Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
The munge package.
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
MUNGE (MUNGE Uid 'N' Gid Emporium) is an authentication service for creating and validating credentials.
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
Bevor starting the service as the first time a secret key has to been created.
Pokorra, Gerd 2744208
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
For creating the key add store it to the file `/etc/munge/munge.key` the following script is provided:
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
Pokorra, Gerd 56cebf2
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Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
In the second step you can start und enable the munge service.
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
Pokorra, Gerd 56cebf2
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
systemctl start munge
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875
systemctl enalbe munge
Pokorra, Gerd f7ea875