Name: kbounce Summary: Ball bouncing game Version: 4.13.0 Release: 1%{?dist} License: LGPLv2+ and GFDL URL:{name} %global revision %(echo %{version} | cut -d. -f3) %if %{revision} >= 50 %global stable unstable %else %global stable stable %endif Source0:{stable}/%{version}/src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils BuildRequires: libkdegames-devel >= %{version} Requires: libkdegames%{?_isa} >= %{_kde4_version} %description KBounce is a single player arcade game with the elements of puzzle. It is played on a field, surrounded by walls, with two or more balls that move about in the field bouncing off of walls. The player can build new walls, decreasing the size of the active field. The goal of the game is to fill at least 75% of the field and advance to the next level. %prep %setup -q %build mkdir -p %{_target_platform} pushd %{_target_platform} %{cmake_kde4} .. popd make %{?_smp_mflags} -C %{_target_platform} %install make install/fast DESTDIR=%{buildroot} -C %{_target_platform} %find_lang %{name} --with-kde %check desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_kde4_datadir}/applications/kde4/%{name}.desktop %post touch --no-create %{_kde4_iconsdir}/hicolor &> /dev/null || : %postun if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then touch --no-create %{_kde4_iconsdir}/hicolor &> /dev/null gtk-update-icon-cache %{_kde4_iconsdir}/hicolor &> /dev/null || : fi %posttrans gtk-update-icon-cache %{_kde4_iconsdir}/hicolor &> /dev/null || : %files -f %{name}.lang %doc COPYING* %doc RULES %{_kde4_bindir}/%{name} %{_kde4_datadir}/applications/kde4/%{name}.desktop %{_kde4_iconsdir}/hicolor/*/*/* %{_kde4_appsdir}/%{name}/ %changelog * Sat Apr 12 2014 Rex Dieter - 4.13.0-1 - 4.13.0 * Fri Apr 04 2014 Rex Dieter - 4.12.97-1 - 4.12.97 * Sun Mar 23 2014 Rex Dieter - 4.12.95-1 - 4.12.95 * Wed Mar 19 2014 Rex Dieter - 4.12.90-1 - 4.12.90 * Sun Mar 02 2014 Rex Dieter - 4.12.3-1 - 4.12.3 * Fri Jan 31 2014 Rex Dieter - 4.12.2-1 - 4.12.2 * Fri Jan 10 2014 Rex Dieter - 4.12.1-1 - 4.12.1 * Thu Dec 19 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.12.0-1 - 4.12.0 * Sun Dec 01 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.11.97-1 - 4.11.97 * Thu Nov 21 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.11.95-1 - 4.11.95 * Sat Nov 16 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.11.90-1 - 4.11.90 * Sat Nov 02 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.11.3-1 - 4.11.3 * Sat Sep 28 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.11.2-1 - 4.11.2 * Wed Sep 04 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.11.1-1 - 4.11.1 * Thu Aug 08 2013 Than Ngo - 4.11.0-1 - 4.11.0 * Thu Jul 25 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.10.97-1 - 4.10.97 * Tue Jul 23 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.10.95-1 - 4.10.95 * Fri Jun 28 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.10.90-1 - 4.10.90 * Sat Jun 01 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.10.4-1 - 4.10.4 * Mon May 06 2013 Than Ngo - 4.10.3-1 - 4.10.3 * Sun Mar 31 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.10.2-1 - 4.10.2 * Sat Mar 02 2013 Rex Dieter - 4.10.1-1 - 4.10.1 * Thu Feb 14 2013 Rex Dieter 4.10.0-3 - drop %%doc README * Thu Feb 14 2013 Rex Dieter 4.10.0-2 - update Summary, License, %%description - %%doc COPYING* RULES - %%files: omit commented-out lines * Thu Feb 07 2013 Rex Dieter 4.10.0-1 - first try