Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
--- nautilus-2.22.0-orig/libnautilus-private/nautilus-tree-view-drag-dest.c	2008-03-07 16:28:45.000000000 +0100
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+++ nautilus-2.22.0-xdstree/libnautilus-private/nautilus-tree-view-drag-dest.c	2008-03-18 15:01:32.000000000 +0100
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
  * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
  * Author: Dave Camp <>
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+ * XDS support: Benedikt Meurer <> (adapted by Amos Brocco <>)
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 /* nautilus-tree-view-drag-dest.c: Handles drag and drop for treeviews which 
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
@@ -38,6 +39,9 @@
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 #include "nautilus-icon-dnd.h"
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 #include "nautilus-link.h"
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 #include "nautilus-marshal.h"
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+#include "nautilus-debug-log.h"
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+#include <stdio.h>
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+#include <string.h>
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
@@ -56,6 +60,8 @@ struct _NautilusTreeViewDragDestDetails 
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	guint highlight_id;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	guint scroll_id;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	guint expand_id;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	gchar *drop_path;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 enum {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
@@ -82,7 +88,8 @@ static const GtkTargetEntry drag_types [
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	/* prefer "_NETSCAPE_URL" over "text/uri-list" to satisfy web browsers. */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
@@ -408,6 +415,7 @@ get_drop_action (NautilusTreeViewDragDes
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 		return context->suggested_action;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 		return GDK_ACTION_COPY;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
@@ -438,6 +446,7 @@ drag_motion_callback (GtkWidget *widget,
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	GtkTreeViewDropPosition pos;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	GdkWindow *bin_window;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	guint action;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	gchar *uri_path;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
@@ -464,13 +473,42 @@ drag_motion_callback (GtkWidget *widget,
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	gtk_tree_view_get_drag_dest_row (GTK_TREE_VIEW (widget), &old_drop_path,
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	if (action) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+		/* XDS support: I need to save the drop path here, because I didn't 
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+		 * succeeded to get it from the drag_drop_callback (x and y coordinates
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+		 * passed to it do not match drop position, so I cannot get the target later) */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+		uri_path = get_drop_target_uri_for_path (dest, drop_path);	
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+		if (uri_path != NULL) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+			if (dest->details->drop_path != NULL) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+				/* A path is already in, free and replace */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+				if (strcmp (uri_path, dest->details->drop_path) != 0) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+					g_free (dest->details->drop_path);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+					dest->details->drop_path = g_strdup (uri_path);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+				}
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+			} else {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+				/* No previous path is there */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+				dest->details->drop_path = g_strdup (uri_path);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+			}
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+			g_free (uri_path);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+		}
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+		/* End XDS support */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 		set_drag_dest_row (dest, drop_path);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 		model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (widget));
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 		if (drop_path == NULL || (old_drop_path != NULL &&
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 		    gtk_tree_path_compare (old_drop_path, drop_path) != 0)) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 			remove_expand_timeout (dest);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 		if (dest->details->expand_id == 0 && drop_path != NULL) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 			gtk_tree_model_get_iter (model, &drop_iter, drop_path);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 			if (gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child (model, &drop_iter)) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
@@ -767,6 +805,22 @@ drag_data_received_callback (GtkWidget *
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 			receive_dropped_keyword (dest, context, x, y);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 			success = TRUE;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+			/* Indicate that we don't provide "F" fallback */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+			if (G_UNLIKELY (dest->details->drag_data->format == 8 
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+				&& dest->details->drag_data->length == 1 
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+				&& dest->details->drag_data->data[0] == 'F')) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+					gdk_property_change (GDK_DRAWABLE (context->source_window),
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								   gdk_atom_intern ("text/plain", FALSE), 8,
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								   GDK_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, (const guchar *) "", 0);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+				} else if (G_LIKELY (dest->details->drag_data->format == 8 
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+				&& dest->details->drag_data->length == 1 
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+				&& dest->details->drag_data->data[0] == 'S')) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+				/* FIXME: XDS Successful... Do we need to tell the treeview to update itself? */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+				}
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+			success = TRUE;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+			break;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 		dest->details->drop_occurred = FALSE;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
@@ -791,8 +845,71 @@ drag_drop_callback (GtkWidget *widget,
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 		    gpointer data)
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	NautilusTreeViewDragDest *dest;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	guint info;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	guchar *prop_text;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	gint prop_len;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	GFile *base, *child;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	gchar *uri = NULL;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	GdkAtom target;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	target = gtk_drag_dest_find_target (GTK_WIDGET (dest->details->tree_view), 
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+					    context, 
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+					    NULL);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	info = dest->details->drag_type;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	if (G_UNLIKELY (target == GDK_NONE)) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+		return FALSE;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	} else if (target != GDK_NONE) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+					 if (gdk_property_get (context->source_window, gdk_atom_intern (NAUTILUS_ICON_DND_XDNDDIRECTSAVE_TYPE, FALSE),
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+													gdk_atom_intern ("text/plain", FALSE), 0, 1024, FALSE, NULL, NULL,
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+													&prop_len, &prop_text) && prop_text != NULL) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								/* Zero-terminate the string */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								prop_text = g_realloc (prop_text, prop_len + 1);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								prop_text[prop_len] = '\0';
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								/* Verify that the file name provided by the source is valid */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								if (G_LIKELY (*prop_text != '\0' && strchr ((const gchar *) prop_text, G_DIR_SEPARATOR) == NULL)) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								/* Retrieve drop target path */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								if (dest->details->drop_path != NULL) {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										/* Resolve relative path */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										base = g_file_new_for_uri (dest->details->drop_path);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										child = g_file_get_child (base, (const gchar *) prop_text);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										uri = g_file_get_uri (child);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										g_object_unref (base);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										g_object_unref (child);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										/* Change the property */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										gdk_property_change (GDK_DRAWABLE (context->source_window),
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+																gdk_atom_intern (NAUTILUS_ICON_DND_XDNDDIRECTSAVE_TYPE, FALSE),
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+																gdk_atom_intern ("text/plain", FALSE), 8,
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+																GDK_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, (const guchar *) uri,
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+																strlen (uri));
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										/* Free memory */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										g_free (dest->details->drop_path);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										dest->details->drop_path = NULL;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										g_free (uri);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								} else {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+									nautilus_debug_log (FALSE, NAUTILUS_DEBUG_LOG_DOMAIN_USER,
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+									"Could not retrieve XDS drag site ");
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								}
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+									} else {
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+									  /* tell the user that the file name provided by the X Direct Save source is invalid */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										nautilus_debug_log (FALSE, NAUTILUS_DEBUG_LOG_DOMAIN_USER,
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+										"Invalid filename provided by XDS drag site");
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+									}
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								/* cleanup */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+								g_free (prop_text);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+					}
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+					/* if uri == NULL, we didn't set the property */
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+					if (G_UNLIKELY (uri == NULL))
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+						return FALSE;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+		}
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	}
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	dest->details->drop_occurred = TRUE;
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
@@ -845,6 +962,9 @@ nautilus_tree_view_drag_dest_finalize (G
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	free_drag_data (dest);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+	if (dest->details->drop_path)
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
+		g_free (dest->details->drop_path);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335
 	g_free (dest->details);
Tomas Bzatek 03f2335