79b6f01 Update to 0.25

Authored and Committed by pghmcfc 11 years ago
    Update to 0.25
    - New upstream release 0.25:
      - Drop compatibility from 5.6.2 to 5.6.0
      - Pod typo fixes (CPAN RT#77453, CPAN RT#85357)
      - Only ask for Devel::Hide on perls where it will be actually used
        (CPAN RT#81106)
      - Fix SYNOPSIS to actually be executable (CPAN RT#78327)
    - This release by MSTROUT -> update source URL
    - BR: perl(ExtUtils::CBuilder) and perl(File::Glob)
    - Bump perl(Class::C3::XS) version requirement to 0.13
file modified
+18 -5
file modified
+1 -1