Mystro256 94f1e08
Name:           orthorobot
Mystro256 3e12072
Version:        1.1.1
Mystro256 b1605d2
Release:        6%{?dist}
Mystro256 94f1e08
Summary:        A perspective based puzzle game
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
License:        WTFPL
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 3e12072
Mystro256 3e12072
#Source1 is a copy of the license, which was added after v1.1.1:
Mystro256 3e12072
Mystro256 3e12072
Mystro256 94f1e08
#Patch for appdata, manpage, execution script, and desktop file
Mystro256 f1ce5db
Patch0:         %{name}-appdata.patch
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
BuildRequires:  desktop-file-utils
Mystro256 94f1e08
BuildRequires:  libappstream-glib
Mystro256 94f1e08
BuildArch:      noarch
Mystro256 94f1e08
Requires:       love
Mystro256 94f1e08
# List the arches that love builds on prior to f29
Mystro256 5dc7f1c
%if 0%{?fedora} < 28
Mystro256 0c4e51a
ExclusiveArch: %{arm} %{ix86} x86_64 %{mips} aarch64 ppc64
Mystro256 9997cb7
Mystro256 f1b75a8
Mystro256 94f1e08
#From the website (see URL above)
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Literally bridging the gap between 2D and 3D games, Ortho Robot is a
Mystro256 94f1e08
perspective based puzzle game, where you flatten the view to move
Mystro256 94f1e08
across gaps. This game is made with LOVE.
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 3e12072
%autosetup -p1
Mystro256 3e12072
#Copy LICENSE, fixed after v1.1.1
Mystro256 3e12072
cp -f %{SOURCE1} ./LICENSE.txt
Mystro256 3e12072
#Change version in appdata
Mystro256 9b0cbaf
sed -i 's/VERSION/%{version}/g' appdata/%{name}.6
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 3e12072
#love "binary" files are just zipped sources
Mystro256 b1605d2
zip -r %{name}.love . -x appdata/* -x appdata/ -x -x LICENSE.txt
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
#Install love file
Mystro256 94f1e08
install -p -D -m 0644 %{name}.love \
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
#Install execution script
Mystro256 94f1e08
install -p -D -m 0755 appdata/%{name} \
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
#Install manpage
Mystro256 94f1e08
install -p -D -m 0644 appdata/%{name}.6 \
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
#Install appdata.xml and verify
Mystro256 94f1e08
install -p -D -m 0644 appdata/%{name}.appdata.xml \
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
appstream-util validate-relax --nonet \
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
#Install desktop, icon:
Mystro256 94f1e08
desktop-file-install \
Mystro256 94f1e08
  --dir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications \
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
install -p -D -m 0644 helpplayer.png \
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 3e12072
%license LICENSE.txt
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 b1605d2
* Mon Mar 19 2018 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt at hotmail dot com> - 1.1.1-6
Mystro256 b1605d2
- Remove some unnecessary files from love binary
Mystro256 b1605d2
Mystro256 b1605d2
* Thu Mar 15 2018 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt at hotmail dot com> - 1.1.1-5
Mystro256 5dc7f1c
- Add ppc64le for f28+
Mystro256 5dc7f1c
* Thu Feb 08 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.1.1-4
- Rebuilt for
* Thu Jul 27 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.1.1-3
- Rebuilt for
* Sat Feb 11 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 1.1.1-2
- Rebuilt for
Mystro256 3e12072
* Tue Dec 20 2016 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt at hotmail dot com> - 1.1.1-1
Mystro256 3e12072
- Fix LICENSE issues
Mystro256 3e12072
- Update to 1.1.1
Mystro256 3e12072
- Appdata fixes
Mystro256 3e12072
Mystro256 20c44a9
* Sat Nov 19 2016 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt at hotmail dot com> - 1.1-6
Mystro256 20c44a9
- love 0.10.* fixes (a bit late, just noticed this issue)
Mystro256 20c44a9
Mystro256 bc5dd55
* Wed Nov 16 2016 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt at hotmail dot com> - 1.1-5
Mystro256 0c4e51a
- Remove exclusive arch for noarch, see bug#1298668
Mystro256 0c4e51a
Mystro256 f1b75a8
* Wed Nov 09 2016 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt at hotmail dot com> - 1.1-4
Mystro256 f1b75a8
- Exclusive arches to what love builds on
Mystro256 f1b75a8
Mystro256 94f1e08
* Mon Feb 22 2016 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt at hotmail dot com> - 1.1-3
Mystro256 94f1e08
- Adding appdata and basic manpage via patch
Mystro256 94f1e08
- Moving desktop and script to appdata patch
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
* Fri Feb 19 2016 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt at hotmail dot com> - 1.1-2
Mystro256 94f1e08
- Adding license file
Mystro256 94f1e08
- Fixing source0
Mystro256 94f1e08
- Generate desktop file similar to the execution script
Mystro256 94f1e08
- Forgot to exclude zipping the execution script
Mystro256 94f1e08
- Removed duplicate package file
Mystro256 94f1e08
Mystro256 94f1e08
* Mon Nov 30 2015 Jeremy Newton <alexjnewt at hotmail dot com> - 1.1-1
Mystro256 94f1e08
- Initial package