#1 Make kde-settings requirement depending on fedora or epel to prevent install errors on RHEL/CentOS
Opened 3 years ago by loise. Modified 3 years ago
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Make kde-settings requirement depending on fedora or epel to prevent install errors on RHEL/CentOS

Does this reduce functionality of kf5-kconfig in RHEL/CentOS?
If not, can we take it out of EPEL8 as well?
(Change that to a %if 0%{?fedora} )

Also, kde-settings-plasma (a sub-package of kde-settings) is a requirement for plasma-workspace. Do you plan on taking it out of there as well?

Does this reduce functionality of kf5-kconfig in RHEL/CentOS?
If not, can we take it out of EPEL8 as well?
(Change that to a %if 0%{?fedora} )
Also, kde-settings-plasma (a sub-package of kde-settings) is a requirement for plasma-workspace. Do you plan on taking it out of there as well?

I'll check that but I left it in there as the package itself (kde-settings) is in epel. I don't think it's needed and in any case, it could be replaced with a recommends for now I guess.

I don't understand the purpose of this change. Under what circumstances is kde-settings not available?

On RHEL and on CentOS without using EPEL ? Besides, the question is what does the package do actually (i.e. what purpose does it serve at all)

It provides default configurations, like ... file associations, policykit rules