test = %{version}

+ BuildRequires: clang-devel = %{version}

+ BuildRequires: python3-lit

+ BuildRequires: python3-sphinx


+ %description

+ Polly is a high-level loop and data-locality optimizer and optimization

+ infrastructure for LLVM. It uses an abstract mathematical representation based

+ on integer polyhedron to analyze and optimize the memory access pattern of a

+ program.


+ %package devel

+ Summary: Polly header files

+ Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}


+ %description devel

+ Polly header files.


+ %package doc

+ Summary: Documentation for Polly

+ BuildArch: noarch

+ Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}


+ %description doc

+ Documentation for the Polly optimizer.


+ %prep

+ %autosetup -n polly-%{version}%{?rc_ver:rc%{rc_ver}}.src -p1


+ %build

+ mkdir -p _build

+ cd _build


+ %cmake .. \

+ 	-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \


+ 	-DLLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT=%{_bindir}/lit \

+ 	-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=%{_libdir}/cmake/llvm/ \

+ \



+ 	-DSPHINX_EXECUTABLE=%{_bindir}/sphinx-build-3 \

+ \

+ %if 0%{?__isa_bits} == 64


+ %else


+ %endif




+ %make_build

+ %{__make} docs-polly-html



+ %install

+ %make_install -C _build

+ install -d %{buildroot}%{_pkgdocdir}/html

+ cp -r _build/docs/html/* %{buildroot}%{_pkgdocdir}/html/


+ %check

+ %{__make} check-polly -C _build



+ %files

+ %{_libdir}/LLVMPolly.so

+ %{_libdir}/libPolly.so.*

+ %{_libdir}/libPollyISL.so

+ %{_libdir}/libPollyPPCG.so


+ %files devel

+ %{_libdir}/libPolly.so

+ %{_includedir}/polly

+ %{_libdir}/cmake/polly


+ %files doc

+ %doc %{_pkgdocdir}/html


+ %changelog

+ * Sat Mar 21 2020 sguelton@redhat.com - 10.0.0-0.1.rc5

+ - Initial version.


file added
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ 

+ SHA512 (hans-gpg-key.asc) = dc481fe1fe8ffcf5f7853b346739e4c9f7f2447e6e2752447babb520240d769559e767d732b7943dfed4f971d17cccefd7a00cb4e0a9d39c5215859226998519

+ SHA512 (polly-10.0.0rc5.src.tar.xz.sig) = 29b1198517c32ba278f727e23680f0fb873d754663000cd60b1c464277c3e89065392d3a2058a198a517f2c94ba67037432bde77f77be21c3c5a4acb65b943c1

+ SHA512 (polly-10.0.0rc5.src.tar.xz) = b8e20eebf22277c0c955174a43dc83de35113485ed13c7dc99dfcdfc02d80f90b6eecec73e4ad57a3462d1551a6c6a197669135590f6f4a36699d8a690ec30e4

no initial comment

Pull-Request has been merged by sergesanspaille

4 years ago